Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2994 Killing the God in the Night

"Who the hell are those bastards? Libyans or Palestinians? Which bastard leaked the news? Don't let me find out, or I will tear him to pieces"

Ahmed roared with incomparable anger, and the whole person has fallen into madness.

The hotel room, which was originally very tidy, has been smashed into a mess by him, with glass shards everywhere.

He has already received news that the tripartite joint exploration team was ambushed in Aswan, and fought with those ambushers. The fighting between the two sides was very fierce, and the entire street has been reduced to a battlefield.

At the same time, in the Egyptian presidential palace in Cairo, there were bursts of angry roars from time to time.

The Egyptian army stationed near Aswan, as well as the police in the city, have received orders from the Egyptian Presidential Palace and are coming from all directions to quickly gather at the fire and place.

The fierce fire in Aswan quickly spread throughout the world through the mobile phones and cameras of many media reporters at the scene, causing a huge sensation.

When people saw the images of bullets flying around tearing the night sky and the street like a battlefield, everyone was shocked.

"My God! Who is ambushing the tripartite joint exploration team? This scene is too crazy, it is simply a war!"

"The rumors are right, that bastard Steven is the God of Plague! Wherever he goes, he will loot all the local treasures, cause a huge storm, and even bring disaster!"

While people were talking about it, the bloody battle on the streets of Aswan was still going on!

As soon as he rushed into the street where the hotel is located, Ye Tian quickly took out a silencer and screwed it on the muzzle of the G36C short assault rifle in lightning speed to silence the gunshots.

Immediately afterwards, he sank his shoulders, slammed open the fragile wooden door of a building on the street, and rushed directly into the building.

Who lives in that building, is there a hidden shooter? He is very clear in his heart!

The first moment he rushed into the house, he shouted loudly in English:

"Everyone stays in the room and is not allowed to come out, so as not to cause misunderstandings. We are just borrowing the way and will not hurt you!"

Hearing these words, the hostess, who was about to make a move and was about to rise up to resist, immediately stopped and stayed in the bedroom honestly, guarding his wife and children.

At this moment, everyone of them was full of fear, staring closely at the wooden door at the door of the bedroom, lest someone would kick open the wooden door and rush in.


Amidst the sound of hurried footsteps, the guy who rushed into the house quickly rushed to the roof.

As the footsteps disappeared, everyone hiding in the building breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

But they still didn't dare to go out, and they didn't dare to turn on the lights. They could only hide in a dark corner shivering, eyes full of fear.

Ye Tian, ​​who rushed up to the roof, quickly pulled the trigger while kicking open the wooden door leading to the roof.

"Puff puff"

Amidst the slight burst of firing, three rifle bullets shot out at high speed, hitting a guy who was hiding on the roof of a building more than ten meters away and kept shooting at the street downstairs.

That guy also heard the sound of Ye Tian kicking the door,

Just as he turned his head to look this way, three rifle bullets rushed at high speed.

The next moment, the head of the guy in the Arabian robe was blown off, and he fell from the eaves and hit the street heavily.

At this time, the night sky was full of stray bullets, and no one noticed the marks left by the three rifle bullets as they passed through the air at high speed.

Without the slightest pause, Ye Tian leaped forward quickly, like a black civet cat, straight to another building in front of him.

The height of these two connected buildings is the same, the distance between the roofs is less than two meters, and the roofs are flat, with no obstacles except the eaves.

For Ye Tian, ​​the distance between the two buildings is not a problem at all.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the edge of the roof at high speed, and then stomped his feet fiercely. He jumped up in the air and flew directly to the roof of the building in front of him.


He landed steadily on the roof of the building without making much noise, just like a cat.

Immediately afterwards, he came to the wooden door leading to the building, reached out and opened the wooden door, and rushed in directly.

In this building, there are still three gunmen hidden, all in a room facing the street, shooting wildly at Seaman and the others!

The death of the companion on the roof did not arouse the vigilance of these guys, they thought the companion on the roof was killed by Seaman and others!

Where did they expect that the god of death had fallen from the sky and locked them firmly.

Ye Tian, ​​who rushed into the building, came to the door of a room facing the street on the third floor in a blink of an eye, without making any abnormal noise!

