Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2871 Aerial Operations

A few minutes later, the walls of Moses' Well had been probed, and Derek retrieved the small drone.

Immediately afterwards, a small underwater robot carrying a high-definition underwater camera and an underwater metal detector was slowly hoisted into Moses' Well, and gradually approached the water surface at the bottom of the well.

Soon, the small underwater robot was close to the surface of the water, and then sank into the water.

At the same time, the situation below the water surface at the bottom of the well also appeared on the LCD monitor and the screen of the IPAD in Ye Tian's hand.

Compared with the smooth well wall above, the part below the water surface of Moses' well is still in its original state, surrounded by jagged granite.

That was the trace left by the Midianites when they dug the well. Although Moses' Well was built many times later and became much more regular, the part below the water surface has never been touched.

When the small underwater robot entered the well water, it carefully avoided the protruding granite to avoid accidents such as scratches.

As for the pipes used to draw water in St. Catherine's Monastery, they have long been taken out of Moses' Well, so it will not be a hindrance.

The water in the well of Moses was very clear, and there seemed to be no impurities and no living things in the well.

Under the illumination of high-intensity searchlights, the situation in the well water can be seen clearly at a glance.

It is a pity that there is no surprising discovery. The metal detector carried by the small underwater robot has never sounded.

The company employees operating the winch have been slowly releasing the cables, and this small underwater robot is also diving and exploring the underwater situation.

From the surface of the water down, it has been diving for about five meters before this small underwater robot came to the bottom of the well.

At the bottom of this well, there is a layer of fine sand, and the well water comes up from under the fine sand. There are strange rocks around the well, and there is nothing else.

The underwater metal detector scanned the bottom of the well and the original walls around it, but found no hidden metal objects.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately understood that there were no hidden secrets below the surface of Moses' Well, at least no hidden metal objects.

"Mr. Steven, in order to ensure the cleanliness and normal water flow of Moses' Well, every few years, we will send people to dive into the well to clean up the sediment and other debris deposited at the bottom of the well.

From ancient times to the present, this work has never stopped, but the intervals are different.

You have also seen the situation below the water surface, it doesn't seem like there are any secrets hidden! "

Father Harris, who was standing next to him, said, introducing the situation at the bottom of the well.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the Orthodox monk, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, Father Harris, judging from the situation below the water's surface, it really doesn't seem like there are any secrets hidden, and this situation is considered normal, as I expected.

Except for the necessary cleanup, I don't believe that anyone, not the adherents of the three major religions, nor anyone else, would dive into the well to hide any secret or treasure.

This is a desert area, the water source is too precious, no one will destroy the water source! What's more, the Well of Moses is in St. Catherine's Monastery and is under your protection! "

Next, the small underwater robot explored the bottom of the well again, but found nothing new.

Seeing this result, Ye Tian asked the employees of his company to take back the small underwater robot and ended the investigation.

As this small underwater robot was lifted out of the wellhead, everyone at the scene became excited, and even their excited eyes lit up, and they couldn't wait!

Everyone knows that the next step is to send people into the Well of Moses to open the wall of the well where the metal objects are hidden, to see what secrets are hidden behind the wall of the well, whether it is the legendary treasure of Solomon or even the Ark of the Covenant!

Several exploration team members who were about to go down the well had already bathed and put on waterproof tights, and they were already ready!

As Ye Tian said before, these guys who are going to explore the Well of Moses are from the Vatican and Israel respectively. They are all devout believers, but they believe in Christianity and Judaism respectively!

It can be seen that these guys are very excited, even trembling slightly with excitement, each and every one of them is eager to try, and they are already impatient!

However, Ye Tian didn't immediately let these guys go down the well.

He walked to the dean of St. Catherine's Monastery, summoned the Bishop of Kent, Joshua, and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Egypt, and said to these people with a smile:

"My lord, gentlemen, I'm going to send people down to explore the Well of Moses. Before the exploration operation starts, there are some things I want to emphasize.

In the following exploration process, we will film the whole process and keep the first-hand video materials so that experts and scholars from all walks of life can conduct research afterwards.

That is to say, every exploration team member who enters the Well of Moses must wear a high-definition camera, and at the same time we will put a small drone down for supervision.

