Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2968 More than Rommel's Treasure

Hearing the voices of those experts and scholars on the walkie-talkie, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly, but he didn't step forward immediately, but thoroughly searched the area in front of the queen's tomb to prevent accidents!

Perhaps it was due to his confidence in the previous quicksand trap, or perhaps due to the rush of time, Rommel did not set up any mechanism traps at the entrance of the queen's tomb, and it was very safe here.

There is also such a possibility that the truly deadly mechanism trap is hidden in this queen's tomb, using the intruder's negligence caused by excitement to launch an attack.

After confirming that the door of the tomb was safe, Ye Tian motioned for Walker and another company employee to step forward and use the high-definition camera he carried with him to transmit the picture of the door of the tomb.

As Walker and the others stepped forward, there was another burst of excited cheers from the intercom!

While cheering endlessly, the historians, archaeologists, and paleographers who stayed outside the pyramid began to quickly analyze and translate what they saw.

"Steven, the ancient Egyptian woman in the mural directly above the door of the tomb is the queen of a pharaoh of the Hyksos dynasty. The crown she wears on her head is the best explanation.

Different from the crests of other dynasties in ancient Egypt, the Hyksos still retain part of the color of Asian civilization in many places because they came from Asia, and their crests have this feature.

Another point is that on the left side of the stone door of the queen's tomb, there seems to be a stone statue of Seth, the god of the desert, that is, the ancient Egyptian god with a jackal head and a human body holding the key of life in his hand.

Unlike the ancient Egyptians, the Hyksos chose the rebellious desert god Seth as their main god to worship. This alone can prove that this is the pyramid of the Pharaoh of the Hyksos dynasty! "

While listening to the analysis of these historians and archaeologists, Ye Tian had arrived at the door of the queen's tomb.

He carefully checked the ancient and heavy stone door, including the walls on both sides of the stone door and the upper and lower walls. After confirming that it was safe, he took out a towel and gently wiped off the dust on the stone door.

Following his movements, many ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and various patterns and murals engraved on this stone gate immediately appeared, more clearly than before!

These ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and patterns are all engraved in hieroglyphs, which are very neat and beautiful, but they give people a gloomy and weird feeling, which makes people very uncomfortable.

A moment later, the voice of an archaeologist came over the intercom.

"Steven, there are some very vicious curses engraved on this stone door, which means that if anyone disturbs the sleep of the ancient Egyptian queen, he will go to hell forever and suffer in hell!

In these ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and patterns, the name of the ancient Egyptian queen was not mentioned, nor was it mentioned that she was the wife of any pharaoh of the Hyksos dynasty. Some content still needs further research! "

"It doesn't matter, when we open this queen's tomb, the answer will be revealed."

Ye Tian said with a smile, obviously he didn't take those vicious curses from ancient Egypt seriously.

The other people who were on the scene, as well as the people outside the pyramid, were a little worried, and there was a bit of anxiety in their eyes!

Everyone has heard many mysterious stories about the curse of the pharaoh, and no one wants to be the one who is cursed.

I don't even want to die inexplicably because of this!

Next, Walker and the others took the pulse metal detector and scanned the queen's chamber through the stone gate.

As the detection coil of the metal detector was attached to the stone gate, there was a burst of melodious chirping at the scene, which was very moving!

Obviously, in this ancient queen's tomb, there are a lot of metal objects.

I just don't know whether these metal objects are the legendary Rommel's treasure, or the funeral objects of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh queen!

Regardless of the possibility, this is a very attractive treasure, and their discovery will definitely cause a huge sensation!

Of course, this sensational major archaeological discovery will also bring Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company an astronomical amount of wealth!

Ye Tian stepped forward to check the data on the pulse metal detector, analyzed it quickly, and checked the situation of the stone door of the tomb again, then said with a smile:

"It is absolutely certain that an astonishing treasure is hidden in the secret room of the ancient Egyptian queen, which may be the Rommel treasure we are looking for, or it may be the burial object of the ancient Egyptian queen.

Next, I'm going to open this queen's tomb. It has been closed for a long time, and it is a place where mummies are stored. There may be poisonous gas. Everyone wears a gas mask.

The situation in the tomb is unknown for the time being. There may be traps inside, which are triggered the moment the stone door is opened, and then attack. So everyone must avoid the front of the stone door!

After opening the stone gate, no matter what is hidden in the tomb, no matter how excited everyone is, they must restrain their emotions and refrain from dancing and celebrating, lest they be calculated by that old fox Rommel.

When we finish all the exploration work and get out of this ancient pyramid, there will be plenty of time to celebrate. You can celebrate however you want. The situation here is special, everyone must exercise restraint!

You don't have to worry about entering this queen's tomb, I will take people in first, check the situation inside, and remove any traps that may exist. After making sure it is safe, everyone will enter again! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do!"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, and everyone was full of expectations.

Next, everyone quickly checked their gas masks, and dodged to both sides, avoiding the front of Shimen.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Ye Tian stretched out his left hand and pressed it on a square stone on the left side of the stone gate. With his right hand, he picked up a heavy police shield and blocked it in front of him.

The stone he pressed happened to be engraved with the image of the desert god Seth, and the key of life in Seth's hand pointed to the ancient Egyptian queen engraved directly above the stone gate.

Ye Tian first tried to press in, but the stone didn't move at all, and the stone door didn't move at all.

Seeing this situation, he immediately increased his strength and pushed the stone down!

The next moment, the stone engraved with the god of the desert, Seth, was slowly pushed into the wall by him.


There was a piercing noise at the scene. In this ancient tomb located deep in the pyramid, it sounded somewhat scary!

Everyone held their breath, and so did the experts and scholars outside the pyramid. Everyone was closely watching Ye Tian's every move, and the stone gate of the queen's tomb!

After a harsh noise, the stone door finally moved, and a gap appeared on the left side of the stone door, and it opened wider and wider!

After pressing the stone into the wall for about five or six centimeters, Ye Tian stopped, and the ear-piercing noise disappeared, and the scene became quiet again!

However, the stone door of the queen's tomb has not been opened, and everyone still cannot see the situation in the tomb.

The tomb behind the stone gate was very quiet, there was no sound coming out, and no mechanism trap seemed to be triggered.

Ye Tian stood on the side of the stone gate for a while, then came to the stone gate, covered his whole body with a heavy police shield, and then slowly pushed open the ancient and thick stone gate, and opened the ancient queen's tomb!

When the stone door was staggered from the side wall, and when the bright light shone into the queen's tomb, a dazzling golden light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, making everyone dizzy!

Even the space outside the tomb is set off with splendor and splendor. The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns and murals carved on the walls seem to have been plated with a layer of gold!

Everyone except Ye Tian was stunned for an instant, staring at the resplendent tomb of the queen with their eyes full of madness!

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came out, waking everyone up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have finally found the fabled Rommel treasure, and not just the Rommel treasure!"

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