Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2998 The Legendary Gold Mine

The tripartite joint exploration team entered Sudan because it was once part of ancient Egypt. The twenty-fifth dynasty in the history of ancient Egypt was established by the Nubians in Sudan.

Because of this, the Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, also known as the Nubian Dynasty.

When the Nubian dynasty ruled ancient Egypt, it was from the middle of the eighth century BC to the middle of the seventh century BC, more than a hundred years before and after.

That time was an important period in Israel's history, a time when the kingdoms of Israel and Judah existed side by side, as the two kingdoms split from the original United Kingdom of Israel.

Not long after the Nubians became the rulers of ancient Egypt, in the late eighth century BC, the Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire, and has since disappeared in the long river of history.

After the Kingdom of Israel perished, some Israelites passed through the Sinai Peninsula, entered ancient Egypt again, and returned to the place where their ancestors lived.

As slaves and shepherds of the Egyptian Pharaoh, they traveled throughout the Nile Valley, including Sudan and the Ethiopian plateau.

At that time, it was the Nubians from Sudan who ruled ancient Egypt. Compared with other ancient Egyptian dynasties, the ruling center of the Nubian dynasty was a little more southward!

In the middle of the seventh century BC, the Nubian dynasty was overthrown by the ancient Egyptians and replaced by the twenty-sixth dynasty established by the ancient Egyptians.

When the last pharaoh of the Nubian dynasty withdrew from Thebes and returned to Nubia in the Sudan, he took many Israelites as slaves and brought them to the Sudan.

In addition, in an earlier era, when the Queen of Sheba traveled between Jerusalem and Ethiopia, she traveled along the Nile Valley every time, and Sudan was a must.

Menelik I fled Jerusalem and stayed in Sudan for a while on his way back to Ethiopia.

It is precisely because of this that the tripartite joint exploration team entered Sudan to carry out exploration operations.

Different from the situation in Egypt, after entering Sudan, there are a lot of black people in everyone's field of vision, which is basically half the number of Arabs.

Until this time, everyone had the feeling of being in Africa instead of being in the Arabian Peninsula.

As soon as the joint exploration convoy entered Sudan, it attracted the attention of various forces in Sudan, including some local armed factions.

There are also some powerful tribes.

They have sent people to contact the tripartite joint exploration team to inquire about the destination of the tripartite joint exploration team in Sudan, and they all expressed their willingness to cooperate.

Obviously, these Sudanese also came for the legendary Solomon's treasure, or they wanted to cooperate with the brave and fearless exploration company to explore the treasure in Sudan together and make a fortune.

For these Sudanese, Ye Tian didn't respond, but handed it over to the Israelis, and he didn't show up.

Apart from the differences in ethnicity, the landscape in Sudan is not much different from that in Egypt.

Along the way, the convoy can see the extremely arid and barren desert as far as the eye can see. Only the banks of the Nile can still see some lush greenery.

Due to the same beliefs, the architectural style here is the same as that of Egypt. They are all North African Arabic style, full of Islamic style, but slightly different from the buildings on the Arabian Peninsula.

Since the joint exploration convoy entered Sudan, there have been many tails behind it, from various forces in Sudan, closely watching every move of the joint exploration team.

Fortunately, these guys didn't do anything else, they just followed the convoy all the way south, so Matisse and the others didn't take any action, just kept a certain amount of vigilance.

Perhaps because of the bloody battle that took place in Aswan, many people realized the powerful strength of the three-party joint exploration team.

Ye Tian's ruthless demeanor of killing everything once he makes a move, and his death-like white elves also made many people feel jealous and dare not provoke them easily.

In view of this, after the joint exploration convoy entered Sudan, the journey went very smoothly without any accidents.

Such a situation is naturally what everyone wants to see!


Soon, the day is over.

The tripartite joint exploration team has penetrated hundreds of kilometers into Sudan, and arrived at Dongola, a small city in northern Sudan in the evening!

It was once an important city of the Nubian dynasty and a strategic location.

In the seventh century AD, the Nubians established a Christian country here, the Kingdom of Dongola.

Near Dongola, there is a village where the ancestors of the Israelites once lived, located in a valley, which was the first exploration site of the tripartite joint exploration team in Sudan.

Dongola is a small city with a population of only about 5,000. It is said to be a city, but it is actually just a larger town.

