Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3018 Noah's Ark

This hotel in Gondar is not bad, it doesn't try to be bad.

The hotel room is relatively clean, the bedding has been replaced with new ones, the inside and outside of the room have been cleaned, all the equipment in the room can be used, the water and electricity are smooth, and there is no problem with bathing.

Seeing this situation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed a lot.

Of course, the attitude of those Ethiopians in the hotel is still very bad.

Each of them looked at the tripartite joint exploration team with anger and even hatred in their eyes.

If it weren't for the pressure from the Ethiopian government, the treatment of the tripartite joint exploration team would never be much better than that of the hotel yesterday.

But everyone knows that this cannot be forced.

There is only one way for Ethiopians to really change their attitude towards everyone, and that is to announce the termination of this tripartite joint exploration operation and withdraw from Ethiopia!

After entering the hotel room, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation in the room, and then said in a deep voice:

"Matisse, take the guys to check this suite thoroughly, don't let go of any corners, and check the rooms where employees of other companies stay to avoid being monitored.

In addition, you should test the water quality in each room, and tell everyone, try not to use the water in the hotel, and don't eat the food in the hotel, so as to avoid any accidents! "

"No problem, Steven, leave these matters to us, and I will remind everyone to be careful"

Matisse nodded in response, and immediately got busy with several security personnel.

as expected!

In this so-called luxury suite, they quickly found two pinhole cameras and a bug.

These things are arranged in the living room and bedroom respectively, very concealed.

There is nothing wrong with the water quality, at least it looks okay, it is quite clear!

However, everyone is afraid to use it with confidence.

At the same time that Mattis and the others found the pinhole cameras and bugs, there was a burst of annoyed cursing in a house not far from the hotel.

"Damn it,

These American bastards are too cautious and cunning, causing us to waste some monitoring and listening equipment! "

Needless to ask, these guys are Ethiopian intelligence agents.

After checking the luxury suite Ye Tian lived in, Mathis and the others left the suite and went to check other rooms.

After they left, Ye Tian went through the suite again to avoid missing anything.

It has been cleaned up very cleanly, and there is no missing monitoring and listening equipment.

In addition, Ye Tian quickly looked through all the corners and objects in the room, not letting go of any of them.

Especially those bedding, sofa and other places, he looked very carefully.

Although these things and places look relatively clean, who knows if there is any mystery hidden?

Fortunately, he didn't find anything, such as hidden needles, suspicious stains and powders.

Even so, he removed all the bedding provided by the hotel and replaced it with a set of bedding that came with him.

This is Africa, and it is Ethiopia, which is full of malice towards the tripartite joint exploration team, so he has to be careful.

While he was busy, two container trucks drove into the parking lot of this hotel.

What these two container trucks are pulling is a large amount of fresh water and food, which are exclusively used by the tripartite joint exploration team.

It was Ye Tian's security personnel who prepared these materials.

Unlike before, the Ethiopian military police who protected the tripartite joint exploration convoy did not block the two trucks this time, but let these materials enter the hotel.

Once the supplies entered the hotel, they were taken over by the Israelis.

After some strict and necessary inspections, these materials will be distributed and distributed to the members of the tripartite joint exploration team.


Soon, it was afternoon.

After resting in the hotel for a few hours to catch up on last night's sleep, Ye Tian left the hotel with some joint exploration team members to start the exploration operation in Gondar.

The rest of the joint exploration team members stayed in the hotel and continued to recharge their batteries.

After the convoy left the hotel, they went straight to the Fasilidas Castles in the city.

In the city of Gondar, there are many ancient palace complexes and churches.

The most famous of these is the Fasilidas Fortress Castle.

This is the largest and most beautiful ancient castle in Ethiopia. The castle is surrounded by a 900-meter-long wall and was once the residence of several generations of emperors.

As the name suggests, the castle was built by Emperor Fasilidas of the Abyssinian Dynasty, and it has a history of more than three hundred years.

From the top of this fortress castle, people can have a panoramic view of the magnificent scenery of the ancient city of Gondar, the blue Nata Lake and the famous monastery on the island.

As the joint exploration convoy reappeared, it immediately caused quite a commotion on the streets of Gondar.

Everyone knows that the tripartite joint exploration team is about to launch an exploration operation!

At the same time, people are also very curious, what is Ye Tian's exploration goal?

When the joint exploration convoy drove through these streets, discussions suddenly arose.

"Where are these damn Yankees and Israelis going? Is it true that the legendary Solomon's treasure is hidden in Gondar, why has it never been discovered for more than two thousand years?"

"Looking at the direction they are going, it seems that they are going to the Fasilidas Castle Group. If Solomon's treasure is really hidden in Gondar, the Fasilidas Castle Group is indeed the most likely!"

