Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3003 Straight up to the sky

In the following exploration process, the three small drones did not find any surprises again, and there was nothing on the three cliffs.

After completing the exploration mission, Derek and the others took back the three small drones and went to the side to rest.

Matisse and the others are still busy.

Like Spider-Man, they climbed on the cliffs on three sides, drilled pitons, arranged safety ropes, eliminated possible safety hazards on several cable descent routes, and prepared for the next exploration operation.

It wasn't until around three o'clock in the afternoon that Mattis and the others finished their work.

On the three steep cliffs, they drilled more than a hundred pitons and tested them one by one to confirm that each piton is very strong and safe.

Then, from the tops of the cliffs on three sides, a few climbing ropes that were slightly thicker than your thumb were dropped down to the ground.

At the same time, Ye Tian and Peter, who had put on a complete set of climbing equipment, had arrived at the bottom of the highest cliff, ready to climb this cliff.

To be precise, they have to climb to the top of the cliff first, and then descend from the top of the cliff to enter the anti-bow area to check what secrets or treasures are hidden in the hidden gap.

It was Ye Tian himself who descended into the anti-bow area to explore.

As for Peter, he assisted from the side.

He has a certain amount of rock climbing experience. Under the premise of being protected by a safety rope, he has basically no problem climbing this steep cliff.

Besides Ye Tian and Peter, Mathis and three other security team members also came to the bottom of this cliff.

During the later rock climbing and rappelling, they were responsible for pulling the lower protection rope on the ground to ensure the safety of Ye Tian and Peter.

And on the top of this cliff, there are six fully armed security guards.

They are not only responsible for pulling the upper protection rope, but also ensuring the safety of the top of the cliff to prevent people from touching the top of the cliff and causing damage, such as cutting the climbing rope.

At the same time Ye Tian and the others started their operations, at the bottom of the other two lower cliffs, two groups of exploration team members were also getting ready to climb those two cliffs.

Like Ye Tian and the others, they also need to climb to the top of the cliff quickly,

Then abseil from the top of the cliff and explore those two cliffs from top to bottom to see if you can find something.

They are also in groups of two and two, carrying pulse metal detectors and other exploration equipment.

When he came to the bottom of the cliff, Ye Tian raised his head and looked at the unusually steep cliff with a height of more than 100 meters.

Although he was mentally prepared, when he really stood at the bottom of the cliff and looked up, he still felt a huge pressure rushing to his face.

Even he felt palpitations when he thought that he was about to quickly ascend to the top of the cliff, and then descend from the top of the cliff to explore the most dangerous anti-bow area in the middle of the cliff.

Peter standing next to him, as well as Matisse and the others, were also under great pressure in the face of this sharp cliff.

After carefully observing the situation on the cliff, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Guys, how is the situation on the top of the cliff? Are the climbing ropes tied and the pulleys stable? Everyone check carefully again, is the surrounding safe? Are there any strangers?"

After the words fell, Walker's voice came from the walkie-talkie immediately.

"Steven, there is nothing wrong with the top of the cliff. The climbing ropes are tied very firmly, and the pulleys are very smooth. Don't worry, from now on, no one can approach the top of the cliff. We will guard this place."

"Okay, Walker, get ready and follow my orders"

"Got it, Steven"

After the call, Ye Tian immediately nodded to Mathis and the others.

"Peter, I will go to the top of the cliff first, and you will come up later, Matisse, and the protection rope below will be handed over to you to control."

"No problem, Steven"

The two answered in unison.

Next, Ye Tian began to check the climbing safety belts, climbing ropes and safety ropes that he had put on before.

After confirming that there was no problem, he used the safety lock to tie the upper and lower safety ropes around his waist.

These two safety ropes are the upper safety rope and the lower safety rope.

They are respectively controlled by four security personnel at the top and bottom of the cliff. In the event of an accident or loss of strength, he can be pulled up to the top of the cliff quickly, or he can be quickly roped down from the cliff to the bottom of the cliff.

