Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2999 wealth or disaster

Ye Tian was quite surprised by the news brought by the two Nubian tribal leaders.

He looked at the two tribal leaders, and asked curiously:

"Since you are sure that it is a gold mine? Then why did you ask us to cooperate in the exploration? Instead of exploring by yourself or jointly developing it with the Sudanese government, don't you know the location of this gold mine?

If this is the case, how can you be sure that this gold mine is real? What if it doesn't exist? I am more curious about these problems, and I would like to know the reasons for them! "

The two tribal leaders on the opposite side looked at each other, pondered for a moment, and then told the truth.

"Mr. Steven, as I said just now, this huge gold mine only exists in Nubian legends, and no one knows its exact location, but every Nubian is very sure, It does exist.

In the eighth century BC, the Nubian ancestors discovered this huge gold mine and began to mine gold in this gold mine. This is one of the reasons why the Nubian dynasty became powerful and conquered ancient Egypt. .

But just less than a hundred years later, in a huge flood, the Nile River diverted and completely submerged the huge gold mine. The Nubian dynasty that returned to Sudan from Egypt completely lost the gold mine.

In the following 2,000 years, the Nile River diverted several times, and a large amount of sediment was silted up. Coupled with the continuous invasion of the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert, the traces of the existence of this ancient gold mine have been completely erased!

However, the legend about this ancient gold mine has been circulating among the Nubians without interruption. For more than two thousand years, the Nubians have been looking for this gold mine, but they have never found it. .

Among the many legends, some say that the gold mine is in a tributary of the Nile, but that tributary has long since dried up and the river course has been filled with sand, and some say that the gold mine is in a mountain buried in yellow sand. under.

According to these ancient legends that have been handed down, this huge gold mine should be located near Dongola, within the territory of our two tribes, but no one knows exactly where it is, only the approximate range.

We have organized our own manpower to explore, and we have also cooperated with the Sudanese government to explore. We spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but found nothing and found nothing. Instead, it caused a lot of burden to the tribe.

It is precisely because of this that we want to cooperate with your brave and fearless exploration company to jointly explore this legendary huge gold mine. We hope to use your professional ability to find this ancient gold mine! "

hear here,

Ye Tian suddenly realized, and became even more excited.

"It turned out to be a gold mine discovered during the Nubian Dynasty. No wonder you say it is a legendary gold mine. With the gold mining technology in ancient times, the grade of this gold mine must be very high."

"That's right, Mr. Steven, in the legend of our Nubians, the location of this huge gold mine is a gold mountain. This may be a bit exaggerated, but it is enough to show that the grade of this gold mine is very high."

A tribal leader continued, his words and eyes were full of yearning.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, but then fell silent, lost in thought.

After a while, he looked at the two tribal leaders and said solemnly:

"Two chief gentlemen, after listening to your introduction, I am very moved, and I really want to cooperate with you to jointly explore this legendary huge gold mine and create miracles again.

If this huge gold mine does exist, within your territory, we will surely find it! But there are many practical problems, I wonder if you have considered them?

Have you thought about it? Even if you find this ancient gold mine, can you really own it? With the strength of your two tribes, can you keep this huge gold mine?

You know, this is a huge gold mine, and it is likely to contain a lot of gold, and things like gold have always made people crazy, including the governments of various countries.

As far as the situation in Sudan is concerned, it is impossible for us to send people to mine gold here. Even if we find that gold mine, we will sell our part of the rights directly and realize it quickly.

In this way, as the other party of the cooperation, you will have to face the huge pressure from all parties alone. What the gold mine brought to you may not be wealth, but a huge disaster! "

Hearing these words, the faces of the two Nubian tribal leaders changed and became extremely ugly!

Obviously, before coming here, they only saw the huge benefits of discovering gold mines, but they didn't see the huge crisis hidden behind it, which was even a catastrophe!

Before they could give a response, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In the face of huge interests, your two tribes are likely to become the target of public criticism, and the gold mine may be forcibly taken away by the Sudanese government, and this possibility is extremely high, Sudan is too poor!

Among the various tribes of you Nubians, there is a high possibility that the tragedy of brothers crossing the wall will happen, because in the eyes of other Nubians, the legendary gold mine should belong to all Nubians.

