Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2995 It Comes From Hell

Seeing that the companions around him were suddenly killed by someone, and they all died by headshots, those who escaped this wave of attacks by chance, all of them lost their souls, feeling that death was close at hand!

Their reactions were quick, and they all rushed to the roof in a panic, hiding behind the eaves or behind the wall, lest another wave of bullets would fly in the darkness and kill themselves directly!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Tian rushed out at high speed, like a phantom, quickly passed the roof of the building, and rushed straight to another building in front of him!

In the blink of an eye, he had reached the edge of the roof, and then jumped into the air, flying directly to the opposite roof.

The next moment, he landed on the roof of the opposite building, and then quickly hid.

At the same time, on the street ahead, on the roofs of several buildings, and inside the hotel, loud shouts full of anger and fear sounded at the same time:

"There are people on the roof. It's likely that the bastard Steven brought people over. Ennis (Abdullah) was killed by those bastards. Be careful!"

With this burst of shouts, the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Many Arab militants who were firing fiercely began to look for places to hide, panicking one by one, fearing that they would be shot and killed by that legendary guy.

After finding the hiding place, these militants began to fire on the roofs of the buildings on the left side of the street, trying to kill Ye Tian and carry out fire suppression!

"bang bang bang"

Amidst the rapid gunfire, countless rifle bullets tore through the night sky, and rushed towards the roofs of the buildings on the left side of the street at high speed with the breath of death!

For a moment, the night sky above this street was like a meteor shower, and countless red lights flashed across the sky at high speed, the scene was spectacular!

Seaman and the others, who were stuck on the street, suddenly felt the pressure drop sharply, as if not many people attacked themselves!

Of course they understood that because of fear, those militants hiding in the dark all turned their heads to attack Ye Tian, ​​and they had no time to deal with people like themselves!

Thinking of this, Seaman and the others couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Who would have thought that the famous Mossad agent would one day be reduced to such a state and be rescued by others in this way!

But at this time, Ye Tian was no longer on the roof!

The two gunmen hiding on the roof of this building were killed by him just now, and now it's time to deal with the three gunmen hiding in the building!

When he flew to the roof of this building just now, he had already chosen his foothold, which happened to be next to the wooden door leading to the building.

Immediately after landing, he opened the wooden door and entered the building without a sound.

The building is very dark, all the lights are off, you can't see your fingers, you can't see anything, you can only hear the sudden rain of gunshots on the street outside, the sound of huge explosions, angry curses, cries of pain, And the terrific wailing sound.

For Ye Tian, ​​the darkness has no influence, instead it provides him with the best cover.

Even without using the perspective ability, he can quickly determine which rooms the three gunmen hiding in this building are hiding in with just the infrared night vision goggles on his head, and he can kill those guys with full confidence !

He barely made a sound as he came down the stairs, like a ghost walking in the dark!

In a blink of an eye,

He had come to the door of a room on the third floor.

In this room, just so happens to be a guy with an AK47 hidden, right on the edge of the window facing the street.

At this moment, the guy in the Arabian robe had turned around, staring nervously at the door, and the AK47 in his hand was also pointing at the thin wooden door, ready to fire at any time.

But the explosions and gunfire from the street, among other sounds, disturbed him a lot.

He couldn't hear the movement in the corridor outside at all, so he could only stare at the wooden door.

Through the wall, Ye Tian looked at this guy, then pressed the muzzle of the assault rifle against the wooden door, and then pulled the trigger!

"Puff puff"

In a burst of light gunshots, three rifle bullets suddenly penetrated the wooden door and rushed towards the guy hiding on the edge of the window at high speed.

Before he could react, the three rifle bullets had ruthlessly penetrated into his head and body, sending him to hell in an instant.

Chen Yu didn't look at the results at all, turned around and left the door, and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

After taking two steps down, he suddenly stopped, and quickly retreated to this corridor, disappearing in the darkness on the side of the stairs.


Amidst the sound of hurried footsteps, two guys in Arabic robes holding AK47 suddenly rushed up the stairs, as if they were going to the top of the building, outflanking Ye Tian from behind.

As soon as they appeared at the stairs on the third floor and turned around to step on the stairs leading to the top of the building, they suddenly heard a popping sound in the corridor on the third floor shrouded in darkness.

Accompanied by this sound, the two guys on the stairs were hit instantly, and they fell on the stairs.

Without even struggling, these two guys died, silently!

