Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2849 Desert Night

After listening to Matisse's report, Ye Tian first glanced at the desert in the north of the camp, and then at the Yemenis around the barbecue pit not far away, then said with a sneer:

"Don't bother with the Yemeni militants hiding behind the sand dunes in the north, just keep a certain level of vigilance. Those guys are here for Solomon's treasure, and they won't do anything until the treasure appears!

As for the other guys, by the time they get here, we'll be gone long ago! Rest early for a while, act on time at three o'clock in the evening, leave the ruins of this ancient city under the cover of night, and go straight to the border of Yemen.

When leaving here, let's not use lights, remove all the bells under the necks of those camels, and return to the second supply point along the original road, absolutely not making any noise, so as not to reveal our whereabouts.

Those guys hiding behind the sand dunes can never see the situation here. When they arrive at the second supply point and drive away, they can't use the lights. They follow the route when they came and use the night vision navigation to leave! "

Hearing this, a hint of excitement flashed across the faces of Matisse and Seaman.

David and Joshua, who were also at the scene, were also very excited, and even a little eager to try.

"This plan is feasible, Steven. Although there is a moon tonight, the visibility is average. Those guys hiding three or four kilometers away can't see what's going on here even with binoculars.

What's more, there are many undulating sand dunes in the desert, which will completely block their sight. They can only grasp the whereabouts of the joint exploration team through the few Yemenis next to them!

If we can leave this desert smoothly and successfully bypass the local armed forces in Hajah, we will be able to reach the border of Yemen and enter Saudi Arabia through the border by dawn."

Ximan nodded and said, obviously very much approving of Ye Tian's action plan.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued to say:

"Before the action at three o'clock, you must immediately cut off the communication signals of those Yemenis and confiscate their weapons, lest those guys leak the news or fire warning shots,

Everyone must pay attention, what I am talking about here is control, not asking you to kill those Yemenis. If you kill those Yemenis, the next exploration operation will definitely not continue.

After you control those Yemeni soldiers, we will negotiate with the Yemeni local armed forces and several representatives of Hajah City to explain the current situation, saying that a group of terrorists is approaching here.

At the same time, we will also explain that the treasure of Solomon is not in this ancient city. There may be other treasures here, which also have certain excavation value. These can be left to Yemen and have nothing to do with us.

In this case, whether they are willing or not, whether they are in contact with the militants not far away, whether they are the eyes and ears of those guys, they must act with us.

I believe that a reward of 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars per person is enough to make those guys change their positions and cooperate with us. After we leave Yemen, those guys can be said to be coerced by us.

At the same time as we started our operations, the second supply point 1.5 kilometers away, the first supply point on the edge of the desert, and the folks in Haja City also cooperated with us.

The key to this is that the Bishop of Kent and others living in Hajj City must send them out of the city to join us. With the ability of Mossad agents, I believe this is not difficult to do! "

"No problem, Steven, leave these things to us, we will definitely do it!"

Seaman replied in a low voice, full of confidence.

Next, Ye Tian discussed the details of the operation with these guys, and then ended the meeting.

Then, just like before, everyone should eat, drink, or dance with others on the sand, enjoying this unique desert night.

Those Yemenis who have been paying attention to Ye Tian are all at a loss at this moment. They don't know what he just said to Mathis and the others!

Several of them even took out their mobile phones and secretly sent out a few messages to explain the situation here.

Those guys who received the message, either in hotels elsewhere, or in the wilderness, or behind the sand dunes a few kilometers away, didn't think there was anything wrong after seeing the message, and didn't take it seriously!

In the blink of an eye, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

The campsite, which was full of laughter and laughter before, gradually quieted down. Many members of the tripartite joint exploration team, experts and scholars got into their camping tents one after another, ready to rest!

After a day of running around and exhausting, everyone was indeed tired and soon fell asleep.

As the lights in the camping tents went out one after another, the ruins of the ancient city that stood in the depths of the desert for more than two thousand years fell into silence again!

Only when the breeze blows, there will be a rustling sound, that is, the wind is stroking the quicksand.

Around the campsite and on several commanding heights of the ruins of the ancient city, Mossad agents and some members of the 13th Commando who were on duty at night were vigilantly watching the movement around them to protect the tripartite joint exploration team.

In the area where the employees of the Brave Warriors Exploration Company camped, several armed security personnel under Ye Tian stood in different positions, guarding the camp.

But those Yemeni rebel soldiers who are supposed to protect the tripartite joint exploration team have already got into their tents and fell asleep!

As far as they are concerned, the Israelis and Yankees in the tripartite joint exploration team should die as soon as possible. Letting them protect these enemies is purely a daydream!

The twenty or so camels that transported food, fresh water and other supplies and exploration equipment were tied together and lying on the sandy ground next to the campsite, having already rested!

At this time, this campsite has more than a hundred camping tents of various colors, and it is quite spectacular to look at under the night!

It was a quiet desert night, breezy and full of moonlight.

A crescent moon hangs far away in the sky, spreading the cold moonlight all over the whole land, driving away the heat left over from the day, and bringing coolness to this desolate and barren desert.

Under the moonlight, the endless yellow sand on the ground seemed to emit a little bit of white light, like a sky full of stars!

The night was getting darker and darker, and everything was quiet.

Suddenly, a camping tent in the central area of ​​the staff camp of the Brave Warriors was pulled away silently from it.

The next moment, Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed, came out of the camping tent.

Coming out of the tent, he first raised his hand to look at his watch, then quickly glanced around, and then looked at Mathis and Seaman who were coming here.

Like him, these two guys are also fully armed and in high spirits!

Not far behind them, there were twenty or thirty armed security personnel standing scatteredly.

Among these guys are Ye Tian's security personnel, Israeli Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando. Each of them is fully armed and ready to fight!

As for the other members of the tripartite joint exploration team, as well as those experts and scholars, they are still immersed in their dreams, unaware of what is about to happen!

It is already three o'clock in the morning, it's time to take action and evacuate from here!

While speaking, Matisse and Seaman had come close.

Ye Tian looked at the two guys, then smiled and whispered:

"The time is up, let the guys know, let's go!"

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