Before you have considered how to deal with these things, you'd better not rush to find this gold mine. If you find it, it will be a disaster. Only when you are fully prepared can you start exploring.

After all, we are outsiders. Even if the temptation of this gold mine is huge enough to drive people crazy, we never want to be involved in such a vortex! Therefore, it is too early for us to talk about cooperation.

Only after you have coordinated the relationship between all parties, negotiated with the Sudanese government about the respective rights and proportions, and done all the preparatory work, can we cooperate and jointly explore this gold mine! "

Unsurprisingly, the faces of the two tribal leaders became even uglier, full of frustration and disappointment.

After a short pause, one of the tribal leaders nodded and said:

"You're right, Mr. Steven, there are some things we didn't think about. We didn't think too much about it. We just wanted to find this legendary gold mine."

Ye Tian smiled, and then said:

"This time our time is also relatively tight, and we may not be able to stay in Dongola for too long. We can reach an oral agreement. When you coordinate the relationship between all parties, and when we come to Sudan next time, we can cooperate and jointly explore this area. A legendary ancient gold mine!"

After listening to the translation, the faces of the two tribal leaders immediately flashed a look of surprise, one of them nodded and said:

"That's great, we can reach a verbal agreement, and we will cooperate when you come to Sudan next time to jointly explore this legendary gold mine.

During this period of time, we will try our best to negotiate with all parties, handle all aspects of the relationship, and lay a solid foundation for our cooperation! "

"I believe that you can handle the relationship between all parties well. I also hope that we can have the opportunity to cooperate, find that legendary huge gold mine, and create miracles again!"

Ye Tian nodded and said, shook hands with the two tribal leaders and reached a verbal agreement.

After the voice fell, another tribal leader said again:

"Mr. Steven, although we can't cooperate this time, I would like to invite you to visit the tribe and take a look at the surrounding environment by the way!"

Ye Tian shook his head and rejected the other party's invitation.

"Forget it this time, one is that the time is limited, and the other is that there are too many eyes staring at us, and there are many enemies, if we go to your tribe, it may cause you trouble.

If word of our verbal agreement gets out, every place we walked near Dongola will be riddled with holes by those who covet gold mines! "

Hearing this, the two tribal leaders couldn't help but nodded. They didn't want to see countless treasure hunters pouring into their tribe to dig everywhere!

Next, Ye Tian chatted with the two tribal leaders for a while, and then sent them away.

When he and David came back, as soon as they sat down at the dining table, Joshua next to him couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, these two Nubian tribal leaders came to see you, are they here to talk about cooperating to explore a certain treasure? Can you tell me about the situation of this treasure?"

Ye Tian didn't hide it, but said with a smile:

"That's right, these two Nubian tribal leaders came to me because they saw the miracles we created in Egypt, so they wanted to cooperate with our company to jointly explore a treasure.

However, the location of this treasure is illusory, and it only exists in the legends of the Nubians. For more than two thousand years, the Nubians have never found it.

In view of this situation, we just reached a verbal agreement with these two Nubian tribal leaders. If there is an opportunity in the future, the two sides will jointly explore this legendary treasure! "

Before the words fell, Joshua suddenly said:

"I see, what these two Nubian tribal leaders want to explore is the gold mine that disappeared during the Nubian dynasty? The legend about the gold mine has been circulated in Sudan for a long time, and many Everyone knows it, but no one can find it!"

"That's right, it's the legendary gold mine. In my opinion, the possibility of finding that gold mine is extremely low. Maybe it doesn't exist at all."

Ye Tian nodded, agreeing to Joshua's guess.

Hearing that it was this gold mine, the rest of the people at the scene immediately lost interest and stopped asking.

After a while, sumptuous dinners were served one after another, and everyone immediately began to feast on them.

After dinner, everyone headed back upstairs to a conference room to discuss the exploration that will be launched tomorrow!

It wasn't until about ten o'clock in the evening that everyone returned to their respective rooms, washed up and went to rest!


In a blink of an eye, it was the second day.

As soon as it was dawn, everyone got up and began to wash up, ready to go to the valley near Dongola to start exploring!

