Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3010 Angry Sudanese (Please support the new book more)

After the tripartite joint exploration team left Dongola, they came directly to Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.

Near Khartoum, there is a ruins of an ancient city with a history of one or two thousand years, which is one of the destinations of this joint exploration operation.

When the joint exploration convoy drove into the urban area of ​​Khartoum, it immediately caused quite a stir in the city.

Every street the convoy passed, people flocked out to watch the huge convoy and talk about it.

"I didn't expect these Yankees and Israelis to come to Khartoum. Could it be that the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden near Khartoum? If so, it would be great!"

"I don't know where the destination of these guys is, if we know, we can explore first, maybe we will find something!

It is said that Steven is a super lucky guy, always creating miracles one after another, and finding priceless treasures one after another.

In Egypt and Dongola before, he discovered several shocking treasures one after another! I hope it will be the same this time, let's follow him, maybe we can have some soup! "

While people on the street were discussing, Ye Tian and the others were looking at the dusty street scene outside through the car window.

Khartoum is the capital of Sudan and the largest city in Sudan with a population of about six million.

Khartoum in ancient times was a desolate bush.

Around the beginning of the thirteenth century, the Mahas people of the Sudanese tribe migrated south across the desert.

Because the land here is fertile and the water source is abundant, they settled here and named the place 'Loltom', which means 'the confluence of the river and the spring'.

In the 15th century, the Arabs began to move south in large numbers, and Gertom became a traffic artery and a trading market, and this small village was gradually transformed into a city.

After the confluence of the blue and white Nile River in Khartoum, the image of the confluence is the trunk of an elephant. Therefore, the Arabs renamed it "Khartoum", which means "elephant trunk" in Arabic.

The most famous landscape in Khartoum is the confluence of the clean Nile River.

The White Nile from Uganda and the Blue Nile from Ethiopia meet here, head north toward Egypt, and finally flow into the Mediterranean Sea.

Due to the different water conditions in the upper reaches of the two rivers and the geological structure of the areas they flow through, one of the two rivers is blue and the other is white.

Because it is located on the edge of the Sahara Desert, Khartoum's climate is hot and dry, with an annual average temperature of nearly 30 degrees, known as the furnace of the world.

Every year from March to November is the hottest time.

During this period, when people go out during the day, the scalding heat waves hit their faces, just like stepping into a sauna room.

Even if you go out for a walk at ten o'clock in the evening, the ground is still emitting bursts of heat, which is very difficult!

In April and May, it is the season of sandstorms from the Sahara Desert.

The strong wind blows the dust all over the sky aggressively, and it blows in the dark for several days. The yellow sand in the sky penetrates everywhere. People can feel the smell of earth in the house, and sometimes they will even be woken up in their sleep.

In the rainy season in July and August, there will be occasional downpours.

After the heavy rain, the entire city without sewers will accumulate water everywhere, and it will become a "water village".

In winter, the heat is gone.

At this time in Khartoum, the air is fresh and the visibility is high, so you can take a deep breath with confidence.

Looking up at the sky at night, the stars and the moon are clearly visible, as if they are close at hand.

When the tripartite joint exploration team arrived in Khartoum, it was at the end of the rainy season.

There should have been a heavy rain here two days ago, although because of the extremely hot weather, the water on the streets has evaporated.

However, the water stains on the buildings on both sides of the street, as well as the clods of mud congealed on the side of the road, are enough to explain what happened here.

Due to the belief in Islam, the buildings in Khartoum are basically the same as those of other Arab cities in North Africa.

Full of Iraqi style, it is different from the buildings in West Asia and Arabia.

Because it is the capital of Sudan, the infrastructure here is relatively better.

Regardless of roads or buildings, people standing on both sides of the street look more modern.

"Fortunately, we came two days late. If we had arrived in Khartoum a few days earlier, we might have been trapped here. Look at the water stains on the buildings on the side of the road. It's obvious that this place has just been flooded!"

David pointed to the buildings on both sides of the street and said.

Ye Tian looked out, then shook his head slightly.

"This kind of situation is very common in Khartoum. Every year in July and August, when it enters the rainy season, there will be a heavy rain here from time to time, turning the whole city into a swamp.

