Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2834 Underground City

While speaking, Ye Tian had come to the adobe house on the top of the mountain.

The adobe house was crumbling at this time, and the doors and windows were in dilapidated condition. It seemed that just a gust of wind could blow the adobe house down.

Ye Tian did not enter this adobe house, but gently pushed open the half-hidden door to check the situation inside.

The furnishings in the adobe room are very simple, with a wooden bed and a wooden table, a gas tank and a stove, several cups, plates and dishes, and a large tank for storing water, and nothing else.

Obviously, this is a temporary shelter for the nearby shepherds to avoid the wind and sand, or to stay here overnight.

Since no one came here to herd sheep or spend the night for a long time, the adobe house was left unmaintained, and it was crumbling. Everything in the room was covered with a thick layer of sand, and there was no fresh water in the water tank.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation in the room, and finally his eyes fell on a piece of broken pottery under the table.

There were no cuneiform characters or exquisite patterns on the broken pottery shard, so it looked ordinary.

But in Ye Tian's eyes, the piece of broken pottery radiated dazzling light. Like the Arabic pottery pot in Joseph's hand, it was an antique relic from the Persian Empire period more than 400 BC.

It's just because there are no cuneiform characters or exquisite decorations on this piece of broken pottery, so it doesn't have that much value, and naturally it can't catch Ye Tian's eyes!

Ye Tian's eyes stayed on this piece of broken pottery for a moment, and then he began to look through the underground of the adobe house to see what he could find.

It is a pity that, apart from loess and gravel, what appeared in his eyes were some broken pottery fragments, fragments of buildings or sculptures, etc., and not a single complete vessel was found.

For this result, Ye Tian was not disappointed.

He immediately withdrew his gaze, turned and left the adobe house, and walked to the sheep pen located at the downwind, seven or eight meters away.

This sheepfold on the hill was transformed by the shepherds by using a natural depression on the top of the hill. It is a few meters lower than other places on the top of the hill, like a large bowl with the rim facing upwards.

For the shepherds in the desert, there is no better place than this. Once a sandstorm blows in the desert, and they cannot drive the flock back to the oasis in time,

You can only avoid the sandstorm here.

As long as the flock is driven into this sheepfold in time, there is no need to worry that the sandstorm will swallow the flock, and the flock will be rolled to nowhere.

All they have to do is wait for the sandstorm to shovel out the yellow sand that fell into the sheep pen, so that the yellow sand will not gradually fill up the place and lose such a natural shelter.

In fact, there are indeed some traces of excavation around the sheepfold. The Arabic pottery pot in Joseph's hand may have been dug out from here!

Ye Tian didn't go down to the sheep pen to check the situation. The thick layer of feces inside the sheep pen and the stench that hadn't dissipated until now successfully stopped him.

But this does not prevent him from observing the situation here, nor does it prevent him from seeing through to see the situation deeper underground.

When his eyes passed through the excrement in the sheep pen, as well as the thick layer of soil and gravel, and continued to go deep underground, a colorful underground world suddenly appeared in his vision.

To be more precise, it was a small city buried deep underground.

In this city, he saw several houses, streets, and fallen trees that had been charred by the yellow sand.

And in those houses, there are some complete Arabic pottery pots, which are almost exactly the same as the pottery pot in Joseph's hand, and there are other furniture items, such as pottery pots and the like.

In addition, in one of the slightly larger houses, there are also two marble sculptures and some metal objects, including weapons and agricultural tools, but the number is very small.

However, in these ancient houses and the surrounding area, there are no human bones, not even animal bones. The people and animals living in this city seem to have suddenly disappeared!

Ye Tian couldn't help thinking about the situation in this ancient city deep underground, and such a picture appeared in front of his eyes.

At some time in more than 400 BC, a huge sandstorm suddenly blew up in this desert, covering the sky and covering the sun. Every city and tribe that the sandstorm passed was instantly buried by yellow sand!

