Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3017 The Threat of Faith Collapse

This night, all the members of the three-party joint exploration team spent the endless noise, which was even mixed with the sound of huge drums and horns.

It was the Ethiopians who gathered around the hotel that made the noise.

Even the hotel, from time to time, will make a series of noises in the hotel, disturbing everyone's rest.

Coupled with those dirty and messy guest rooms, everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team felt that they were suffering this night, like a light on their backs.

Good thing everyone slept in sleeping bags instead of dirty beds in hotel rooms.

In addition, everyone also wears sound-isolating headphones for sleep.

When it feels too noisy outside, everyone will wear earphones and shrink into sleeping bags to isolate those annoying noises.

This way, although it is a bit boring, you can also fall asleep, which is the most important thing!

Until the early hours of the morning, those Ethiopians may be tired, or the tripartite joint exploration team has not responded, so they are a little discouraged, and the noise is a little less.

Finally, everyone survived until dawn.

After getting up and washing up briefly, all members of the tripartite joint exploration team immediately put away their sleeping bags and luggage, and prepared to leave this disgusting hotel.

Even breakfast, everyone is going to eat it in the car, not in this hotel.

At this moment, everyone wanted to leave here early, and didn't want to stay for a second.

While Ye Tian and the others were packing their luggage, Joshua brought people to his guest room and briefed him on the latest situation.

"Steven, after we negotiated with the Ethiopian government overnight and put pressure on many parties, the Ethiopian government promised to take some actions to change the situation faced by the tripartite joint exploration team.

Just in the early hours of this morning, the Ethiopian government responded by asking the military and police who protected the tripartite joint exploration team to drive away the Ethiopians who harassed everyone around the hotel."

Ye Tian suddenly realized, and then said with a sneer:

"Those Ethiopians who were making noise around the hotel were driven away. I thought they were tired of shouting and drumming, and left by themselves.

With regard to the commitment of the Government of Ethiopia,

I don't really trust them, they won't be acting again, right? I have already seen their poor acting skills! "

"Currently we can only go so far. Whether the Ethiopians are performing, one thing in front of one's face, one thing behind one's back, we have to wait and see!

If this is the case, we will react, put further pressure on the Ethiopian government through various channels, and even cancel cooperation and assistance! "

Joshua said in a deep voice, his face gloomy.

"Okay, let's see how they behave. It's time for us to leave this hotel. Go and see what's going on in these rooms. It's really disgusting. I don't want to stay for a second longer!"

Ye Tian nodded and pointed to the guest rooms on both sides of the corridor.

"The situation downstairs is the same. We didn't expect that the Ethiopians would be so disrespectful and behave so ugly!"

"How is the situation on Gondar's side? Isn't it the same?"

"I just called and asked some guys at the front station. The situation there seems to be better. After all, it is the capital of Gondar Province and there are many tourists.

The Ethiopian government still has to take their face and influence into account, and they just made a statement, so it’s not good to tear up their face immediately and continue to disgust us.”

"I hope so, let's get out of here!"

With that said, Ye Tian led the people to the stairs.

Behind him, many brave men followed immediately, pushing their luggage and exploration equipment for the exploration company employees and security personnel.

When they came to the second floor, they happened to meet Bishop Kent and his party.

Without exception, the faces of the Bishop of Kent and the others were gloomy, and there was anger in everyone's eyes.

"Good morning, Bishop of Kent, how did you rest last night? Were you bothered by the annoying noise outside? It was so lively outside last night!"

Ye Tian said jokingly, a little knowingly asking.

Unsurprisingly, the Bishop of Kent shook his head and said annoyedly:

"Ethiopians have gone too far. Not only is the noise constant, but the rooms are also dirty and messy. It's unbearable to see. How can you have a good rest in this environment?"

The Bishop of Kent shook his head and said, using very restrained words.

In his capacity, naturally he couldn't yell at him, it would be unseemly.

However, the anger in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

After chatting a few words, everyone went downstairs together and came to the hotel lobby.

At this time, a group of Ethiopian officials and religious figures headed by Mustafa were already waiting in the hotel lobby.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others appear, Mustafa immediately led people to meet them.

Coming closer, the Ethiopian senior official said apologetically:

"I'm very sorry, gentlemen, it was so noisy last night, you must have not rested, okay? Those guys who made noise around the hotel are all nearby residents, and we have already driven them away!

For some special reasons, they spontaneously gathered around the hotel and made a lot of noise, which caused you a lot of trouble, for which I want to say sorry, but this has nothing to do with the Ethiopian government!

We have noticed this situation. Next, when the tripartite joint exploration team conducts operations in Ethiopia, we will try our best to avoid this situation from happening again. Please rest assured! "

Ye Tian looked at this high-ranking Ethiopian official, especially the hotel manager standing behind him, and said with a sneer:

"We have been to many countries and places to explore treasures before, but no matter which country or region we are in, we have never encountered such a situation last night.

