Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3002 Reverse Bow Face Precipice

Under Derek's operation, the three small drones quickly flew to the bottom of the three cliffs and began to climb slowly, taking pictures of the three cliffs bit by bit.

Ye Tian and several archaeologists were sitting in the shade of a tree, staring at the monitoring screen in front of them, checking the situation on the three cliffs to see if they could find anything.

At the bottom of these three cliffs, there are piles of gravel and gravel, nothing special, not even a cave, and naturally there are no secret passages!

Because this valley is relatively closed, the environment is much better than the Sahara Desert outside, so there are still some vegetation here, which brings a bit of vitality to the place.

In the previous exploration, the bottom of these three cliffs had been carefully checked by the joint exploration team, and nothing was found.

Even the depths of the ground and inside the cliffs were carefully scanned with pulse metal detectors.

Except for a few metal objects buried deep underground and existing in isolation, there are no large accumulations of metal objects, and naturally there are no treasures.

Three small drones flew back and forth twice at the bottom of the three cliffs, took pictures of the situation here, and then began to climb.

At a height of more than three meters from the ground, three small drones unanimously found several round holes, only as thick as a thumb, and distributed irregularly.

These round holes seemed to be drilled with an electric drill, rather than formed naturally. Each round hole was very regular, with a lot of friction marks around it, which looked very abrupt on the bare cliff.

In addition to these round holes, near these round holes, there are also traces of pedaling, as well as traces formed by the friction of the rope on the cliff.

Obviously, this is the trace left by human beings, and the formation time is not long.

"Steven, these are the round holes that the expedition teams we sent before came to this valley to explore, in order to install pitons on the cliff.

There are still many such round holes on the three cliffs, distributed in different positions. After completing the exploration mission, our people removed all the pitons.

Those stamping marks on the three cliffs, as well as a large area of ​​friction marks, are all left over from previous exploration operations. Unfortunately, we have spent a lot of effort, but found nothing! "

An Israeli archaeologist said, let me introduce the origin of these round holes.

Ye Tian turned to look at the archaeologist,

Then he smiled and said:

"Never mind that these three cliffs are not a protected historic site, nor are they a rock-climbing resort, and no one will say anything and cause no damage by driving pitons on them.

Later we will descend from the top of these three cliffs and explore these three cliffs. Maybe these round holes can be used to install pitons and protect the exploration team.”

The Israeli archaeologist nodded, as did the rest.

The three small drones kept climbing upwards, and there were no other discoveries except round holes and pedal marks that appeared from time to time.

The cliffs on these three sides are extremely steep, and many places are like knives and axes, and there is not even a foothold to be found.

There are several reasons why this happens.

One is the natural formation, which is the uncanny workmanship of nature, which has created these three cliffs that can be called cliffs.

The second reason is that it is done by human beings.

The ancestors of the Israelites living in this valley smashed all the footholds on the three cliffs to prevent people from climbing down the three cliffs and attacking the people living in the valley.

In this way, the three cliffs become a Jedi.

With the ancient technical conditions and equipment level, no one can come down from these three cliffs and surprise the people living in the valley.

Of course, people who live in this valley should not try to climb these three cliffs to escape from this valley!

If there is a secret passage that leads to the outside world and is unknown, that would be another matter!

And there's a reason there might be some great secret or treasure hidden on these three cliffs!

In order to avoid being discovered, those who hide this secret or treasure have spent a lot of manpower and material resources to deliberately turn these three cliffs into cliffs.

In this way, people who enter the valley can be completely prevented from climbing the three cliffs to discover secrets or treasures hidden on the cliffs.

In fact, anyone who enters this valley, if he does not know what is hidden on these three cliffs, will never risk his life to climb these cliffs.

As time goes by, the artificial traces that have been left on these cliffs will gradually disappear and become natural without any flaws.

Of course, these are just speculations and cannot be proven yet.

Because the natural conditions here are harsh, extremely arid, and extremely steep, there are no plants, not even a blade of grass, and only exposed rocks on the cliffs above 20 meters on the three sides.

Three small drones are still exploring, taking pictures of the situation on the three cliffs, but unfortunately nothing has been found.

At the same time, on the top of the three cliffs, several security personnel from Israel and the Intrepid Exploration Company have already selected the location to set up the cable drop and safety rope.

Those are several huge pieces of granite, all weighing more than 20 tons, and there is a certain distance from the top of the cliff.

Tie the climbing rope to those rocks, it is very firm, it will never move at all, and it is very safe.

Of course, if someone deliberately cuts the climbing rope, that's another matter.

After selecting the location, the security personnel began to carve grooves on the boulders, and then smoothed those grooves to tie climbing ropes.

That way, the climbing ropes tied to those boulders won't slip and cause accidents.

At the bottom of the three cliffs, Matisse led seven or eight security team members with rock climbing experience, and began to drive pitons and set up safety ropes on the three cliffs to prepare for the later exploration.

The round holes left by the Israelites were also used by them to install pitons.

However, the pitons installed in these existing round holes are only used as an aid.

It is the round holes that have just been drilled and the pitons installed in them that play a major role.

As time passed, the weather became hotter and hotter.

Except for a few company employees who piloted the three small drones, and security personnel who set up safety ropes and rappelling facilities, everyone else on the tripartite joint exploration team has stopped working.

Everyone hid in the shadow at the bottom of one of the cliffs to rest, recover their strength, and wait for the start of the next exploration operation.

At this time, the three small drones had flown to a height of more than 50 meters above the ground, and continued to take close-up pictures of the situation on the three cliffs.