The people who originally lived in this city, or the Akkadian tribe living here, faced with such an apocalyptic disaster, they could only migrate with their families.

People fled here in a hurry with their families and their livestock, fleeing desperately to the next oasis, trying to escape this huge disaster.

They fled in such a hurry that they forgot to lock the door of their house, and they didn't take the bottles and cans with them. They only took the most basic necessities, and left everything else here.

Under the attack of that huge sandstorm, the city they lived in was buried by yellow sand in an instant. This burial lasted for more than two thousand years. Since then, no one has discovered this city, until today!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help sighing secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at other parts of the sheepfold and continued to explore this ancient city buried deep underground.

What appeared in his eyes was still a dazzling light, which was intoxicating.

After a while, he saw five or six ancient houses one after another, saw many valuable antique relics, and also saw the ancient civilization that once existed on this land.

It's a pity that the area of ​​this sheepfold is not large. Except for the other areas except the sheepfold, due to the thick soil layer, he can't see through the other parts of the underground city for the time being.

But this is enough, enough for him to make up his mind, and find an opportunity to cooperate with the Saudi government in the future to launch a joint exploration operation to dig out this ancient city.

After exploring the situation below the sheep pen, Ye Tian turned around and left here, ready to explore on the other side of the mountain.

At this moment, Walker's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie, sounding quite excited.

"Steven, we have scanned some metal signals, which are scattered and buried at a depth of five or six meters underground. Judging from their shape, they seem to be ancient weapons, and there are several of them."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian did not respond immediately. He first looked at the direction Walker and the others were in, and then at the sky, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Good job, Walker, I will go to your side right away to see what you have found. In fact, I already have the answer in my heart about what is buried under this small hill!"

With that said, he walked towards where Walker and the others were, and gave up his plan to explore on the other side of the hill. There was no need for that anymore!

At the same time, Peter's curious inquiry came from the intercom.

"Steven, can you tell everyone what is buried under this small hill? Is it an amazing treasure? Or something else?

One thing I don't quite understand is that there are a lot of pottery fragments here, we just found a few pieces, why did the Saudis turn a blind eye and didn't carry out archaeological operations? "

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then gave his answer.

"If I'm not wrong, there should be an ancient city buried deep underground on this small hill, and the people who built this city are most likely from an Akkadian tribe in the Mesopotamia!

At some time in more than 400 BC, a giant sandstorm may have erupted here, which directly buried this Akkadian city completely, and allowed this ancient civilization site to be perfectly preserved to this day!

Of course, this is just my conjecture, whether it is accurate or not. Only when we cooperate with the Saudi government to dig up this small hill can we know whether my conjecture is correct. It is worth looking forward to! "

Before the words fell, there was a burst of exclamation from the walkie-talkie.

"Wow! It's amazing that there is an ancient city buried under this hill!"

"If this is true, there is no doubt that the discovery of this Akkadian city will definitely cause quite a stir!"

The ones who exclaimed were naturally Peter and Walker. These guys were shocked by Ye Tian's words, and they were also very excited!

For Ye Tian's deduction, they all firmly believe that there must be an ancient city under this small hill!

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Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued to say:

"As for why the Saudis ignored these ancient pottery fragments and did not carry out exploration and archaeological activities here, one is because the archaeological awareness is very weak, and the other is because the place is remote and the culture is very backward.

The area we are in now is the most remote and poorest province in Saudi Arabia. Not many people pay attention to it in Saudi Arabia, and it is adjacent to Yemen, which is turbulent all the year round, and no one comes here!

More importantly, the Saudis may only have oil in their eyes! I don't care about the so-called relics of civilization in these remote corners at all. Don't forget, we are standing on a piece of land with the richest oil reserves in the world! "

While speaking, Ye Tian had already walked down from the top of the small hill, and walked straight to Walker who was exploring halfway up the mountain!

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