Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2808 Beyond the Louvre

At Beijing Capital International Airport, a smooth silver-gray private jet flew from the northwest sky and landed on the runway of Capital International Airport.

After taxiing for a certain distance, the Bombardier Global Express 8000 finally stopped, and it stopped on this runway, away from the airport terminal building.

The private jet had just come to a stop when another large airliner with the Air China logo flew over from the northwest sky, ready to land at the Capital International Airport!

At the same time, a convoy came quickly from a distance and headed straight for the private jet.

When the convoy approached, the door of the private jet opened, and Ye Tian immediately appeared at the door of the cabin.

That's right, this is Ye Tian's private plane, which just flew from Rome, Italy.

The Air China passenger plane that followed also flew from Rome, and it was a plane chartered by him to transport antiques and artworks.

In that Air China chartered flight, in addition to David's two assistant lawyers, several company employees, and a dozen armed security personnel, there were also many priceless top antiques and artworks.

Among the most precious are several Da Vinci paintings, such as "Vitruvian Man" and "Caterina" and so on.

At this time, four days had passed since the highly anticipated private auction in the Vatican.

At that private auction, Ye Tian auctioned off all the top antique cultural relics and works of art with strong religious overtones discovered during his trip to Italy, and made a fortune!

Of course, this does not include the antiques and artworks that are still in the underground palace in Milan. That part of the treasure will only be dealt with when he goes to Milan again.

On the third day after the private auction ended, the public exhibition at the Vatican Museum that caused a sensation in the entire western art world officially came to an end!

Next, the top antique cultural relics and works of art that had already been auctioned were taken away by many successful buyers and became their own collections!

The rest of the top antiques and works of art have nothing to do with religion, and they all belong to Ye Tian.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian left Rome with those top-notch antiques and works of art, and flew directly to Beijing to avoid long nights and dreams!

Good luck,

No accident happened, and the two planes arrived in Beijing smoothly.

The moment he got out of the cabin, Ye Tian immediately took a deep breath, felt the hot weather in Beijing, and instantly relaxed a lot.

The next moment, he saw my sister-in-law and Betty coming out of the car, looking at him with a smile on their faces.

At this time, Betty's belly was a little bigger than when she left New York, and her whole body became a little rounder, and she could already see the brilliance of motherhood on her face!

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian's eyes suddenly became extremely gentle, full of love, and the eye sockets were even a little moist!

The appearance of Betty even made him forget about the old men from the Forbidden City and the National Expo who came to pick up the plane with his sister-in-law and Betty, and directly ignored these old men.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian quickly walked down the stairs, and walked straight to Betty and sister-in-law.

When he came close, he immediately gave Betty a warm hug, and then kissed his wife together like no one else!

Seeing this scene, the sister-in-law standing next to her, as well as the old men from the Forbidden City and the National Expo, felt somewhat embarrassed. After all, everyone lives in China, and their emotional expressions are not so enthusiastic!

However, everyone didn't interrupt Ye Tian and Betty. They just smiled and turned their gazes away to the Air China charter plane that was about to land!

After a while, Ye Tian and Betty ended their affectionate long kiss and chatted in a low voice.

"Honey, is this little guy good? Has he kicked you again recently?"

As he said that, Ye Tian put his hand on Betty's stomach and stroked it lightly a few times.

Betty looked down at her swollen belly, smiled happily and said:

"Honey, this little guy is so naughty, like a child with ADHD, he kicks me a few times almost every hour, but I'm used to it, and he's healthy!"


Ye Tian laughed directly, and the love in his eyes grew stronger.

After joking a few words, Ye Tian then turned his head to look at the sister-in-law standing beside him, as well as the old men from the Forbidden City and the National Expo, and greeted them one by one.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Lao from the Forbidden City joked:

"Ye Tian, ​​you are so awesome, this trip to Italy actually found so many treasures, so many valuable antiques and works of art, the ancestral graves of the Italians are almost digging up by you! "

Before the words fell, the scene immediately burst into laughter.


Everyone at the scene laughed aloud, and laughed very freely.

After the laughter subsided, another old man continued to say:

"Ye Tian, ​​the series of discoveries you made in Italy caused a huge sensation in China, especially the discovery of the treasures of the Sforza family, which shocked the entire field of antique art collection.

What is even more unexpected is that you boy can bring back so many top antique cultural relics and artworks from the western world to Beijing, especially those paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, they are so precious!

With this batch of top antiques and artworks in the western world, it is entirely conceivable that once your private museum is established, it will definitely become one of the top museums in the world!

If you only talk about the quantity and quality of the Da Vinci paintings in your collection, even the Louvre in France is not comparable to your kid's private museum. You have the most Da Vinci works in your hands in the world! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded, and everyone was envious, even jealous!

Can you not be envious? It's the same for anyone!

The major domestic museums, including the Forbidden City and the National Museum, mainly collect Chinese antiques and artworks, but no one will reject the top antique artworks from the Western world!

Not to mention the works of Leonardo da Vinci, the most outstanding painter in the history of the Western world. Even if you want to collect them, you have no access or opportunity, and you don't have that much budget!

Now that Ye Tian suddenly brought back so many Da Vinci's paintings, as well as some other top-notch western antiques and artworks, everyone would be so envious!

After chatting for a while, Mr. Wang from the National Expo suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"Ye Tian, ​​will you bring back so many top antiques and works of art from the Western world to Beijing, will it attract criticism or even attack? You know, the Western news media has never been very friendly to us!

Another point, will the U.S. government and those congressmen who are full and have nothing to do, use this as an excuse to trouble you, kid? With the behavior of the US government, this possibility is very high!

I also want to ask, what do you plan to do with these top western antiques and artworks before your kid's private museum is established and opened? Is it on public display or in a vault?

If you plan to exhibit these top western antiques and artworks, our National Museum is very willing to cooperate with you, even if we open up an independent exhibition hall or even an independent exhibition area for you, we can discuss it! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Wang, I have already dealt with the US government, those guys should not trouble me, in fact, their gains this time are not small, enough to shut their mouths!

Nearly half of all the top antiques and works of art I found in Italy have a strong religious color. Because of my identity, I will not collect such antique works of art, but sell them all!

When I was in Italy, I reached an agreement with the US government and the Italian government to sell these religious antiques to them, as well as various institutions and individuals in these two countries.

For example, Leonardo da Vinci's "Virgin of the Rocks" was bought by an Italian super-rich man, while another Da Vinci oil painting with a religious theme fell into the hands of a Wall Street investment banker.

After the previous private auction held in the Vatican, half of the top antique cultural relics and artworks with strong religious colors fell into the hands of Italians, and half fell into the hands of Americans.

For them, this harvest is huge, enough to shut their mouths! Because of this, I was able to fly to Beijing with the other half of the top antiques and artworks, otherwise it would not be so easy.

As for those lawmakers in the United States who are full of talk, the White House will come forward to say hello. Those guys are also considered insiders, and they should not trouble me, unless they have ulterior motives, that is another matter!

Then there is the news media, I have my own way to deal with it! When I left Rome, I told the media that this batch of top antique cultural relics and artworks will be displayed in Beijing and New York in turn in the future, and the ownership will always be mine!

These priceless top-level antiques and works of art are indeed very sensitive, and countless people are paying attention to them. Before the two private museums in Beijing and New York are completed and opened, I do not plan to exhibit them publicly! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded and said nothing more.

While talking, the Air China chartered plane from Rome has successfully landed on the airport runway and is slowly approaching here!

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