Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2807 Shocking starting price

At the Vatican Museum, countless tourists, art lovers, and devout believers from all over the world are queuing up at the entrance of the museum, waiting to enter the museum.

At the entrance of this world-famous museum, there are two giant posters about ten meters high, which are extremely eye-catching and can be seen from St. Peter's Square.

On one of the posters is a general riding a horse, wearing armor, and commanding a battle. That is the bronze statue of the founder of the Sforza family, Muzio Sforza.

As for the picture on the other poster, everyone who has a little knowledge of Western art knows and is very familiar with it. The painting on that poster is Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, the famous "Our Lady of the Rocks". ".

To be precise, it was just discovered in Milan ten days ago. The third "Virgin of the Rocks" created by Da Vinci is also the most perfect "Virgin of the Rocks".

In addition to the bronze statue of Muzio Sforza and the Madonna of the Rocks, on the steps behind these two giant posters, there are more than 30 posters, but the scale is much smaller and the contents are different. same!

These thirty or so posters were placed scattered, high and low, and there were more or less a few of them on each step, extending all the way to the main entrance of the Vatican Museum.

On these beautifully crafted posters, there are magnificent underground palaces, various sculptures from ancient Greece and ancient Rome, various periods from the Renaissance to the twentieth century, various genres, and outstanding paintings by many top art masters !

Without exception, every piece of antique cultural relics and works of art appearing on these posters are priceless and top-notch antique works of art, enough to drive people crazy!

People queuing up at the entrance of the Vatican Museum, waiting to enter the museum, looking at these posters, everyone is fascinated, and everyone's eyes are full of anticipation.

"Wow! These top antique relics and artworks are so beautiful and precious! Who would have thought that they would appear in the same museum and in the same exhibition hall, it is incredible!"

"Who says it's not! But what's even more incredible is that these priceless top-level antiques and artworks all belong to the same person, and that's Steven, the extremely lucky guy!

This kind of priceless top antique cultural relics and works of art, others may not even come across one of them in their lifetime, but that guy Steven has so many, how can he reason? "

There were constant discussions at the scene, one after another, each voice was full of envy and jealousy, many people wished they could replace Ye Tian,

Make these priceless, top-of-the-line antique artworks on the posters yours!

That's right, the public exhibition currently being held in the Vatican Museum is the harvest exhibition of Ye Tian's trip to Italy.

All the top-notch antiques and works of art displayed in this public exhibition were all discovered by Ye Tian during his trip to Italy, and the ones printed on those posters are only a part of them!

The people queuing at the entrance of the Vatican Museum are all coming for this exhibition and for those priceless top antique artworks!

At this time, it was already the third day of the exhibition 'Recreating the Art of the World', and the number of visitors did not decrease at all, but increased!

As soon as this public exhibition started, it caused a huge sensation all over the world, especially in the field of art. The sensational effect it caused was no less than a magnitude 10 earthquake!

After receiving the news, countless tourists and art lovers from all over the world flocked to the Vatican.

Like a pilgrimage, people came one after another to participate in this five-day public exhibition, lest they miss this golden opportunity!

Everyone knows that once this opportunity is missed, it will be impossible to see these priceless top antiques and artworks at the same time and in the same museum!

This is only once, no one wants to miss it!

With the opportunity of this public exhibition, the popularity of these top antique cultural relics and works of art discovered by Ye Tian in Italy is increasing exponentially, and their influence is also growing!

Logically, the market value of these top antique cultural relics and works of art is also soaring crazily!

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wanted to see, and it was also one of the reasons why he held this public exhibition.

While people were waiting in line outside the museum, in a historic building in the Vatican Gardens, a top private auction has officially kicked off.

It was Ye Tian who held this private auction.

The auction target of this auction is part of the spoils of his trip to Italy, that is, those top-level antiques and artworks with strong religious colors.

Moreover, the threshold for this private auction is very high, and not many people and institutions are qualified to participate.

Among them are representatives of the Italian government and the Milan city government, directors of famous Italian museums, many super rich and top collectors, representatives of major banks, top auction house executives, several famous art dealers, etc.

In addition, there are representatives of the Vatican and the US government, several super rich and top collectors from the United States, several famous museum curators, several most famous art dealers in the United States, several Wall Street bankers and so on.

Apart from these people, government representatives from other major European and American countries, high-level officials of famous museums such as the Louvre, many super rich Europeans and top collectors, etc., do not even have the qualifications to enter this historic building, let alone participate in the competition!

