Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2969 The Brilliant Tomb

In this ancient queen's tomb, boxes of various sizes were piled up, dozens of them, large and small, piled up into hills.

With the help of the light projected into the secret room, it can be seen that those boxes are the most common crates in the army, and each box has a seal on it, and lines of German written in paint!

The most eye-catching thing is the Nacui swastika on those boxes!

Needless to say, the crates all came from the German Afrika Korps during World War II.

As for the things contained in these boxes, do you still have to ask, it is naturally the famous Rommel treasure!

Although these boxes have been hidden in the pyramid for more than seventy years, because this is a confined space, there is not much dust on the boxes, and the words and marks written on the boxes can be clearly seen.

It is not these boxes containing Rommel's treasure that shine brightly and turn everyone's eyes into gold, but other things in the queen's tomb!

In the center of the queen's tomb, there is a boxy coffin, just like a container, only slightly smaller.

Obviously, this is the inner and outer coffin of the ancient Egyptian queen, and it is only the outer coffin. The human-shaped coffin is inside the inner and outer coffin, which cannot be seen for the time being!

The outside of this coffin is covered with gold leaf, and it seems to be engraved with many ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns and patterns, as well as some murals!

There are also several statues in the tomb, including the goddess of life in ancient Egyptian mythology, the statue of Isis, and the statue of Nephthys, the patron saint of the dead, among others.

Then there are some pottery figurines, including humanoid pottery figurines, animal pottery figurines, and animal-headed pottery figurines with human bodies, as well as several exquisite and unusual alabaster jars, which should be used to hold the queen's internal organs.

In addition to these, there are many funerary objects in the tomb, such as small golden servants, animal statues, seats studded with gold and various gemstones, and so on.

Many of these funerary objects are made of gold, even if they are not made of gold, they are covered with gold leaf and various gemstones, or decorated with a large number of gold threads, which is extremely luxurious!

When the light shines into this queen's tomb, the light reflected from this tomb can be imagined how resplendent it is, and it can definitely dazzle people's eyes!

After being awakened by Ye Tian's words, everyone was about to cheer, but he stopped it in time!

Seeing the gesture, everyone immediately thought of what he said before opening the queen's tomb, and immediately nodded, controlling their emotions, but everyone was still excited, and their eyes were shining!

The exploration team members staying outside the pyramid, as well as many experts and scholars, don't have these concerns!

The first time they woke up, these guys celebrated with excitement, and the cheers resounded throughout the desert!

"My God! This queen's tomb is so luxurious, it can even be said to be extravagant. It can be said with certainty that this is definitely a great archaeological discovery that shocked the world!"

"Wow! The queen's tomb is already so luxurious. I can't even imagine what it would be like in the pharaoh's tomb. Is this a pharaoh's tomb comparable to Tutankhamun's treasure? That would be crazy!"

While these guys outside the pyramid were celebrating wildly, the inside of the pyramid gradually calmed down.

Everyone has controlled their emotions well, and there is no dancing guy.

Ye Tian scanned the scene, looked at those guys with shining eyes, and then said with a smile:

"Guys, please remember this moment. This is a moment that can be recorded in history. Everyone here should be proud of participating in such a great archaeological operation!"

The voice fell, and before Walker and the others could respond, he continued to say:

"To be honest, the situation in this queen's tomb was completely beyond my expectation. I never thought that this queen's tomb would be so luxurious and resplendent!

Before this joint exploration operation, I thought that the original things in this pyramid had been looted long ago. It may be the ancient Egyptians or the German army who looted here!

I thought that the reason why Rommel chose this ancient pyramid to hide the shocking wealth he plundered in North Africa was just because this pyramid was very secret, so it was regarded as a treasure house!

But who would have imagined that all the things in this ancient pyramid are there, and nothing is missing! Moreover, the funerary objects are so rich and of such high value, which is very rare in all Egyptian pyramids!

The legendary Rommel's treasure may not be as valuable as this pyramid. The defeated Rommel may have hidden the treasure here because he was reluctant to give up the pyramid.

He thought that he would be able to return to North Africa in the future and take away the shocking wealth he had collected along with the treasures in this pyramid. Unfortunately, he never returned to North Africa until he finally died! "

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene nodded and became more excited.

But those guys staying outside the pyramid are still cheering and celebrating, all of them are ecstatic.

After talking about his conjecture, Ye Tian came to the door of the tomb again, blocked himself with a heavy police shield, and began to check the situation in the tomb.

What he could see at this time were the original funerary objects in the queen's tomb, as well as the resplendent and resplendent queen's coffin in the center.

As for Rommel's treasures, they are all packed in crates, and you can't see anything, let alone know the value of those things in the boxes!

After checking the door for a while, and after confirming that there were no traps at the door, he asked his men to set up two strong lights at the door.

With the arrangement of these two strong lights, the tomb suddenly looked even more resplendent. Everyone was so shaken that they could hardly keep their eyes open, and it took a long time to get used to it.

Next, Ye Tian led Walker and another subordinate into the ancient queen's tomb, and began to investigate and eliminate potential safety hazards!

After a while, Walker and the others took out two MG42 machine guns, two large boxes of ammunition, and several grenades and landmines from the tomb.

Needless to say, these are all traps that Rommel sent people to set up in the tomb, but they did not escape Ye Tian's eyes, and he dismantled them all, leaving none behind.

As before, these machine guns and grenades, as well as land mines, were sent out of the pyramid and handed over to Mattis to deal with them!

It took nearly half an hour for Ye Tian and the others to complete the investigation of the queen's tomb, find and dismantle all the traps!

After confirming that it was completely safe, Ye Tian let the others enter the tomb. For safety's sake, everyone entered in batches!

Everyone who entered the queen's tomb was once again shocked by the situation in this tomb!

In this tomb, everyone saw more exquisite murals, more ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and various patterns carved on the walls, coffins, and various statues, and saw the ancient and splendid ancient Egypt. civilization.

Everyone also saw more funerary objects, many of which are priceless top-level antique cultural relics. If any one is taken out, it will cause quite a stir!

Through the German written on the outside of those crates, everyone was able to determine the general situation of Rommel's treasure!

Just like the legend, the gold and silver treasures and many antiques contained in those crates were looted by Rommel from all over North Africa. Every gold and silver treasure was stained with blood, and there was a complaint attached soul!

Ye Tian didn't ask his subordinates to pry open these boxes and check the gold and silver treasures in the boxes, it's not the right time yet!

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