Fortunately, the Nile River passes through the city, and the drainage is very convenient. In addition, the weather is very hot, and the stagnant water will quickly subside or be evaporated quickly.

In this environment, if Solomon's treasure was hidden near Khartoum, it would have been washed away by the heavy rain, or submerged by the frequent flooding of the Nile River!

For this trip to Khartoum, I don’t have any hopes. The possibility of the tripartite joint exploration team finding Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant here is extremely low, almost zero! "

David nodded, then asked:

"Steven, how many days are you planning to stay in Khartoum? After all, this is the capital of Sudan, with a very long history, and there are several antique flea markets, and there are many antique shops in the city. Are you planning to go shopping?"

Ye Tian shook his head, smiled and said:

"Forget it this time, let's talk about it later! Because of the series of discoveries in Egypt and the discovery in Dongola, more and more people are staring at us, and we can even be said to be the target of public criticism.

Among the people staring at us, there are many guys who came to take revenge, such as those Yemeni local militants who were killed in Aswan before. It is very convenient for them to come to Sudan, just cross the Red Sea, so we still have to be prepared!

Those antique flea markets and many antique shops in Khartoum can only be raided later, anyway, they will not grow wings to fly again, and we will come to this country and this city again in a short time.

This time, let's go and see the scenery at the confluence of the blue and white Nile River. It is the most worth seeing scenery in this city. It must be very spectacular. Since we are here, we can't miss it. We will talk about other things later! "

While speaking, the joint exploration convoy has already arrived at the pre-booked five-star hotel.

At this time, the hotel was heavily protected by heavily armed Sudanese military police, and there were many Israeli agents in plain clothes at the scene.

Obviously, the Sudanese have learned the lessons of the Egyptians and do not want the tragedy of Aswan to happen again.

This is especially true for the Israelis. The bloody fight that happened in Aswan last time has become a disgrace to Mossad and the Thirteenth Commando. They will never allow such a thing to happen again!

As soon as the convoy stopped at the entrance of the hotel, the Israeli ambassador to Sudan and his entourage, as well as several Sudanese government officials, greeted them from the hotel.

Among these people, there were several Islamic clerics, wearing Arabic robes, which looked very conspicuous.

After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and the others got out of the car and stood at the entrance of the hotel.

Soon, Joshua and Bishop of Kent came over and joined Ye Tian and the others.

At the same time, those people who came out of the hotel have also come to the front.

After everyone met, it was natural to introduce each other and greet each other politely.

After getting to know each other, the Israeli ambassador to Sudan said:

"Joshua, Steven, the Bishop of Kent, these Islamic clergymen want to talk to you about something. I didn't see them until here. Would you like to talk to them?"

Ye Tian looked at Joshua and the Bishop of Kent, and asked for their meaning with his eyes, and the two nodded slightly.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian nodded and said:

"Okay, since they've all come, we can't keep them out, it's too impolite, this is Sudan after all, it's their territory, we still have to give face.

I'm also curious about what they want to talk about, so it doesn't hurt to listen! But if we want to talk, we have to wait for us to settle in the hotel room, wash up, and then talk to them! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll tell them what you mean!"

The Israeli ambassador to Sudan nodded in response.

Afterwards, he walked towards an official of the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relayed Ye Tian's meaning to the other party.

Next, the official from the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs approached those senior Islamic clerics and explained in a low voice.

In this way, after layers of translation and communication, the two sides set the meeting time at four o'clock in the afternoon, in the conference room of this hotel.

After finalizing this matter, those senior Islamic clergymen left here.

Ye Tian and the others walked into the hotel gate and formally checked into the hotel.

Many members of the tripartite joint exploration team unloaded everyone's luggage, various exploration equipment, weapons and ammunition, loaded them on luggage carts one by one, and pushed them into the hotel.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian brought David and the others into a luxury suite on the top floor of the hotel.

The first time he entered the room, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation in the room, and then said to Mathis:

"Matisse, you should search this room thoroughly to see if there are hidden surveillance probes and eavesdropping equipment, be careful.

After the discovery of Dongola, I believe that the Sudanese government will attach great importance to our tripartite joint exploration team, and may play some out-of-the-box tricks.

