Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2814 The richest person

When the laughter subsided, Ye Tian immediately continued and said:

"Let's talk about the top-level antiques and works of art transported to Beijing, the reason is actually very simple, those top-level antiques and works of art will be exhibited publicly in my private museum in Beijing in the future.

My two private museums are currently under construction. The private museum in Beijing is a comprehensive museum that brings together the essence of Eastern and Western civilizations, and the one in New York is a museum of Indian history.

The top antiques and works of art discovered during this trip to Italy have nothing to do with the history and civilization of the Indians. Of course, they will be transported to Beijing and exhibited in the museum in Beijing.

When I was in Rome before, I publicly told all media reporters that the ownership of the top-level antiques and artworks transported to Beijing has always belonged to me, and they will be exhibited in Beijing and New York alternately in the future!

Most of the many top-level antiques and works of art transported back to New York this time are planned to be collected by myself, and will be exhibited in my private museum in the future, and will also be transported to Beijing for exhibition.

The other three parties all agree with this matter. Under such circumstances, if someone still makes a fuss about this matter, then I have to wonder if this guy has ulterior motives and is sincerely against me! "

Speaking of this, Ye Tian looked at the malicious "New York Times" reporter.

When looking at the other party, his face was always filled with a smile, but his eyes were extremely cold, even with a bit of murderous intent.

Everyone at the scene turned their heads to look at the "New York Times" reporter, as if they were looking at an idiot.

Many reporters from other news media looked at that colleague with gloating smiles in their eyes, and it was no big deal to watch the excitement one by one!

Looking at the "New York Times" reporter, he didn't dare to look at Ye Tian at all.

When he realized that Ye Tian was looking at him and was acting very unfriendly, that guy quickly looked away and looked at the ground with an extremely nervous expression, even a bit of fear!

It's no wonder that Ye Tian's cruelty and vengeance have long been known to the world. Could the "New York Times" reporter not feel nervous and afraid!

At this moment, he wished he could slap himself hard twice, he was already full, why should he provoke this bastard who must be punished if he has nothing to do!

If the bastard Steven really wants to retaliate because of today's incident,

If I didn't even cry myself, I might have to risk my life, that would be too bad!

Just when the "New York Times" reporter was secretly panicking, Ye Tianqing's voice sounded again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"In addition to the top antique cultural relics and works of art shipped to Beijing, the quantity of top antique cultural relics and works of art we shipped back to New York this time is also quite large, not to mention the quality, almost every piece is priceless.

These include the organ machine gun invented by Leonardo da Vinci, two mechanical knights, the only remaining Da Vinci cryptex in the world, and several exquisite sculptures from ancient Greece and Rome.

In addition to these, representatives of major museums in the United States, top collectors and the super rich, among others who traveled to Milan and Rome for my two private auctions, each of them reaped a lot!

It can be said that the number of antique cultural relics and artworks that have flowed into the United States through a series of exploration actions by our company this time is amazing. It is estimated that it will not be long before everyone can appreciate them! "

"clap clap"

There was a sudden burst of warm applause, mixed with bursts of cheers, which directly interrupted Ye Tian's speech.

Without exception, everyone at the scene was applauding, and everyone was very enthusiastic.

From the mayor of New York who led the team to pick up the airport, the US Secretary of Culture, several congressmen, the directors of several famous museums, to media reporters, as well as many employees and security personnel of the brave exploration company.

Those who cheered loudly were Ye Tian's employees and security personnel, each of them was very excited.

Whether you like Ye Tian or not, even if you hate him and grit your teeth, no one can deny what he said, and they have to applaud him!

Ye Tian smiled softly, then raised his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

When the scene was a little quieter, he continued to say:

"Let's talk about the public exhibition again. This time we return to New York, and we may stay for a short time. In a few days, we will set off again and prepare for the next exploration!

Due to the limited time, a lot of preparatory work is too late to do, so the public exhibition can only be postponed, and we will arrange the exhibition after we complete the next exploration operation.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, we still have a lot of things to do, and this is the end of the interview. Once again, I wish you all a good day! "

After speaking, Ye Tian waved to many media reporters, and then walked towards the Mayor of New York and others who came to greet him, ready to say hello to these old friends!

At this time, the scene was completely heated up because of his words, and those media reporters raised their voices and asked loudly.

"Steven, what and where is your next exploration operation going to start soon? Have you discovered another unknown treasure? Can you introduce the situation?"

"Steven, is the next exploration operation you mentioned related to the treasure of Alexander? Are you going to Egypt? Or are you going to explore the treasure somewhere else?"

Ye Tian didn't respond to these questions from the media reporters, he just shook hands with the mayor of New York and others one by one, joking and greeting each other!

And on another runway not far away, the United Airlines charter plane has opened the rear hatch, ready to unload!


In a blink of an eye, it was around four thirty in the afternoon.

After passing the inspection by the US customs and completing various customs clearance procedures, Ye Tian and the others escorted this batch of top-notch antiques and artworks from Italy, left Kennedy Airport, and headed straight for Manhattan.

When their huge escort convoy drove into downtown New York, it immediately caused a sensation.

Pedestrians and vehicles on every street that the escort convoy passed stopped and watched the convoy crashing past.

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At the same time, there were bursts of discussions full of envy, jealousy and hatred on the street.

"Wow! Steven, a greedy bastard, ransacked another country, and this time it's Italy's turn! In Rome, in Milan, this guy found one hidden treasure after another, so lucky to the extreme!

It is said that this guy not only looted countless priceless top antique artworks from Italy, but also swept an astronomical amount of wealth! Steven is probably the richest person in New York now! "

"I'm afraid he is not only the richest man in New York, even in the United States and the whole world, Steven, the lucky bastard, is also one of the richest people, and his wealth is different from the rest of the super rich!

He has uncountable cash in his hands, as well as countless gold and silver treasures that are very easy to convert, as well as an extremely large number of top-level antique cultural relics and artworks. Most of the wealth owned by the rest of the super rich is stocks!

Paper wealth like stocks obviously cannot be compared with real cash, gold and silver treasures, and top antique artworks. It is not so easy to realize stocks. Once a large amount of money is sold, it is likely to cause a sharp drop!

What this guy Steven has is beyond the reach of other super rich people. Even if a super rich man like Bezos spends billions of dollars to buy it, he can't buy Da Vinci's paintings, but this guy Steven has a lot.

For example, Da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini" that he discovered and sold in Milan last year, and the "Virgin of the Rocks" sold in Rome some time ago, one sold for three billion euros, one sold for 3.8 billion euros.

Just for these two Da Vinci paintings, he swept nearly 7 billion euros crazy! If it were the super rich like Bezos, they might be able to spend so much money, but they would definitely not be able to produce this top-level artwork! "

Just as people were talking, this huge convoy of escorts had passed by before people's eyes, passed through the streets, and soon entered the island of Manhattan!

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