Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2976 Unpacking the Blind Box Game

"What do you mean? Steven, why do you say that those guys can't escape the Sahara Desert? You know, they took two camels, as well as food and water, and it is still possible for them to escape. Is there someone you arranged in the desert?"

Ahmed asked in surprise.

This is also a matter of concern to everyone, and everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then gave the answer with a smile.

"The reason is actually very simple. They chose the wrong direction to escape. I know better than them what is in our northwest. Another point is that the satellite phone in their hands is a brick.

As early as when we entered this desert, we found those guys. It was their hidden satellite phones that exposed their identities. Who would carry a satellite phone in the general exploration team?

After the radio was silenced, I had my men secretly sabotage their satellite phones, because they didn't know that their satellite phones were completely useless because of the radio silence.

When they leave here, ride camels into the depths of the desert, take out satellite phones to contact the outside world, and try to find someone to answer them, they will find that they have embarked on a dead end!

At that time, they will be in a desperate situation where they will not be able to respond to the day and the land will not work. Only two camels, a small amount of food and fresh water are not enough to support them to escape the Sahara Desert! "


There was a gasp of air at the scene, and everyone was taken aback by Ye Tian's words.

A few guys with other thoughts in their hearts couldn't help shivering when they heard this, and they were terrified!

Have the things I carry with me, such as mobile phones, GPS, satellite phones, etc., been tampered with by Steven, a sinister and cunning guy?

If you want to play some tricks, such as secretly reporting the situation here to the outside world, you will probably die a miserable death!

Thinking of this, those guys immediately threw away all the thoughts they shouldn't have, and they didn't even dare to think about it!

Ahmed froze on the spot, staring at Ye Tian dumbfounded, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, and then left to check on the situation of the employees of his company, especially the wounded, to see how their injuries were.

After a few steps forward, David followed up and asked in a low voice:

"Steven, don't you really need to hunt down those Egyptians? What if they leak the situation here? I am afraid that countless people will rush into this desert to snatch these two huge treasures."

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said confidently:

"Don't worry, those three Egyptians have a dead end! Unless God really favors them, one of them escapes from the Sahara, or is rescued in time.

We came from the north and entered this desert from the southeast. According to common sense, those three idiots should be able to escape from the desert by fleeing to the northwest, but they forgot one thing.

After entering the depths of the desert, I took the joint exploration team around in the desert for two full days, turning countless times, and messed up the orientation. That was my goal!

in the northwest direction,

There is a real sea of ​​death, and even the Bedouins and Berbers dare not set foot there easily. How could the three Egyptians survive? "

"Whoa! You're so crafty!"

David sighed.

While speaking, they had come to the place where the company's employees gathered, and Ye Tian immediately began to check the situation of these guys.

As Mattis reported before, in this terrifying sandstorm, although some people were injured, they were only skin wounds, and they were treated and bandaged in time, so there was no major problem.

After watching these guys, Ye Tian, ​​Walker and the others rode desert all-terrain vehicles, returned to the campsite behind, and looked at the situation of the exploration team members who stayed there.

Like the guys in front of the pyramid, the guys who stayed behind are also doing well, except for a few who were slightly injured, the rest are fine, just a little frightened!

At this time, the desert has completely quieted down, and the cool breeze is blowing gently on the sand, making a rustling sound!

Other than that, there was silence all around, as if nothing had happened!

The many joint exploration team members who were initially shocked, got busy when they calmed down a little, and began to search for the equipment and materials buried in the yellow sand, and dig them out of the sand one by one!

The night is getting darker and darker, and the temperature is getting lower and lower, even a little chilly!

Several bonfires were lit in the campsite and in front of the pyramid, and several outdoor ovens were also set up. The sound of music, laughter, and the smell of delicious food filled the desert again!

The horrible sandstorm is gone, and everyone began to celebrate with peace of mind, celebrating today's series of great archaeological discoveries that are enough to shock the world!

Ye Tian and the others returned to the pyramid, and immediately joined the celebrating crowd, holding a delicious barbecue, standing by the bonfire, laughing and chatting with everyone!

"Guess everyone, how many layers are there in Apophis I's golden coffin? Is the human-shaped coffin containing the pharaoh's mummy also made of gold? Just like Tutankhamun's golden coffin!"

exclaimed an archaeologist at Columbia University, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Before the words fell, there was already a heated discussion at the scene.

"From the perspective of the size of the golden coffin of Apophis I, there are at least six layers inside and outside, but the possibility that the innermost human-shaped coffin is a gold coffin is very small. Among the many tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs that have been discovered, only one A golden coffin of Tutankhamun!"

"Regardless of whether the human-shaped coffin of Pharaoh Apophis I is made of gold or not, what we have discovered and seen today is no less than Tutankhamun's treasure!"

Just when everyone was discussing, Ahmed came to Ye Tian's side, and then pointed to the ancient pyramid not far behind.

"Steven, the huge sandstorm in the evening has buried part of the gate of the Pharaoh Apophis I's Pyramid. Shall we dig up the yellow sand overnight? In order to start the follow-up exploration operation!"

Ye Tian shook his head.

"Don't worry, Ahmed, everyone is very tired today, and with the horrible sandstorm just now, everyone needs a good night's rest to recover their spirit and physical strength, and calm down their emotions!

Tomorrow, let's dig up the yellow sand in front of the pyramid gate, start the next step of exploration, and send people into the pyramid's catacombs to see what we can find. Those yellow sands can just guard the pyramid tonight! "

"That's fine, I also want to ask, when do you plan to move the crates of Rommel's treasure out of the pyramid? How do you plan to distribute these two huge treasures?"

"When will Rommel's treasure be moved out of the pyramid? It's hard to say now, but what is certain is that I will have people move all those crates out the day after tomorrow at the latest!

As for how to distribute these two treasures, Ahmed, I wonder if you have heard of the blind box game? We can play a game of unpacking the blind box, each take a treasure, you choose first! "

"Ah! Open the blind box game? Did I hear correctly?"

Ahmed exclaimed, almost thinking he was hallucinating!

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