The enthusiasm of the Ethiopians opened the eyes of each of us, especially those stones and bricks falling from the sky, which may be a unique way of welcome in Ethiopia! "

Hearing this, the complexions of all the Ethiopians at the scene changed. They all became very ugly, and all of them had dark faces.

What happened last night and why, they know better than anyone else!

Following Ye Tian's words, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became very awkward!

One of the Ethiopian officials was about to defend himself, but was blocked by Ye Tian directly.

"The people outside the hotel singing and dancing all night long, and the dirty hotel rooms upstairs, with blackened sheets and rubbish all over the floor, have completely refreshed our perception.

I always thought that Ethiopia is a beautiful and hospitable country with rich water resources, beautiful scenery and simple and kind people, but the reality is completely different from what I thought!

What exactly went wrong? Is it a mistake in our perception, or is it just the way it is? Looks like we're getting to know this country anew, don't you think so, gentlemen? "

After the voice fell, the scene was completely silent, and all the Ethiopians froze in place.

They didn't expect that Ye Tian would tell these scandals face to face without giving them any face.

Of course they are very clear about what they do!

Because of this, they didn't know how to refute for a moment when they heard the smack talk.

The facts are right in front of us and cannot be denied at all!

Mustafa turned his head and glared at the hotel manager, his eyes were extremely fierce, as if he wanted to push this guy out as a scapegoat!

At this moment, Ye Tian said again:

"Gentlemen, we still have a lot of preparations to do. I won't chat with you here. If you have any questions, you can communicate with Joshua and the Bishop of Kent. Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he took David and the others to the hotel entrance, leaving all these Ethiopians on the spot.

Seeing his leaving back, the Ethiopians at the scene were very annoyed, but there was nothing they could do!

At this time, many vehicles of the joint exploration convoy have arrived at the entrance of the hotel.

After Ye Tian and the others came out of the hotel, they boarded these vehicles directly.

Perhaps the protests of the Israeli government and the Vatican played a role, or perhaps the Ethiopian government realized that this was indeed a disgrace.

Those Ethiopians who gathered around the hotel last night to make a lot of noise and insult the tripartite joint exploration team have disappeared today.

Except for the Ethiopian military and police guarding the tripartite joint exploration team at the entrance of the hotel, there was no one else in sight, including media reporters.

Even those heavily armed Ethiopian military police looked much better than yesterday!

At least they are no longer baggy and hippie smiling, at least they have a bit of a military look!

Seeing this scene, everyone was more or less relieved.

From this point of view, the actions of the tripartite joint exploration team in Ethiopia can continue and will not stop there.

After sitting in the car for about ten minutes, Joshua, Bishop of Kent and others, as well as those Ethiopian officials and religious figures, came out of the hotel and boarded the car one after another.

Afterwards, the joint exploration convoy started slowly and left the hotel!

The situation on the street is the same as that in front of the hotel. The Ethiopians who were so angry yesterday have disappeared today!

The streets that the joint exploration convoy passed through were only some Ethiopian policemen maintaining law and order, and no ordinary pedestrians or vehicles could be seen.

However, in the simple buildings on both sides of the street, there were many eyes staring at the huge convoy passing by.

After a while, the joint exploration convoy drove out of this small town and entered the wilderness again.


Gondar, also known as Gondar, is a city located in northwestern Ethiopia.

This is the capital of Gondar Province, located on the plateau in northwestern Ethiopia, north of Lake Tana, at an altitude of about 2,225 meters, with a small population of only about 70,000.

From the 17th century to the 19th century, Gondar was the capital of the Abyssinian Empire, with splendid city architecture, including the famous Fasiradas Castle and Royal Palace.

Gondar is not only the old capital of Ethiopia, but also a famous historical and cultural city, as well as a religious and artistic center.

In the city of Gondar, there are magnificent ancient palace complexes, many ancient arch bridges, exquisitely carved and richly decorated multi-storey towers, castles, palaces, churches, etc., which are precious historical and cultural heritage.

There are a total of forty-four churches in the city, and the churches are full of colorful murals depicting biblical stories, as well as sacrificial objects, drums and other gold and silver products.

Among them, Debray Selassie Church is the most gorgeous.

It was built in the seventeenth century by the grandson of King Fasilidas and embodies traditional Ethiopian architectural craftsmanship in many ways.

Many buildings in Gondar have obvious traces of Indian and Arabian influence.

Then the Jesuit monks from Portugal brought the baroque artistic style into Gondar, changing its original style.

In addition to these buildings, the natural scenery of Gondar is also very beautiful.

Especially the high mountains to the north of the ancient city are beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Passing through Gondar, all the way north, is the historic city of Ethiopia, Axum.

