Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2957 the trap under the yellow sand

"On the treasure map left by Rommel, it is very clear that this part of the treasure is buried in a relatively low pyramid, and will not lose reference due to changes in the desert terrain.

This ancient pyramid, which was completely buried in yellow sand, is different from those tall pyramids, such as the Pyramid of Khufu. This pyramid was destroyed in ancient times, and the spire on it was smashed!

In other words, it turned into a flat-topped pyramid, so it was buried by yellow sand, which also made it a perfect treasure chest, which was used by Rommel, the desert fox,..."

Ye Tian introduced the situation to Ahmed and the others. Of course, some spring and autumn brushwork was used in it, and some important information was hidden!

Following his introduction, there were constant exclamations at the scene, and everyone was shocked by this unexpected discovery.

Especially those historians and archaeologists from Egypt and the United States, as well as the Vatican and Israel, all of them were extremely excited, their eyes were shining brightly, and they were about to dance!

How could they have imagined that they came here for the legendary Rommel treasure, but who would have thought that this treasure was actually hidden in an unknown pyramid? This is really a huge surprise!

And behind them, many joint team members and security team members are busy, preparing for the upcoming exploration operation!

The 120 batches of camels have been led to the end of the team and separated from the joint exploration team to ensure safety!

When clearing the traps in this desert later, it is bound to detonate many landmines planted by the Germans during World War II, so the camels should be pulled to the rear to prevent them from being frightened and trigger a chain reaction!

Members of the joint exploration team and those experts and scholars will also withdraw a certain distance later for safety!

The task of cleaning up this desert can only be done by Ye Tian's armed security team and those Israeli agents and commandos.

As for those Egyptian military police, Ye Tian still can't believe it!

It didn't take long for everyone to be ready.

Afterwards, those Egyptian officials and many experts and scholars surrounding Ye Tian retreated to the rear together with the brigade!

Instead, it was Mattis and the others, as well as several Mossad agents and commandos.

And Matisse and the others are holding several pulse metal detectors and two crawler demining robots, ready to detect the mines buried under the yellow sand, as well as other deadly weapons and traps.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys and the pulse metal detectors in their hands, and then issued an order to act.

"Guys, going down this hill, you will enter a minefield laid by the Germans during World War II. You need to explore and open up a safe passage to the bottom of the flat-topped pyramid in the distance.

Although the mines and other traps placed here have a history of more than 70 years, they are still very deadly due to the abnormally dry climate of the Sahara, and they are all buried under the sand, which is also very hidden!

What you have to do is to find the landmines buried under the yellow sand, and then detonate them one by one. As for other traps, such as flap traps and quicksand traps, you must find and dismantle them as much as possible.

When detonating landmines and dismantling traps,

Be sure to pay attention to safety, you'd better use a demining robot, you can also use a rope to detonate, or a grenade to detonate, or even take an all-terrain vehicle!

With the technical and tactical level of German soldiers during World War II, it is difficult for the mines and traps they set up to escape the scanning of pulse metal detectors, unless those traps are set at a depth of more than seven meters underground!

In that case, we don't need to work hard to dismantle those mines and traps. Even if our brigade walks over those mines and traps, the attack will not be triggered, but it will save a lot of trouble! "

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, we will definitely open up a safe passage for everyone"

Matisse nodded, and the others nodded too.

After a few more discussions, Matisse and the others set off with a pulse metal detector and a demining robot, and walked down the dunes, exploring as they walked!

After only walking more than 20 meters, they found something. It was a landmine buried under the yellow sand, only a dozen centimeters above the ground!


Hearing the melodious beep from the pulse metal detector, everyone standing on the sand dune gasped except Ye Tian, ​​feeling terrified!

Everyone knows very well what this means!

If you had walked more than 20 meters forward just now, you would have stepped on the landmine planted during World War II. As you can imagine, the result is likely to cause a lot of casualties!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at Ye Tian, ​​once again they were deeply moved by the good luck and magic, and they were so envious!

Ye Tian looked at the location of the landmine, and then said loudly:

"Everyone retreat another 30 meters, and then lie down on the ground according to the order, so as not to be injured by the shrapnel flying from the mine. Mattis and the others are going to detonate the mine!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people standing on the sand dune immediately retreated like a tide!

Matisse and the others who found the mine, after confirming the location and depth of the mine, retreated back more than ten meters, and then manipulated a crawler demining robot to go forward to dismantle the mine!

Soon, the crawler robot came to the location of the landmine and began to push away the yellow sand covering the landmine little by little.

Moments later, the World War II mine was revealed.

Walker, who controls the crawler robot, immediately gave the answer.

"This is a famous anti-personnel landmine, SMI35, which was most commonly used by the German army during World War II. It is basically well preserved, and there should be no problem with it being triggered and detonated!"

Following his introduction, there was an exclamation immediately on the sand dunes.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian's voice came from the sand dunes.

"Then detonate, everyone be careful"

Next, Mattis and Walker set about detonating the German anti-personnel mine.

After a while, they were ready.

After making sure that everyone was far enough away from the anti-personnel mine and hid in the dug bunker, there was no problem with safety, so Mattis detonated the mine by remote control himself!


Accompanied by a loud noise, the German anti-personnel landmine with a history of more than 70 years was finally detonated after a long sleep.

All of a sudden, the sky was full of sand and dust, and countless fragments of landmines roared out, shooting in all directions, bringing out bursts of breaking wind in the air!

Fortunately, everyone has been hidden, and these fragments of landmines flying around did not cause any harm!

After a while, when the sand and dust fell, everyone came out of their hiding places!

At this time, there seemed to be a sand pit with a diameter of more than one meter and a depth of about 50 centimeters in the sandy land under the hill!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.

The power of this German-style landmine is really not small. If people step on it, they will surely die!

Standing on the sand dune, Ahmed, several other Egyptian officials, and the leader of the Egyptian military and police, saw the bunker below, and their faces changed for a moment, becoming very ugly!

Fortunately, people like myself did not find this place before, otherwise, everyone would probably die here, and be killed by Rommel, who died more than 70 years ago!

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