Due to the limited population, there are very few commercial facilities in Dongola. There are only a few hotels, and the conditions are still very poor. There are not many guest rooms. It is good to be able to take a bath in the guest room!

When the joint exploration convoy drove into the city, it unsurprisingly caused a sensation and attracted the attention of almost everyone in the city.

When people saw this convoy crashing through the street, they were shocked, and their eyes were full of worry, even fear!

"Damn it! These damned Yankees and Israelis actually came to Dongola, wouldn't they destroy it too? Just like they destroyed Aswan!"

"It's over! Everyone don't want to sleep tonight, keep your eyes open, and be ready to run for your life at any time!"

While people were arguing, they also expressed their emotions with actions. Some people cursed loudly, while others raised their middle fingers high and made gestures in the air.

Some more cautious guys turned around and left, and then left Dongola immediately with their wives and children to avoid being affected by the flames of war!

The Sudanese military police who maintained order on the street and were responsible for protecting the joint exploration convoy were all nervous, watching the crowd around them closely, ready to respond at any time.

David, who was sitting in a military vehicle, looked at the situation on the street outside and couldn't help laughing and said:

"It can be seen that the Sudanese people do not welcome our arrival. Many people's eyes are full of hatred. Seeing us is like looking at enemies!"

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at him, then jokingly said:

"This situation couldn't be more normal, just look at the composition of our tripartite joint exploration team, the Israelis, the Americans, the Vatican, which country would the Sudanese like?

Especially Israel and the United States, in the Middle East, Arabia and North Africa, can be said to be the life-and-death enemies of almost everyone. Many problems here are caused by the United States and Israel. Can people not hate it? "

David paused for a moment, then nodded and said:

"I thought about it for a while. The United States and Israel really didn't do anything good in these places. We are here to explore the treasure this time. It's normal to be hated to the teeth!"

While speaking, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team is going to stay, the guys at the front station have checked it thoroughly, and found nothing wrong, so it's relatively safe.

The identities of all the staff in the hotel, from managers to ordinary employees, have been checked, and no problems have been found, and no one has been impersonated.

In addition, several commanding heights around the hotel are guarded by our people, and the Israeli advance team also checked the entire hotel, and the search was very careful! "

After listening to the notification, Ye Tian immediately said:

"Good job, Matisse, but I still need to inform the guys and let everyone be vigilant. The situation in Sudan is much more complicated than that in Egypt. I don't want to see the old things in Aswan repeat!"

"Got it, Steven, I will notify everyone to be vigilant"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

Just as his voice fell, Seaman's voice came from the intercom again.

"Steven, we have checked the hotel and it is very safe. You can stay at ease."

Ye Tian immediately turned on the walkie-talkie, smiled and said:

"Okay, Seaman, I believe you will not make any omissions this time!"

After the voice fell, there was a sudden silence on the other end of the walkie-talkie. The atmosphere must have been quite awkward.

After a while, the tripartite joint exploration convoy arrived at the entrance of the hotel and stopped end to end.

At the same time, the humble street in front of the hotel was quickly blocked by the Sudanese military and police, and no one else was allowed to enter.

Compared to Ye Tian and the others, the Sudanese do not want the bloody battle that happened in Aswan to happen again, turning a certain city in Sudan into ruins.

After the convoy stopped and it was confirmed that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and the others got out of the car one after another and entered this ordinary hotel that couldn't even reach a three-star hotel.

About ten minutes later, Ye Tian entered a luxury suite on the top floor of the hotel.

It is said that it is the top floor of the hotel, but it is actually only on the fifth floor. This hotel has only five floors.

Although the security personnel under him had checked the place carefully and made sure it was safe, after Ye Tian entered the suite, he still thoroughly checked the place, not letting go of a single corner!

Fortunately, he didn't find any potential danger, nor did he find any surveillance probes or wiretapping equipment. The room is relatively clean, so don't worry.

Afterwards, he began to pack his things, live here with peace of mind, and prepare for tomorrow's exploration.

In the blink of an eye, an hour has passed.

After washing up and changing his clothes, Ye Tian was about to leave the room for dinner.

