Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2940 Beautiful Picture

When Ye Tian and the others arrived at the beach on the coastal avenue, several Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando had already arrived one step ahead, joined Walker and the others, and were talking to a dozen Egyptians confrontation.

The female employees in swimsuits that Walker mentioned were surrounded by many armed security personnel and protected them. Judging from their expressions, they were somewhat frightened.

They are all wearing ordinary swimsuits, all the bags are covered, not even a high fork swimsuit, let alone a T-shaped swimsuit, it can be regarded as quite satisfactory, there is nothing out of the ordinary!

But this is Egypt, a country in the Muslim world. Especially in the northwest of Egypt, the folk customs are more conservative. Women are tightly wrapped when they go out, with only half of their faces showing.

Even the Egyptian women who come to the beach to play and play are tightly wrapped.

Egyptian women who swim in the sea wear one-piece swimsuits, which are the kind of swimsuits that wrap from head to toe like diving suits.

In contrast, these female employees of the Fearless Exploration Company are dressed too coolly and too sexy, becoming the most eye-catching beautiful scenery on this beach!

In addition, some people are deliberately looking for trouble, saying that their swimsuits are not standardized, which is undoubtedly a very good excuse!

In addition, there were four or five male employees in beach shorts and topless. These guys were much more relaxed, talking and laughing, obviously not taking the confrontation in front of them too seriously!

In addition to the dozen or so Egyptian men who confronted Walker and the others, there were several Egyptian policemen at the scene, but they stood a little further away, looking like they were watching.

From time to time, these guys would take a sneak peek at the female employees of the brave and fearless exploration company in cool clothes, secretly swallow their saliva, and enjoy their eyesight!

Seeing the arrival of Ye Tian's convoy and the beauties protected by Walker and the others, their expressions instantly relaxed, without any tension or fear, and some even laughed lightly.

In the eyes of these beauties, there is no trouble in this world that Ye Tian can't solve, and these Egyptian men who are full and have nothing to do are naturally no problem!

The faces of those Egyptian men with ulterior motives and those Egyptian policemen changed, and they became very ugly!

They knew that the little thoughts and plans of their own people had no chance of being realized at all, and they might be unlucky enough to be dealt with by that ruthless guy, Steven, who was famous for his vengeance!

Thinking of this, the dozen or so Egyptian men were ready to retreat, so as not to get burned! But the Egyptian policemen next to them stepped forward, trying to separate the two sides who were confronting each other!

However, it was too late!

Several SUVs in the convoy suddenly accelerated and rushed forward, overtaking the cars and police cars in front in an instant, rushing straight to the beach, spreading out in a fan shape, directly blocking the escape route of the dozen or so Egyptians.

Following the movement of these bulletproof suvs, a large amount of fine white sand on the beach was lifted up, and at the same time there were bursts of exclamations, and the atmosphere suddenly became more tense!

At the same time, Walker and the Mossad agents and special forces reached into their arms one after another, holding the handle of the gun, ready to shoot at any time.

Before the vehicle came to a complete stop, the windows on one side of the bulletproof SUV had been lowered rapidly.

One or two automatic rifle muzzles protruded from each car window, pointing at the dozen or so Egyptians!

Those black gun muzzles radiate a cold metal light, which is frightening to watch!

Faced with this sudden change and the deadly muzzles of these automatic rifles, the dozen or so Egyptians with ulterior motives immediately froze in place, daring not to make any moves!

The few guys who had put their hands into their arms and were about to draw their guns to resist, slowly pulled their hands out of their arms, lest they be misunderstood by these guys on the opposite side and attract a fatal attack!

These guys are battle-tested, have rich combat experience, and know how to distinguish the situation!

They knew that there was no chance of winning at the moment, and if they rashly drew their guns and shot, they would only bury themselves and others here, and they would not take advantage of it at all!

Rather than doing this, it would be better to show the enemy weak, and at worst be caught and thrown into the police station for a few days, and you will be able to come out after a few days, but you won't lose your life!