While these Ethiopians were talking, they all followed the joint exploration convoy and walked quickly to the Fasilidas castle group!

Like people elsewhere, although these Ethiopians hated the tripartite joint exploration team, they would like to expel them immediately.

But they are also very curious and want to see what the tripartite joint exploration team can find in Gondar?

Is the legendary treasure of Solomon hidden in Gondar?

As word spread quickly, more and more Ethiopians followed the joint exploration convoy, and more came surging from all directions.

In particular, many young people have been running fast behind the convoy without feeling tired at all.

Fortunately, they didn't have any weapons or bricks in their hands, and they didn't attack the joint exploration convoy.

Seeing the situation on the street outside, Ye Tian and the others were all speechless, and somewhat startled.

"Steven, if we really found the legendary Solomon's treasure in Gondar, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get away with the treasure. The Ethiopians are too crazy!"

David said with emotion, eyes full of worry.

Ye Tian looked at the situation outside, then nodded and said:

"It's true. I didn't expect the performance of the Ethiopians before. Gondar has already done so. It is conceivable what we will encounter in Axum.

If we discover Solomon's treasure in Gondar, there may be a chance to take away the gold and silver treasures, antique relics and works of art in the treasure, and it is almost impossible to take away religious holy objects.

If Solomon's treasure is found in Axum, it is almost certain that we will be surrounded by surging Ethiopians, and we will not be able to take a single gold coin away.

As for the Ark of the Covenant that may be hidden in Solomon's treasure, I really can't think of it. How did the Israelites get away with that religious sacred object? Could it be that they want to do Operation Solomon again?

But this is Gondar, not Addis Ababa. There is no large airport for commercial airliners or transport aircraft to take off and land. The times are different. It is difficult for them to hide from the Ethiopians!

In view of this situation, it seems that we have to prepare early to avoid being besieged by Ethiopians who are completely insane. Everyone's safety is the most important thing, and the treasure is second! "

Hearing this, David nodded immediately.

"Based on the current performance of the Ethiopians, if we really discover Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, it will prove that the Ark of the Covenant in the Church of St. Mary in Axum is a fake!

What will happen next, I can't even imagine! It is almost certain that the beliefs of many Ethiopians will collapse in an instant, and the collective rampage is almost a certainty!

Once that happens, even if the Ethiopian government comes forward and dispatches a large number of military and police to protect us, it may not help. We will be besieged by all Ethiopians frantically! "

"Yes, this situation is indeed possible!"

Ye Tian nodded and said, his expression became more serious.

While speaking, the joint exploration convoy had arrived in front of the Fasilidas Castles and entered the parking lot next to it.

The Fasilidas Castle Group is the most famous tourist attraction in Gondar and one of the most important historical and cultural heritages in Ethiopia, as well as a world cultural heritage.

Because of the arrival of the tripartite joint exploration team, this tourist attraction is closed to the public this afternoon and will no longer receive tourists from all over the world!

After the team drove into the parking lot of the castle, Ye Tian and the others didn't get off the car immediately, but sat in the car.

Seaman led his Mossad agents and members of the 13th commando to get out of the car first, and quickly dispersed, staring vigilantly at the surrounding Ethiopians watching the bustle and nearby buildings.

The Ethiopian military and police who protected the tripartite joint exploration team were scattered around the periphery, stopped many Ethiopians and others who followed, and set up a cordon.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse got out of the car with many security personnel, and stood beside Ye Tian's car, on guard.

And on several hills in the distance, several sniper teams are already in place.

They either hide in the ruins of the building, or hide in the depths of the dense forest, or hide in the houses on the mountain, condescending, monitoring the situation on the side of Fasilidas Castle.

And they ambush in different directions, controlling all commanding heights, and there is no blind spot!

From where they are, any attack on the tripartite joint exploration team can be suppressed and strangled in the bud in an instant!

Not only them, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, also quickly scanned the surrounding situation.

Especially the group of castles surrounded by city walls, the luxuriant fig trees around them, and other buildings opposite the castle, as well as the vehicles on the street.

He checked all these places and vehicles to avoid any accidents!

After confirming that the scene was safe, he opened the car door and got out of the car. Together with David and the others, he landed and stood beside the car.

The other members of the tripartite joint exploration team who came with him also got off the car one after another, preparing to start the exploration operation.

As soon as he got off the car, Ye Tian raised his head and looked at the magnificent castle built in the seventeenth century not far away.

Compared with many castles that have been seen and explored in Europe before, the Fasilidas Fortress is not the most magnificent, the scale is not very large, and it is not spectacular.