At this moment, Matisse knocked on the door and walked into the suite, and said to him:

"Steven, two leaders from different Nubian tribes have just found us through officials from the Sudanese Ministry of Culture. They want to talk to you about something. It is said that it is related to some treasure. Do you want to meet them?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

He paused for a moment, then nodded and said:

"It's okay to meet these two Nubian tribal leaders. Anyway, I'm free. I'm going to have dinner. Let's meet these two Nubians in the restaurant. Regarding the treasure they mentioned, I will I'm more interested!"

"Okay, Steven, I'll notify the guys downstairs and let them conduct a body search, and then take the two Nubian tribal leaders to the restaurant"

Mattis responded, then picked up the walkie-talkie and began to notify the security personnel downstairs.

After walking out of the room, Ye Tian saw a brand-new David and several other company employees, and then everyone walked towards the stairs together, talking and laughing, all very relaxed.

When they came to the fourth floor, they met Joshua and Heman, who had been waiting here, and several other Israelis at the stairs, and they went downstairs together.

On the way downstairs, Joshua pretended to be curious and asked in a low voice:

"Steven, what are the two Nubian tribal leaders downstairs looking for you for? I heard that they came for the treasure. Is it Solomon's treasure? Or some other treasure?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, smiled noncommittally and said:

"What are the two Nubian tribal leaders downstairs looking for? I don't know very well now. The treasure they mentioned should have nothing to do with Solomon's treasure!

In my estimation, if there is any treasure, it is other treasure! Don't forget, Dongola is an ancient city with a long history, and it is not surprising to find any treasures nearby! "

With that said, the group of them had come to the second floor and walked straight to the restaurant on the second floor.

There are not many rooms in this hotel, and they are all booked by the tripartite joint exploration team. There are no other guests in the hotel, and there are three steps, one guard and five steps, one sentry, which is very safe!

After entering the restaurant, Ye Tian immediately saw two Nubian tribal leaders wearing robes and beards. Both of them were around sixty years old, with wrinkled faces full of vicissitudes.

Accompanying them was an official from the Sudanese Ministry of Culture, an employee of Intrepid Exploration Company and two heavily armed security personnel.

Seeing them coming in, the employee of the Fearless Exploration Company immediately nodded at Ye Tian, ​​and then led the three Sudanese to greet them.

When I came to the front, it was naturally a series of polite greetings and introductions.

Everyone knew the Sudanese Ministry of Culture official before. As for the two Nubian tribal leaders, they came from two Nubian tribes not far from each other near Dongola.

After getting to know each other, Ye Tian pretended to be curious and asked:

"Two chief gentlemen, I don't know what you need to ask me? I'm curious. Just now, my subordinates gave me a general explanation, but it wasn't clear enough."

After the voice fell, the company employee who knew Arabic immediately began to translate.

After listening to the translation, the two Nubian tribal leaders looked at each other, and one of them said:

"Mr. Steven, we do have something to ask you, and we want to cooperate with your fearless exploration company, but this matter is not suitable to be discussed here. It needs to be kept secret. Can we change the place?"

Ye Tian looked at the two Nubian tribal leaders, pretended to think for a moment, then nodded and said:

"No problem, the two leaders, let's go to the booth next to it. My security personnel will separate the others, and our conversation will never be heard by others."

As he spoke, he pointed to a booth in the corner of the restaurant.

Following the direction of his finger, the two Nubian tribal leaders looked over there, and then nodded together in agreement.

Afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​David, the company employee who knew Arabic, and the two tribal leaders walked towards the booth together.

As for the others, they can only sit in other places in the restaurant, waiting for dinner with full of curiosity.

After entering the booth, after everyone sat down, Ye Tian immediately got to the point.

"Two gentlemen, if I'm not mistaken, the reason why you want to meet me is because you want to cooperate with our brave and fearless exploration company to jointly explore a certain treasure?"

After the translation, the two Nubian tribal leaders nodded together, and one of them said:

"That's right, Mr. Steven, the reason why we came to you is to cooperate with your brave and fearless exploration company to jointly explore a huge treasure near Dongola!

The cooperation between your company and the Egyptian government has been very successful, and the world-shaking Apophis I pyramid treasure and Rommel treasure have been discovered, which gives us hope! "

"Tell me about the general situation of this treasure, I am very interested!"

"In fact, this is not a treasure, but a huge gold mine that only exists in Nubian legends, and outsiders don't know it!"

"Wow! A legendary gold mine!"

Ye Tian exclaimed in a low voice, a look of surprise quickly flashed in his eyes.

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