Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2973 Pharaoh's Tomb

The door to the tomb of Pharaoh Apophis I was finally opened.

What appeared in front of everyone was a golden world, or a golden palace, but a palace belonging to the underworld!

When the bright lights shone into the pharaoh's tomb, a dazzling golden light immediately reflected from the inside, which was extremely dazzling, and reflected the area outside the tomb with gold and green splendor.

Fortunately, there were two black statues of Anubis, the god of death, across the door of the tomb, blocking part of the light, so everyone was not blinded by the golden light.

Whether it was Walker and the others inside the pyramid, or the experts, scholars and exploration team members outside the pyramid, they were all completely shocked by the situation in the pharaoh's tomb, without exception!

Even Ye Tian, ​​who had seen the interior of the pharaoh's tomb through perspective many times, was shocked when he actually saw the interior of the tomb!

The first thing you see is the huge golden coffin in the center of the tomb.

Compared with the golden coffin containing the queen's mummy, the golden coffin of Pharaoh Apophis I is bigger, more than double the size of the queen's coffin, and a little bigger than the golden coffin of Tutankhamun displayed in the National Museum of Egypt!

The outside of the pharaoh's coffin was covered with gold leaf, and under the illumination of the light, it radiated an incomparably bright light.

The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in hieroglyphs, various exquisite patterns, and many murals are engraved on the gold foil of unknown thickness. The contents of those murals seem to be related to sacrifice and death.

And on the front of this huge golden coffin is a statue of Osiris, the king of the underworld, with his hands crossed on his chest, a scepter in one hand and a flail in the other, guarding the pharaoh mummy in the coffin!

In addition, there are statues of ancient Egyptian gods on each of the four corners of the golden coffin.

Looking in from the door, you can see the statues of Seth, the god of the desert, and Horus, the patron saint of the pharaohs.

On the top of this golden coffin, there is a small animal statue at each of the four corners. The ones facing the door are the statues of the eagle god and the cobra god. The statues on the two corners inside are not clear for the time being!

Without exception, the statues of these ancient Egyptian gods all radiate bright golden light!

They are not made of gold, but are plated with a thick layer of gold on the outside, or covered with gold leaf, which looks like gold statues.

Even so, the gold consumed by these statues of ancient Egyptian gods is a very astonishing figure, which is enough to make countless people dumbfounded and crazy!

Since the main door of the coffin is closed, no one knows how many layers this huge golden coffin has, whether it is like Tutankhamun's golden coffin, with a total of eight layers inside and outside.

Judging only from the size of this golden coffin, the number of inner and outer coffins inside must not be less, and may even exceed Tutankhamun's golden coffin!

It is not known whether the human-shaped coffin in the innermost layer used to hold the mummy of Pharaoh Apophis I is a golden coffin, just like Tutankhamun's golden coffin.

Looking at this huge golden coffin, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

Those experts and scholars staying outside the pyramid fell into a state of near madness.

"My God! This is a pharaoh's coffin comparable to Tutankhamun's golden coffin,

Even bigger, more amazing, just incredible! "

"Wow! I have the feeling that the discovery of the Pharaoh Apophis I's Pyramid may be as significant as the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, one of the greatest archaeological finds ever!"

Compared with these experts and scholars who fell into madness, Ye Tian and the others, who had already woken up, showed more restraint, and everyone was trying their best to restrain their excitement.

The work of exploration has not been completed, it is not time to celebrate, and this is not a place to celebrate.

After calming down a little, Ye Tian looked at other places in the tomb.

On both sides of the huge golden coffin, there are many funerary objects of Pharaoh Apophis I, and most of them are gold products, or inlaid with a large amount of gold and gemstones of various colors, radiating bright light.

Among them are golden chariots, ancient Egyptian reclining chairs, extremely luxurious royal thrones, as well as various accessories studded with gold and gemstones, statues of guardians, a large number of golden dolls and animal statues, etc.

Then there is the Capinocchio coffin inlaid with a lot of gold, which was used to hold the internal organs of Pharaoh Apophis I, and some exquisite and creepy alabaster jars, as well as various other antiques and works of art.

In addition to the golden coffin of Pharaoh Apophis I and a large number of funerary objects, looking in from the door of the tomb, you can also see many crates, which are military supplies used by the German army in World War II. They are large and small, stacked into a hill.

Without exception, these dark green and black crates were all sealed, and some German was written in paint, the most conspicuous of which was naturally the swastika.

Compared with the situation in the queen's tomb, the number of crates that everyone can see at this time seems to be nearly half of the number in the queen's tomb!

However, no one thinks that the part of Rommel's treasure hidden in the pharaoh's tomb is less valuable than the part of the treasure hidden in the queen's tomb!

What is contained in these crates, whether it is gold and silver treasures, jewels and diamonds, or priceless top-level antiques and artworks, is temporarily unknown. Only when these crates are opened, can we really know the answer!

Because there are too many things in the tomb, and it is extremely dazzling, which seriously hinders everyone's sight, the situation in the deeper part of the tomb is still unclear for the time being!

But what is certain is that there must be a large number of priceless antiques and artworks hidden in those invisible places in the tomb, and there are more treasures hidden!

And the things that can be seen so far are enough to be jaw-dropping, enough to drive countless people crazy!

In fact, some people have fallen into madness, and it is those experts and scholars who stay outside the pyramid.

In front of the door of the pharaoh's tomb, Ye Tian asked four of his men to retreat, and he carried a heavy explosion-proof police shield to the edge of the door of the tomb, and looked into the tomb through the bulletproof glass window on the police shield.

From where he was, he could see more.

Passing through a gap between the golden coffin of Pharaoh Apophis I and those funerary objects, Ye Tian saw a thick leg behind the huge golden coffin.

To be precise, it was the right calf of a statue!

But who is that statue? Pharaoh Apophis I? Or the sun god Ra? Or the desert god Set? I don't know for the time being, and Ye Tian can't see it either!

After quickly scanning the situation in the tomb, Ye Tian left the door of the tomb without going in rashly.

After retreating to the two statues of Anubis, the god of death, he stopped, then turned his head and said:

"Walker, let the small drone go in, first investigate the situation in the tomb, and after getting a general idea of ​​the situation, I will go in and check the traps!"

"Okay, Steven"

Walker nodded in response, and then acted.

Soon, a small drone hovered and flew straight into the magnificent tomb of the pharaoh.

The next moment, the situation in the tomb of Pharaoh Apophis I was displayed on the monitoring screen, and the entire monitoring screen instantly turned golden!

When the small drone flew directly above the pharaoh's golden coffin, two huge stone statues suddenly broke into the shooting range of the high-definition camera!

That was the statue of Pharaoh Apophis I and his queen. They sat side by side in front of the wall behind the tomb, staring at the huge golden coffin in front of them and at the door of the tomb!

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