After killing these two guys, Ye Tiancai came out from the darkness, ejected the empty magazine, replaced it with a full magazine, and pushed the bullet into the barrel of the gun.

Next, he walked down the stairs and disappeared around the corner of the stairs in a blink of an eye.

There are no hidden gunmen in this building anymore, but Ye Tian doesn't plan to go up to the top of the building again, otherwise he will be targeted by all the militants hidden in the dark!

Since the roof was no longer safe, he was going to attack along the street, continue to clean up the buildings on the left side of the street, and then rescue Seaman and the others, and then try to find a way to break into the hotel and kill those guys hiding in the hotel!

While speaking, he had arrived on the first floor, but he did not go out immediately, but whispered through the intercom:

"Seaman, Walker, provide me with fire cover, I'm ready to go out, you are responsible for suppressing those guys hiding in the dark!"

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us!"

Walker and Seaman responded in unison and moved quickly.

The next moment, there was a sudden burst of gunfire outside the street, which became more violent than before.

The meteor shower under this night sky has also become more brilliant!

As Walker and Seaman opened fire at the same time, the gunmen hiding in the streets, buildings, and hotels were immediately suppressed.

Eyes pierced through the wall, Ye Tian, ​​who was always staring at the movement on the street, saw this scene and acted immediately!

He quickly opened the door, rushed out of the building, and then clinging to the wall of the building, rushed forward quickly!

In just a few breaths, he had arrived at the door of the next building, pushed open the half-hidden door and rushed in!

There was no one on the first floor, and Ye Tian knew this very well. He came to the stairs in a flash, but he didn't rush up the stairs immediately, but hid in front of the wall on the side of the stairs.

The next moment, at the corner of the stairs between the first floor and the second floor, a guy suddenly flashed out and started shooting violently at the stairs below.

"bang bang bang"

A dense rain of bullets rushed out from the darkness, smashing the sofa, coffee table, TV, furniture, and the wooden door leading to the street outside in the living room on the first floor in an instant.

The wall where Ye Tian hid was also shot a lot, but it was a load-bearing wall made of reinforced concrete, which was very strong;

Even AK47 rifle bullets can't penetrate this wall, only leaving a lot of craters on the wall!

The guy who stood at the corner of the stairs and shot, went crazy, and emptied a magazine in a blink of an eye.


The gunshots in the room suddenly stopped, replaced by the sound of empty warehouses hanging up!

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly flashed out from the stairs and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Puff puff"

Accompanied by a slight gunshot, the guy at the corner of the stairs who was scrambling to change the magazine was immediately sent flying and smashed hard against the wall behind him.

Before he could even utter a scream, he was already killed, and he couldn't die anymore!

After killing the gunman, Ye Tian stepped up the stairs, held up the short assault rifle in his hand, and went upstairs silently!

In a blink of an eye, he had reached the second floor. As soon as he came up from the stairs, he fired at a wooden door diagonally opposite the stairs.

The next moment, there were a few more bullet holes on the wooden door, and a short scream came from the room, and there was no message after answering it!

The gunman hiding in that room originally tried to ambush Ye Tian, ​​and pointed his AK47 at the wooden door, ready to fire at any time!

As long as someone breaks into that room, the moment they open the door, they will encounter a fierce attack and fall into an extremely dangerous situation, almost certain to die!

But how could that guy expect that Ye Tian didn't need to enter the room at all, he knew where he was hiding from standing outside the door, and he could kill him directly through the wooden door!

Clean up the second floor, then move on to the third floor!

Ye Tian quickly and quietly came to the door of a room on the third floor, and then took the medicine according to the prescription, and killed a gunman hidden inside through the door.

Immediately afterwards, he came to the wooden door leading to the roof.

In less than two minutes, he had quickly cleaned up the interior of the Arabic-style building, and it was time for the roof!

However, this time he didn't rush directly to the roof of the building to personally kill the gunmen hiding on the roof, but summoned a helper.

Through the wooden door, he took a quick look at the situation on the roof.

On the roof of this building, there were originally three gunmen, one of whom was killed by him before, and now there are two remaining, all hiding on the edge of the roof.

They used the wall on the edge of the roof to avoid the attacks of Seaman and Walker, and they couldn't even lift their heads under the pressure of the powerful firepower.

While avoiding ground fire, the two guys stared at the wooden door on the side of the stairs, and their guns were pointed in this direction.

Since they were not in front of the wooden door, but behind the side, separated by a wall, Ye Tian couldn't directly kill these two guys through the wooden door.

