Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2813 Always leave something behind, right?

Just as Ye Tian expected, this arched passage shrouded in darkness is full of various deadly traps, far more dangerous than the secret passage leading to the ground behind everyone.

When everyone saw the pictures sent back by the two small drones and the dense shooting holes on the walls and vaults of the corridor like a hornet's nest, everyone gasped and was terrified!

And this is only where small drones can take pictures. In those dark corners that drones can't take pictures, God knows how many deadly traps there are, such as under the floor and so on.

During the exploration, the drone also found some valuable antique artifacts, mainly various small sculptures and bronze candlesticks!

Those small sculptures are placed in different positions in the corridor, some are bronze sculptures, some are marble sculptures, and they have different themes, most of which are religious themes.

In addition, on the walls and vaults of this arched corridor, there are many exquisite patterns and patterns carved or painted, as well as murals, etc., but they are covered with dust and moss, so they cannot be seen clearly.

The two small drones flew about 50 meters inward along this arc-shaped corridor, and finally were blocked by a stone door, unable to explore further!

As for the situation behind that stone gate, it is naturally impossible to know.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian could only ask Peter and the others to take back the small drone, and prepared to enter this arched corridor to explore in person.

Just like exploring the secret passage behind him before, this time he plans to lead two of his men into this arched corridor, and arrange lighting fixtures while exploring.

After some preparations, Ye Tian carried a huge mountaineering bag full of various exploration equipment, weapons and ammunition, and carried a heavy police shield, and took the lead in entering the arched passage leading to Sforza Castle.

Behind him, Peter and Derek were also ready to follow him into the corridor.

For the sake of safety, all three of them have a safety rope tied around their waists, and the other end of the safety rope is in the hands of the company employees in the underground palace.

Once they encounter danger in the tunnel and issue an order, they will be pulled out of the tunnel immediately and pulled back to the underground palace!

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During the talk,

Ye Tian had already entered this arched corridor, and walked five or six meters inward, and came to the innermost side of the stone wall that had just been demolished.

When he got here, he stopped and looked at the ground under his feet.

There is a very clear dividing line here. The place where he is standing has been wiped clean, and the decorations and patterns carved on the floor can be clearly seen.

The accumulated water, dust and gravel left by the demolition of the wall before were all cleaned up by his company employees, and the ground seemed to have been dragged!

One step further, crossing a threshold about 15 centimeters high, it is another scene.

The floor of the corridor inside is covered with a layer of dust and a layer of moss, which completely covers the floor, making it impossible to see clearly. No one knows what is hidden under those floors, and whether there is any danger!

Ye Tian pretended to check the floor carefully, then looked at the walls on both sides and the vault above, and then squatted down.

The next moment, he took out a towel, stretched it across the dividing line with the towel in his hand, and gently wiped off the dust and moss on the floor closest to him on the threshold!

Following his movements, the dust and moss on the floor were quickly wiped away, and a cursive Latin letter engraved on the floor immediately appeared before his eyes.

The moment he saw the cursive Latin letters, a smile appeared in his eyes, but fortunately no one noticed!

Yes, the Latin alphabet carved into the granite floor, he had seen it before, hidden in Leonardo da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini".

In fact, these Latin letters hidden in different Leonardo da Vinci paintings, as well as mysterious characters and Fibonacci numbers, are the password to safely pass through this arched passage!

Next, Ye Tian wiped off the dust and moss on the other two floors one after another, pretending to inspect them carefully.

After a performance, he stood up, picked up the heavy police shield in front of himself, and then stepped across the threshold and walked into the dangerous corridor behind.

Following his actions, countless people at the scene and live stream held their breaths, and immediately raised their hearts to their throats, watching his every move!

Of course, those who hated him for not dying wished that ten thousand arrows would fly from the depths of the corridor, and directly shoot him with ten thousand arrows through his heart, and shoot him into a hedgehog, that would be the only way to relieve their hatred!

It's a pity that nothing happened, and the arched corridor was very peaceful!

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat relaxed, and quite a few guys started yelling at the top of their lungs.


It was a summer afternoon and the sun was shining brightly.

