After deciding to dig here, everyone unloaded the camping equipment from the bulletproof SUVs, transported them to this mountain depression, and started camping in the mountain depression.

For safety reasons, on the hills on both sides, and in a forest on the hillside, there is also the only exit of the col. Mattis and Seaman have set up sentries and sniper teams!

The tripartite joint exploration convoy located on the other side of the hill is also guarded by heavily armed security personnel and Egyptian military police, so there is no need to worry about the vehicle being stolen.

It didn't take long for everyone to set up camping tents and complete the camping work.

At this time, it was around one o'clock in the noon, close to two o'clock.

Ye Tian looked at the time, and immediately told his employees to rest on the spot and prepare for lunch.

Since it is camping in the wild, lunch is naturally barbecue and beer, as well as beautiful music.

As several portable barbecue pits were set up, the charming aroma of charcoal grilled meat soon permeated the entire campsite, and spread far and wide with the wind, stirring up people's appetites!

Compared with Ye Tian and the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company, the Israelis and the Vatican's exploration team did not pay attention to the food. They paid more attention to the secrets hidden in the mountain.

These guys did not choose to take a lunch break, but carried various exploration equipment back and forth, surveyed the terrain, analyzed the terrain and landform, and prepared for the upcoming excavation operation!

Since this is an archaeological excavation, for the sake of protecting antique cultural relics and this historical site, it is obvious that large-scale mechanical equipment cannot be used for excavation, so as to avoid irreparable and huge losses.

More importantly, the ancestors of the Israelites were buried in this cave, as well as the remains of a large number of Orthodox Christians. The excavation operation must be more cautious, and no mistakes can be made!

This determines that this excavation operation must take a long time, and it will be a protracted battle!

The Israelis and the Vatican can only use manpower to dig, so naturally they have to do it early!

While Ye Tian and the others were enjoying the food and chatting, the Israelis and the Vatican had quickly formulated an excavation plan, and then under the command of several archaeologists, the excavation work started.

At the same time, the news that the tripartite joint exploration team found this hell-like cave in the middle of the mountain quickly spread, and it soon reached the ears of many people.

It was the Egyptian officials at the scene and the many Egyptian military police who protected the tripartite joint exploration team who passed on the news!

After hearing the news, people were shocked by the situation in the cave, and they were terrified!

People are also full of curiosity about this hellish cave, and they are guessing what happened in this cave and what secrets are hidden in it? Are the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark hidden in this cave?

Who killed those Orthodox Christians who died tragically in the cave? How cruel and merciless!

Some guys who were keeping an eye on the tripartite joint exploration team and always coveted Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant took action after receiving the news, rushing here like a tide!

In addition to them, people from some nearby cities and villages also came here to watch the excitement, and to see if there are any bargains to pick up!


The Egyptian Orthodox Church and St. Catherine's Monastery each sent a few senior monks, rushing here!

The discovery of the remains of the Orthodox believers in the cave caused a huge shock in the Egyptian Orthodox Church and St. Catherine's Monastery!

Reasonable, they all have to come here to investigate the situation, and then organize the burial of those Orthodox believers who died in the massacre more than a thousand years ago, and pray for those dead!

When the time came to around three o'clock in the afternoon, a large number of people had gathered in the wilderness outside the col and on the hillside to watch the excitement.

Among them were nearby residents and tourists, people from Cairo and other cities, and some guys who came for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

After coming here, many people wanted to enter the col, but were stopped by the Egyptian military police who maintained order.

Some guys tried to enter the col from the trail, or climbed to the top of the mountain to look at it, but they fell into the hands of Mossad agents and the 13th commando, and they were all driven away!

As more and more people gathered here, the security pressure faced by the tripartite joint exploration team suddenly increased a lot!

And the excavation work in the col is in full swing.

The hillside in front of the cave was artificially formed and unnaturally formed. Although it has been more than a thousand years, it is still not as strong as the naturally formed mountain.

In order to avoid accidents such as landslides and collapses, the explorers who entered the cave were buried inside, so they could only dig from top to bottom to remove all the stones and soil blocked in front of the cave.

In this way, the workload is very heavy, coupled with manual excavation, the progress can be imagined.


Soon, it was evening.

It was a moonless night with few stars, the lighting conditions were pretty good, and the temperature had dropped, making it quite pleasant.

The mountain depression where the tripartite joint exploration team is located is brightly lit at this time, as if it were daytime.

Even on the tops of the hills on both sides and the edge of the woods, several searchlights were set up. Under the control of the security personnel, they kept turning off the lights to scan the surroundings to prevent anyone from entering the valley at night.

The excavation work on the edge of the ancient castle site has never stopped. The Israelis and the Vatican explorers took turns to dig the stones and soil in front of the cliff.

During the excavation process, archaeologists and historians from both sides will step forward from time to time to carefully study the excavated stones and soil, and are ready to adjust the excavation plan at any time!

After several hours of continuous excavation, most of the sloping hillside has been dug out, and several hills have been piled up beside the excavated stones and soil, which looks quite amazing!

The cave that was deliberately buried was getting closer and closer to reappearing in the world.

At the same time, some senior officials of the Egyptian government and religious figures, as well as some archaeologists and historians, also rushed here one after another.

Among them were the Deputy Minister of Culture of Egypt, several senior monks of the Orthodox Egyptian Church, and several old friends from St. Catherine's Monastery.

After these people arrived at the col, Ye Tian briefed them on the situation, and played the video material previously captured by the Dragonfly drone.

He also explained to these people that it is very unlikely that the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden in this cave.

If it is finally confirmed that Solomon's treasure is not in this cave, then all the antiques and gold and silver treasures found in this cave will be shared equally between the Brave and the Egyptian government.

For this result, the representative of the Egyptian government naturally would not reject it, and accepted it very happily, and hoped that the excavation operation would progress faster!

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Tian was chatting with the vice-principal of St. Catherine's Monastery and others in the tent, asking about the research progress of the historical documents in St. Helena's treasure, when the walkie-talkie suddenly rang.

Joshua's voice came over the intercom, sounding quite excited.

"Steven, we are about to dig to the entrance of that cave, should we continue digging, or stop temporarily?"

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately stopped talking, picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Great job, Joshua, I didn't expect you to dig the hole so quickly, much faster than I expected, but you have to stop now, you can't continue digging!

It is night now, which is not conducive to our further exploration work, and the surrounding light conditions are relatively poor. For safety reasons, we cannot dig the cave entrance.

Everyone has worked hard all day, let the guys rest first, and wait until tomorrow dawn, then dig the hole and start the next step of exploration and cleaning work, it will be safer! "

"Understood, Steven, this arrangement is indeed safer"

Joshua responded and ended the call.

Afterwards, Ye Tian also stood up, took David and a few old friends from St. Catherine's Monastery out of the tent, and walked towards the excavation site.

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