Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2979 I want everything

It was already afternoon in a blink of an eye.

Ye Tian, ​​who took a bath and shaved off his beard, seemed to be reborn, his whole body was incomparably transparent, and he turned back into that young man who is facing the wind!

He is not the only one who feels this way.

Everyone in the joint exploration team, as long as they queue up and take a shower, feel a sense of happiness returning to the world!

Those guys who haven't had their turn to take a shower can only continue to line up outside several big tents, waiting helplessly.

After tidying up, Ye Tian took David and the others into a camping tent set up in the open space in front of the pyramid!

This tent is very big, about three meters high, it looks like a house, and it can accommodate more than a dozen people.

In this camping tent, there is a row of simple folding tables that serve as conference tables, and there are more than a dozen folding chairs, and there are two cameras on both sides of the conference table, and some satellite signal transmission equipment!

When Ye Tian and the others entered, the Egyptian Minister of Culture, Ahmed, another Egyptian librarian, and two Egyptian archaeologists were already in the tent.

In addition, on the screen of the laptop placed on the simple meeting table, you can also see the situation in the office of the Egyptian president, where many heavyweights are sitting.

In Cairo, hundreds of kilometers away, a group of high-level government officials, including the Egyptian president, will also participate in the next video conference call!

In addition to the high-level figures of the Egyptian government, the US ambassador to Egypt will also participate in this meeting, but he will attend as an observer to monitor!

With the appearance of Ye Tian and the others, the Egyptian Minister of Culture, Ahmed and others in the tent, as well as the Egyptian President and others in Cairo, all looked at him. Everyone's expressions and eyes were very complicated!

In contrast, the US ambassador to Egypt on another screen is more excited, with eyes full of envy, as if waiting to see a good show.

After entering the tent, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation here, and nodded slightly to the Egyptian Minister of Culture, Ahmed and others, then looked at the camera lens, and said loudly with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Mr. President, Mr. Ambassador, it is a pleasure to meet you in this way"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, we are also very happy to see you again, although we are hundreds of kilometers apart at this time!"

The President of Egypt nodded and said hello to Ye Tian with a wave. The other senior Egyptian officials in the President's Office in Cairo also nodded.

Before the words fell, the voice of the American ambassador came over.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, it is my pleasure to meet you again. On behalf of the US Embassy in Egypt, I would like to congratulate you on this extraordinary achievement in this joint exploration operation. This is really a great archaeological discovery. !"

"Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, you are right. The discovery of the Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I and a large number of funerary objects, as well as the discovery of Rommel's treasure, is indeed a great archaeological discovery, enough to be recorded in history!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, not polite at all.

After chatting for a few words, everyone sat down and got down to business.

"Mr. Steven, we have carefully studied the new treasure distribution plan you proposed.

It is impossible for us to agree to your request to take away all Rommel's treasures!

The boxes of Rommel’s treasure haven’t been opened yet. No one knows what’s in those boxes and how much those items are worth, but it must be amazing! "

The Egyptian Minister of Culture said bluntly, and the rest of the Egyptians also nodded, including the Egyptian president and others in the video!

Chen Yu smiled softly, and then continued:

"You're right, the boxes of Rommel's treasures have not been opened yet, and we don't know the exact quantity nor the overall value of the antiques and artworks and the large amount of gold and silver treasures contained in the boxes!

However, everyone must not forget that the golden coffin of Pharaoh Apophis I and the golden coffin of the queen have not been opened either! What is certain is that once the golden coffins of the pharaoh and queen are opened, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world!

Even without counting the two golden coffins of Pharaoh and Queen Apophis I, the value of the two golden coffins themselves and the value of the funerary objects inside, the value of other funerary objects found in the pyramid is very amazing.

I can basically be sure that the overall value of other funerary objects in the pyramid may be much higher than Rommel’s treasure. If the two golden coffins of the pharaoh and queen and the funerary objects inside are added, it can even reach several times!

I told Ahmed before that we can use the original things in the Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I and Rommel’s treasure as two blind boxes, and each of us can choose one of them. You can choose first, and the rest will belong to you. us! "

Hearing this, Ahmed couldn't help but nodded lightly, as if he recognized such a thing.

Looking at the other Egyptians, their faces are quite gloomy, and they are all secretly making troubles!

Of course they understand that the original treasures in the Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I are more valuable. If it is really a blind box game, of course they must choose the treasures of the Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I!

However, they were extremely unwilling to watch Ye Tian swallow Rommel's treasures and sweep them away!

You know, this is Egypt, and it's my own territory. Just watching a world-famous treasure being swept away by others, but I can't even get a hair of it, who can be willing?

Before the Egyptians could respond, Ye Tian continued:

"To be honest, the reason why I chose to want the entire Rommel treasure is because I want to save a little time and pick up another exploration operation that was not completed before as soon as possible, for which I am willing to make a little compromise!

Another point is that I am not very interested in the dazzling funerary objects in the Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I. It should be said that I hold a respectful attitude towards everything that is closely related to death!

Of course, if you can't accept my new distribution plan, we will strictly implement the previously signed joint exploration agreement and divide the two huge treasures equally in half. In this way, I believe there will be no disputes.

In other words, for all the funerary objects in the Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I, including the two golden coffins and the contents inside, we have to share half of the treasures on the basis of the overall valuation, and the Rommel treasure is the same!

Although I don’t collect things related to death, especially funerary objects, I believe that there must be many collectors and top museums who are very interested in the funeral objects of Pharaoh Apophis I, and there is no difficulty in handling them! "

Before the words fell, all the Egyptians exploded in an instant, shouting one after another.

"The Pharaoh Pyramid of Apophis I and its treasures are important cultural heritages belonging to Egypt. It is wishful thinking if you want to share half of the treasures!"

"Steven, you guys are so greedy, we can't accept this treasure distribution plan no matter what!"

Just when these Egyptians were filled with righteous indignation, Ye Tian suddenly sneered and said:

"Gentlemen, don't forget the joint exploration agreement we signed. Are you going to openly break the agreement?"

Following his words, all the Egyptians were stunned for a moment!

yes! Are we going to blatantly tear up the agreement? This doesn't seem to work, the opponent is too difficult!

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