Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2941 Oasis in the game

After a day's rest in Matruh, the tripartite joint exploration team set off again to the Siwa Oasis not far from Matruh.

Siwa Oasis is an oasis in the desert of northwest Egypt. It is located in a depression 20 to 30 meters below sea level. It is about 10 kilometers long and 6.5 to 8 kilometers wide. It has more than 2,000 springs.

This oasis has a long history. Archaeologists have discovered that there are human footprints dating back 3 million years, the earliest known human footprints in the world.

Here is the oracle of the twenty-six dynasties of ancient Egypt. At that time, the oracle of Siwa was famous all over the world. There are temples of the god Amon in ancient Egypt, many temples of the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, and stone tomb sites!

Because of its remote location in the depths of the Sahara Desert, it has always been the most inaccessible, mysterious and legendary oasis among all the oases in Egypt.

Outside of Egypt, people know Siwa Oasis through several famous games, such as "Assassin's Creed" and "Sniper Elite 3".

The tripartite joint exploration team came to Siwa Oasis because one of the ancestors of the Israelites lived in this oasis for a long time. Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant may be hidden here.

After the convoy left Matruh, it entered the Sahara Desert again and galloped all the way to the Siwa Oasis.

As before, behind the joint exploration convoy, there were many news media vehicles and other social vehicles, and many of the people in the vehicles came for the treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant.

All these vehicles form a long line, winding forward in the Sahara desert, which is quite spectacular.

As the convoy was moving, Ye Tian chatted with David, who was in the same car, while admiring the scenery outside.

"Of all the places we have been to, the Siwa Oasis is probably the most dangerous. The situation here is even more complicated and dangerous than Yemen, which has been in constant war!"

"Why is that? Isn't the Siwa Oasis in Egypt? Egypt is relatively peaceful!"

David asked in surprise, apparently puzzled.

Ye Tian turned to look at him, and then gave an explanation.

"The Siwa Oasis is not fake in Egypt, but it is close to Libya. It is a hiding place for many Libyan militants in Egypt. Many of the militants who were thrown into prison yesterday came from the Siwa Oasis!

The main residents of the Siwa Oasis are Berbers, an indigenous people in the Sahara Desert. They belong to the Semitic people like the Israelites. The name of this nation translates to barbarians, which shows how sturdy their folk customs are!

More importantly, the Berber hero, former Libyan leader Gaddafi, was overthrown and killed by Western countries headed by the United Kingdom and the United States. One can imagine how much they hate Americans!

Most of the Libyan militants hiding in the Siwa Oasis are pro-Gaddafi factions. The main body of our joint exploration team is Americans and Israelis, who are the thorn in the side of those militants! "


David couldn't help taking a breath, and then said worriedly:

"From this point of view, our trip to Siwa Oasis will definitely not be peaceful!"

"That's right, when we go to the Siwa Oasis this time, there is a high possibility that we will have conflicts with Libyan militants.

Maybe even staged the fierce battle in "Sniper Elite 3".

Considering the special situation of the Siwa Oasis, both the Egyptian side and the Israeli side have made some preparations and arrangements, but I don’t know if it will be useful, so let’s see the situation later! "

Although Ye Tian said this, his expression was very relaxed, and he didn't take the possible danger too seriously.

While they were chatting, the tripartite joint exploration convoy had gone deep into the Sahara Desert, leaving Matruh and the Mediterranean Sea far behind, leaving only long yellow sand in sight.

About half an hour later, this huge convoy arrived at the famous Siwa Oasis.

The scene of this oasis is basically the same as those in those famous games. There are houses built with unique local salt blocks and mud bricks everywhere. It is earthy yellow, simple and primitive, and modern buildings are rarely seen!

Different from other desert areas that we have passed through before, there are many green plants growing here, especially tall coconut trees, which can be seen everywhere, and they are in patches, adding a lot of vitality to the place.

As Ye Tian said, looking at this huge tripartite joint exploration convoy, the eyes of many people in Siwa Oasis were full of hatred and shone fiercely, obviously they did not welcome the arrival of this exploration team.

Fortunately, Egypt has made some preparations and deployed a lot of policemen where the convoy passed to protect the convoy, so it was considered safe and no unexpected attacks occurred!

In order to deal with possible attacks, Ye Tian and his security personnel, as well as those Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando, had already been fully armed. Fortunately, the battle did not break out.

Soon, the convoy arrived at the entrance of the largest hotel in Siwa Oasis, and stopped end to end.

A large number of armed security personnel got out of the car immediately, dispersed and guarded, and watched the surrounding movement vigilantly.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian and Joshua got out of the car and entered this relatively simple hotel.

Although this is the largest hotel in Siwa Oasis, there are not many rooms in total, and they are all booked by the tripartite joint exploration team, and no one else is allowed to stay!

In this way, everyone still needs two or three people, or even three or four people squeezed into one room, otherwise they will not be able to live at all, and they can only camp outdoors!

Of course, Ye Tian, ​​Joshua, and the Bishop of Kent and others still have a suite each, and the conditions are relatively better!

As for the media reporters who followed the tripartite joint exploration team, the many spectators, and those who coveted Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, most of them had to spend the night in their cars or camp outside!

While Ye Tian and the others were staying in the hotel, in an unremarkable khaki-colored house in the Siwa Oasis, several Arab men were discussing, and the center of the topic was the tripartite joint exploration team that had just arrived.

"According to reports from my subordinates, those damn Yankees and Israelis have already arrived at the Siwa Oasis. When will we do it? Do we do it right away, or after they finish their exploration work?"

An Arab man in his early thirties said in a deep voice, his words were full of hatred.

After the words fell, another Arab man sitting at the top gave the answer.

"Since they came to Siwa Oasis to search for the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, let them explore the treasure first, and if they can find the treasure, then we will take revenge and snatch the treasure, killing two birds with one stone!

If Solomon's treasure is not in Siwa Oasis, let's do it before they leave, take as many hostages as possible, and then ask for ransom, no matter Steven's bastard or Israel, there is plenty of money!

What we lack are money and weapons and ammunition. Those guys care more about their own lives. Now that they are here, they must leave something behind. It is only natural to buy lives with money. Don't think about leaving easily! "

Hearing this, the eyes of these Arab men on the scene suddenly lit up, and everyone's eyes were full of greed!

After discussing for a while, these Arab men got up and left, each summoning their subordinates to prepare for the follow-up action!

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