Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3011 Unexpected Change

After Matisse and the others cleaned the suite thoroughly, they left the luxurious suite.

To be on the safe side, Ye Tian went through this luxury suite thoroughly again, to make sure that there are no monitoring and listening devices that have been missed, so he can rest assured!

Afterwards, he went into the bathroom to wash up, washing off the dust all over his body.

When he came out of the bathroom, his whole body was completely new.

After changing into clean clothes, he immediately took out his cell phone and started reporting his whereabouts to his mother and Betty.

Since he left Beijing last time, this is something he must do every day, and today is no exception.

In the video call, Betty told him that today her mother took her to Xiehe Hospital for a check-up.

The result was very good, both mother and baby were very healthy and had no problems.

My son's heartbeat sounded very strong, like that of a child rather than an unborn baby.

Betty also sent the video taken during the prenatal checkup and shared it with Ye Tian.

Looking at the baby curled up in Betty's womb and wriggling slightly in the video, Ye Tian's two eye sockets immediately became moist.

Fortunately, there was no one else in this luxury suite, so no one saw his performance.

After having a video call with his mother and Betty for about half an hour, Ye Tian reluctantly ended the call.

At this time, the time was approaching noon, almost lunch time.

Ye Tian was about to leave this luxury suite and go to the restaurant for dinner, but Mathis knocked on the door and walked in.

After entering the door, he said solemnly:

"Steven, I just received news that the valley in the southwest of Dongola has been attacked. The attackers are said to be local armed forces from South Sudan, and the number of them is quite large.

The South Sudanese local armed forces sent a large number of personnel to sneak into Dongola in an attempt to seize the treasure hidden in the valley, and clashed with the Sudanese army protecting the valley.

The Israeli and Sudanese joint exploration team in the valley, as well as the gold and silver treasures, antiques and artworks that have not yet been transported away, have not suffered any losses!

The multitude of Israeli military police guarding that treasure,

Did not participate in the battle, the current battle is only happening between the Sudanese, but no one can say how the situation will develop next! "

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian couldn't help falling into silence, speechless for a long time.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"This situation is completely within my expectations. South Sudan was once a part of Sudan, and it has only been independent for a few years, and the natural conditions there are very harsh and extremely poor.

Under such circumstances, if an astonishing treasure is found in Sudan, some people or some armed forces in South Sudan will take it for granted that they should have a share of this treasure.

However, how is it possible for the Sudanese government to give up the benefits they have already obtained, not to mention that they have always been worried about the independence of South Sudan, and it is even more impossible to agree to this request of some people in South Sudan.

In view of this, conflict between the two parties is almost inevitable. Fortunately, we have withdrawn from this matter, and let the Sudanese and Israelis have a headache for the rest.

What I am thinking now is that in the next exploration operation, if we find any treasures in Sudan, it is likely that some people or some armed forces in South Sudan will also target them.

Tell those security personnel who entered Sudan in advance to pay attention to the movements of South Sudan and report at any time! If necessary, you can ask those guys from Raytheon to help with some intelligence."

"Understood, Steven, I will notify those guys who entered Sudan in advance, let them pay attention to the movements in South Sudan, and let everyone be more vigilant!"

Mattis nodded.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go eat, I am really hungry!"

With that said, Ye Tian walked towards the door and left the luxurious suite.

When they walked out of the room, David and Derek were already waiting in the corridor.

After everyone gathered at one place, they walked towards the elevator entrance together, preparing to go to the restaurant downstairs.


Soon, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Tian and his group came to the big conference room of the hotel, everyone was a little curious.

Also in this conference room were representatives from Israel headed by Joshua and representatives from the Vatican headed by Bishop of Kent.

In addition, there are ambassadors and cultural counselors from the Israeli embassy in Sudan, as well as some senior government officials from Sudan's Ministry of Culture and other departments.

After entering the conference room, Ye Tian first took a quick look at the environment here, and nodded to everyone present.

After greeting everyone, the group of them sat down on a few chairs belonging to them.