In addition to this suite, every room where our company employees and security team members live must be checked carefully, including the room of the Bishop of Kent.

As for the Israelis, don’t worry, they must be more cautious than us, and they will definitely search every room thoroughly! "

Matisse smiled, then nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, and it will be done soon!"

After speaking, he led a few security team members to get busy, took out the detection equipment, and scanned every corner of the suite.

Meanwhile, in a room on the middle floor of the hotel.

Several Sudanese were standing in front of a row of computers, staring at the monitoring screen on the computer screen in a daze.

What appeared on the main monitoring screen was the luxurious suite where Ye Tian lived.

On one of the computer screens, Ye Tian and David were sitting in the living room, joking and chatting, but they were talking about things of little value, such as the customs of Khartoum.

On another computer screen, Matisse gently unscrewed a socket on the wall and pulled out the pinhole camera hidden in the socket.

While pulling out the pinhole camera, the guy smiled at the camera and waved his hand lightly, his eyes full of disdain and sarcasm.

Following his movements, the sub-screen immediately went black.

The faces of the Sudanese staying in this room on the middle floor of the hotel were all red, their expressions were very embarrassing, and their teeth were itching with hatred.

One of the guys in his thirties gritted his molars and said:

"Damn it! These Yankees are too difficult to deal with. They are so cautious and cunning, causing us to waste a batch of advanced monitoring and listening equipment."

After the voice fell, another younger intelligence officer continued:

"I've said long ago that it's useless to monitor the cunning guys like Steven in this way, and it won't achieve any results. Instead, it will be self-defeating!

As far as I know, the security personnel under that bastard Steven are all from the most elite special forces in the United States, with extremely rich combat experience, and none of them are good at it!

If they can't even handle the monitoring, then there's no need to keep it secret, let alone find so many famous treasures, those treasures may have been intercepted by others halfway! "

Hearing this, other Sudanese intelligence officers on the scene nodded in agreement.

As for the leader in his thirties, his expression was quite embarrassing, turning blue and white at times.

While talking, two more pinhole cameras were found and destroyed one after another.

The monitoring screen connected to it also turned black.

In the following time, all the monitoring and listening devices arranged in that luxury suite were found out one by one, and then all were dismantled!

The monitoring screens on many computers in this room on the middle floor of the hotel turned black one by one.

In the earphones responsible for monitoring, the sound is also disappearing, leaving only a rustling sound.

After a while, nearly one-third of the computers in this room were completely blacked out.

After another ten or twenty minutes, the remaining two-thirds of the computer screens were also blacked out, and the headphones responsible for monitoring were completely useless.

All the monitoring and listening equipment installed in the rooms of other members of the tripartite joint exploration team were also found, and they were removed one by one, and none of them were left behind!

Seeing this result, several Sudanese intelligence officers staying in this room on the middle floor of the hotel felt very depressed, but there was nothing they could do.

Just as they were packing up their things dejectedly and preparing to evacuate from here, there was a knock on the door.

These guys suddenly became nervous, took out their pistols and pointed at the door of the room.

However, after only two knocks on the door, there was no sound.

They asked loudly, who is outside the door? No one responded either.

When they opened the door carefully, there was no one there, only a black plastic bag was thrown on the ground, with a note written in Arabic written on it.

"This is your thing, return it to its original owner!"

Seeing this note, several Sudanese intelligence officers suddenly realized and felt very embarrassed.

They immediately thought that what was contained in this black plastic bag was the monitoring and listening equipment that everyone worked so hard to arrange in the rooms upstairs.

Steven's bastard's subordinates not only found these monitoring and listening devices, dismantled them all, but also sent them back to humiliate everyone!

This is enough to show that the whereabouts of his group of people have fallen into the eyes of those guys, and there is no secret at all.

Thinking of this, the faces of several Sudanese intelligence personnel quickly turned red, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

No one can stand being slapped and humiliated in this way!


The Sudanese who led the team slammed his foot on the door and cursed loudly angrily:

"These bloody bastards are too fucking bullying, I can't stop with them!"

Not only him, but the rest of the intelligence officers were also furious.

They smashed walls or kicked tables to vent their anger.

However, they can only vent here, but there is nothing they can do about those guys upstairs.


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