And this is one of the contents of the agreement that Ye Tian reached with the Italian government and the US government before.

The Italians can't shut out the arrogant and unreasonable boss. After all, they have to rely on the boss of the United States everywhere. They don't need to be so polite to the other major European and American countries!

They want to leave as many priceless top antiques and works of art as possible, and keep those priceless treasures in Italy. Naturally, they hope that the fewer competitors, the better!

The United States wants to take this opportunity to acquire more top-level antiques and artworks to increase its cultural heritage, so as not to be ridiculed by many European allies all the time, it is an upstart!

For this situation, Ye Tianle saw the success and did not raise any objections!

Those top-level antique cultural relics and works of art with strong religious colors are for sale anyway, and it doesn't matter if they are sold to anyone, as long as their own interests are not damaged!

At nine o'clock in the morning, the private auction started on time.

Ye Tian, ​​who took the stage to preside over this private auction, gave an opening speech as usual, briefly introducing the origins of these top antique cultural relics and works of art auctioned today.

In fact, many of the bidders at the scene were very familiar with these top antique cultural relics and works of art, and they had no doubts about their authenticity and value!

Just last night, they all participated in the preview of this private auction, carefully appreciating and appraising these top-level antique relics and artworks, and everyone knew it well.

After some prologue, Ye Tian got to the point, and the first lot appeared immediately, which was Da Vinci's masterpiece, "Our Lady of the Rocks".

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first auction tonight is the "Virgin of the Rocks" you are seeing now, which is also the third "Virgin of the Rocks" created by Da Vinci, which has been unknown before. .

Among all the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, the head of the three masters of Renaissance art, the most famous paintings are "The Last Supper", "Mona Lisa", "Our Lady of the Rocks", and "Vitruvian Man" etc.

Among the three paintings of the same name, this "Virgin of the Rocks" is the most outstanding and perfect work. In terms of artistic value alone, it is even better than the two paintings collected by the Louvre and the National Gallery of England!

Regarding the detailed information of this "Virgin of the Rocks", I will not introduce much. In the preview last night, I have made a very detailed introduction, and everyone has also made an appraisal, so there should be no doubt.

In the art auction market in recent decades, Da Vinci's paintings have almost never appeared. The only time it appeared was the "Lisa Gherardini" I found in Milan, which was auctioned for 3 billion euros .

The buyer of "Lisa Gherardini" was the richest man in Italy, Ms. Maria. She also came to the scene today. Let's use the transaction price of "Lisa Gherardini" as a reference to price this oil painting.

In fact, the artistic value of this "Virgin of the Rocks" is not inferior to that of "Lisa Gherardini", and it has a higher status in the history of Western art. In comparison, Da Vinci's oil painting is also more preserved. Perfect!

In order to leave enough room for everyone to bid, I have set a starting price of 2.5 billion euros for this "Virgin of the Rocks". Based on this starting price, everyone can compete freely, and the highest bidder wins!

One thing I must declare in advance is that I have set a reserve price for every piece of top antique cultural relics and works of art that will be auctioned today. Only when it is higher than the auction reserve price can the real transaction be made. Everyone is welcome to actively compete! "

Before the words fell, the scene was completely boiling, and almost everyone hugged their heads and exclaimed.

"What? Did I hear you right? The starting bid for this "Virgin of the Rocks" is 2.5 billion euros. Is Steven crazy? Why doesn't he go for it!"

"My God! This is definitely the highest starting price in the history of antique art auctions. It's unheard of! This guy Steven is so crazy and greedy to the extreme!"

Just when people were exclaiming, an unharmonious voice suddenly sounded at the scene and reached everyone's ears.

"Steven, let's start quickly. I can't wait to get this "Virgin of the Rocks". If I can get my wish, I will enshrine this masterpiece handed down by Da Vinci!"

It was Maria who spoke loudly. The richest woman in Italy was very eager.

Obviously, successfully photographing Da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini" from Ye Tian before gave her a huge taste of sweetness, and she plans to do the same again today!

On the second day after shooting "Lisa Gherardini", the stock of Maria's family business began to soar upwards like a rocket, and her own net worth rose by tens of billions of euros in one day!

When such a good thing appears again, who is willing to miss it?

Following Maria's words, everyone at the scene looked at the richest woman in Italy.

The moment they saw her, everyone thought of what happened last year. Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, and then they started gearing up for the next fight!

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing behind the auction stage, looked at Maria under the stage, and then said loudly with a smile:

"As you wish, Maria, the auction starts now,..."

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