As soon as he sat down, Ye Tian turned his head to look at Joshua who was sitting next to him, and asked curiously in a low voice:

"What do the Sudanese mean? Are they trying to change their minds?"

Joshua shook his head lightly, also confused.

"As far as I know, it is a few high-level figures from the Islamic Islamic religion who proposed to hold this meeting, not the Sudanese government, and these people in the Sudanese government seem to be kept in the dark!

What are the specific thoughts of those high-level Sultanate figures, and why are they holding this talk? Everyone doesn't know, and we can only find out after the talks start! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian scanned the meeting room again, and then said in a low voice:

"Why didn't you see those high-level Islamic figures? Since they proposed to hold this meeting, why are they late!"

"In fact, they have already come, but because of internal disagreement, they went to a lounge next to them to discuss. We may have to wait for a while!"

"So that's it, just wait."

After chatting a few words, Ye Tian changed the subject.

"I just heard from Mattis that there seems to be a firefight around the valley southwest of Dongola, and the two sides of the firefight are the Sudanese military and the local armed forces of South Sudan.

How is the situation now? Did local militants in South Sudan break into that valley? Have any of your people been involved? I really didn't expect this to happen”

"That's right, that valley was indeed attacked by local militants in South Sudan. Their goal was the treasure found on the cliff, and they wanted to share part of the treasure.

Fortunately, the Sudanese were well prepared and arranged for troops to guard the valley. Currently, the fighting is only taking place among the Sudanese. We were not involved in it, and the battle is almost over."

"That's good! I hope you can safely transport the half of the treasure you bought."

While talking, the door to the lounge next door opened.

Several high-ranking Sultans in Arabic robes and long beards walked out of the lounge one after another and entered the conference room!

They first nodded and greeted everyone at the scene, and then sat on the empty chairs opposite Ye Tian and the others.

After sitting down, we started the conversation.

These senior teachers are very straightforward, and they will go straight to the topic.

One of the Islamic elders who was about sixty years old stood up from his seat, looked at the crowd, and said loudly:

"Good afternoon, everyone. As we all know, the tripartite joint exploration team came to Sudan this time to explore the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant and complete this historical mission.

At the same time, we also know that the Ark of the Covenant is said to be part of Solomon's treasure in Solomon's treasure, and what is contained in the Ark of the Covenant is the famous Ten Commandments of Moses.

For Judaism and Christianity, the Ark of the Covenant is the most holy thing, and for Islam, it is also a most holy thing. Finding the Ark of the Covenant is also our sacred mission.

Because of this, the tripartite joint exploration operation to find Solomon's treasure must not exclude Islam, and we strongly request to participate in this joint exploration operation.

To be more precise, in the next period of time, we will ask to participate in all the exploration operations carried out by the tripartite joint exploration team in Sudan and witness them on the spot!

If you don’t discover the legendary treasure of Solomon in Sudan, and then go to other places or countries to explore, it has nothing to do with us, and we will not interfere with you”

Before the words fell, all the Israelis on the scene had already exploded.

Headed by the Bishop of Kent and several representatives from the Vatican, their complexions changed and became very ugly!

The expressions of those senior officials and representatives of the Sudanese government were a little embarrassed.

But everyone knows that the demands made by these Sultan Islamic elders actually have some truth.

The reason is simple, Moses is not only a saint of Israel and Judaism, but also a saint of Christianity, and he is also a saint of Islam.

The Ark of the Covenant containing the Ten Commandments of Moses is also one of the holy objects of Islam.

Of course, its status in Islam is not as lofty as it is in Judaism and Christianity!

Since ancient times, believers of the three religions, including Islam, have regarded the search for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant as one of their sacred historical missions.

From the Macedonian Kingdom in the fourth century BC, the Ptolemaic Dynasty, the Seleucid Kingdoms and so on.

After these famous dynasties and kingdoms in history occupied Jerusalem, they all tried their best to find the Golden Ark of the Covenant, but to no avail.

From the first century to the second century AD, when the Roman Empire ruled Jerusalem, they also tried every means to find Solomon's treasure, but there was also no result.