The reason why it is so early is because Sudan is too hot, it is much hotter than Egypt!

When the three-party joint exploration team left the hotel, many locals had already gone out, and they were busy, running around for their lives.

Those who followed the tripartite joint exploration team all the way were mostly still asleep, unaware that the joint exploration team had left Dongola and headed straight to the southwest.

About twenty minutes after leaving Dongola, the convoy came to the entrance of a valley!

The destination of the three-party joint exploration team is in the depths of this valley, but there is no road in this valley, only a winding path, which can only be entered on foot.

When they reached the entrance of the valley, the convoy had to stop. Everyone got out of the car one after another, and then unloaded various exploration equipment from each car.

At this moment, Joshua and Seaman walked over hand in hand and began to introduce the situation here.

"Steven, go along this valley and walk about one kilometer inside, and you will arrive at the village where the ancestors of the Israelites once lived, and there is no one living there now.

The terrain in the valley is quite special, the entrance is very narrow, the inside is fairly open, surrounded by cliffs, easy to defend and difficult to attack, this is why the ancestors of the Israelites chose this place

This section of the mountain road is not very easy to walk, there is only one narrow path, and you need to carry all kinds of materials and exploration equipment to go in. It is quite difficult and dangerous.

In order to ensure the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team, we will send people to open the way ahead, eliminate some safety hazards, and take safety measures on some more dangerous road sections.”

Joshua pointed to the valley and briefly introduced the situation here.

Following the direction of his finger, Ye Tian looked deep into the valley, then smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, it's nothing. When we explored treasures in other places, we have traveled more difficult roads than here. We have traveled a lot, and there is no road that can hinder us.

It's the terrain here that makes me a little worried about security issues. After the tripartite joint exploration team enters this valley, the commanding heights around the valley must be under our control! "

Hearing this, Seaman immediately continued:

"Although don't worry, Steven, before dawn, I have sent several groups of guys into this valley with various weapons and ammunition, and occupied every commanding height around.

After the tripartite joint exploration team enters the valley, our people will completely seal the entrance to the valley, and no one will be allowed to enter. I believe there will be no danger! "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this guy, then smiled and said:

"In that case, I'm relieved, let's get ready to go in!"

After speaking, he took his hiking bag out of the car and threw it on his back, ready to lead the team into the valley to explore.

The employees and security personnel of other fearless exploration companies are also making preparations.

After Joshua and Seaman left, Ye Tian immediately turned to look at Mathis.

Matisse immediately understood, and nodded to him, indicating that all the arrangements that should be done have been done!

After the bloody battle in Aswan, Ye Tian no longer had much trust in the Israelis' abilities.

Compared with that, he certainly trusts his security personnel more, and he trusts his omnipotent eyes even more!

About ten minutes later, everyone was ready. All the team members who participated in this exploration operation had already carried their backpacks and various exploration equipment, and were preparing to enter this dangerous valley.

The rest of the joint exploration team and security personnel will stay outside the valley, waiting for Ye Tian and the others to come out of the valley!

Of course, the Sudanese military police who followed could only stay outside the valley.

The first to set off into the valley was a team composed of Israeli explorers and security personnel. They were responsible for exploring the way ahead and eliminating potential safety hazards.

After the Israeli team entered the valley about 50 meters away, Ye Tian led his people to set off and entered this dangerous valley one after another.

The section of the road at the entrance of the valley is actually not difficult to walk, except that the slope is relatively steep, and it goes up and down suddenly. It is relatively easy for everyone to walk.

On the way, an Israeli archaeologist was still introducing the situation here to Ye Tian.

"The ancestors of the Israelites who once lived in this valley are said to have come from the Kingdom of Israel, followed the last pharaoh of the Nubian dynasty to withdraw to the Sudan, and settled here ever since.

They have lived here for more than a thousand years. It was not until the Middle Ages that they abandoned this homeland and went south to Ethiopia because of the Arab invasion and changes in the natural and geographical environment.

Since then, this place has been deserted, and although people of other nationalities lived in this valley, they did not live there for a long time, mainly because the mountain road was too difficult to walk.”

While the Israeli archaeologist was introducing, Ye Tian was also looking at the situation in this valley!

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