Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2853 Another Treasure

Mount Sinai is not only a holy mountain of the Three Religions, but also a famous tourist attraction.

Due to the relatively high altitude of Mount Sinai and the rugged mountain roads, it is difficult to climb, and the climate on the mountain is very cold. Visiting Mount Sinai to worship the sunrise has become the wish of many saints to imitate Moses and hone their will.

Throughout the ages, whether it is Judaism, Islam, or Christianity, devout believers have flocked to this holy place, wanting to visit this holy mountain in their minds.

As early as the third century A.D., some ascetics chose to settle here in order to escape the world and concentrate on practicing.

By the sixth century A.D., the Byzantine emperor Justinian I had a fortress-like monastery built to protect the ascetics and ensure that the surrounding area was still inhabited by Romans.

This is the most famous monastery in the world, St. Catherine's Monastery, located at the foot of the holy peak of Mount Sinai. Although it has been intact for seventeen centuries, it is a famous religious resort.

When the tripartite joint exploration convoy drove through the desert and entered the towns in the Mount Sinai Basin, Ye Tian and the others finally saw pedestrians and passing vehicles on the street.

In front of these people, there are not only tourists who come to visit Mount Sinai, but also many devout believers who come to pilgrimage.

Among them are Jewish believers, Christians, and Musi Lin, all of whom are wearing the traditional costumes of their respective religions, with very obvious characteristics.

Although these people believe in different religions, they can live in peace here, doing their own thing, and no one interferes with the other!

Of course, if they were in another place, this might not be the case, and they might have already started fighting.

Like most towns in the Middle East, the main color of this town is earthy yellow, the buildings are relatively low, the highest is no more than five or six floors, and there are many religious buildings.

While Ye Tian and the others were observing the small town through the car window, the people in this small town were also observing this sudden huge convoy, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Wow! Where did this convoy come from? It's so huge? Could it be that the Prime Minister of Israel came to Mount Sinai, but even the Prime Minister of Israel doesn't have such a huge team!"

"It's not like the official fleet. Look at the vehicles in the fleet. Most of them are civilian vehicles. Although SUVs are the main vehicles, there are all kinds of cars, and they are dusty, as if they came from a long journey!"

Just when people were talking about it curiously,

This huge convoy has crashed across the street and headed straight for the largest hotel in the town.

That hotel is run by Israelis, and it was the residence of the tripartite joint exploration team during the exploration of Mount Sinai. Half of the rooms in the hotel were booked by the Israeli government.

While talking, the tripartite joint exploration convoy has arrived at the hotel entrance.

When the convoy stopped and it was confirmed that the scene was safe, Ye Tian, ​​Joshua and the others got out of their respective vehicles and landed at the entrance of the hotel.

As soon as he got off the car, Ye Tian saw a few familiar old friends standing at the door of the hotel, looking at himself and the others.

It was a group of Egyptian officials headed by the Egyptian President's special envoy Ahmed, and several religious leaders among them, wearing Arab robes and long beards, their characteristics are very obvious!

The appearance of these Egyptians made Ye Tian somewhat surprised.

But he immediately understood why these Egyptians came and why they appeared here.

The next moment, he put on a bright smile and led David and Joshua towards the Egyptians.

When he came close, he first greeted these Egyptians in accordance with Muslim etiquette.

These Egyptians also saluted back, and then looked at him curiously, somewhat changing their perception of him.

Afterwards, Ye Tiantian looked at Ahmed, shook hands with this old friend, and said with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Ahmed, I didn't expect to meet you here. I was so surprised. We came to Egypt this time, it can be said to be very low-key. Only a very few people know our whereabouts. I didn't expect you to be so well informed. "

Ahmed shook hands with him, and then explained why he and the others were here.

"Good afternoon, Steven, ever since you announced the tripartite joint exploration operation to explore the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant with the Israelites, I knew that you would come to Mount Sinai sooner or later.

According to legend, Mount Sinai is the main place where God issued revelations, the mountain where God appeared to Moses, and the place where Moses founded Judaism. If you want to explore Solomon's treasure, you must come here!

