When the tripartite joint exploration team arrived at Siwa Oasis, it was just after nine o'clock, which was still early.

Ye Tian and the others didn't stay in the hotel for long, they simply cleaned up, then left the hotel and walked along the street.

The reason why they choose to walk is because they want to experience the unique customs and appreciate the unique architecture here.

Another reason is that the streets here are too narrow and winding, and the roads are very broken. Once the entire convoy enters, it will not be able to use it at all, and it will cause congestion instead.

However, they still brought three bulletproof suvs to follow everyone. They carried a lot of weapons and ammunition and various exploration equipment!

For safety reasons, all the staff and security personnel left the hotel this time, and everyone was wearing Kevlar body armor to prevent accidents!

As for Ye Tian and Matisse, they were even more fully armed. Everyone was carrying weapons such as assault rifles and pistols, and they made no secret of it!

The rest of the female employees of the brave and fearless exploration company, as well as some other members of the exploration team, stayed in the hotel, under the protection of the Egyptian military police and security personnel, safe and sound!

In order to ensure the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team and ensure the smooth progress of the exploration operation in the Siwa Oasis, the Egyptian government deployed a lot of military police with live ammunition here to maintain order on the streets.

Siwa Oasis has been an important military town in Egypt since ancient times. There is an Egyptian military camp not far from the city. Even so, it did not prevent a large number of Libyan militants from gathering here!

While maintaining order, the Egyptian police also separated the spectators and the local residents of Siwa Oasis from the tripartite joint exploration team for safety!

Even so, walking on the streets of Siwa Oasis, Ye Tian could still feel malice and hatred coming from all directions, as well as countless greedy eyes.

A considerable part of the peeping and malicious gazes came from both sides of the street and those khaki buildings on a slightly higher ground in the distance.

In those simple and dim windows, a pair of eyes full of malice and hatred were staring closely at the tripartite joint exploration team passing by on the street.

Of course, Ye Tian was well aware of the situation in these khaki buildings, and he also clearly saw those Libyan militants hiding in different buildings with AK47s!

Fortunately, those militants didn't seem to plan to launch an attack immediately, but just hid in the dark and stared at the three-party joint exploration team, so the two sides are safe and sound!

The local men on the street who were driving donkey carts and carrying four wives with extremely tight packages also looked at the tripartite joint exploration team with a bad eye!

After walking not far, Ye Tian whispered through the invisible wireless earphone:

"Matisse, let the guys be vigilant and ready to go into battle at any time, find a concealed opportunity to release the beetle drone, and scout these khaki buildings on both sides of the street.

Walking on this street, I felt a surge of malice, many of which came from the khaki houses on both sides of the street. There must be many militants hidden in those buildings.

In the distance, those buildings on a slightly higher terrain that overlook this street should also be explored. This street is the only way we must pass to and from the hotel.

The situation here must be mastered.

Tell the guys that once there is a firefight, everyone should immediately lean towards the buildings on the side of the street, don't stand in the center of the street and become a target for others, especially remember to avoid the attack of the other side's snipers.

When dodging, make sure that there is something within 100 meters that can block the sight from a distance or from a high place, so that the opponent's sniper cannot attack, and you can guarantee not to be sniped!

Enemies within a range of 100 meters, we will deal with them ourselves. The principle of firefighting remains the same as before. Never fire the first shot. We must occupy the position of legitimate defense. Once we fire, we will be merciless! "

After the words fell, Matisse responded immediately.

"Understood, Steven, let's scout these khaki buildings on both sides of the street, and remind the guys to be vigilant and ready to fight at any time.

Several sniper teams have already spread out and headed to Undead Mountain and the surrounding commanding heights. I believe they will soon occupy a favorable position and provide support! "

Next, Matisse began to arrange secretly, and everyone became more vigilant.

After walking forward not far, when turning a street corner, two beetle drones were released silently, and then stuck to the ground, flying towards the two khaki buildings on both sides of the street.

The two beetle drones are controlled by the two security personnel who stayed at the hotel. Once they find something, they will report the situation to Ye Tian and Mathis as soon as possible.

After a while, the two beetle drones discovered something.

In a simple residential building on the street, several Libyan militants holding AK47 assault rifles were hidden, hiding in the darkness and staring at the tripartite joint exploration team walking through the street outside!

And all of this is exactly the same as what Ye Tian saw before!

Although these Libyan militants were discovered, Ye Tian did not ask his subordinates to inform the Egyptian police of the situation because the other party had no intention of doing anything for the time being.

Once the Egyptian police know these circumstances, they will be in a difficult situation. Once they launch an operation to encircle and suppress these Libyan militants, a battle will immediately start!

At that time, the Siwa Oasis will become a battlefield, and the exploration operations of the tripartite joint exploration team here will have to stop, or even be forced to withdraw from the oasis.

This situation is obviously not what Ye Tian wants to see!

In this way, the enemy does not move and I do not move. The two sides maintain a very delicate balance. No one has taken the initiative to break this balance, at least not yet!

After walking for more than ten minutes, passing through winding streets and alleys, and walking up a series of stairs, Ye Tian and the others finally came to the commanding height of Siwa Oasis, Undead Mountain.

The Mountain of the Dead, also known as the Mountain of the Dead.

As the name suggests, this mountain is a huge cemetery. After the death of the locals in Siwa Oasis, they will be buried on this mountain, so the mountain is full of graves!

In addition to the ancient tombs full of secrets, there are also some tombs built during the 26th Dynasty of ancient Egypt on the Mountain of the Dead. Some of the tombs are also engraved with exquisite murals and texts, which are of high research value.

In addition, there are temples of the ancient Egyptian god Amon and an Athens temple built in 550 BC.

After thousands of years, under the erosion and sharpening of time and wind and sand, these historical buildings on Undead Mountain have long been turned into pieces of ruins, leaving only one side of high or low khaki walls still standing stubbornly Go!

The countless tombs buried here throughout the ages have long since collapsed, and many of the tombs are left with only a single tomb hole or tomb passage, and the corpses buried inside have long been turned into piles of loess!

A long time ago, people living in Siwa Oasis stopped burying their dead here, because there was no open space here, and even a redundant tomb could not be buried!

On the other side of the Undead Mountain is the ancient city of Siwa Oasis, also called the ancient city of Shali, which was built in the thirteenth century.

The oldest building in the ancient city can be traced back to the sixth century BC. The oracle of the twenty-sixth dynasty of ancient Egypt is located in the northwest corner of the ancient city!

In that ancient city, time seems to have frozen, and everything seems to be still in the middle ages!

Arriving at the foot of the Undead Mountain, Ye Tian and the others did not climb the mountain immediately, but stopped at the foot of the mountain, raised their heads and looked up at this hill full of death, which had been eroded by wind and sand and was riddled with holes!

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