Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2844 start of action

"It is said that after Menelik left Jerusalem with the Ark of the Covenant and Solomon's treasure, in order to avoid being chased by others, he did not return to Africa by land, but went to southern Arabia and returned to Ethiopia by sea.

The location we are in was the territory of the Queen of Sheba in ancient times. When we arrived here, Menelik hid the Ark of the Covenant and Solomon’s treasure in this ancient city, which is the most important city in this area.”

Joshua continued to introduce the situation here to Ye Tian and the others, and he was extremely excited and his eyes were full of anticipation.

The rest of the Israeli government officials, experts and scholars at the scene were also very excited, and wished they could start exploring immediately and find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!

In their eyes, the ruins of the ancient city under the scorching sun are radiating golden light, full of temptation.

On the other side, Seaman and Mattis are directing people to unload various exploration equipment, weapons and ammunition, as well as fresh water and food from the camels.

Some of the armed security personnel quickly dispersed and took on the task of guarding, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, even though there was not even a living thing in this desert!

Many members, experts and scholars of the tripartite joint exploration team put down their backpacks one after another, began to rest in place, and replenished fresh water!

As for the Yemeni rebel soldiers who followed, they stayed at the furthest distance, gathered together to discuss something in a low voice, and looked here and at the ruins of this ancient city from time to time.

Without exception, those guys' eyes were full of greed, doubt and curiosity.

In their view, the ruins of this ancient city are nothing more than ordinary. Although they are not everywhere in the desert, there are definitely a lot of them. Why is this ruins of the ancient city alone the target of the joint exploration team?

Could it be that the legendary treasure of Solomon is really hidden here? So why hasn't it been discovered?

You know, the Arabs have lived here since ancient times, but they haven't even found the shadow of the treasure, and even the legend that Solomon's treasure may be buried here has never been heard!

After a while, Mathis and the others finished the unloading work, and then walked towards Ye Tian and the others.

When they came close, Ye Tian immediately said:

"Matisse, you send some small drones out to scout the ruins of this ancient city and the surrounding desert from the air.

Look for ambushes and if there is anything unusual on the ground.

In addition, we need to put a few guys around the ruins of this ancient city, stare at the surrounding movement, and make sure that there is no danger, then we will start the follow-up exploration operation, and hope that we can gain something today."

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us"

Matisse nodded in agreement, and immediately led people into action.

Soon, four small drones flew up one after another, flying over the ruins of the ancient city, and in the other three directions, and began to investigate the situation here.

The three-party joint exploration team members who stayed in place were not idle, and everyone took action one after another, setting up tents for sunshade and rest.

Ye Tianze and many experts and scholars gathered together, combined with the materials and intelligence provided by the Israelis, studied the ruins of this ancient city that had long been deserted, and formulated the next exploration action plan.

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

Using several small drones, Matisse and the others have scouted the ruins of the ancient city and the surrounding area, and found no ambush enemies or any other abnormalities.

In this area, apart from the tripartite joint exploration team, the representatives and soldiers of the Yemeni rebels, and the twenty or so camels, there is no living thing, only endless yellow sand.

In addition, Matisse and the others set up several observation posts on the periphery of the ancient city, watching the movement in the surrounding desert.

As for the commanding heights of the ancient city ruins, since they have not been explored yet, it is not known whether there are mines buried under the yellow sand inside the ancient city ruins, so no manpower has been deployed yet.

After the investigation, Mathis reported the situation to Ye Tian.

At this time, everyone has rested for a while, and their physical and mental strength have recovered, so they can start exploring.

Ye Tian called together the employees of the company under him, glanced at these guys, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Guys, the search for the legendary treasure of Solomon can now begin. This is the first place we explored where Solomon's treasure may be buried. I hope we can gain something today.

Still the same as the previous exploration operations, everyone was divided into several groups, echoed each other, and scanned the ruins of the ancient city and the surrounding ground with pulse metal detectors, and did not miss any corner.

If Solomon's treasure is really here, if there are really a lot of gold and silver treasures in Solomon's treasure, and the burial is not very deep, then we should be able to detect and scan a strong metal signal.

Of course, if Solomon's treasure is not here, or buried deep underground, that's another matter. It depends on luck. My luck has always been good, and I believe this time is no exception!

Different from the previous exploration operations, this is Yemen, which is turbulent all the year round. Under the yellow sand of the ruins of this ancient city, there may be deadly weapons hidden, such as landmines. Everyone must be careful.

During the exploration process, if you scan the metal signal, you must not dig by yourself. You must notify Matisse and me, and we will take the next step after we have checked and confirmed that it is safe.

Although the ruins of this ancient city are already in ruins, everyone should protect the ruins of this ancient city as much as possible during the exploration process, and must not destroy it at will, so as not to cause irreparable losses.”

Speaking of this, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the representatives of Haja City and the Yemeni rebels, and nodded to those guys.

Those guys also nodded at him, and they behaved fairly friendly. As for what they were thinking, only they knew best.

Next, Ye Tian said some precautions, and then issued the order to act.

Following his order, many employees of the Fearless Exploration Company on the scene immediately took action.

Everyone quickly completed the grouping, and then took out the pulse metal detectors in the boxes one after another, dispersed, and officially launched the exploration operation!

The same is true for Ye Tian. He took David, Derek and others, and took two pulse metal detectors, and launched an exploration operation.

Their goal is very clear, that is the center of the ruins of the ancient city. While scanning the ground with a pulse metal detector, they walked towards the ruins of the ancient city.

The rest of the tripartite joint exploration team, those members of Israel and the Vatican, as well as many experts and scholars, dispersed and acted together with different exploration groups.

As for those Israeli government officials and diplomats, as well as representatives of Hajj City and Yemeni rebels, they can only stay where they are and wait for the result.

Because there may be dangers hidden under the yellow sand in and around the ancient city, they can't move around at will before they find out the situation on the scene to avoid accidents!

With many security personnel, Seaman and his subordinates, Matisse has sealed off the front of the ancient city ruins, and sent people to go in other directions, preparing to surround the ancient city ruins.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had walked forward more than ten meters, and came to a low earth wall.

At this moment, there was a sudden beeping of a pulse metal detector not far from the side, which sounded very pleasant.

Immediately afterwards, an excited voice came from the intercom.

"Steven, you'd better come over and take a look. We scanned some metal objects, buried at a depth of about four meters underground. From this depth alone, it should not be a mine, but we will know what it is!"

Following the sound, everyone turned their heads to look at the place where the sound came from.

Without exception, everyone's eyes lit up and they were extremely excited.

Is it true that Solomon's treasure is buried here, or other treasures? The speed of discovering the treasure is too fast!

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