Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2852 Jewish Holy Mountain

In the early morning, the tripartite joint exploration team successfully left Yemen, quietly entered the territory of Saudi Arabia, and disappeared from everyone's sight again without a trace.

When leaving Yemen, the joint exploration team did not take the route they came to, but chose a relatively remote desert road and an inconspicuous border port.

In order to assist the joint exploration team to leave Yemen smoothly, Israeli diplomats and Mossad agents had already made preparations. Coupled with money to clear the way, the team passed the Yemeni border and entered Saudi Arabia without any trouble.

After entering Saudi Arabia, the convoy avoided the Red Sea coast highway, drove onto a highway in the hinterland of Saudi Arabia, and drove straight to the border between Saudi Arabia and Jordan, before disappearing into the depths of the desert.

Although the three-party joint exploration team left without saying goodbye, which is not in line with the usual practice, there is no need to worry about causing any trouble.

The reason is simple. The Yemeni rebels who dealt with them before are not the legal government of Yemen, and the so-called international practice does not apply to them.

What the Yemeni rebels want is nothing more than money, weapons and ammunition, and they have already got them, so naturally they can't say anything.

When the joint exploration team entered Saudi Arabia, many guys who came for Solomon's treasure got up one after another, ready to set off.

Some of them, who were eager to make a fortune, drove on the road without even having breakfast, and drove quickly to Yemen, to the desert near the city of Hajah in Yemen!

The Yemeni militants who were hiding three or four kilometers away from the ruins of the ancient city started calling eyeliners as soon as they woke up, trying to inquire about the situation of the tripartite joint exploration team.

However, the phone call from that eyeliner couldn't get through!

In desperation, they had no choice but to send someone to climb to the highest sand dune nearby, and peeked at the ruins of the ancient city from a distance with binoculars.

When they saw the dozens of colorful camping tents in front of the ancient city ruins, they immediately felt relieved, thinking that the tripartite joint exploration team was still there, still resting!

As for the eyeliner, it is probably because the phone is out of battery, that's why I can't make a call!

Afterwards, these Yemeni militants stayed behind the sand dunes with peace of mind, continuing their dream of getting rich overnight!

The situation is the same in Hajah City and the Yemeni rebels. They all thought that the tripartite joint exploration team was still in the desert.

Today we will continue to explore the ruins of that ancient city!

At around 9:00 in the morning, two shepherds led more than 20 camels into the city of Hajah and handed them over to the Yemeni rebels. Those Yemenis realized that they had been tricked.

Then, of course, there was some angry cursing with jumping feet, but it didn't help!

Also crazily cursing, there are many people who came for Solomon's treasure,

Especially those guys who have just entered Yemen and spent a lot of money to buy a lot of weapons and ammunition from Yemeni arms dealers are so angry that they want to vomit blood!

Those Yemeni militants who had been ambushing in the desert to the north of the ancient city ruins all night became even more furious, and then began to shoot wildly, smashing all the fifty or sixty camping tents into sieves!

After crazily cursing and venting, everyone began to inquire and guess, where did the tripartite joint exploration team go? Where is their next destination? Is it in Yemen, or in another country?

However, no one had a clue, and no one found any information. The huge convoy seemed to disappear out of thin air, out of everyone's sight!

It was not until the afternoon of that day that these guys received news one after another that the tripartite joint exploration team had left Yemen overnight and entered Saudi Arabia!

At this point, everything is too late!

After receiving the news, those guys who came for Solomon's treasure could only drive to the Yemeni border again, preparing to enter Saudi Arabia through the border, and continue to track the tripartite joint exploration team.

However, if they want to cross the border smoothly, they must throw away all the weapons and ammunition they just bought, and they will be searched again by Yemeni and Saudi border guards and extorted twice.

Faced with this situation, those guys who came here for Solomon's treasure could only grit their back teeth and accept this reality, all of them were going crazy with hatred!

And this is just the beginning. When they pass through Saudi Arabia and enter Jordan, they have to pay for the road to satisfy the appetites of Saudi soldiers and Jordanian soldiers.

