Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2832 hills deep in the desert

After leaving the farm, the vehicle Ye Tian and the others drove towards the east quickly, first crossing the Red Sea Coast Highway, and then driving into a small Saudi town.

The small hill they were going to was about a dozen kilometers east of this small town, deep in the desert.

The small town we pass by is small in size, but there are a lot of people living here. It is during the morning rush hour, and there are many pedestrians and vehicles coming and going on the road.

Moreover, the management of this small town is chaotic, and the roadside is full of various stalls, selling breakfast, vegetables, beef and mutton, and other things. Full of life.

The people gathered in this small town include both local Saudis and refugees from Yemen.

Although they all speak Arabic and wear Arabic robes, you can basically tell where they are from from the new and old clothes they wear, as well as their mental state!

As one of the wealthiest countries in the Middle East, the Saudis naturally dress better and are in a better state of mind. They are all smooth and slippery.

Yemenis are much worse, not only are they poorly dressed, but they also look disheveled and gloomy!

After the vehicle entered the small town, its speed immediately slowed down, driving slowly on the street, following the flow of people and vehicles.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Tian also looked at the bustling street outside through the car window, appreciating the unique customs here.

Not long before, Walker, who was driving, suddenly whispered:

"Steven, two local policemen came towards us. They should have noticed the Riyadh license plate hanging on our car. Let us deal with these two guys. Just keep quiet!"

"Good job, Walker"

Ye Tian responded, then put on his sunglasses, leaned on the back of the chair, and pretended to be asleep.

At the same time, he also saw the two local policemen walking towards this side. Both of them had smiles on their faces, and they were a little cautious.

The reason why they behave like this is actually very simple.

Because the car that Ye Tian and the others were riding in not only had the license plate of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, but also the license plate number was the special number of the Saudi royal family, those two guys thought that there were members of the Saudi royal family in this car!

The Saudi royal family is the largest royal family in the world. There are more than 5,000 people who have the right to inherit and bear various titles of princes. Coupled with various nepotism, it is conceivable that this is a huge group.

Because of this, the probability of meeting members of the royal family in Saudi Arabia is very high, and it has even become a common thing, and many people are used to it!

While speaking, two Saudi policemen came up to him and raised their hands to signal to stop.

Walker then stepped on the brakes, lowered the window halfway, and looked coldly at the two Saudi policemen.

The two guys first saluted and greeted respectfully, and then began to ask about the origin of the car and everyone in the car.

Walker responded to the other party in accordance with Muslim etiquette, then took out a security personnel ID with the Saudi royal emblem printed on it, waved it in front of the two guys, and explained his fictitious identity.

The moment they saw the certificate, the two policemen immediately came to attention and saluted again.

At this time, they have confirmed that the SUV is indeed from Riyadh, and the person in the back seat of the car, wearing a white Arab robe, is a member of the Saudi royal family and is likely to be a prince.

As for the black man driving the car, as well as other people in the car, they are the bodyguards and entourage of the Saudi prince.

After the salute, one of the policemen took Walker's ID,

After a rough inspection, and asked a few words, he was very enthusiastic, as if he was driving an escort.

However, Walker rejected their offer and asked them to keep it secret, then withdrew the documents and closed the car window directly.

Immediately afterwards, the SUV started up again and drove forward slowly, leaving the two Saudi policemen on the side of the road.

Looking at the SUV that was gradually going away, the two Saudi policemen were helpless, with envy, jealousy, and even hatred in their eyes.

After that, Ye Tian and the others didn't encounter any troubles, and quickly drove out of this small town, and galloped straight to the desert not far away.

Seven or eight minutes later, they had entered the desert.

At this point, there are no pedestrians on the road, only a few cars.

A little farther away, a few camels were looking for food in the desert, nibbling away the few greens on this land.

In addition, there is no living thing in the field of vision, only the endless yellow sand and the vast Gobi, looking up, it is desolate!

After driving along this road for about one or two kilometers into the desert, Ye Tian asked Walker to park the car on the side of the road, and he checked the terrain through the car window.

Then, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the northeast direction of the road.

"Walker, get off the road and drive northeast along this desert. The hill we are looking for should be in this direction."

"Okay, Steven"

Walker responded, and then drove down the kilometer, heading straight to the northeast.

As we entered the Gobi, the vehicle suddenly bumped up. Fortunately, the ground here is not too soft and the yellow sand is not too thick, so we don't have to worry about the vehicle getting stuck in the sand and unable to move forward.

It doesn't matter if the SUV gets stuck in the sand.

It's not far from Joseph's leisure farm here, it won't take long to call for help, and Ye Tian and the others can abandon the car at any time and walk back on foot!

After a while, the SUV went deep into the Gobi, leaving the desert road far behind, and the surrounding scenery became more and more desolate!

After driving for another seven or eight minutes, after bypassing two small hills one after another, a small hill about 20 to 30 meters high appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Ye Tian's eyes lit up the moment he saw this small hill.

"Guys, that's the hill we're looking for, I hope we don't run in vain this time, and we can find something"

Saying that, Ye Tian pointed to the hill.

Following the direction of his fingers, Peter and Walker also saw the hill, and everyone's eyes flashed with excitement.

Soon, the SUV they were riding in arrived at the foot of the hill.

However, everyone did not get out of the car immediately, but looked around to avoid being ambushed.

Not only that, Peter also released a small drone, hovered, and flew directly to the top of the hill to scout the situation from the air.

There are no people or animals on this small hill and its surroundings. There are only some animal feces, which should be the feces of sheep and camels.

In addition, on the top of this small hill, there are several abandoned sheepfolds, which should be left by the shepherds.

In fact, the Arabic pottery in Joseph's hand was collected from a shepherd.

When the shepherd was grazing sheep here, he happened to find the Arabian pinata, but he didn't know what it was, so he sold it to Joseph cheaply, and let that guy pick up a big leak!

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian said:

"Guys, let's get out of the car and explore this humble hill, Peter, Walker, scan the ground of this hill with a pulse metal detector and see if you can find something.

If you find something, please let me know as soon as possible. I will climb to the top of this small hill and observe the situation here. I have a strong hunch that I may get a surprise today!

Everyone must pay attention to safety. This place is located deep in the desert, uninhabited, and it is a good place to kill and rob goods. Moreover, it is very close to the turbulent Yemen, and you may encounter militants! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Peter and the others responded in unison, and immediately took action.

Afterwards, everyone got out of the car, took out the pulse metal detectors they brought, and started to detect.

Ye Tian walked to the top of this small hill alone, checking every inch of the ground he passed from time to time.

At this time, if anyone saw his eyes, they would definitely find that his eyes were extremely bright, and bursts of ecstasy shone in his eyes!

Obviously, he has discovered something, and it is a very amazing discovery!

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