He stood at the door and listened, then used the infrared night vision device to look at the situation in the room.

After confirming that the two guys hiding in the room were shooting at the street, he quietly pushed open the wooden door and put the muzzle into the flickering room.

"Puff puff"

After two bursts of shooting, the two guys who were hiding in the window and shooting downstairs were instantly killed and fell directly to the floor.

Ye Tian didn't even look at the result, he closed the door casually, and continued to walk forward.

A moment later, he appeared at the door of a room on the second floor.

As in the previous operation, he used the infrared night vision device to observe the situation, and then opened fire.

This time he didn't even open the door. It was just a thin wooden door, which couldn't block the attack of rifle bullets at all, let alone the distance is so close.

Without any suspense, the gunman hiding in this room was killed in an instant and died silently!

After cleaning up the residential building, Ye Tian rushed to the roof again, and then rushed to another building ahead.

In the process, he also helped Walker and the others solve a little trouble, and raised his hand to kill the two gunmen hidden on the roof opposite.

At this time, Walker and the others were cleaning the building on the right side of the street.

The four of them were divided into two groups, covering each other, and searched room by room, not sparing any corner.

Since everyone is wearing an infrared night vision device, it is easy to tell whether the people hiding in the room are ordinary residents or the gunmen hiding in it!

If it is a shooter, according to the actions of the opponent, they will instantly formulate an attack strategy, then break into the door and kill the opponent directly.

Sometimes, they don't even need to rush into the room, just open fire through the door, and they can also kill those gunmen instantly!

In a blink of an eye, they killed the two gunmen hiding in the building and rushed to the roof.

When they came to the top of the building, they found that the two gunmen hidden on the top of the building had been killed, and both of them died of headshots.

"I'll go! Who did this? The marksmanship is too accurate!"

"Do you still need to ask? Who else can it be except Steven? For him, the night has no effect at all, but is the best cover!"

After discussing a few words in a low voice, Walker and the others came down quickly, then left the building, and under the cover of night, they quietly touched another building ahead!

At this time, Ye Tian had quietly reached the roof of the third building, and still did not make any sound, like a black shadow gliding through the night sky.

On the roof of this building, there are two guys hidden in total. They each hold an AK47 in their hands, and there is an RPG launcher at their feet, but there are no rockets. It should be finished!

The two guys hid behind the eaves that were about half a meter high, and kept shooting at the bulletproof SUVs on the street, without noticing the black figure approaching from behind.

"Puff puff"

In a burst of light gunshots, death came suddenly.

A guy hiding behind the eaves bumped his head against the eaves without warning, while another guy who stood up and shot fell down from the roof and slammed hard on the street.

In an instant, these two guys were killed and reported to hell.

The black shadow that appeared behind them before quickly receded, and sneaked into the three-story Arabic-style building in a blink of an eye.

On the street, Himan, who was unable to lift his head under the heavy rain of bullets, and other Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando, felt that the attack from the top of their heads seemed to be a little less, and the pressure became less. A little smaller!

At the same time, they also saw the gunman who fell from the roof.

Seeing this scene, I hope they immediately understand that life-saving support has finally arrived!

"Guys, Steven and the others are back, hold on for a while, we will definitely kill these bastards hiding in the dark and send them to hell!"

Seaman picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke, but in Hebrew.

After the voice fell, the rest of the Mossad agents and members of the 13th commando responded immediately.

"Got it, Seaman, we can definitely get rid of these bastards!"

The next moment, these Mossad agents and members of the 13th commando began to fire violently, suppressing the gunmen on the street, in the buildings on both sides, and hiding on the roof of the building, providing cover for Ye Tian and the others!

Almost at the same time they opened fire, another gunman hiding in a building not far away fell out of the window and hit the street directly!

That guy didn't jump out on his own initiative, but was killed by someone and fell directly from the window!

It wasn't until this moment that the gunmen on the street and the gunmen hidden in the buildings on both sides realized that something was wrong, and someone immediately shouted.

"Be careful, everyone. Someone is hiding in the dark and firing at us, and they are advancing along the street from south to north. It is probably that bastard Steven. Find that bastard and send him to hell!"

Following the hysterical shouts, those guys hiding in the buildings on the street and on the roof were all taken aback, turned their heads to look behind them, and quickly scanned the surrounding situation.