Finally, after more than an hour of continuous flying and filming, one of the small drones finally found something.

"Steven, look here, is there a gap? It's not very obvious"

Derek said excitedly, and pointed to some areas on the monitor screen.

Following the direction of his finger, Ye Tian looked towards the area, and gave orders to the company employees who controlled the small drone.

"Anthony, let the drone hover at that position, it's best to push the distance a little closer to see if there are hidden secrets there, but also pay attention to safety, don't hit that cliff!"

"Understood, Steven, look at mine"

Anthony nodded in response, and then began to show operations.

The next moment, the small drone hovered in mid-air, quickly adjusted its position, and began to slowly approach the cliff.

The picture presented on the monitoring screen is also getting bigger and clearer little by little.

The rest of the archaeologists stood up and flocked to Ye Tian's side one after another, looking at the monitoring screen in front of him. Everyone was extremely excited, their eyes lit up, full of anticipation.

The small drone controlled by Anthony explored the cliff on the west side of the valley, which is the highest cliff on that side.

At this point, the small drone will fly halfway up the cliff.

Pushing forward for about one meter, Anthony stopped when he was less than 30 centimeters away from the cliff, hovering in front of the unknown gap.

At the same time, Ye Tian also enlarged the picture on the monitoring screen in order to see it more clearly.

Following his movements, a very hidden gap suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

In the center of the highest cliff, there are several staggered rocks, one of which is a piece of granite just in front of the other, and there is a gap about 30 centimeters wide between them.

Due to the staggered generation, this gap is very hidden, and it is impossible to find it from the ground.

Even if you use a drone to shoot, if you don't get very close and a little negligent, it is impossible to find this hidden gap.

What's more, the cliff where the gap is located is recessed inward by about one meter, forming a natural anti-bow surface.

It doesn't sound like a lot to sag inward by one meter, but it is very deadly if placed on a cliff that was originally like a knife and ax chisel.

Even the top rock climbers will have a headache when faced with such an anti-bow cliff.

Rock climbers with a slightly lower level will shy away when they see this kind of cliff, let alone ordinary rock climbers or even ordinary people.

Because of this, on the cliff where the gap is located, there is no round hole for installing pitons, and there are no traces of pedaling and friction, and everything remains in its original state.

Obviously, the Israelites who have explored this valley many times in the past have never set foot on this cliff!

"I'm going! There is indeed a gap here, I don't know what is hidden in it? Maybe it is an amazing treasure, this is really a surprising discovery!"

Ye Tian pretended to be pleasantly surprised and said that he was very excited.

Several archaeologists and company employees standing nearby were also very excited, and everyone even started to clap their hands in celebration.

Of course, those archaeologists from Israel felt very regretful while being excited.

Why is it not the Israelites who discovered this gap! I have sent people here to explore so many times before, why did no one think of exploring that cliff properly, so many opportunities were wasted!

While secretly regretting, several Israeli archaeologists were also amazed at Ye Tian's good luck.

Steven this guy is amazing! Why can he always discover many things that others ignore or miss, or even impossible to discover? Create one miracle after another, is he really God's favorite?

The first person to discover this gap was Derek, but he was an employee of the Daring One Exploration Company. Several Israeli archaeologists naturally attributed this miracle to Ye Tian!

Ye Tian carefully analyzed the monitoring screen, and then said eagerly:

"Anthony, can you let the drone fly closer? Take a look at the situation in that gap"

Not only Ye Tian, ​​but everyone here, including Joshua and David who just came here, all want to know what is hidden in that hidden gap, is it some important secret or a treasure?

However, Anthony shook his head.

"It can't be any closer, Steven, if you get closer to the cliff, as long as there is a little wind, this small drone may crash into the cliff and be completely reimbursed.

Although it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, there is still an updraft because of the heat. This small drone can hover at the current position, which is already very good.

The hidden gap is too narrow, this drone can't fly in at all, and can only use the micro-drones to fly in and explore, but the micro-drones can't resist the updraft in the valley! "

Hearing this, a look of regret flashed across everyone's faces, but they didn't say anything.

Ye Tian fell into thinking, and after a while, he said:

"In this case, we don't need drones to explore. Let's send people up, use pulse metal detectors and micro-drones to explore the gap and see what's hidden inside!"

"At the moment, that's the only way to go"

Joshua nodded and said, and the rest also nodded.

Next, Ye Tian asked Anthony to take pictures of the entrance of the gap and the surrounding area, and planned to analyze it carefully and determine the next action plan.

Then, he called Mattis over again, pointed to the drone surveillance screen and said:

"Matisse, find a way to install a few pitons on this cliff, set up a safety rope, and set up a cable descent route here, and I will go to explore this cliff myself later.

I have a very strong hunch that in this very hidden gap, we may find something, and it may even be a huge surprise, which must not be missed! "

Matisse took a closer look at the drone surveillance screen, and then exclaimed:

"I'll go! It's dangerous here, it's a land of jeopardy, it's not easy to install pitons here, we need to discuss it!"

Ye Tian smiled, and then continued:

“It doesn’t have to be right next to this gap, just over and around this sunken wall, and I can abseil from the top of the cliff.

After descending to the height of the gap, I will swing directly there, looking for opportunities to grab the edge of the gap with my hands! The next thing will be easy! "

"Wow! This is not a small difficulty, but it is indeed doable!"

Mattis exclaimed in a low voice.

The other people who were present at the same scene gasped when they heard Ye Tian's action plan, and were terrified!

It was a cliff more than 50 meters high, and it was still facing backwards, so there was no way to rely on it. If one was not careful, he might fall from the sky and be smashed to pieces!

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