Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2932 The Cemetery of Israel's Patriarchs

Through the pictures sent back by the dragonfly drone, everyone saw seven or eight statues of ancient religious figures one after another, as well as some altars, which were located in different places in the cave.

However, these statues and altars have been smashed, and they have long been beyond recognition, with broken arms and legs. Some statues have even been smashed into a pile of fragments, leaving only a base.

In addition to these dilapidated ancient statues and altars, some stone pillars and steles in the cave, as well as the cave walls, are also engraved with many words and murals, all of which are related to religion.

These texts and murals have also been completely destroyed by people, almost no complete texts and patterns can be seen, and there are traces of knives and axes everywhere!

In addition, in the cave, there are some corpses scattered in different places, including the corpses of adults and many children.

Without exception, they were all killed in the cave, which can be confirmed from the struggling and twisted appearance of the corpses.

Looking at these pictures, everyone's mood became heavy, and they also felt trembling, with chills coming down their backs!

What kind of blood feud would make people so crazy? It's crazy that even the children are not spared, and they are all slaughtered!

The scene fell silent, everyone stared at the monitoring screen, and followed the dragonfly drone to continue deep into this hellish cave.

As the dragonfly drone gradually deepened, the light conditions in the cave became worse and worse, and it was dark everywhere. Fortunately, there are infrared high-definition cameras, so the exploration can continue!

"Hey! There is a stone tablet here. It seems that the inscriptions on it are not ancient Greek and Latin, but more like ancient Hebrew!"

The Mossad agent who controlled the Dragonfly drone said suddenly, his tone quite excited.

At the same time, Ye Tian and the others also saw the stone tablet located deep in the cave, and saw the words and patterns engraved on that stone tablet!

Unfortunately, due to the dim light and the fact that there was a lot of dust on the stele, everyone couldn't see it clearly.

Because some of the characters on the top of the stele are relatively large, the structure of those ancient characters is highlighted, and it can be vaguely distinguished that they are ancient Semitic characters, and they are closer to ancient Hebrew!

Unlike the previous Orthodox statues and altars, this stele has not been destroyed, perhaps because it has nothing to do with the Orthodox Church, so it survived!

"Yes, this is ancient Hebrew. It seems that the records and related legends in the "Babylonian Talmud" are not wrong. At least there is some basis. The ancestors of the Israelites once lived here and shepherded sheep for Pharaoh!"

An expert on ancient Israeli characters said convincingly, his excited eyes lit up.

Before the words fell, another Israeli archaeologist continued to say:

"The shape of this stele is very old, it looks like a tombstone, and tombstones of the same shape have been found frequently near Jerusalem, and without exception, those ancient tombstones are all from BC.

More importantly, those are the tombstones of the Israelites. Could it be that the ancestors of the Israelites who lived here were buried in this cave? If so, this is definitely a major discovery! "

Following the words of these two Israeli experts and scholars, all the Israelis at the scene became extremely excited, and everyone's eyes lit up,

Almost cheered!

Ye Tian pretended to look seriously at the screen sent back by the Dragonfly drone, then nodded and came to the same conclusion.

"That's right, the text carved on this ancient stone tablet, from the structure point of view, does look like ancient Hebrew. It seems that this is a surprising discovery!"

After getting his affirmation, the Israelis at the scene finally stopped doubting and cheered directly!

For them, even if the Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are not here, finding the cemetery of their ancestors is still a great achievement, and it is worth celebrating!

Seeing these ecstatic Israelis, Ye Tian and David laughed.

After some celebration, the Israelis looked at the surveillance screen again, and everyone was full of expectations.

The dragonfly drone continued to fly forward, and then found several stone tablets, located deep in the cave, some of which were well preserved, while others were broken or fell to the ground.

On those steles, everyone saw some ancient Hebrew characters and some simple patterns!

Due to the limitation of light conditions and the dust covering it, for a while, everyone was still unable to decipher the words on those tombstones, and did not know what was specifically recorded!

However, everyone has confirmed so far that this cave located in the belly of the mountain was once an Israeli cemetery, where the ancestors of the Israelites who lived here were buried!

It is uncertain whether there are other secrets hidden in this cave, such as Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, etc., or other treasures!

In view of the condition of this cave, everyone thinks that the possibility of treasure buried here is very low, almost none!

The reason is very simple. The Israelis, Orthodox believers, and later Arabs who once lived here all discovered this cave and used it!

If Solomon's treasure was really hidden in this cave, it would not have been preserved until now. It would have been discovered long ago and swept away!

The Dragonfly drone flew a few meters further, and could no longer continue.

It's not that the cave has come to an end, but that the cave is winding and winding, and the mountain seriously interferes with the wireless signal. The dragonfly drone is about to fly out of the remote control range and has to stop.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian asked the Mossad agent to take back the Dragonfly drone.

Then, he turned his head to look at the crowd, smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, it seems that we have to dig up this mountain. Only in this way can we thoroughly explore this cave and see if we can find anything. Is there any treasure in this cave.

In view of the special situation of this cave, there are many tombs of the ancestors of the Israelites buried here, as well as the remains of many massacred Orthodox Christians, so our company will not participate in the excavation!

The follow-up excavation operations will be undertaken by the Israeli exploration team and the Vatican exploration team. After digging up this mountain and cleaning it up, I will lead the team into the cave to explore!

Judging from the situation at the scene, it is estimated that it will take a long time and a lot of energy to dig out this mountain and enter the cave in the belly of the mountain, and we may have to work here all night."

"Okay, Steven, let us excavate this mountain, so that you don't have to worry about offending the dead buried here."

Joshua nodded and said, the Bishop of Kent also nodded slightly, and there was no disagreement.

In fact, both the Israelis and the Vatican couldn't wish for Ye Tian's proposal, so how could they refuse it.

As for the representatives of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture at the scene, they did not jump out to stop them, but took out their mobile phones and walked aside to report the situation to their immediate superiors!

While speaking, the small drone in the shape of a dragonfly was taken back by Mossad agents.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took the rock core drilled out earlier, and blocked up the exploratory hole to prevent a large amount of air from pouring into the mountainside, and protect the antique cultural relics in the mountainside as much as possible!

The antique relics in the cave are full of lifelessness, and he doesn't know how to collect any of them, but he will sell his own part to the Israelis and the Vatican, so he still needs to protect it!

After plugging up the cave, Ye Tian handed it over to the Israelis and the Vatican, and took David to another place to continue exploring this ancient castle!

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