Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2870 the secret behind the well wall

Compared with the extremely dry ground, the inside of Moses' Well was much moister and cooler.

The four walls of this ancient well are all granite blocks, one on top of the other, very strong. Judging from the way these granite blocks are stacked, it is obvious that they are piled up artificially rather than formed naturally.

According to the related books of Judaism and Christianity, as well as some ancient legends, the Well of Moses was originally a well under Mount Sinai, which was dug out by the Midianites who lived here.

The water from this well was mainly used for drinking by the Midianites living nearby, and by the shepherds and flocks grazing here.

After Moses escaped from Egypt for the first time, he shepherded the sheep for the Midianites on the Sinai Peninsula, and kept the sheep here for forty years!

It was during the grazing process that he met Zipporah, who was also herding sheep here, by the well, and the two met and eventually became husband and wife.

At that time, the well was still in a relatively primitive state, with only one old well platform.

In the long period of time that followed, the well was repaired many times, and the platform of the well was built higher and higher, and the ground around the well was gradually filled up, and the terrain became higher and higher.

The biggest and most important repair was when St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, came here to build the church. The well was repaired to look like it is now!

But St. Helena's Church and Moses' Well at that time were both exposed to the wilderness and lacked protection.

It wasn't until St. Catherine's Monastery was built in the sixth century AD that St. Helena's Church and Moses' Well were enclosed in the monastery, protected, and carefully cared for by generations of monks of St. Catherine's Monastery.

If not, the Well of Moses, which has been endowed with a strong religious color, would have been completely buried by yellow sand long ago!

The granite blocks that appeared on the surveillance screen were piled up when St. Helena's Church was built. On some of the stones, some symbols and words can still be vaguely seen.

It's just that there is a layer of moss growing on the wall of the well, so I can't see clearly. I don't know the meaning of those words and symbols for the time being, and what is written.

While taking pictures in the well, this small drone is also doing detection, scanning the well wall with a small metal detector it carries!

Unfortunately, there were no surprising discoveries.

The small drone continued to fly deep into the well, scanning the well wall little by little, but the sound of the metal detector never sounded.

As the time goes,

The people staying around the Well of Moses were somewhat impatient, and disappointment appeared in many people's eyes.

Nearly ten minutes later, the small drone had penetrated eleven or twelve meters into Moses' Well, and it was not far from the bottom of the well, only three or four meters away.

At this moment, a pleasant chirping sound suddenly came up from the depths of the well and reached everyone's ears.

This sound seemed to be the sound of nature, which instantly woke up everyone present and wiped away the disappointment in everyone's eyes!

Instead, there were bursts of ecstasy and excited cheers.

"Great! There is indeed a secret hidden in the well of Moses, but I don't know what the secret is, is it a treasure or something else?"

"Wow! Could it be that Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are really hidden in the Well of Moses? If so, then this discovery will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world, and the Well of Moses will become even more holy!"

The scene was immediately detonated, and everyone was cheering and high-fiving each other.

Especially those Israelites, before they were sure whether the secrets hidden in the Well of Moses were Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, they were already so excited that tears filled their eyes, and they couldn't help themselves!

All religious figures, including the Bishop of Kent and the Abbot of St. Catherine's Monastery, were also very excited at this time. Their faces were flushed, and their bodies were even trembling slightly!

The eyeballs of those senior Egyptian government officials who were also present at the scene turned red instantly, looking quite scary!

While they were excited, they also somewhat regretted it.

Knowing that there are shocking secrets hidden in the well of Moses, and even the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, you should not have promised Steven, a magical guy, to let them explore in the well.

Compared to other people present, Ye Tian was much calmer, he just waved his fist lightly to celebrate!

Immediately afterwards, he patted some Derek on the shoulder lightly, telling the guy to control his emotions and not get too excited, lest the small drone fall into the well water.

As soon as the sound of the metal detector sounded, Derek waved his arms excitedly.

Following his movements, the small drone hovering in the well of Moses also swayed violently, almost hitting the wall of the well, and that would be troublesome!

After Ye Tian's reminder, Derek woke up immediately, quickly controlled his emotions, and continued to control the small drone steadily.

Until then, Ye Tian began to introduce the situation detected by the small drone.

"Gentlemen, on the wall of Moses' Well about eleven meters deep, the small drone detected a very strong metal signal, but the wall of the well in that area is made of granite stones.

That is to say, inside that well wall, there is a secret space in which a large number of metal items are hidden. Those who are qualified to be hidden in this way are naturally priceless gold and silver treasures.

From the analysis of the signal detected by the metal detector, these metal objects are piled up together, and there are a lot of them. In this secret space, there seems to be a statue made of metal.

The metal statue is not big, only one meter high. It is either a bronze statue or a gold statue. As for who the carved figure is, whether it is a man or a woman, it is not yet clear!

In addition to a large number of metal objects and the statue, what else is in the hidden space behind the wall of the well, I don't know for the time being, only by opening that space can we know the result! "

Having said that, Ye Tian turned over the IPAD in his hand, facing the other people on the scene with the screen, letting everyone see the detection results.

Following his action, everyone at the scene immediately rushed up to him, scrambling to check the content on the IPAD!

Needless to say, they saw the metal objects hidden behind the well wall. Although they were just phantoms, they were so attractive that they made people crazy!

While everyone was fascinated by those phantoms, Joshua looked up at Ye Tian, ​​and quickly said in a trembling voice:

"Steven, now that you have discovered the secret hidden in the well of Moses, can we take the next step? Send people down to explore the well, our people are already ready!

This secret hidden in the Well of Moses, if it is Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, that would be great! Their discovery will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world, and all Jews will be crazy about it! "

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, and said calmly:

"Don't worry, Joshua, we still have a lot of work to do before starting the next step. We have to thoroughly explore the remaining walls of the Well of Moses, and maybe there will be other discoveries.

Next, we will hang a small underwater robot into the Well of Moses to carefully check the situation below the water surface. Only after completing these tasks can we send people into the Well of Moses to explore! "

As he said that, Ye Tian nodded to Derek and asked him to continue exploring with the small drone and scan other places on the well wall.

Derek nodded in response and acted immediately.

As for Joshua, he froze for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, let's wait a little longer, I believe I can survive this time!"

Before he finished speaking, another pleasant chirping sound came from Moses' Well, which was exactly the sound from the metal detector.

At the same time, there was also the voice of Derek.

"Wow! The hidden space behind the wall of the well doesn't look small, and there are a lot of metal objects hidden in it!"

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