However, this fortified castle has its own characteristics, which are completely different from those in Europe.

This is an ancient castle that combines various architectural and artistic styles such as India, Arabia, and Baroque. It can be regarded as the only one in the world, and it is relatively well preserved. This is its value!

In the hearts of Ethiopians, this majestic castle, the towering church inside the city wall, and every brick and tile from here symbolize the glorious history of Ethiopia.

Although many buildings in the ancient castle complex are only ruins, but only from their appearance, you can feel the prosperity and glory of the Abyssinian Kingdom in the past!

While Ye Tian was admiring the Fasilidas castle complex, Joshua brought several Israeli historians and archaeologists over.

The bishop of Kent did not follow today's joint exploration operation, but stayed in the hotel to rest.

On behalf of the Vatican is a deputy director of the Vatican Museum and several archaeologists.

Coming closer, Joshua whispered to Ye Tian:

"Steven, since the ancestors of the Israelites escaped from Jerusalem with Menelik I and came to Ethiopia, they have been living near Gondar and the surrounding areas of Aksum.

The so-called Beta Israelis were formed here. It was not until the 1980s and 1990s that we withdrew the Beta Israelis to Israel in batches because of the unrest in Ethiopia.”

Ye Tian nodded, and then continued:

"I also know something about these things. The first time I contacted you, after knowing that you were looking for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, I learned about the relevant history, including the Beta Israelites.

Beta Israelis deserve sympathy! It has to be admitted that Operation Solomon and Operation Moses implemented by the Israeli military were so well done that they are as classic as textbooks.

But your actions of sneaking into Ethiopia secretly and rescuing the Beta Israelis also offended Ethiopia. What happened to us in Ethiopia this time has something to do with it! "

"It is true, but according to the situation at the time, we have no other choice. We cannot allow Beta Israelis to be massacred!"

Joshua nodded and explained a few words.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to the topic.

"Although we have rescued a large number of Beta Israelis, there are still some Beta Israelis living here! In the seventeenth century, the Beta Israelis living in Gonder participated in the construction of this fortress castle.

We came to Fasilidas Fortress Castle this time, mainly for a church on the edge of the castle complex. The ancient church was built in the seventeenth century and is said to have been built independently by a group of Beta Israelites.

More importantly, that church was built in the shape of Noah's Ark in the Bible. Among Beta Israelites, there has always been a legend about this church, saying that this Noah's Ark church has a deep meaning! "

"I see. After what you said, I am more interested in this Noah's Ark church. I hope we can gain something in this church and see what secrets are hidden in this ancient church!"

Ye Tian nodded and said, his eyes lit up.

While talking, Mustafa walked over with several Ethiopians.

Seeing them coming, Ye Tian and Joshua immediately stopped talking to avoid leaking the secret.

Coming closer, Mustafa smiled and said:

"Mr. Steven, Mr. Joshua, we can go in now. The Fasilidas Castle complex will not accept any tourists this afternoon. Except for some restricted areas, other places are open to you!"

Ye Tian looked at the Ethiopian official, nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, Mr. Mustafa, let's go in together. I have been fascinated by this magnificent Fasilidas fortress castle and this ancient castle group for a long time. I have wanted to visit it for a long time, and today I finally got it wish!"

With that said, he walked towards the gates of the ancient castles together with Mustafa, Joshua and others.

On the way, Mustafa pretended to be curious and asked:

"Mr. Steven, there are six relatively well-preserved castles in the Fasilidas Fortress Castle Group, among which the Fasilidas Castle is the most magnificent and spectacular.

In addition to these six castles, there are also some outbuildings and ruins of historical buildings. I don’t know which castle or place you want to explore. Can you tell me? "

Ye Tian shook his head.

"It's too early to say these things. What I want to do most right now is to take a good look at this famous castle group, open my eyes, and then talk about exploring treasures.

During the tour, we may discover something or maybe, I hope it will be a surprising discovery, and I am full of expectations for the next visit.”

Hearing this, Mustafa could only roll his eyes helplessly, and slandered a few words to himself, but there was nothing he could do.

While speaking, the group of them had arrived at the entrance of the ancient castles.

The manager of the scenic spot has been waiting here for a long time, and when he saw them, he immediately greeted them.

After some polite greetings, the manager of the scenic spot took Ye Tian and the others into the group of ancient castles and began to visit.

In the parking lot outside, many members of the tripartite joint exploration team have begun to unload various exploration equipment from the car, preparing for the exploration operation.

Those Ethiopians gathered behind the cordon, as well as a small number of media reporters, and those guys who followed the joint exploration team all the way, were looking at this side curiously.

Without exception, each of them wants to know what secrets are hidden in the Fasilidas castle complex!

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