At John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, a private plane and a United Airlines large transport plane flew from the east one after another and landed on the runway of the airport.

When the plane came to a complete stop, it was Ye Tian and David who got off the private jet.

Those who disembarked from the United Airlines transport plane were several employees of Intrepid Exploration Company, two assistant lawyers, and a dozen armed security personnel led by Mattis.

At this time, a week had passed since Ye Tian and the others opened up the secret passage connecting Sforza Castle.

As the sealed secret passage was opened, the large antiques and artworks hidden in the underground palace, as well as many marble sculptures, etc., were transported out of the underground palace one after another.

Next, another gluttonous feast!

Still in the four-party agreement signed before, Ye Tian directly disposed of all the large-scale antiques and artworks with strong religious color in Milan.

Those who won these antiques and works of art were the major museums and top collectors in Italy, as well as many super rich people, etc., as well as some buyers from the Vatican and the United States.

Those so-called American buyers are representatives from major museums in the United States, many top collectors and super rich people, as well as some famous antique dealers, and bankers from Wall Street, etc.!

In addition to the antique works of art with religious themes, there are also some antique cultural relics and works of art with special significance, such as the bronze equestrian statue of Muzio Sforza, Ye Tian also sold them to the Italians!

Of course, all these antique art transactions are based on the valuation given by Ye Tian.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he made another fortune and made a fortune.

After disposing of those antique cultural relics and works of art with strong religious color, Ye Tian returned to Milan with the remaining antique works of art in triumph!

As for the sale of those historic buildings, his company employees and lawyers will take over the matter, and it is irrelevant!

Seeing Ye Tian and the others get off the plane, the people waiting at the edge of this private airstrip, as well as the many media reporters who were allowed to enter the airport apron for interviews, immediately flocked!

Before Ye Tian came to greet everyone, some media reporters couldn't wait to ask:

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter for The New York Times, why are you selling da Vinci's prototype car to the Italians instead of the Americans and why don't you bring it back to New York?

There are also many priceless antiques found during your trip to Italy, especially those paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. Why did you transport them to Beijing instead of back to New York? Can you explain it? "

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from NBC TV. May I ask, what do you plan to do with the antiques and artworks brought back to New York this time? Do you collect them yourself or sell them?

Are you planning a public exhibition? Just like the public exhibition in the Vatican, I am sure many people in New York and all over the United States are looking forward to such an exhibition as I am! "

Hearing the question, Ye Tian immediately looked at these excited media reporters, and paused for a moment on a few media reporters with malicious intentions.

The next moment, he smiled and said loudly:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it's great to see you here, thank you very much for coming to pick up the airport, the weather in New York today is very good, I hope you are in the same mood, enjoy this beautiful day!

Let me answer some questions that everyone is more concerned about. Regarding the distribution of the treasures of the Sforza family and the rest of the treasures discovered during our trip to Italy, our company and relevant parties have reached a multi-party agreement!

The signatories of this multi-party agreement, including our company, the Italian government, the Vatican and the US government, have followed this agreement for the distribution of all the treasures discovered during this trip to Italy, and all parties are satisfied!

The basic principle of treasure distribution is that I will sell all the antique works of art with strong religious overtones, and the buyers are three other parties, which can be the government, individuals or institutions, and the highest price wins!

For example, Leonardo da Vinci's third "Virgin of the Rocks" was bought by an Italian super-rich man, and another Da Vinci painting on a religious theme was bought by an investment banker from Wall Street in New York went.

Caesar's Conqueror's Staff fell into the hands of the Italian government, the Milan Edict Stele was bought by the Vatican, Donatello's Madonna was bought by the Milan City Government, and other antique works of art also belonged to each other!

The allocation of this series of treasures has been recognized by all parties. The automobile prototype invented by Da Vinci is quite special. Under the strong request of the Italian government and the chairman of Fiat, I sold it to the Italians.

Da Vinci's other inventions, the organ machine gun, the two mechanical knights and the Da Vinci cryptex, are all in my hands, and all of them have been brought back to New York. To be honest, I must leave something for the Italians! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed out loud.

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