Axum is the most important destination of the tripartite joint exploration team, and it is probably the most important stop of the entire joint exploration operation.

The legendary St. Mary's Church, where the Ark of the Covenant is stored, is in Axum.

It was just after ten o'clock in the morning when the tripartite joint exploration convoy entered Gondar.

As the joint exploration convoy gradually deepened and climbed up the plateau in northwestern Ethiopia, the extremely arid and uninhabited Sahara Desert has been completely left behind by everyone.

What appears in everyone's eyes is a green world full of greenery and vitality, which is pleasing to the eye.

Just got rid of the three-party joint exploration team in the Sahara Desert, and suddenly saw such a beautiful scenery full of vitality, everyone was very excited.

During the driving of the convoy, everyone was greedily admiring the beautiful scenery outside the car window, nourishing their eyes with green, just like rain after a long drought!

The only unpleasant thing is that the Ethiopians we met along the way still treated the tripartite joint exploration team very badly, and many people's eyes were full of anger.

Especially those Ethiopian Orthodox monks in white robes and many believers, after knowing that this convoy was a tripartite joint exploration team, each of them was very angry.

Fortunately, these Ethiopians were relatively restrained, and did not attack and insult the tripartite joint exploration team unscrupulously like the Ethiopians who passed through the three towns yesterday.

Of course, the Ethiopian military and police who protect the tripartite joint exploration team, as well as the Ethiopian police that can be seen everywhere along the way, are also an important reason.

Protests and pressure from the Israeli government, the Vatican, and Joshua still played a role.

Obviously, the Ethiopian government has also done some work.

They asked the accompanying Ethiopian military and police to protect the tripartite joint exploration team, and asked the police along the way to control the local people, so as to avoid the recurrence of the situation like yesterday.

In addition to the angry Ethiopians, there was another thing that made some of the joint exploration team slightly uncomfortable.

That's rapidly increasing altitude!

On the way to Gondar, there is a section of mountain road with an altitude of about 3,000 meters.

When passing there, several people, including the Bishop of Kent, had mild altitude sickness.

Fortunately, the mountain road was not long, and the altitude sickness of the Bishop of Kent and the others passed quickly without causing any bad consequences.

By the time the joint exploration convoy entered Gondar, everyone had returned to normal.

Unlike the towns we passed through before, when we entered the city of Gondar, although there were many people watching the excitement on both sides of the street, no one attacked the convoy with stones and bricks.

Of course, the angry yelling and cursing still kept coming and going, and there were countless raised middle fingers.

Everyone can tolerate this situation and don't take it too seriously. These Israeli military vehicles with a high level of protection have also blocked a lot of scolding.

You must know that the reason why the tripartite joint exploration team came to Ethiopia was to find the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, not to explore other treasures!

Once Ye Tian and the others succeed, it will definitely be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries!

For the Ethiopians, that means that the belief that has been held for one or two thousand years, or a very important part of the belief, will collapse instantly and be completely destroyed!

Under such circumstances, one can imagine the anger, fear, and even the hatred in the hearts of Ethiopians!

It is precisely because of this that they behaved so aggressively!

What's more, here is Gondar, such a religious center!

Compared with the three towns he had passed through before, Gondar finally looked like a modern city.

There are many magnificent ancient palace complexes in this city, as well as many modern buildings. Occasionally, a few modern high-rise buildings can be seen, and there are many more vehicles on the road.

People walking on the streets of Gondar are also more modern and fashionable, similar to people in some ordinary cities in Egypt and Sudan!

Of course, the modern mentioned here is only in relative terms!

The modernity of Gondar is only relative to those few small towns before, not super cities like Shanghai and New York.

Compared with Shanghai and New York, this place is like a primitive tribe!

While the convoy was moving, everyone was looking at the scenery outside the car window, looking at those people who were full of anger and kept gesticulating the middle finger at the convoy.

"It can be seen that the citizens of Gondar also hate the tripartite joint exploration team very much, and it is estimated that the situation in other parts of Ethiopia is not much better!

Now I don't expect the Ethiopians to change their attitude. I just hope that the hotel I stayed in today will be cleaner and I can have a good rest! "

David said with emotion.

Ye Tian smiled, and then continued:

"In the face of the threat of a possible collapse of faith, the anger and fear in the hearts of Ethiopians is not difficult to understand. Anyone who encounters this situation probably will.

This is only in Gondar, wait until you see Axum, the Ethiopians there will definitely hate us even more, and maybe they will besiege the joint exploration convoy.

At that time, we will see how the work of the Israelites is doing! This trip to Gondar should be used as a warm-up, if they make the same mistake as yesterday, they will be too stupid! "

While talking, the convoy had arrived at the reserved hotel and stopped at the entrance of the hotel!


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