Not only that, Ye Tian also brought a climbing rope with a length of more than 120 meters, which was hung on the back waist, as well as some safety locks, and other rock climbing equipment, just in case.

After fastening the safety rope, Ye Tian checked it again in case of accidents.

Then he nodded at Matisse and the others, and said to them:

"During the ascent, you don't need to pull hard, but you still have to be vigilant and ready to shoot at any time. If you don't keep it straight, accidents will happen. If there is a problem on the top of the cliff, I will count on you.

While climbing the cliff, I will connect the safety rope in your hands with the pitons on the cliff until it reaches the top of the anti-bow area in the middle of the cliff, and it will not be necessary to go up any further.”

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, you don't have to worry about the lower belay rope, it will always be in our hands"

Ye Tian nodded, and then said through the walkie-talkie pinned to his shoulder:

"Walker, you can act now. This is the main rope on the left. Apply force at a constant speed and pull it up slowly. Listen to my orders and be ready to stop at any time. I will connect the lower protection rope with the piton on the cliff."

The next moment, Walker's voice came from the intercom.

"Okay Steven, get ready, we're pulling the main rope"

As soon as the voice fell, the main rope hanging in front of Ye Tian immediately tightened, pulling him up directly.

Ye Tian tapped one foot on the ground, and the whole person flew up, clinging to the steep cliff, his body and the cliff formed an angle of 60 degrees, and quickly went up.

Seeing this scene, there was an exclamation in the valley immediately.

"Wow! This guy Steven is so crazy, there is nothing he dare not do!"

"This is a cliff more than 100 meters high. I feel dizzy looking at it. Even if I die, I dare not climb such a cliff!"

"I have to say that Steven is a very adventurous guy. Maybe that's why he can create miracles one after another."

Amidst the exclamation, Ye Tian has already risen about five meters quickly.

At this height, there happened to be a piton, which was installed by Matisse and the others just now.

"Pause, Walker!"

Ye Tian said through the walkie-talkie.

The next moment, he stopped rising.

After stabilizing his figure, he immediately took out a safety lock and connected the lower protection rope behind him with the piton on the cliff.

Following his movements, the lower protection rope was connected to the cliff.

In this way, during the next rock climbing process, Ye Tian or other people who climb along this route don't have to worry about being thrown out and get off the cliff, and they can always climb close to the cliff.

After hanging the safety rope, Ye Tian pulled it hard again to test whether it is firm or not.

After confirming that there was no problem, he said through the walkie-talkie:

"Okay, Walker, this piton has been connected, continue to pull up!"

After the words fell, he flew up again and flew towards the top of the steep cliff.

After rising about ten meters, he notified Walker and others again to ask them to stop.

As Walker and the others stopped pulling, Ye Tianye hovered in mid-air, about fifteen meters above the ground, which was already the height of a five-story building.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a safety lock, connected the lower protection rope with a piton on the cliff, and tested the firmness.

In this way, like a trapeze man, he rose and fell on this extremely steep cliff, and quickly rose to the top of the cliff.

Every time he rises and falls, he connects the safety rope with the cliff, gradually building a safe route.

With the safety rope attached to the cliff, this unusually steep cliff has become less deadly, at least climbable.

After a while, Ye Tian had quickly ascended more than 50 meters, and came to the anti-bow area on the cliff.

"Pause, Walker, I have reached the anti-bow area on the cliff, I need to check the situation here"

Ye Tian said through the walkie-talkie.

As soon as the sound came out, Walker and the others stopped pulling, and he was also suspended in the air.

The difference from before is that he is now about one meter away from the anti-bow cliff, and any leverage is like being hung on this cliff.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the people in the valley were suspended, very nervous.

"I'm going! This is too thrilling, and it makes people worry just looking at it!"

"Under the current conditions, it is so difficult to climb this cliff. I can't imagine how the ancestors of the Israelites climbed this cliff more than a thousand years ago, or even in a longer period of time?"

