Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2974 Curse fulfilled?

It was evening, and the sky gradually darkened.

The desert, which had been quiet for several days, finally got windy. While blowing away the heat, it also rolled up waves of dust, making the entire sky a dark yellow.

In front of the Pyramid of Apophis I, many experts, scholars and joint exploration team members are looking at the main entrance of the pyramid. Everyone is extremely excited and full of expectations!

Finally, the first joint exploration team member walked out of the gate of this ancient pyramid and appeared within everyone's field of vision.

This guy is like a general returning in triumph. As soon as he came out, he raised his hands high and cheered loudly, as if he had been suppressed for a long time!

Not only him, but also the other exploration team members who came out after him, one by one, as soon as they walked out of this ancient pyramid, they would immediately cheer loudly, and everyone was almost crazy with excitement.

However, apart from the exploration equipment, weapons and ammunition that they had before, each of them had nothing in their hands and bodies, not even a grain of gold sand!

In other words, although the legendary Rommel treasure and a large number of priceless funeral objects were buried in the pyramid of Pharaoh Apophis I, they did not bring out any of them!

The reason is that it is not yet time, and we cannot leave any excuses for the Egyptians to make mistakes because of small losses!

Those guys waiting at the entrance of the pyramid gave the warmest applause and cheers to these joint exploration team members and security team members who returned triumphantly!

Every time one comes out of the pyramid, they will send applause and cheers, and each time the sound is louder and more passionate!

For a moment, applause and cheers in front of the pyramid continued, one after another, resounding throughout the entire desert!

It was Ye Tian who finally walked out of the Apophis I pyramid.

"Guys, we made it, let's celebrate!"

Like other joint exploration team members before, he walked out of the pyramid gate safely, raised his hands high, cheered loudly, and enjoyed the joy of success to his heart's content.

Looking at him standing on the steps in front of the pyramid, between two huge statues of Anubis, the god of death, with his hands raised high, everyone at the scene was extremely envious and admired, and many of them were so jealous that their eyes were red!

Many people even have such an illusion!

Steven, this guy can't be really a god, can he? Why can he always create miracles that are unimaginable and crazy enough!

Before the cheers on the scene fell, a hurried shout came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, something is wrong. The sandstorm is coming, and it is very violent. It is sweeping from the west, and it will arrive here in fifteen minutes at most!"

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing at the entrance of the pyramid, and everyone else in front of the pyramid, all turned their heads to look west!

The next moment, everyone saw a huge sand wall covering the sky and the sun, rolling in from the west, with a menacing momentum, like ten thousand horses galloping!

In the blink of an eye, this sand wall completely devoured the afterglow of the setting sun, turning the entire sky into a khaki color!

Although the huge sand wall is still far away, everyone feels a kind of huge pressure coming to them.

I also felt a burst of fear!

This is the power of nature. Compared with it, human beings are too small, like a speck of dust!

"I'm going! Could it be that the curse of Pharaoh Apophis I has come true? This is too fast, revenge will not last overnight!"

Ye Tian exclaimed exaggeratedly, and made a joke.

Compared with him, others are not so relaxed!

Everyone unanimously thought of the vicious curses they saw just now, and thought of those people who died tragically because they discovered and opened the pyramids and disturbed the sleep of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Everyone felt shuddering!

While the discovery of the Pyramid of Apophis I was a cause for celebration and one of the greatest archaeological endeavors, it is an honor for everyone to be part of an archaeological effort of this magnitude and a great discovery!

But to pay with one's life for this great archaeological discovery, that's another story!

Thinking of this, everyone panicked.

Many people showed fear on their faces, and even wanted to escape here immediately, the farther away from this pyramid full of vicious curses, the better!

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly:

"Guys, according to the plan we made in advance, prepare to resist the attack of sandstorm"

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us!"

Many security team members responded in unison, and acted quickly!

Ye Tian didn't stop, and continued to shout through the walkie-talkie.

"Everyone in the joint exploration team is paying attention. We must obey the command of the security personnel, concentrate on resisting the sandstorm, and don't run around. I believe we will survive the attack of this sandstorm!

There are still many mines and bombs around this pyramid that have not been cleared. Once you run around, you are likely to break into the minefield. In addition to this huge sandstorm, even God will not be able to save you!

As long as everyone obeys the command and works together, nothing can defeat us! Even Pharaoh Apophis I, who has been dead for more than 3,000 years, can’t do it, all his vicious curses, go to hell.”

Looking at Ye Tian who was standing in front of the pyramid gate and shouting against the wind and sand, many people were a little dazed!

Steven this guy is a god! His image is even taller and more invincible than the two statues of Anubis, the god of death!

After finishing the agitation, Ye Tian immediately instructed several exploration team members around him to close the gate of the Apophis I Pyramid!

He didn't want to see the inside of this pyramid filled with yellow sand. In that case, if he wanted to dig out Rommel's treasure or the treasure of Pharaoh Apophis I, he didn't know when it would be!

The longer the time dragged on, the worse it was for him.

After all, this place is in Egypt, and it is deep in the Sahara. It is impossible for him to stay in Egypt and the desert all the time. However, the Egyptian government has taken advantage of the right time, place, people and various advantages, and may turn against him at any time!

As for leading everyone into this pyramid to escape the sandstorm, he never even thought about it.

In that case, the pyramid of Pharaoh Apophis I may become his pyramid. Of course such a stupid thing cannot be done!

Soon, everyone closed the gate of this ancient pyramid again.

Afterwards, Ye Tian quickly left the main entrance of the pyramid with several joint exploration team members, and walked towards Matisse and the others against the wind and sand.

Considering the height of the two gods of death Anubis, if they fall down, they may hit people and cause huge casualties.

Matisse and the others set up a position to defend against the sandstorm attack about 30 meters away from the pyramid.

Using several sand dunes and sand pits dug out during mine clearance, plus dozens of camels and a few desert all-terrain vehicles, Matisse and the others quickly set up a defensive position!

Since this defensive position is very close to the pyramid, the unique shape of the pyramid can greatly reduce the power of the sandstorm and divert the sandstorm to both sides, so that everyone will face less pressure and danger!

While everyone was actively taking action to prepare for this rare sandstorm attack, those joint exploration team members and security personnel who stayed in the rear camp were doing the same thing.

They are better prepared and a little less stressed.

As early as when the joint exploration team set up the camp there, they considered the possibility of being attacked by sandstorms and made corresponding preparations, and now it is just in time to use it!

After arriving at the defensive position led by Matisse, Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene.

After confirming that there was no problem, he put on the gas mask and goggles, covered his head with a cloth, and sat down next to a camel, holding tightly to a girth of the camel with his left hand!

Soon, the huge sand wall that covered the sky and the sun came over, and the sky turned black in an instant, and you couldn't see your fingers!

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