Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2975 nightmarish experience

A huge sandstorm covered the whole world, rolling up the yellow sand all over the sky, turning the whole world into a khaki, a world of yellow sand.

In the raging storm, everyone in the joint exploration team was struggling.

Everyone either hid behind the camels, or hid behind the all-terrain vehicle half buried in the sand, holding on to everything around them, desperately resisting the blowing of the wind and sand.

The sand blown up by the strong wind, like shotgun bullets, kept hitting everyone's bodies and faces, making everyone stumble and complain endlessly!

What's even more hateful is that this kind of blow is endless, and it seems that everyone will be completely torn apart before they are willing to give up!

Fortunately, what attacked everyone was sand, not the kind of stones on the Gobi Desert. It was not so deadly, and everyone could bear it.

The camels who were also attacked by the sandstorm buried their heads deeply in their bodies, and let the sandstorm rage, I am different!

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting next to a camel, held the camel's girth tightly with his left hand, but his feet had already been inserted into the sand, firmly planted on the ground, no matter how big the storm was, he couldn't let him move an inch.


Amidst the howling wind, there was a huge explosion sound suddenly, and the explosion point seemed to be not far from here.

Apparently, the mines or bombs that the Germans planted around the pyramid were detonated.

The person who detonated this landmine or bomb may be a person, or it may be a sandstorm.

Before the sound of the explosion fell, Ye Tian shouted through the walkie-talkie:

"Matisse, and other guys, those who are optimistic about us, no one can move around, let alone run around. If other people don't listen to the advice, they don't need to stop them!"

In such a terrifying sandstorm, Ye Tian's voice could not be heard at all, and was swallowed up by the dust in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, there is a walkie-talkie, and everyone is wearing earphones, and they can still hear it.

"Understood, Steven, our people didn't run around. It should be a sandstorm that detonated the landmine just now!"

Mattis' voice came over the intercom, screaming an explanation of the situation.

After that, there was no other sound at the scene, only the huge whistling sound of the raging wind, which sounded quite terrifying!

The ancient pyramid not far ahead, as well as the two statues of Anubis, the god of death in front of the pyramid, stood still, not afraid of this terrifying sandstorm at all!

In the past thousands of years, they have seen countless sandstorms of this scale, and many more terrifying ones, but no sandstorm can destroy them!

The strong wind was still raging crazily, and the yellow sand covered the sky, as if it wanted to bury everything!

Everyone surrounded by the sky full of yellow sand is struggling to survive and suffering desperately. Every second passes like a century!

In this way, everyone counted and suffered second by second, and finally ushered in the dawn.

Ten or twenty minutes passed, and the terrifying sandstorm finally became smaller and smaller, or it gradually left here and swept away to other places.

After a while, the sandstorm gradually subsided,

The wind is getting weaker and weaker.

Ye Tian, ​​who was half buried by the yellow sand, tried his best to pull himself out of the sand, then shook off the yellow sand all over his head, face and body, and then shouted loudly:

"Guys, immediately count the number of people. If anyone is found to be injured, start treatment immediately. If someone is missing, first search the place to see if it was buried by the sandstorm, and then search around!"

Others also stood up one after another, slapping the sand on their bodies. Everyone looked like they were in lingering fear, feeling a little bit like a disaster, and their eyes were full of fear!

Following Ye Tian's order, everyone immediately took action, looking at the other people around them to see if someone had disappeared, so as to search and rescue.

During this process, the dozens of camels also stood up from the sand, shaking their bodies, trying to shake off the yellow sand from their bodies.

Their ability to stand up means that this terrifying sandstorm has completely passed, and there will be no second wave of attacks!

The wind at the scene was getting weaker and weaker. Those sand particles floating in the air were either blown away by the wind or slowly fell to the ground, but there was still a strong earthy smell in the air!

The sky, which was originally a yellowish yellow and where you couldn't see your fingers, quickly cleared up, and it seemed to be cleaner and more transparent than before the sandstorm hit!

The moon has risen and hangs in the distant sky, sprinkling the cold moonlight on this desert, and the few stars are constantly twinkling in the sky.

Seeing this beautiful scene, everyone couldn't help being stunned!

Could it be that the horrible sandstorm just now was just a nightmare, this is the real world?

However, when everyone lowered their heads to look at themselves in a state of embarrassment, their companions in the same embarrassment, and the gate of the Pharaoh Pharaoh Apophis I, which was half buried by yellow sand not far away, they immediately understood that the nightmare just now was extremely real !

Thinking of this, everyone can't help feeling like they've narrowly escaped death!

The work of counting the number of people went smoothly, and the work of treating the wounded has started simultaneously!

"Steven, everyone is here, and there is no one missing. Several exploration team members were injured, but the injuries are not serious. They are all skin trauma. Treatment has already begun.

During the sandstorm attack, some exploration equipment was damaged, and some equipment and supplies were lost, but the loss was not large, and it should not affect the next exploration operation! "

Mathis came to the front and reported the situation to Ye Tian.

While there were some losses, no one was missing or killed.

For this result, Ye Tian was very satisfied, it was even a bit beyond his expectation.

However, the news from the campsite was not very good.

"Steven, all of us are here. Although some people were injured, there is nothing serious and will not affect the next operation. Two Egyptian exploration team members and an Egyptian military police are missing.

At the same time, two camels, as well as some food and fresh water, disappeared. If the expectations were good, they should have been taken away by those guys. Those Egyptians ran away under the cover of the sandstorm!

I just asked everyone on the campsite, and an Egyptian expedition team member said that when the sandstorm became smaller, those guys seemed to have fled to the northwest on camels! "

Cole reported the situation at the campsite, which was obviously not good news.

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian's face immediately turned cold, and then he turned to look at Ahmed who was standing aside.

At this time, Ahmed's face was completely dark, his expression was extremely embarrassing, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Ahmed, these three escaped Egyptians are obviously someone else or other force's eyeliner in the joint exploration team. They didn't have the opportunity to report the news before, but this sandstorm gave them a chance to escape!"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Before the words fell, Ahmed said through gritted teeth:

"It doesn't matter. The sandstorm has just passed, and those bastards haven't run far. If we send people to chase them now, we should be able to catch up with those bastards and prevent them from leaking the news of this great archaeological discovery!"

Ye Tian took a deep look at Ahmed, then smiled and asked:

"Those guys really have nothing to do with you, aren't they yours?"

"Of course not my people. When forming this Egyptian exploration team, many departments have put people in, and it is inevitable that good and evil will be mixed!"

Ahmed flatly denied it.

"It's fine if it's not yours, don't worry about those idiots, they can't escape the Sahara Desert!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, his tone was very sure.


There was an exclamation at the scene, and everyone was stunned!

Those idiots can't escape the Sahara? What do you mean by that?

Could it be that Steven has deployed a lot of people in this desert, just to stop anyone who wants to go out to report the news?

Thinking of this, many people at the scene immediately turned their heads and looked around.

But all they saw was endless yellow sand, and they didn't find a single figure!

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