"What's so strange about this? Haven't we encountered such unimaginable things? For example, how were the ancient Egyptian pyramids built? The true origin of the Sphinx, etc.?"

While everyone was discussing, Ye Tian had already stabilized his figure in the air, and looked at the very hidden gap in the anti-bow area.

Just like the video images captured by drones before, there are several staggered granite rocks in that area.

The outermost huge rock just blocked a smaller rock behind, forming a side-opening gap between the two, which is very concealed.

The gap between the rocks is about 30 centimeters wide and about one meter high. It looks more like a vertical narrow hole.

However, if people want to enter this cave, it is very difficult.

There is only one way, and that is to cling to the cliff and climb in sideways.

And on this extremely steep cliff, it is almost impossible to make such a move.

Of course, there is another way, which is to cut off the outermost rock, or blast it to completely open the hole, so that you can enter it.

Looking from where Ye Tian was, he could only see a little bit of the situation at the entrance of the gap, and he couldn't see anything deeper. No one knew what was hidden in that gap.

However, this is not a problem for Ye Tian at all.

Under the perspective, the situation in that gap immediately appeared in his eyes, very clear and unobstructed.

In fact, as early as the first time he entered the valley, he saw something hidden in this gap, but he couldn't put it into words!

He hung in mid-air and observed for a while, then said through the intercom:

"Guys, keep pulling up, pull up another three meters and stop, there are a few pitons on it, I want to hang a safety rope on it"

"Got it, Steven"

Walker responded, and sprang into action.

The next moment, Ye Tian started to rise again, and he stopped after only rising three meters.

At this time, he was close to the cliff, not hanging outside the cliff.

Using the two pitons installed here, he reconnected the safety rope to the cliff and observed the situation here.

The two pitons here, as well as the terrain here, are very important to the success or failure of this exploration operation, so be very careful and careful.

Ye Tian kept everything here in mind before leaving and continuing to ascend.

For the next few tens of meters, the difficulty is much less, and the ascent speed is faster.

After a while, he came to the top of the cliff and joined Walker and the others who were staying on the top of the cliff.

At this time, these guys all looked quite tired, and the weather was very hot and highly tense, and everyone was sweating profusely.

As Ye Tian successfully climbed to the top of the cliff, Walker and the others, as well as everyone in the valley, cheered loudly and were extremely excited.

"Brilliant! Steven, well done!"

"I'll go! Steven is really omnipotent! You have to admire him!"

Amidst the cheers, Ye Tian stepped forward, fist bumped with Walker and the others, and greeted each other.

All the security team members guarding this cliff looked at him with admiration in their eyes.

Especially those few new Mossad agents and members of the 13th commando looked at him, as if they were looking at aliens, their eyes were full of shock.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys quickly, then smiled and said:

"Guys, take a rest and recharge your batteries. I'll just pull Peter up."

Hearing this, Walker and the others nodded and didn't say much.

Those Israeli military and police agents opened their eyes wide in surprise.

This is a cliff more than 100 meters high, not on flat ground!

Wanting to pull an adult from the bottom of the valley to the top of the cliff is by no means as simple as lifting an adult on flat ground. Even with the assistance of pulleys, the strength required is probably several times!

A member of the 13th Commando with rock climbing experience wanted to say something and objected, but was stopped by a Mossad agent shaking his head.

Ye Tian, ​​who adjusted his breath a little, has come to another main rope, and then said through the walkie-talkie:

"Peter, I will pull you up next, and when you need to stop on the way, just tell me through the intercom!"

After the words fell, Peter's voice came from the walkie-talkie immediately.

"Understood, Steven, I'm ready and will keep in touch with you!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

With that said, Ye Tian gripped the main rope on the right and began to pull it upwards with all his strength.

He didn't seem to use much strength, but he pulled up Peter who was staying at the bottom of the valley, and quickly pulled him to the top of the cliff.

Seeing this scene, the Israelites on the top of the cliff were all speechless inwardly!

They also had a new understanding of Ye Tian's powerful strength!

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