When they pass through Jordan and enter Israel, what they have to pay is not just road money!

Anyone who comes for Solomon's treasure and is targeted by Mossad agents will be thrown into prison by the Israelis under excuses to enjoy Israeli hospitality.

When they struggled for a while and came out of the Israeli prison, the tripartite joint exploration operation had already ended, and they couldn't even touch the shadow of Solomon's treasure!


In a blink of an eye, it was two days later.

At noon in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, the heat wave was steaming, the sand was billowing, and a piece of barren land seemed to be scorched by a raging fire. It was so hot that it seemed to be able to melt everything.

Human beings and even animals living on this land choose to stay in their rooms or places with shade. There is not even a car on the road, it is empty!

Suddenly, a huge convoy galloped from the direction of Israel, passed through a rolling barren mountain, and drove straight to Mount Sinai in the south-central peninsula.

Around this convoy, there were seven or eight Egyptian police cars with flashing police lights, guarding this huge convoy, or rather, monitoring it.

In addition, there were several vehicles in front of the convoy with diplomatic license plates and Israeli flags, apparently from the Israeli embassy in Egypt, and Israeli diplomatic personnel were sitting inside.

And this convoy coming from the direction of Israel is the tripartite joint exploration team that quietly left Yemen before. It is located at Mount Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, and it is their second exploration destination!

Mount Sinai is a granite mountain located in the south-central Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, in the southern province of Sinai, Egypt.

The name of this mountain comes from the old man of the moon in the ancient Semitic mythology, which is Moon Mountain.

In the history of the Jews, Mount Sinai was the main place where God gave revelation. According to the "Bible", God appeared to Moses, the sage of Israel, on this mountain and gave him the famous "Ten Commandments".

Because of this, Mount Sinai, also known as Mount Moses, is one of the most important holy places for Jews and Judaism.

Not only that, in the legends of Islam and Christianity, Mount Sinai is also regarded as a very important religious holy place. Like Jerusalem, it is a holy place of three religions!

Because the mountain is covered with colorful gravel, it is recognized as a god on the mountain, combined with various religious legends, it has become a holy mountain!

Due to its special status, Mount Sinai has been one of the focuses of the three major religions throughout the ages.

Around the ownership of this special granite mountain, it is unknown how many wars have occurred since ancient times, and how many people have died for it.

The most recent war, known as the Six-Day War, took place in 1967.

Through this war, Israel occupied the entire Sinai Peninsula and Mount Sinai until 1979, when they returned the Sinai Peninsula and Mount Sinai to Egypt, and they have been under Egyptian jurisdiction ever since.

Because God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai and gave him two stone tablets engraved with the "Ten Commandments", and those two legendary stone tablets were installed in the Ark of the Covenant, the most holy thing in Judaism.

Another point is that Moses created the Pentateuch and engraved the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, and founded Judaism, and only after that did Jews come into existence.

As one of the most important holy places in Judaism, this is one of the most likely places where Solomon's treasure is buried, including the Ark of the Covenant!

Any person or organization looking for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant cannot miss Mount Sinai, which is a very important location.

In fact, from ancient times to the present, countless people have rushed to Mount Sinai one after another, trying to find the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, but they found nothing!

The tripartite joint exploration team that came here today is naturally also looking for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant. As for whether they can find it, that is another matter!

When the joint exploration convoy passed through the uninhabited mountains and entered the Raqqa Plain where Mount Sinai was located, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, saw Mount Sinai standing in the distance at a glance.

It was a colorful mountain, like a jewel in the desert, very eye-catching!

This yellow granite peak is about 2,300 meters high, like an Optimus Prime, standing on the vast Raqqa Plain, it looks very abrupt!

This is Ye Tian's first visit to the Sinai Peninsula, and the first time he sees Mount Sinai, this holy mountain in the Middle East and the Western world, and it really shocked him a bit!

Not to mention David who was in the same car as him!

The moment he saw Mount Sinai, this guy's eyes lit up and his face was full of excitement!

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