Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3012 Not so spectacular

After one or two hours of quarrels and negotiations, Israel and the Vatican finally reached an agreement with the elders of the Sultanate to determine the way of cooperation.

With the conclusion of this agreement, the tripartite joint exploration of Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant did not stop halfway and did not stop at Sudan.

Of course, Israel paid some price for this.

After the negotiation, Joshua, Bishop of Kent, a Sultanate elder, and an Arabic translator went upstairs together and came to Ye Tian's suite.

After entering the door and sitting down in the living room, Joshua immediately began to introduce the results of the negotiation.

"Steven, we have reached an agreement with the Sudanese government and several elders of the Islamic religion. The tripartite joint exploration operation continues, and we can go to several other destinations in Sudan to explore.

In addition to the representatives of the Sudanese government, the Sudanese Islamic Church will also send people to follow the tripartite joint exploration team to conduct on-site supervision, but will not interfere with the joint exploration operation.

The leader of the tripartite joint exploration operation is still the Intrepid Exploration Company, just like the agreement we signed and the agreement signed with the Sudanese government, your interests will not be harmed."

Following Joshua's introduction, the bishop of Kent, the representative of the Sudanese government, and the Islamic elder nodded one after another in affirmation.

After Joshua's introduction, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Since everyone has reached a consensus and our interests can be guaranteed, let's continue the tripartite joint exploration operation. I hope we can find something in Sudan, preferably Solomon's treasure."

With that said, Ye Tian shook hands with these people again, finalizing the matter.

Then he went on to say:

"Sudan is a country with a long history. There must be many unknown secrets hidden in this land, just like the treasure we discovered in the southwest of Dongola!

In the next exploration, even if we can't find the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, we may find other treasures, or some other surprising discoveries! "

Hearing this, the eyes of several Sudanese people at the scene lit up and shone brightly.

At this moment, they all thought of the treasure that was just discovered in Dongola not long ago. The wealth hidden in that treasure was enough to drive many people crazy!

For a poor country like Sudan,

If we can find more treasures like this, maybe we can solve the big problem!

Afterwards, we talked about the details of the cooperation for a while, and the meeting ended just now.

After the representatives of all parties left, Ye Tian immediately looked at David and said with a smile:

"I'm not wrong, the Israelis and the Vatican will never allow this tripartite joint exploration operation to end without a problem, and they will definitely do their best to save the situation!

Even the Sudanese Islamic religion who suddenly jumped out to make trouble halfway through, and the Sudanese government, do not want this tripartite joint exploration operation to end here. This is not in the interests of all parties! "

Hearing this, David couldn't help but nodded.

"That's right, if this tripartite joint exploration operation ends without a problem in Sudan, it is indeed not in the interests of all parties, and the loss of the Sudanese is also not small.

You guys probably saw this, so you can be confident, sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and leave that conference room without hesitation."

Ye Tian smiled and didn't say much.


In a blink of an eye, it was the second day after arriving in Khartoum.

After breakfast, Ye Tian and the others left the hotel, ready to go to the confluence of the Qingbai Nile River to see the scenery there.

That is the most famous scenery in Khartoum. Since you are here, you can't miss it.

When the group of them walked out of the hotel gate, many media reporters who were waiting here rushed up immediately, asking questions loudly.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. I'm a reporter from the Sudanese National Television. Can you tell me something? Where will you explore next? Is your next destination near Khartoum?"

"Hello, Mr. Steven, what do you think of the firefight that took place in Dongola yesterday? What do you think of the South Sudanese's request to share the treasure?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian couldn't help but stop.

He quickly glanced at these media reporters, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, my name is Steven, it's a pleasure to meet you here, and thank you for your attention, I hope you have a good day.

I am aware of the exchange of fire that took place in Dongola yesterday and the demands made by the South Sudanese, but I am not in a position to make any comments. We never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

These issues belong to the Sudanese, between the Sudanese government and the South Sudanese government, and have nothing to do with us, as long as our interests are not violated.

As for our next exploration location, it is inconvenient to disclose here, this needs to be kept strictly confidential! Today we are not going to explore any treasures, but want to visit Khartoum.

This is a city with a long history and unique style. The longest river in the world, where the Nile River meets, is very worth seeing, and we certainly don't want to miss it! "

Hearing his answer, many media reporters at the scene couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

This is a completely stylized answer without any nutrition.

Some media reporters were about to ask questions, but Ye Tian had already boarded the car and did not respond again.

Soon, the convoy started slowly and left the hotel.

When the convoy drove onto the street, people on the street looked over one after another, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

Among the crowd, there were also some guys with greedy eyes, staring closely at the convoy.

Ye Tian and David, who were sitting in the car, were also looking at the people on the street outside.

"Steven, I don't know if you have noticed? The difference in appearance between Sudanese and Egyptians is obvious. Even black people are very different!"

David said curiously, and pointed to the people on the street outside.

Ye Tian nodded, then explained:

"Indeed, the appearance of the Sudanese is quite different from that of the Egyptians. The Sudanese have darker complexions, mostly square or oval faces, and larger foreheads.

The appearance of the Sudanese makes people feel more secure! In Egypt, there are many people with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. People with this kind of appearance look like thieves and liars with malicious intentions.

If you carefully recall our previous trip to Egypt, do you often meet people with similar looks? Of course, I don’t mean any discrimination, just purely in terms of looks! "

David thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Don't tell me, it's really like this. It seems that the probability of meeting people with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks in Egypt is higher than that in other places!"

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian changed the subject.

He looked at the dilapidated street outside, and couldn't help expressing a few words of emotion.

"In my opinion, Sudan is actually a very poor country. It is sandwiched between the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert. The climate is hot and dry, and the natural environment is harsh. It is really not suitable for human survival.