Another point, if the secret hidden in the well wall is the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, then the exploration needs to be paused and resumed later!

According to the cooperation agreement between us, if we discover Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, we will broadcast live, so that people all over the world can witness this great discovery!

Only by making all the preparations for the live broadcast, the exploration can continue. If the secret hidden behind the well wall is not Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, then naturally there is no need for it!

The other one is the distribution of treasures. We have reached an agreement on this matter before. This is also the basis of our cooperation. I hope that each party can keep their promises! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene fell silent and began to think.

Only the Bishop of Kent, with a relatively relaxed expression, nodded slightly to Ye Tian, ​​meaning to reassure him that the Vatican will definitely keep its promise!

Ye Tian also smiled and nodded at this old friend. After all, we have cooperated several times, so there is still some trust!

After thinking for a moment, the dean of St. Catherine Monastery just nodded and said:

"No problem, Steven, don't worry, since we allow the tripartite joint exploration team to enter the monastery to explore, we will keep our promise, and we also want to thank you for discovering the secret hidden in the Well of Moses!"

As soon as the words fell, the Vice Minister of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture immediately took up his position, saying that the Egyptian government would definitely keep its promise.

Joshua nodded immediately, and said with a serious expression:

"We, Israel, will keep our promise. Steven, if the secret hidden in the Well of Moses is Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, we will broadcast it live immediately. If it is other treasures, we will not participate in the distribution!"

After receiving the promises from the representatives of all parties, Ye Tian nodded and immediately announced the start of the next stage of exploration!

Several guys who went down to explore on behalf of the Vatican and Israel were called to the well of Moses one after another, and Derek and others equipped them with high-definition cameras, searchlights, and safety ropes.

Soon, everything will be ready.

The few guys who were going to explore the Well of Moses all prayed by the well, some knelt on the ground to pray, and some stood by the well, drawing the cross on their chests.

After praying, an expedition team member representing the Vatican was the first to be hoisted into the Well of Moses and slowly fell down.

After falling to a depth of about twelve meters in the well, that is, the depth at which metal objects were scanned, the exploration team member stopped descending and hovered in the well.

Immediately afterwards, an expedition team member representing Israel was also put into the well of Moses, and slowly fell to the bottom of the well!

After a while, this one also descended to the predetermined depth, hovering in the well, hanging side by side with the explorer from the Vatican, looking at each other!

Their location is a little lower than the wall of the well where the metal objects are hidden, and closer to the water surface!

In this way, as long as they establish a foothold in the well of Moses, they can start exploration operations, such as cutting the well wall that hides the metal objects!

Immediately after the Israeli explorer, two telescopic ladders made of alloy were hoisted one after the other into the Well of Moses!

After the two telescopic ladders are opened, the length can reach ten meters, which is the foothold of the two exploration team members so that they can start their operations!

As long as the two telescopic ladders are opened and inserted into the well water, the upper end leans against the wall of the well, and then a thick wooden board is built on the two telescopic ladders, an aerial platform can be built in the well for operations!

When the two telescopic ladders descended in front of them, the two exploration team members who went down into the well before each took one, opened it little by little, and inserted it into the well water below.

After placing the two telescopic ladders and making sure that the two ladders are stable, they untied the safety ropes on the ladders, and then notified the person at the wellhead to take back the safety ropes and put the planks down.

The next moment, the two safety ropes that were originally tied to the telescopic ladder were pulled out of the wellhead!

After a while, a thick wooden board was hoisted into the well and slowly fell down!

After a while, the operating platform in Moses' Well was established, and it was fairly solid.

The two exploration team members who were hanging in the air also stood on the board, don't hang in the air anymore!

Immediately afterwards, a small drone flew into Moses' Well, quickly descended to a depth of about ten meters, and hovered over the heads of these two guys.

Almost at the same time, Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Guys, you can start to act. First wipe off the moss on the wall of the well, look at the structure of the wall of the well, and the words and patterns carved on the wall of the well, and then we will make a plan according to the situation!"

After the voice fell, the two guys who went down into the well responded.

"Got it, Steven, we know what to do!"

After finishing speaking, the two guys each took out a towel and walked towards the walls of the well on both sides.

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