So this is not a coincidence, nor is my information so well-informed. After the joint exploration team left Tel Aviv, I rushed to Mount Sinai. After waiting here for four or five days, I finally waited for you! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly realized.

"I see, I'm flattered to have kept you waiting, Ahmed!"

After the voice fell, Ahmed continued to say:

"You also know, Steven, Mount Sinai is not only the holy mountain of Judaism, but also the holy mountain of our Muslims, and also the holy mountain of Christianity. This sacred mountain is naturally different from other places.

Mount Sinai is within the territory of Egypt. As a country in the Muslim world, we have the responsibility to protect this holy mountain and protect every plant and tree on this holy mountain, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the world.

When you explore Mount Sinai, we must be on the scene to supervise, and whatever you find on this holy mountain, you must obtain our consent before digging.

According to the agreement we reached with the Israeli government, except Solomon's treasure, half of the ownership of everything you find on this holy mountain belongs to our Egyptian government"

Hearing this, Ye Tian pretended to ponder for a moment before responding.

"Ahmed, I understand what you said, and I understand it very well. When the tripartite joint exploration team conducts exploration operations on Mount Sinai, you can supervise the site, and we will also take pictures of the entire exploration process.

During the exploration process, we will try our best to protect the holy mountain of the three religions without destroying every plant and tree here. There are many Israelis in the joint exploration team, as well as representatives of the Vatican. This is also their holy mountain!

One thing I have to declare in advance, in view of the special status of Mount Sinai, and I am an atheist, in order to avoid controversy, our Brave Exploration Company is only responsible for exploration, not excavation!

In other words, even if Solomon's treasure is really hidden on Mount Sinai and we discovered it, the next excavation and archaeological work will be discussed with you by the Israeli side before launching follow-up actions!

If we find other treasures on Mt. Sinai, it will be us Intrepid Exploration Company and your Egyptian government who will sit down and negotiate how to distribute the treasures, and then you Egyptians will dig! "

Hearing this, Ahmed pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly, agreeing to Ye Tian's words.

The rest of the Egyptians at the scene were the same, and they all nodded in agreement, including those religious leaders. They looked at Ye Tian with a little more appreciation!

Next, Ahmed introduced the rest of the Egyptian government officials and religious leaders so that everyone could get to know each other.

After some polite greetings, everyone walked into the hotel together and planned to continue the talks later.

During the march, Ye Tian turned his head to look at Ahmed beside him, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Ahmed, I'm afraid you came to Mount Sinai this time not only to supervise our actions, not only for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, right? There must be other purposes, such as the Alexander treasure!"

Hearing this, Ahmed was stunned for a moment, then lowered his voice and said:

"You guessed it right, Steven, after I returned to Cairo from Milan last time, I reported the terms of cooperation you proposed to Mr. President, including the plan on how to distribute the Alexander treasure.

After a period of research and discussion, we have decided to accept your offer and cooperate with your company to explore the Treasure of Alexandria together, and then share this ancient treasure equally!

You just came to Africa this time. If possible, we can sign a cooperation agreement at any time and explore the treasures of Alexander together, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and be caught by others first!

Since you announced that the treasure of Alexandria is likely to be buried near Alexandria, there have been a lot of treasure hunters rushing to Alexandria and digging around that city!

If there is no further action, Alexandria and its surrounding areas will be turned into a construction site, and will be riddled with holes. Maybe that lucky guy will dig up the treasure and loot it all! "


Ye Tian laughed lightly, then said in a low voice:

"It is a pity that we will not pass through Alexandria this time, but we will pass through other cities in Egypt, and near one of them, there is another amazing treasure.

We can work together to explore that treasure. I'm sure that once the treasure is released, it will cause a huge sensation, and by the way, it will also attract the attention of all treasure hunters! "

After speaking, he walked forward.

Looking at Ahmed again, he froze on the spot, staring at Ye Tian's back in a daze, and muttering to himself.

"There is another amazing treasure, how is this possible? Did I hear correctly?"

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