Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2869 Exploring the Well of Moses

Everyone returned to the well of Moses again. Ye Tian pretended to check the situation around the well seriously, while Derek and the others scanned the nearby ground with a pulse metal detector.

After some exploration, neither Ye Tian nor Derek found anything, and the melodious beeping of the pulse metal detector did not sound at the scene.

At the end, Ye Tian came to the mouth of Moses' well and began to observe the condition of the well.

According to the documents of St. Catherine's Monastery, this well has existed for thousands of years, and it is the place where Moses and his wife met, far older than St. Catherine's Monastery and St. Helena's Church.

What is even more amazing is that despite thousands of years of long time, this well has never dried up, and it is still the main source of water supply for St. Catherine's Monastery.

Like most ancient water wells, the wellhead of this well is not big, it gets bigger as it goes down, and it is in the shape of an inverted funnel. The walls inside the well are all solid granite, so there is no need to worry about collapse.

Moreover, this well is very deep, and the well water is clear and transparent. Because it is groundwater, the temperature is relatively low. Standing at the mouth of the well, you can feel a stream of cool water vapor continuously coming up from the well.

Ye Tian observed at the mouth of the well for a while, then stepped back in front of Father Harris and the others, and said with a smile:

"I want to explore the Well of Moses. I wonder if it is possible? The Well of Moses has existed for thousands of years and has never dried up. Moreover, the well is very deep, making it an ideal place to hide treasure.

Moses is regarded as a saint or prophet by the three major religions, and the Well of Moses has thus become a place jointly protected by the three major religions. As long as they are believers of the three major religions, they will not destroy this holy place.

This is undoubtedly the safest and best place to hide treasures. If I want to hide any important treasures in St. Catherine's Monastery, I will choose the Well of Moses, and I believe the ancient people are the same! "

Before the words fell, there was an exclamation immediately at the scene.

"Ah! You are going to explore the Well of Moses, did I hear correctly?"

"This is a holy place, how can you enter it casually? What's more, you have to explore and even dig inside!"

Because of Ye Tian's words, everyone at the scene was taken aback and looked at him dumbfounded.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"Because of the special status of Moses' Well, we will be very cautious when exploring. I plan to explore in this way. First, I will fly a small drone into the well and use a high-definition camera to check the situation in the well.

If someone hid some treasure in the Well of Moses, then nine out of ten it was hidden on the wall of the well. They may have dug a secret compartment or a secret room on the wall of the well, or even dug a secret passage.

In this way, they are likely to leave marks on the wall of the well. It depends on whether we can find it! In addition to a couple of HD cameras, our little drone also carries a small metal detector!

Although the metal detector on the small drone can't compare with the pulse metal detector in Derek's hands, the detection depth is not that deep, but the detection of the well wall is completely sufficient!

However, the situation in the Well of Moses is also different from that on the ground. It is impossible for anyone to dig a secret passage or chamber with a depth of more than seven meters in this well. It would be too difficult!

If there are hidden secrets behind the well wall, or treasures, as long as there are gold, silver treasures, or other metal objects in the treasure, small drones can detect them!

I am also going to hang a small underwater robot into the well water to check the situation below the water surface. This small underwater robot also carries a high-definition camera and a metal detector!

Let me emphasize that this small underwater robot is driven and controlled by a cable instead of its own battery, so you don't have to worry about it polluting the well water, and we will do a good job of cleaning it.

If you find something in the Well of Moses, you can start the next step. Just like the ancient armory beside the city wall, it will be excavated by the explorers from Israel and the Vatican!

This is my exploration plan, because the status of the Well of Moses is very special, whether this exploration plan can be carried out smoothly depends on you all, no matter what the result is, I can accept it! "

After speaking, Ye Tian looked at Father Harris, the vice-principal of St. Catherine's Monastery, and the vice-minister of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, waiting for them to make a decision!

The scene immediately fell silent, except for Ye Tian and his men, everyone else fell into deep thought.

As Ye Tian said, the status of the Well of Moses is very special. It is by no means an easy task to explore and even dig in this well, which is regarded as a holy place.

After pondering for a moment, Father Harris, the vice-principal of St. Catherine's Monastery, and those senior Egyptian government officials gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

During this process, the Bishop of Kent, Isaiah, Joshua and others came up to ask Ye Tian one after another, asking him if there was really any secret hidden in the Well of Moses!

Naturally, Ye Tian would not give an affirmative answer. He only said that he made a guess based on the specific situation on the spot and past experience.

At the same time, he emphasized again that if he was hiding some treasure, as far as the situation in St. Catherine's Monastery is concerned, there is no more suitable and safer place than the Well of Moses!

The treasure hidden in this well, there is no need to worry about it being discovered and stolen by someone, it is very safe!

The reason is very simple. Anyone who entered St. Catherine's Monastery in the past could not enter this well to explore!

Especially the believers of the three major religions, out of reverence for the saint (prophet) Moses, regard this place as a holy place, and it is absolutely impossible to rashly destroy it!

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the Bishop of Kent, Joshua and others nodded in agreement, and then began to discuss in low voices.

After discussing for a few words, they went to Father Harris and others to discuss and discuss with each other, hoping to allow the tripartite joint exploration team to explore the Well of Moses!

After listening to their request, the group of St. Catherine's Monastery did not make a decision immediately, but sent someone to invite the dean of the monastery to make this decision.

Seven or eight minutes later, the Abbot of St. Catherine arrived here.

This is an Orthodox monk in his seventies, wearing a black robe and long beard, with a dignified and solemn expression.

After arriving at the scene, the monk first got to know Ye Tian, ​​Bishop of Kent and others, and shook hands with each other.

Next, Father Harris revealed Ye Tian's conjectures and demands, and asked the abbot to decide whether to let the tripartite joint exploration team explore the Well of Moses!

The Orthodox monk thought for a moment before making a decision and giving the final result.

"Mr. Steven, Bishop of Kent, you can enter the Well of Moses to explore, but you must protect this holy place and don't" destroy this religious holy place. I hope you can gain something! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately had a look of surprise on his face, as did the rest of the people present.

"No problem, Mr. Dean, we will definitely protect this religious holy place and not destroy any bricks and tiles here. In the process of exploring the Well of Moses, if any accident occurs, I will stop the operation as soon as possible! "

Ye Tian nodded and said, Joshua and the bishop of Kent also nodded.

Next, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and informed Matisse who was staying outside the monastery, asking him to bring in relevant exploration equipment and prepare to explore the Well of Moses!

After a while, Matisse and the others brought small drones, small underwater robots, and other related exploration equipment to the Well of Moses!

Derek and the others who were here immediately put down the pulse metal detector in their hands, adjusted the equipment with Ye Tian and the others, and then set up a small winch on Moses' Well, and set up the safety rope and so on.

After about ten minutes, everything was ready to go.

Under Derek's control, a small drone with a strong searchlight, a high-definition camera, and a metal detector slowly descended from the wellhead of Moses' Well and entered this ancient well!

As the searchlights came on, the internal situation of Moses' Well appeared on the liquid crystal display and on the ipad in Ye Tian's hand. The picture was very clear!

The others at the same scene were all watching Derek and Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were hanging from their throats, everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations!

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