A few guys who were overly nervous even almost opened fire on their own people, killing each other!

At this time, Ye Tian was standing in the corridor on the second floor of a building on the street, looking at the two children who were hiding in the corner of the corridor, shivering and looking at him with fear in their eyes.

These two children are less than ten years old, a boy and a girl, they should be siblings.

The elder sister hugged her younger brother tightly, using her body to block the younger brother as much as possible, and stared closely at the black figure that suddenly appeared in the corridor.

In order to avoid the bullets flying all over the street, the siblings didn't dare to stay in the room at all, so they hid in the corridor. They didn't expect to meet Ye Tian who fell from the sky.

As for their parents, they were locked in the next room by the gunmen and could not come out. They could only comfort the siblings through the door!


Ye Tian raised an index finger near his mouth, and softly hissed, signaling for the siblings to be quiet.

At the same time, the muzzle of the G36C assault rifle in his hand had reached the thin wooden door beside him, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Puff puff"

Amidst the slight sound of gunfire, three small holes appeared on the wooden door.

The continuous gunfire in that room suddenly couldn't stop, and there was no more sound!

The gunman hiding in that room was directly killed by Ye Tian, ​​and fell from the window on the second floor, hitting the sidewalk!

After finishing the killing, Ye Tian waved lightly at the pair of siblings, and said in a low voice:

"Children, you stay here and don't go anywhere. It's dangerous outside. It won't be long before the police will come to rescue you and your parents. Then you go out again. Do you hear me?"

The girl seemed to understand English and nodded vigorously, still full of fear.

Afterwards, Ye Tian walked towards the stairs, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

The next moment, a trembling voice suddenly came from the locked room next to it.

"Rukani, what's going on outside? Are you all right? Is your brother all right? Who's talking to you?"

The girl named Lukani glanced at the empty corridor, then at the door with three more holes in front, then cried and said:

"We're fine, Dad, no one is shooting. A dark figure appeared in the corridor just now. He was talking to us. He told us not to move, just stay here. The police will come to rescue us soon!"

Hearing this, the Egyptian parents who were locked in the room immediately understood that someone broke into their house again, killed the previous villains, and then left!

Who are these people? I don't know yet, but it will definitely not hurt my family!

After figuring this out, the father who was locked in the room immediately said loudly:

"Lukani, you just hide in the corridor, don't go anywhere, protect your brother, and wait for the police to come!"

At this time, the father was not sure whether a gunman would break into his home.

So he didn't dare to kick the door out, for fear that the gunmen would misunderstand that he killed their companions and thus killed his family for revenge!

While the Egyptian father and daughter were talking, Ye Tian had appeared on the roof again, and he had also heard Seaman's warning.

"Steven, be more careful. The gunmen on the street, as well as those guys hiding in the buildings on both sides of the street and on the roof, have already discovered that something is wrong. I guess you are coming!"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately responded in a low voice:

"Received, Seaman, the situation of the battle has changed. Now those guys are in the light, and we are in the dark. With the help of infrared night vision devices, we will kill those guys one by one. You are ready to fight back!"

"Understood, Steven, we can't wait to get revenge!"

Seaman responded in a low voice, gnashing his teeth, his voice was full of hatred and anger.

Obviously, these Israel's most elite Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando have suffered heavy losses and want to regain their confidence through revenge.

For them, it was a great shame that the tripartite joint exploration team was ambushed and beaten so badly.

They need to fight to wash away this shame!

After finishing the call, Ye Tian didn't immediately rush to the next building, but squatted on the roof of this building, hiding behind the wall, and started shooting at the gunmen on the roof of the buildings ahead.

At this time, the distance between him and the hotel across the street was less than 100 meters.

Many gunmen hiding in that hotel also became his targets and were named one by one.

"Puff puff"

Amidst an unusually dense and very slight gunshot, a wave of scorching rifle bullets suddenly flew out from the roof of this residential building, tearing apart the night sky, and flying at high speed to the roofs of the buildings in front and the one on the opposite side of the street. Block hotel!

The next moment, seven or eight gunmen hiding on the roof and in the hotel were shot almost at the same time, and received their lunch boxes!

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