Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2848 Campfire Party

As night fell, darkness gradually enveloped this desolate desert, and the scorching temperature quickly dropped, making it much more pleasant.

There were gusts of wind blowing over the desert, blowing away the heat accumulated during the day little by little, but did not bring much yellow sand.

In this desolate desert, this is undoubtedly the best time of day.

The tripartite joint exploration team has finished the exploration work, and there are no surprising discoveries. As Ye Tian said, the legendary treasure of Solomon is not in the ruins of this ancient city.

However, under Ye Tian's instructions, everyone kept silent and did not tell the Yemenis about this disappointing result. It is not yet the right time.

Especially the ten heavily armed Yemeni local armed soldiers. Several of them are constantly in contact with the outside world to report the latest progress of the exploration operation, so naturally they cannot be allowed to know the real situation.

The reason is very simple, those guys are the eyeliners of some armed forces, or make profits by selling the information of the tripartite joint exploration team!

After the exploration work was over, Ye Tian brought his company employees and many experts and scholars out of the ruins of the ancient city and came to the camp outside.

Next, everyone unloaded the exploration equipment and began to rest at the campsite, sitting on the sand or folding chairs to enjoy the beauty of the desert sunset, laughing and chatting in the afterglow of the setting sun, which was quite pleasant.

During this period, representatives of the Yemeni rebels and Hajah came up one after another to ask about the progress of the exploration operation and whether there were any major discoveries.

Ye Tian told these guys that no treasure was found today, but this exploration operation is not over yet, and will continue tomorrow. Whether Solomon's treasure is buried here is still uncertain.

Of course, this is a perfunctory word, the purpose is to confuse these Yemenis and prevent them from passing on the real situation and destroying the next action.

When night fell, in front of the ruins of this historic ancient city, several bonfires were lit one after another, and a unique desert barbecue party kicked off.

At the same time, about three or four kilometers to the north of the ruins of the ancient city, behind a stretch of rolling sand dunes, more than a dozen cars came from afar and stopped here.

These guys seem to be very familiar with the terrain here. In order to avoid revealing their whereabouts, they did not turn on the headlights, and they drove here safely only by the moonlight.

On these vehicles,

The seat was full of heavily armed Arab men, many of whom wore Arab robes and carried half-new AK47 assault rifles. Everyone was extremely excited, with greedy eyes shining.

Needless to say, these guys came for the tripartite joint exploration team, for the legendary Solomon's treasure, and they were the first militants to arrive here.

There is only one reason why they hid behind this sand dune instead of rushing directly to the ruins of the ancient city deep in the desert, that is, Solomon's treasure has not yet appeared!

Once the tripartite joint exploration team discovers Solomon's treasure, and once they receive the news, they will immediately rush to the ruins of the ancient city to loot this famous treasure and the tripartite joint exploration team.

In addition to these guys, on the roads in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, there are many vehicles and heavily armed guys coming to this desert, and everyone's eyes are full of greed.

Of course, this does not include the Yemeni rebels stationed near the city of Hajah.

Those guys have already arranged, disguised, and found excuses. They are always watching every move of the joint exploration team, just waiting for Solomon's treasure to appear!

The quietly approaching convoy was quickly hidden behind a sand dune, and it didn't make much noise during the period, nor did it disturb the tripartite joint exploration team a few kilometers away.

As soon as the convoy came to a stop, in one of the SUVs, the man named Salim began to report the latest situation to the boss sitting in the back seat.

"Boss, according to the news from our eyeliner, Steven and those guys explored the ruins of the ancient city for several hours until the sun went down, but they didn't find Solomon's treasure.

They are planning to camp next to the ruins of the ancient city tonight, and continue to explore tomorrow, those guys just set up a bonfire at the campsite, and they are grilling, and they didn't notice our arrival."

Hearing the notification, the Arab man in the back seat pondered for a moment, then said with a sneer:

"Since those damned Israelis and Yankees haven't found Solomon's Treasure, let's wait here, when they find Solomon's Treasure, when will we attack!

This is Yemen, not Israel and the United States. The treasures buried in this land belong only to us Yemenis, and those Israelis and Yankees must not be swept away.

Keep an eye on that expedition team and let them eat barbecue, drink beer, sing and dance, and enjoy happiness in this desert for the time being. When Solomon's treasure appears, it will be their end! "

When he said these words, the eyes of this fifty-year-old Arab man were full of hatred and greed, and a bit cruel!

In front of the ruins of the ancient city a few kilometers away, many members of the tripartite joint exploration team were enjoying food and chatting in the cool breeze. The scene was full of laughter and everyone was very relaxed.

Some of them got so excited that they even danced on the sand, completely treating this exploration as a trip to the desert, having a blast!

The Mossad agents in charge of security and members of the 13th Israeli commando were scattered around the campsite, watching vigilantly the movement in the surrounding desert and the Yemenis on the scene.

Due to differences in language and culture, as well as differences in religious beliefs, the representatives of the Yemeni rebels and Hajah City, as well as the ten Yemeni militants, have always kept a certain distance from the tripartite joint exploration team.

They set up camping tents a little outside and lit a bonfire. A dozen people gathered around a medium-sized outdoor barbecue pit, discussing in low voices while grilling.

"Guys, is the legendary treasure of Solomon really buried in the ruins of this ancient city? Why haven't those guys in Steven found it after searching for hours?"

"Whether Solomon's treasure is buried in the ruins of this ancient city, I don't know, but I'm sure there must be some secret hidden here, otherwise those Israelites and Yankees wouldn't come here to hunt for treasure with great fanfare!

That guy Steven and his men, although they didn't find Solomon's treasure, they found some other ancient antique relics, which are said to be of certain value, and they also found some metal objects underground.

If the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant were not here, we would come here to dig after the Israelites and Yankees left. Maybe we could dig out an unknown treasure, that would be great! "

While these Yemenis were discussing, Mattis and Seaman had come to Ye Tian to update him on the latest situation.

"Steven, behind a hill just to the north of us, a group of Yemeni local militants came, and they are hiding there now, obviously coming for us, for Solomon's treasure.

In addition to those guys, there are also some guys with ulterior motives who are also gathering here. According to the speed of those guys, there will be several groups of people rushing here tomorrow morning. How should we deal with it next? "

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