In the sky full of yellow sand, several medium-sized helicopters landed on the desert one after another.

The hatches of these helicopters opened only after the helicopter propellers stopped turning and the yellow sand fell!

Those who disembarked from several medium-sized helicopters were not only the employees of the Daring One Exploration Company, but also the cultural counselor of the US Embassy in Egypt and his assistants, as well as the Egyptian Minister of Culture and his party.

As soon as they stepped off the helicopter, these newcomers were shocked by the Pharaoh Apophis I Pyramid and the two huge statues of Anubis, the god of death. They were all stunned and stunned. ,

Seeing their performance, Ye Tian and the others all laughed.

Where is this? If they were allowed to see the numerous and dazzling pharaoh funerary objects in this ancient pyramid, as well as the equally astonishing Rommel's treasure, it is estimated that each of them would be petrified in an instant.

Especially the golden coffin of Pharaoh Apophis I and the golden coffin of the queen. Once these guys see it, they will definitely be crazy about it!

In addition to personnel, five medium-sized helicopters also brought in a large amount of supplies, mainly food and fresh water.

When many members of the joint exploration team saw the buckets of clear and transparent fresh water being continuously transported from several helicopters, everyone was very excited and even cheered directly.

As you all know, after a few days of hard work, you can finally take a bath, otherwise, everyone will be stinking to death from the smell of your body!

Those newcomers are still in a state of sluggishness, but Ye Tian and the others have come close.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Minister. Although I am not an Egyptian, I still want to say something. Welcome to the Sahara Desert. You are welcome to witness this great archaeological discovery!"

Following his words, these guys who had just arrived here finally came to their senses.

The next moment, the Egyptian Minister of Culture shook hands with Ye Tian and said excitedly:

"Good afternoon, Steven, long time no see, what you said is absolutely right, this is indeed a great archaeological discovery, who would have thought that there is such a magnificent pyramid buried deep in the Sahara.

What is even more unexpected is that the legendary treasure of Rommel is actually hidden in this ancient and magnificent pyramid. This is really a huge surprise. Please tell us about the situation here! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Minister. When we explored the Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I, we shot a video of the whole process. You can watch the video while listening to our explanation. It will be more specific and intuitive!"

Hearing this, the senior Egyptian government official nodded immediately.

"Okay, Steven, I can't wait to see those video materials, and I really want to know the real situation of this ancient pyramid!"

Next, Ye Tian shook hands with several others, welcoming them here.

When it was the turn of the cultural counselor of the US embassy in Egypt, when shaking hands, this guy specially emphasized one sentence.

"Steven, before I came here, Mr. Ambassador paid a special visit to the President of Egypt. During the meeting between the two parties, he expressed the hope that the interests of American companies in Egypt can be protected and respected.

It specifically mentions your brave and fearless exploration company, and mentions this joint exploration operation between your company and the Egyptian government! "

Hearing this, the faces of all the Egyptians at the scene changed, becoming very ugly, and everyone cursed secretly!

"These damn Yankees are so fucking greedy, especially Steven, the bastard!"

While cursing secretly, these Egyptians also knew in their hearts that Egypt could not escape the fate of being ransacked madly this time. When did this bastard, Steven, be soft-hearted and polite?

Fortunately, Egypt's harvest this time is also very huge, harvesting an astronomical amount of wealth, as well as countless priceless top antique cultural relics and works of art, as well as gold and silver treasures!

"Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for your concern. Our company and the Egyptian government have signed a joint exploration agreement. In that agreement, there are very clear regulations on the responsibilities, rights and benefits of both parties.

As a big country in the region, a country with a long history and a glorious ancient civilization, I believe that the Egyptian government will keep its promises and will not break the contract casually. I am quite relieved about this! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, singing along with the cultural counselor.

Hearing this, the Egyptians at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and felt very helpless!

If it were someone else or another company, the Egyptian government might turn their backs and directly tear up the joint exploration agreement, refusing to admit anything, and taking all these two shocking treasures into their pockets!

However, this time, the partner of the cooperation is the Bravery Exploration Company, and it is Steven, a greedy, but insidious and cunning guy, that is another matter!

Who can take advantage of this guy's hands? No one has ever heard of it, and the Egyptian government is naturally no exception!

After chatting for a few words, Ye Tian brought the Egyptian Minister of Culture and others to the camp in front of the pyramid, spread them out and sat down under several parasols!

This camp is facing the Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I, only 50 or 60 meters away. Sitting here and admiring this ancient pyramid, it feels very good and shocking!

I believe that not many people have experienced such an experience!

After sitting down, two company employees brought several IPADs and distributed them to the Egyptian Minister of Culture and others, asking them to watch the video materials of exploring the pyramid of Pharaoh Apophis I.

Of course, these video materials are all edited, otherwise they would have to sit here and watch all day.

At the same time, these video materials were also sent out to the Egyptian President's Office and the US Embassy in Egypt.

In the video materials sent out, there is also a video of Ye Tian standing in front of the pyramid, personally introducing this ancient pyramid and introducing these two shocking treasures!

He didn't just introduce, but more importantly, he proposed a new idea of ​​​​distributing these two shocking treasures. Let's make a quick cut, he is not in the mood to waste time with the Egyptians in this hellish desert!

As the video started to play, there were bursts of exclamation immediately, one after another, endlessly!

If they were just shocked by this ancient, unknown pyramid and the two huge statues of Anubis, the god of death, in front of the pyramid!

So now I am completely stunned by the situation in this ancient pyramid, and the degree of shock is more than ten times greater than before!

Especially when they saw the boxes of Rommel's treasures, the resplendent tomb of the queen, and the even more dazzling tomb of the pharaoh, each of them was instantly petrified!

It took a long time for these newcomers to wake up.

The next moment, as if they were electrocuted, they jumped up from their seats, hugged their heads and started to exclaim loudly!

Their behavior was completely within Ye Tian's expectations, and they were not surprised at all!

Not only these guys, the Egyptian President's Office hundreds of kilometers away, as well as the US Embassy in Egypt, are also performing the same scene!

Those guys in Cairo were even more exaggerated, and their exclamation was even louder!

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