The vehicle came to a stop, and the heavily armed Matisse and the others got out of each vehicle one after another, pointed their assault rifles at the heads of the dozen or so Egyptians, and approached step by step, with anger in everyone's eyes.

Walker and the others in the other direction also took out their pistols and submachine guns one after another, put on a fighting posture, and surrounded them from behind, but they also left a few security guards to protect the company employees!

Seeing this scene, the Egyptian policemen at the scene immediately reached out to touch the pistols at their waists. When they touched the handles of the pistols, they all stopped, and they didn't have the courage to draw them out!

The strength contrast is too great! If you draw your gun and shoot yourself, you will be beaten into a hornet's nest by these damn Yankees and Israelis in an instant, and you will die!

In this case, the idiot will only draw a gun and shoot, unless the life is boring!

While speaking, Matisse and Walker had come close and completed the encirclement.

Immediately afterwards, they disarmed the dozen or so Egyptians, and found more than a dozen pistols, several submachine guns, and a large number of full magazines from those guys!

After disarming, Mattis kicked the dozen or so Egyptians down, handcuffed everyone behind their backs with plastic handcuffs, and threw them face down on the beach. They were not polite at all!

Some of the rebellious and swearing guys were punched a few times, or received a few gun butts, and they were beaten badly!

Seeing this scene, the Egyptian police and other Egyptians who were present at the scene, as well as Ahmed and other Egyptian government officials who arrived later, wanted to stop it!

However, when they saw the large amount of guns and ammunition seized from those Egyptians, they were speechless!

After dealing with the dozen or so Egyptians and making sure the scene was safe, Ye Tian and David got out of a bulletproof SUV.

As soon as they got out of the car, Ahmed quickly approached and said in a low voice:

"Steven, leave these guys to us, let us deal with them, I will let each of these bastards go to jail! After all, this is Egypt, and we have the right to enforce the law. You only have the right to defend yourself"

Ye Tian turned to look at this old friend, then said with a sneer:

"Leave it to you to deal with? Of course it's okay, Ahmed, but I want to see the result of the deal, and I will always send someone to watch this matter. If the result of the deal doesn't satisfy me, let's not talk about cooperation!

Cooperation is based on trust. If our company employees cannot even guarantee the most basic safety in Egypt, then what is the trust and cooperation? Other things are even more impossible to talk about!

If we can't cooperate, then Rommel's treasure, Alexander's treasure, and other treasures in Egypt can only be left to sleep for the time being, to see if the next Egyptian government can cooperate! "

Hearing this, Ahmed's face turned livid and became even uglier, then he said through gritted teeth:

"Steven, just look at the results of our processing, you must be satisfied!"

"That's good, I'm looking forward to the result!"

Ye Tian nodded and said, then walked towards the female employees of the company in swimsuits.

When he walked among the dozen or so Egyptians lying on the ground, regardless of whether those guys could understand English or not, he sneered and said:

"I don't care who you are or what forces are behind you. Stay away from our company's employees in the future, or don't blame me for being cruel. If you can leave alive this time, you won't be so lucky next time!"

Hearing these words, the bodies of several of the Egyptians trembled slightly, apparently understanding!

As for the rest of the guys, it's unknown whether they understood what they said!

While speaking, Ye Tian had come to those female employees in swimsuits.

Before he could stand still, a beautiful woman said impatiently:

"Steven, are we wearing revealing clothes? Why do those guys say we violated the dress code, and do they want us to wear one-piece swimsuits that wrap the whole body?"

Ye Tian looked at this beauty, and then admired the turbulent beauty in front of him, and then joked:

"Ladies, you don't reveal anything in what you wear, please believe me, with your sexy body and appearance, every man here wishes you could show a little more!

Those guys lying on the ground don't know how to appreciate it. It's such a beautiful picture. As long as you are a man, you can't turn a blind eye to it. I also want to appreciate it for a while! "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, David and Matisse all laughed, and everyone nodded in sympathy!

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