Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2956 The Unknown Pyramid

The night is as cool as water!

Compared with the daytime, the Sahara Desert at night seems to be another world, with cool breeze blowing, and the surroundings are silent, except for the rustling sound of the wind blowing across the ground, there is no other sound.

Looking up, the night sky over the Sahara Desert looks particularly deep, vast, and boundless. The waning moon and dots of stars in the sky sprinkle the cool light all over the desert.

In this desert, the temperature is as high as 50 or 60 degrees during the day, but at night, it quickly drops below 20 degrees, and everyone even needs to wear a coat to keep out the cold.

After a day of trekking in the desert, everyone felt very tired. After dinner, they basically returned to their respective tents to rest in order to recover their spirit and physical strength and prepare for tomorrow's challenge.

Only Ye Tian and the others were still sitting by the bonfire, discussing the exploration operations that would be launched tomorrow, and each used their imaginations to guess that there were priceless treasures hidden in Rommel's treasure!

On several hills around the campsite, a desert all-terrain vehicle was parked respectively, and two heavily armed security guards were sitting in each vehicle, closely watching the movement in the surrounding desert.

The more than 120 camels were placed in the downwind of the joint exploration team's camp, and they had already rested on the ground, snorting a few times from time to time!

But in the surrounding desert, there is no breath of life, it is completely a sea of ​​death!

Only this camp is like an isolated island of life hanging in the sea of ​​death!

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the temperature is getting lower and lower!

Ye Tian, ​​Ahmed and the others gathered around the bonfire also dispersed one after another and returned to their respective tents, ready to rest!

The bonfire that was still burning before was slowly extinguished, and only some emergency lights were still on in the campsite to provide lighting!

At this time, if someone walked into this campsite, they would hear waves of snoring and snoring, one after another, endlessly!

Just when Ye Tian and the others fell asleep, in the opposite direction, in the depths of the desert near the Libyan border, a group of guys who came for Rommel's treasure looked around blankly in the dark, eyes full of fear and despair!

In a bunker not far away, the three off-road vehicles they drove were lying down. Not only were they out of gasoline, but one of them was overturned on the ground.

Most of the fresh water carried on the off-road vehicle also leaked when it overturned, leaving only a small part!

These guys get out of the car, climb up the dunes on all hands and feet, and look around!

It's a pity that all they see is darkness, and the boundless yellow sand, as well as despair and death!

"What the hell, where are we? There's no cell phone signal, GPS doesn't work, and the car is out of gas. Are we going to be stuck dead in this desert?"

A black man took out his mobile phone and looked at it, then threw the mobile phone on the sand, his face full of frustration and despair!

The other guy standing next to him looked to the west. Even though there was only endless darkness and yellow sand over there, he seemed to see some hope.

"Judging from the direction we are going, we should not be far from the Libyan border. Maybe we have already entered Libyan territory. As far as the current situation is concerned, we can only continue to move forward.

See if you can get out of this desert!

As long as we can get out of this desert, even if we enter the war-torn Libya, we have great hope of surviving! In the absence of a car and lack of fresh water, if you return along the original road, there is only a dead end! "

Next, the group of guys discussed which direction they should go and escape from this sea of ​​death!

As they spoke, these guys full of despair and fear started arguing, then fisted and kicked each other, and started fighting each other, and then fell to the ground together, hugging and rolling down the sand dune!

Fortunately, these guys didn't pull out their guns and shoot each other. In that case, they wouldn't have to discuss how to escape this sea of ​​death, just kill each other!

After a lot of quarreling and fighting, these bruised and swollen guys finally reached an agreement to go west into Libya and see if they could escape!

At this moment, how could they care about Rommel's treasure, survival is the most important thing!

Soon, these guys unloaded the supplies and equipment loaded on the three off-road vehicles, especially the small amount of food and fresh water, which was the top priority.

They evenly distributed all the supplies according to the number of people, put the distributed supplies into their respective backpacks, and then set off with the backpacks on their backs, and quickly disappeared into the darkness!

These guys understand that they can go a little longer and save energy when the night is cooler!

If it was a scorching hot day, they would walk with backpacks in the Sahara desert, and they would probably walk less than 20 kilometers. Each of them would be exhausted, and heat stroke and dehydration were almost inevitable!

Once that kind of situation happens, it will definitely be called every day should not be done, and the earth will not work! No one can save them.

As for the companions around you, it would be great if you don't throw yourself into trouble and snatch your own food and fresh water!

Unfortunately, they also overlooked a very important point!

This is the Sahara Desert, that’s right, it’s also the border area between Egypt and Libya, and Libya is always in war and turmoil. How can the border be safe?

Not to mention anything else, just to prevent the influx of Libyan refugees, the Egyptian government and military will not make any arrangements!


A dazzling fire flashed in the darkness, and then there was a huge explosion.

Immediately afterwards, there was another extremely shrill scream from a distance, spreading far away in the darkness!

That was the sound of landmines exploding. As for whether these landmines were buried by Egyptians, Libyan militants, or Germans or British during World War II? I don't know!

The same thing is happening in other places, the content and process are similar!


Nothing happened overnight.

At four o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian woke up on time and got out of his tent.

At this time, the sky is just slightly bright, the night has not yet dissipated, the temperature is still very low, and the surroundings are silent!

After coming out of the tent, Ye Tian quickly scanned the campsite and the surroundings, stretched himself, and then walked towards Mathis who also got up early.

Walking closer, he first asked about last night's situation to see if anything happened.

Fortunately, everything is normal, it was a very peaceful night!

Then, he pointed to the tents in the Ibusuki camp.

"Matisse, send someone to wake everyone up, wash up and set off immediately, and try to get to the place where Rommel's treasure is buried before the weather gets hot.

We have a lot of things to do today, we have to face many challenges and tests, and we have to compete with the famous desert fox Rommel across time and space! "

"Okay, Steven, we're going to wake everyone up"

Matisse nodded in response, and then led a few security team members to urge everyone to get up.

As they started their operations, those joint exploration team members who were still sleeping were woken up one after another, and they could only leave their sleeping bags and get out of their respective tents.

Afterwards, the entire campsite was busy, and people shouted and hissed camels. It was so lively!

When the time came to a quarter past five, everyone packed up and set off again, continuing to go deep into the Sahara Desert to find the legendary treasure of Rommel!

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, when the temperature in the desert just warmed up, everyone had arrived at their destination.

The joint exploration team stopped on a gentle hill and looked at another sand dune about 30 to 40 meters high in the distance. Everyone's eyes were full of excitement.

Ye Tian glanced at the people around him, then pointed to the hill in the distance, and said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, after a day and night of trekking, we have arrived at our destination. The legendary treasure of Rommel is buried under the hill in the distance!"

Before the words fell, there was a burst of excited cheers on the scene, resounding through the entire desert!

An Egyptian archaeologist standing not far from the side said doubtfully:

"Steven, are you sure that Rommel's treasure is buried under that sand dune? You know, the sand dunes in the Sahara Desert can move!

After seventy long years, the original sand dunes may have been smoothed out by wind and sand, or moved to other places. This possibility is very high! "

Ye Tian turned to look at the Egyptian archaeologist, and said with a confident smile:

"Of course I know that the sand dunes in the Sahara desert move, but this dune is an exception! This dune has been standing here throughout the ages and has never moved!

Because under this sand dune, there is a pyramid that has never been known. This is the real reason why Rommel chose to bury the treasure here! "

Before the words fell, the scene had already exploded!

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