Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2802 Treasure of Alexander

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"Mantegna lived in the same period as Da Vinci, a famous painter in the mid-Renaissance movement, the most famous representative of the Padua School, and an important humanist in northern Italy.

He is keen on depicting the architecture and sculptures of ancient Rome, and draws nourishment for his creation from ancient historical myths and literary works. The classicism features of his works have had a great influence on later generations of artists.

Especially in the field of murals, Mantegna created a space illusion that controlled the overall space with perspective, created a decorative style of ceiling paintings that lasted for more than three centuries, and left many beautiful works for the world!

Mantegna's unique style of painting is also reflected in his oil paintings. Compared with murals, he created fewer oil paintings, and even fewer of them have been handed down to the present. It can be said that there are only a handful of them, and each one is priceless! "

While introducing Mantegna, the master of art, Ye Tian disassembled the "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt" nailed to the drawing board, and his movements were very careful.

After a while, he took off the priceless oil painting from the drawing board and held it in his hand.

The moment he lifted the canvas, David and Brad, who were supporting the drawing board, suddenly said in unison:

"Hey! There seems to be a map on the back of this oil painting!"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian had already reacted quickly. He pasted the oil painting on the drawing board casually, covering the map behind the canvas.

He moved so quickly that the others standing on the edge of the platform, as well as the two TV hosts, did not see the map hidden behind the oil painting.

The countless audiences in front of the live broadcast are naturally the same!

In fact, the vast majority of viewers in front of the live broadcast were paying more attention to the intense fire that was taking place on the street outside at this time, and not many people paid attention to this oil painting.

After all, this oil painting is not Da Vinci's work, and its value is not the same, even though it is also a priceless top art work!

After seeing those oil paintings by Leonardo da Vinci one after another, people's appetite has been whetted before they know it!

With this new discovery, the scene suddenly became lively.

"Ah! There is actually a map hidden behind this oil painting. Maybe that's why it is hidden. From this, it can be seen that this map must be very important!"

"Steven, what kind of map is that? Is it a treasure map? Show everyone!"

There was a burst of excited discussion at the scene, everyone wanted to see the map hidden on the back of the oil painting.

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to these guys, and didn't give any response. He gently lifted a corner of the canvas and looked at the back of "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt".

On the back of this oil painting, there is indeed a map drawn, and it is a very old map. It is known from the method of drawing the map and the place names marked on it, and there are a few lines of ancient Greek written on the map.

After just two glances, a look of ecstasy flashed across Ye Tian's face.

Immediately afterwards, he began to carefully roll up the "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt", preparing to put away this top oil painting directly, without any intention of letting others see the secret and ancient map.

Seeing his action, everyone at the scene was impatient.

"Steven, why are you so anxious to put away this oil painting? Could it be that the map hidden behind the oil painting is really a treasure map? That's why you don't want everyone to see it?"

"Do you need to be so cautious? Steven, even if it's a treasure map, it won't leak the secret if you let everyone take a look at it. Treasure hunting is so simple! Just avoid the camera lens and don't broadcast it live!"

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, and while scrolling the "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt", he said triumphantly:

"Gentlemen, I'm very sorry, I'm afraid I can't meet your request, the map hidden on the back of this oil painting is very likely to be a treasure map, and this treasure map is probably related to Alexander the Great!

On this treasure map,

A few lines of ancient Greek were written, and many place names were marked in ancient Greek, and a clear route was drawn. The end of this route should be the location of this unknown treasure.

Although I don't know ancient Greek, but as a top professional treasure hunter and expert in antique art appraisal, I know the name of Alexander the Great and the place name of Alexandria in Egypt, which is enough!

Judging from these two points alone, this unknown treasure is most likely related to Alexander the Great. It can be called the Alexander Treasure. The location of this treasure should be near Alexandria, Egypt.

As for the other information on this treasure map, we still need to study and verify carefully before we can determine whether the so-called Alexander treasure really exists, and follow-up actions can only be carried out after confirming that the treasure really exists!

In view of the importance of this treasure map, it is natural that it cannot be displayed publicly. In that case, this Alexander treasure has nothing to do with us. I believe no one would do such a stupid thing! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the scene immediately exploded.

"What? Did I hear you right? What's hidden behind this oil painting is actually a treasure map! And it's Alexander the Great's treasure map, that's crazy!"

"Alexander's Treasure? Alexandria, Egypt? Could it be that this treasure is the wealth collected by Alexander during his expedition to Egypt, or the treasure of the Ptolemaic Dynasty? If it is true, it will be amazing!"

There was an almost crazy exclamation at the scene, and everyone was completely shocked by this unexpected discovery.

While exclaiming, everyone at the scene stared at the oil painting in Ye Tian's hands, their eyes were extremely hot, full of envy, jealousy, and even greed!

Especially those Italians, their eyes turned red in an instant, so red that they were about to bleed, it was quite scary to look at!

Not only them, but also the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, they all stared at the live broadcast in dumbfounded, eyes full of disbelief, envy and hatred!

Even the Italian Prime Minister, who was holding the phone and annoyed his subordinates, froze in place as if he had been hit by a spell, with a dumbfounded look on his face!

"Oh my god! What kind of unlucky luck is this? Why did all the good things fall on the head of this bastard, Steven. All the treasures in the world seem to be prepared for this lucky bastard, but others don't even have a hair Can't catch it!"

While people were shocked, they were also almost crazy with jealousy.

Many people's eyes turned red in an instant, and they wished they could rush straight into the TV, rush into the underground palace, snatch the "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt" and the treasure map, and take it for themselves!

Fortunately, the robbers outside the hotel were dying and hiding. They had no time to watch the live broadcast and didn't know the appearance of this treasure map of Alexander, otherwise those guys would become even crazier!

You know, this is Alexander's treasure!

Who is Alexander? That is one of the greatest military commanders in Western history. He once created a huge empire spanning three continents, Asia, Africa and Europe, and personally destroyed three of the four ancient civilizations!

How could the treasure closely related to him be ordinary! That may be one of the most amazing and largest treasures ever found in the Western world!

Thinking of this, the eyes of people looking at the oil painting in Ye Tian's hands suddenly became hotter, even burning up!

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came again and reached everyone's ears.

"This treasure map looks quite old, but it was not handed down from ancient Greece, but was painted by Mantegna himself. When he drew this treasure map, he did not forget to show his unique style of painting.

The content on the treasure map is likely to come from an ancient Greek treasure map. How did Mantegna get it? In order to keep this a secret, he drew this ancient Greek treasure picture on the back of this oil painting!

The content of this top-level oil painting is "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt". The words on the treasure map and the location of the treasure pointed to are all related to Alexander the Great. The combination of the two can be said to be very suitable!

What makes people wonder is why the oil painting hiding this "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt" fell into the hands of the Sforza family and was then hidden in this underground palace. This is probably another story! ..."

While saying these words, Ye Tian kept moving his hands, carefully scrolling the "Alexander's Expedition to Egypt", and always pay attention to avoid the camera lens that is close at hand.

Soon, he rolled up the oil painting, wrapped it in white silk, put it into the painting tube he had prepared, and carried the painting tube behind his back!

Seeing his action, everyone at the scene rolled their eyes angrily, but they were very helpless!

This lucky bastard is extremely cautious!

In the outside world, the appearance of the Treasure Map of Alexander's Treasure immediately attracted countless attentions, and almost every look was full of jealousy and greed!

Especially in Egypt on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, in Alexandria, Egypt, the appearance of this treasure map has touched everyone's nerves, and also made many people's eyes turn red!

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