The infrared night vision device he was wearing couldn't see these two guys, so he couldn't determine their location.

If he used his clairvoyance ability to quietly stick out his gun and kill these two guys, it would look too weird, and he might expose himself!

In addition, the gunmen hiding on the roofs of the other buildings in front of them, as well as the guys hiding in the opposite hotel, are all staring at this side, ready to shoot at any time!

Those guys are now shrouded in fear and despair, and they are gnashing their teeth with hatred. Many of them just want to kill Ye Tian now, and avenge those comrades who were killed by him!

Those Mossad agents who were besieged on the street and the members of the 13th Israeli Commando, they didn't care much, anyway, those Israelis had suffered heavy losses!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had grasped the situation on the roof.

He knew in his heart that if he didn't want to expose his perspective ability, it would be very dangerous to rush to the top of the building at this time, and he would face attacks from all directions.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly whistled lightly.

The next moment, the little white elf came out from his left cuff, and gently rubbed his little head against the back of his hand, showing very closeness!

Ye Tian gently stroked the little guy's triangular head, and then whispered:

"I have a mission for you, little guy, to kill all those guys hiding on the roof, as long as they have guns in their hands, they will not let go."

Speaking, Ye Tian also raised the automatic rifle in his hand and showed it.

The next moment, he gently opened a gap in the wooden door leading to the roof, put the white elf on the roof, and then closed the wooden door again.

Immediately afterwards, he retreated from the stairs and whispered through the intercom:

"Walker, you must not go up to the top of the building. The little white elf is on the top of the building. In the next period of time, there will be its world there. If you go up rashly, you may be accidentally injured!"

Hearing this, Walker and the others, who were exchanging fire with the enemy, couldn't help shivering, and looked at the roof involuntarily. There was a trace of fear in everyone's eyes!

At this moment, they all thought of the incomparably weird killing in the tunnels of the ancient city of Shali that made everyone terrified, as well as those fresh human skins and bones!

Thinking of this, Walker and the others even took a step back, trying to get as far away from the incarnation of death on the roof as possible!

Not only them, Seaman and the others who relied on a few bulletproof SUVs as cover and kept firing around, also heard Ye Tian's warning, and at the same time thought of those terrifying scenes!

They were the same, they all looked at the roofs of the row of Arabic-style buildings on the left side of the street, and made up their minds that even if they died on this street, they would never go to the roofs of those buildings!

"Got it, Steven, we know what to do!"

Walker responded in a low voice, and continued to fire, suppressing the militants on the street and hiding in the buildings opposite!

While firing heavily, a security guard whispered:

"Those guys on the top of the opposite building are completely finished. They are about to die miserable, with no bones left. To be honest, if I were to face that little white elf, I would rather shoot myself than be bitten by it. That's just too scary!"

"Who isn't? Sometimes I really suspect that that little guy is really the embodiment of Lucifer, the god of death, from hell!"

Another security guard nodded in agreement, revealing a trace of fear in his words!

Before the words fell, the roofs of the buildings on the left side of the street were completely messed up!

"Damn it, what bit me? What is it? How can it still fly?..."

"Everyone, be careful, this thing is highly poisonous, if you stick it, you will die..."

In a burst of shouts and screams full of fear and despair, the many gunmen hidden on the roof of the row of buildings on the left fell into a certain death situation in an instant!

Many of them just saw a lightning-like white phantom, and they were caught in the next instant!

Immediately afterwards, they fell on the roof of the building, howling terribly, rolling on the ground non-stop, and then died quickly.

This is not the end! The clothes, muscles, fat, blood, and various tissues on their bodies are corroding and dissolving at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a few moments, the guys who were killed by the white elf first turned into fresh skeletons, reflecting bursts of pale light, full of death breath!

Seeing this scene, the other guys were frightened crazy, and suddenly fell into complete madness. Everyone felt that they were in hell, and there was no hope for life.

In extreme fear, those guys picked up the AK47 rifles in their hands and started shooting wildly at the lightning-like white phantom in the air, regardless of their companions around them.

The result of this is cannibalism!

Some gunmen hidden on the top of the building did not die under the snake kiss of the white elves, but were killed by their crazy companions. They died very wrongly!

"Damn it, he is a devil!"

Amidst screams full of despair and fear, a guy in an Arab robe jumped off the roof and smashed hard on the street.

Seeing this scene, Walker and Seaman swallowed hard, their eyes full of fear!

From their point of view, the roof of the row of Arabic-style buildings on the left side of the street seems to be hell!

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