Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2833 The baby under the yellow sand

After walking a few steps up the hillside, a dazzling light flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

At a depth of about four or five meters below his feet, a stone pillar suddenly appeared, with a diameter of about fifteen centimeters and a length of about one meter two three, with a ferocious animal head carved on the top, lying quietly in the loess.

Like the Arabic pottery pot in Joseph's hand, this stone pillar is also engraved with many cuneiform characters. To be precise, it is engraved with many Akkadian characters and many exquisite patterns.

The decorative patterns on the stone pillars have some characteristics of Persian culture.

Compared with the Arabic pottery pot, this stone pillar has more characters and decorative patterns, and it is also more exquisite, and has more historical and cultural research value.

Through the light emitted by this stone pillar, Ye Tian instantly judged that this stone pillar came from around 400 BC, and it is a top-level antique cultural relic that combines Neo-Babylonian-Assyrian civilization and Persian civilization.

Around 400 BC, this area was under the rule of the Persian Empire.

Combining these characteristics, it can be deduced that after the Persian Empire destroyed the New Babylonian Kingdom around the sixth century BC, some tribes who originally lived in the Mesopotamia started a long journey of wandering.

One or several of the Akkadian-speaking tribes eventually wandered to southern Saudi Arabia and settled here, leaving behind these valuable antique relics.

During the long wandering process and life after settlement, these Akkadian-speaking tribes were inevitably influenced by the dominant Persian civilization at that time.

Because of this, the decorations and patterns of Persian culture appear on this stone pillar and the Arabic pottery pot.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had thoroughly inspected this stone pillar buried deep in the ground, and basically figured out its past and present, as well as its origin and value.

However, he did not plan to dig out this stone pillar now and take it away directly.

First of all, it is illegal and not in line with his principles of conduct.

Even if he didn't care about the principles of nonsense and just dug out this ancient and valuable stone pillar and took it away, it would be difficult to explain its origin to the outside world!

At this time, he was no longer a professional treasure hunter who played around, but the top professional treasure hunter and collector in the world. Countless people were watching his every move.

Such an ancient stone pillar from the Persian Empire period, even if it is valuable, is not worth his violation of principles, which caused some doubts and troubles.

What's more, there is definitely more than just this ancient stone pillar underground on this small hill, there must be more valuable top-level antique relics, and there is even a shocking treasure buried there!

Due to the need for secrecy, large-scale excavation and exploration operations cannot be carried out now, nor can all the antique relics buried here, or even the entire treasure be taken away!

That being the case, why bother to startle the snake!

The best way to deal with it is to let this ancient stone pillar continue to be buried deep in the ground, and when there is time in the future, negotiate with the Saudi authorities to jointly explore this treasure.

There is almost no problem in jointly exploring this unknown treasure with the Saudi government. As long as Ye Tian raises it, the Saudis will probably nod and agree without hesitation.

The reason is simple, because Crown Prince Salman, who holds the real power of Saudi Arabia, is his old friend and one of his regular customers, and he bought many top-level antique works of art from him.

And that guy is also a horse racing fanatic, and he is coveting the first batch of breeding rights for Jueying if you ask him!

Except for this ancient stone pillar,

Ye Tian also saw some fragments of pottery and statues, some with cuneiform characters engraved on them, and some with bare ones, each of which radiated bright light!

While admiring these valuable exotic antiques, Ye Tian didn't stop at all, he was still walking towards the top of this small hill.

Since this small hill is mainly composed of loess and rocks, most of the surface of the mountain is Gobi, with only some not too thick sand layers, but there is no danger, and there is no need to worry about falling into quicksand.

Of course, in the process of climbing the mountain, Ye Tian was a little more careful, seeing through every inch of the ground under his feet.

As for those scorpions, poisonous snakes and other things that live here, wherever his footsteps go, they all hide away, avoiding them!

There is no other reason, the little guy Bai Elf has already jumped out of Ye Tian's cuff, and is clearing the way for him, killing all the guys who don't know the current affairs.

Those aborigines who lived on this small hill, no matter where they were the opponents of this Hell Angel, those who reacted quickly ran away immediately, and those who reacted slowly turned into mummies in an instant.

In the following process, Ye Tian successively discovered several antique cultural relics shining brightly, all of which came from four or five hundred years BC without exception, and some of them were intact or damaged!

The hill of more than 20 meters is not high. After a while, Ye Tian climbed the hill and stood on the top of the hill.

As soon as he stood on the top of the hill, Peter's excited voice came from the intercom.

"Steven, I have detected some metal signals, which are buried at a depth of about six meters underground. Judging from the distribution and shape, these metal objects seem to be packed in a box, but I don't know what it is, gold or something else. what metalwork"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately chuckled, this discovery was already in his expectation.

The next moment, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Peter, write down the location where the metal signal was scanned, and keep the relevant information. I will go down and check it later to see what exactly you detected."

"Okay, Steven"

Peter responded, and then continued to explore.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the top of the hill, raised his eyes and looked around.

This Gobi Desert is relatively flat, and there are not many sand dunes and hills. This small hill has the highest sea wave among them, and it is only about 20 meters.

In the south and southeast of this small hill, which is where Ye Tian and the others passed just now, there are four or five small hills about ten meters high, each of which is bare, only yellow sand and Gobi gravel .

To the north of this small hill, there are some hills of different heights, the highest of which is no more than 20 meters. In the distance is a rolling desert, full of yellow sand.

And at the farthest point of sight, it seems to be a modern city standing in the desert, and it seems to be a mirage!

Standing on the top of the hill and looking west, it is an oasis, which is the small town you passed by before, and in the distance is the Red Sea Coastal Highway and the blue Red Sea!

Of course, Ye Tian couldn't see the Red Sea from his position. His sight was blocked by the oasis, various buildings along the coastline, and several other hills, which can only be imagined!

In addition to the long yellow sand and the desolate Gobi, Ye Tian also saw some shepherds driving their flocks to graze on the edge of the oasis, which was far away from here.

From a distance, those white flocks are like pieces of white clouds moving slowly at the junction of the desert and the oasis!

In addition, there are a few camels wandering on the Gobi Desert, looking for food contentedly, and no one follows them, as if they have no owner!

Everything in front of me, although desolate and lonely, does not have a taste!

It's a pity that Ye Tian didn't have the heart to appreciate the scenery, he quickly scanned the surrounding situation, and then walked towards an abandoned sheepfold on the top of the hill.

In addition to the long-abandoned sheepfold, there is also an adobe house with doors and windows on it, which should be a temporary residence for shepherds to escape the wind and sand and spend the night.

Only because no one has lived in it for a long time, the adobe house has been dilapidated and is about to collapse.

While walking towards the adobe house, Ye Tian kept looking at the ground under his feet to see if he could find anything!

Unlike when we went up the mountain before, on the top of this small hill, although there are some antique cultural relics buried deep in the ground, they are all fragments, and not even a complete one was found!

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