Compared with its neighbor Egypt, when it comes to deserts, it is not as spectacular as Egypt; when it comes to oceans, the Red Sea in Sudan is not as beautiful as Egypt; when it comes to pyramids, many people don’t even know that there are pyramids in Sudan.

Speaking of the Nile River connecting the two countries, the river brought Sudan far more benefits than Egypt. It nourished the splendid ancient Egyptian civilization, but Sudan did not get much benefit.

In a nutshell, no matter the natural landscape or cultural landscape, Sudan is far behind Egypt, even other surrounding countries, and many people who come to Sudan just pass by.”

Hearing this, David couldn't help but nodded.

"There are indeed no famous natural and cultural landscapes in Sudan. Perhaps the only famous one is that the blue and white Nile Rivers meet here and become the Nile River!"

Ye Tian shook his head, smiled and said:

"The blue and white Nile rivers meet and merge into one to become the Nile River. The reason why this landscape is famous is mainly because of its geographical significance, as well as its historical and cultural significance.

Because the Nile River nourished the splendid and splendid ancient Egyptian civilization, and the Nile River is the longest river in the world, it is precisely because of this that this landscape is so famous.

To say how spectacular it is, I actually didn't have much expectations. Everyone has seen this kind of river confluence landscape a lot, and it's just because I came here that I came to see it! "

The fact is just as Ye Tian expected.

When the convoy drove onto a bridge across the Nile, they saw such a scene!

A noisy blue river meanders from the southeast, it is the Blue Nile that originates from the Ethiopian plateau.

On the other side to the southwest, a white river flows quietly. It is the White Nile, which originates from Uganda in the south!

After flowing for thousands of kilometers, the two rivers, like a pair of long-lost lovers, finally joined together in Khartoum, not far in front of us.

At the beginning, they were shy and indifferent, and then they gradually cuddled together.

The moment the two rivers merged, they suddenly became turbulent, gathered into a powerful current, and rushed forward together, rushing to the north with an unstoppable momentum!

After the confluence of the blue and white Nile River, a water surface with a width of more than 200 meters was formed, but the two rivers still maintained their respective colors, one side was blue and the other was white, clearly distinct.

It's like two brightly colored canvases, tiled together, stretching for kilometers before they finally come together.

It is undeniable that this scene is indeed beautiful!

However, to say how spectacular it is, it may not be so!

Ye Tian has seen more magnificent scenes than this, the Yellow River entering the sea!

Of course, for David and the rest of the tripartite joint exploration team, this scene is still very beautiful, causing everyone to scream!


After a day's rest in Khartoum, the tripartite joint exploration team left the city and drove towards the ruins of a historical ancient city located in the southeast of Khartoum.

This historical ancient city built in BC is one of the destinations of the tripartite joint exploration team.

As in the past, as soon as the tripartite joint exploration team left the hotel, the media reporters who were waiting outside the hotel drove up immediately.

In addition to them, those guys who followed the joint exploration team all the way to Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, and other ghosts and monsters from all walks of life also followed, step by step!

In addition, some guys with cars in Khartoum City, and some people from other parts of Sudan, including some guys from South Sudan, also followed.

Some of these guys came to watch the excitement, but more people came for the treasure.

They want to see if there is a chance to make a fortune, and even if they can't get the treasure, a sip of soup is very good!

It's a pity that their dream was shattered as soon as they left Khartoum!

Not long after the tripartite joint exploration convoy drove out of Khartoum, it encountered the first checkpoint set up by the Sudanese military.

This military checkpoint did not exist before, it was only set up last night, or it was specially set up for this exploration operation.

The joint exploration convoy drove here without any stop, and was immediately let go, galloping away along the road!

The other vehicles coming from the rear were all stopped by the Sudanese military and went through security checks one by one.

No need to ask, the security check is just an excuse, and the purpose is naturally to delay time.

The Sudanese military stopped these unknown vehicles here for at least two hours with various reasons and excuses.

Two hours later, when the military released them, the vehicles had lost track.

They don't even know where the joint exploration convoy has gone. Has an exploration operation been launched? What did you find again?

In desperation, this guy could only drive down the road to look for it.

As for whether the tripartite joint exploration team can be found, it depends on God's will.


About an hour later, the tripartite joint exploration convoy arrived at the destination.

This is an ancient city ruins located on the edge of the desert. It is not so much a ruin as a ruin.

Due to the age, coupled with wind and sand erosion, as well as the occasional torrential rain and floods, this historic ancient city has long been turned into ruins.

From a distance, there are only a few sections of low city walls left in this site, which still stand firmly in the desert.

In addition, there are no traces of any historical buildings anymore, and the eyes are full of yellow sand.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel disappointed.

From the topography alone, we all know that the possibility of finding the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant here is very slim.

Even though the treasure of Solomon was once buried here in history, after a long time of more than two thousand years, it is estimated that it has been completely washed away by the Blue Nile River not far away.

And with the wisdom of the ancients, it would not be safe to bury such an important treasure in this flood-prone place!

The convoy stopped more than 300 meters away from the ruins of the ancient city and could not move forward.

The desert is in front of them. If these overweight Israeli military vehicles enter the desert, they may get stuck in it.

Fortunately, the distance is not far, and everyone can walk there.

After the convoy stopped, Seaman and Mattis got out of the car first, and quickly checked the surrounding terrain.

They also released a few small drones, condescending, and quickly searched the desert around the ruins of this ancient city to prevent anyone from ambush here.

After some searching, they found nothing suspicious, nor did they find the gunman in ambush.

Until this time, Ye Tian and the others got off the car one after another, and landed in the desert!


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