Then to the later period of Arab rule, the Crusades, until now.

All the dynasties and countries that occupied Jerusalem, no matter which one of the three major religions they believed in, were looking for the legendary treasure of Solomon everywhere.

For more than two thousand years, the search for Solomon's treasure has never stopped, but no one has ever heard of anyone finding this treasure.

Right now, because of Ye Tian's appearance, the possibility of finding Solomon's treasure seems to be much greater than before.

Coupled with the miracles he created one after another, many people saw hope.

Because of this, high-ranking Islamic figures who were not very keen on finding Solomon's treasure before jumped out at this time and tried to participate in this joint exploration operation!

Joshua stood up abruptly, ready to refute the Islamic elders on the opposite side.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly pulled him gently to stop his behavior.

Joshua, who was pulled for a while, couldn't help turning his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​somewhat surprised.

The next moment, Ye Tian smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, before talking about this matter, I would like to reiterate the position of our fearless exploration company, so as not to cause some unnecessary misunderstandings and cause some troubles!

In this tripartite joint exploration operation, although we lead the tripartite exploration operation, we are only responsible for exploring Solomon's treasure and do not intervene in any religious-related disputes.

Moses is a saint of the three religions, and the Ark is a holy object of the three religions! I know this very well, and I have reached an agreement with Israel and the Vatican at the beginning of this joint exploration operation.

Any disputes between religions and nations will not be involved in any conflicts between religions and nations. These matters will be communicated and resolved by Israel and the Vatican.

I only have one request, that is, the interests of the fearless exploration company must be guaranteed and not be violated in the slightest, otherwise I have the right to terminate this tripartite joint exploration operation.

As things stand, it's clear that there's some controversy that we're not a part of, so we're going to walk out of this meeting and it's up to you to negotiate.

No matter what result you negotiate in the end, we will accept it. Whether this tripartite joint exploration operation will continue or be terminated depends on the result of your negotiation!

That's all I want to say. Next, my staff and lawyers and I will leave this conference room. Before leaving, I still want to emphasize that our interests cannot be violated."

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian nodded to David and the others, and his intention was self-evident.

Immediately afterwards, he turned and walked towards the door of the conference room, and David and Matisse immediately followed.

Looking at the representatives of other parties who were also in the meeting room, they were all dumbfounded at this moment, and they all froze in place!

They even forgot to keep Ye Tian, ​​and just watched them walk out of the conference room.

Until the moment the meeting room door closed, they had just woken up.

The next moment, the conference room exploded.

"What is this called! Without the participation of Steven and the Daring One Exploration Company, any talks between us would be meaningless, and we would never even try to find the legendary Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant!"

"If this tripartite joint exploration operation ends without a problem, who should be responsible? Think about it, can we wait another two thousand years?"

Amidst the ups and downs of discussions, everyone looked at the few Islamic elders.

Although everyone didn't say it clearly, the complaint in their eyes was so obvious that everyone could see it!

Outside the meeting room door, David looked back at the meeting room door, and said with a little worry:

"Steven, isn't it a bit inappropriate for us to leave like this?"

Ye Tian shook his head, smiled confidently and said:

"It's nothing inappropriate, I'm sure there must be someone else standing behind those Islamic elders, but we don't know for the time being.

What's more, this tripartite joint exploration operation has been carried out here, and neither Israel nor the Vatican will allow this joint exploration operation to end without a problem.

They will definitely do their utmost to restore the situation, so that this tripartite joint exploration operation can continue until the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are found.

Even if this tripartite joint exploration operation ends without a problem, we have nothing to lose. Along the way, we have discovered countless treasures and have already made a lot of money.

Personally, it is a good thing that this tripartite joint exploration operation is terminated or suspended. I can just leave here and go back to Beijing to be with my wife and children.

Don't worry, David, what we have to do now is to go back upstairs to rest, and wait for the other parties to come to a conclusion, and then we will start follow-up actions based on the result."

After speaking, Ye Tian walked towards the elevator.


David let out a long breath, and then followed.

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