Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3028 cave deep underground

Exploration operations continued, but nothing was found.

Derek and the others scanned most of the area of ​​Noah's Ark Church and found no metal objects buried in the walls or deep underground.

As time went on, everyone became more and more disappointed.

Especially Joshua, with a dejected expression on his face.

At this moment, in the prayer room on the right side of the Crucifixion, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came out, sounding quite excited.

"Hey! It looks strange here, I seem to have found something? I hope it's a surprise!"

Before the words fell, there was a commotion in this ancient church.

Representatives from all parties, including Joshua, immediately rushed to the door of the small prayer house. Everyone was overjoyed and full of anticipation.

The various exploration teams that have basically completed their exploration work stopped their work one after another and turned to look at the small prayer house.

Coming closer, Joshua couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, what did you find in this prayer room? Tell everyone!"

The area of ​​this prayer room is very small, it can only accommodate two or three people.

With one more person, it would be a little difficult to even turn around.

Because of this, Ye Tian was the only one who entered this prayer room to explore.

The archaeologist from Harvard University and the paleographer from Columbia University were not able to enter the prayer room, but stayed outside.

So they didn't know what Ye Tian found in the prayer room.

At this time, they were also very curious, staring at the door of the prayer house.

The next moment, Ye Tian lifted the curtain at the door of the prayer room, and walked out from inside.

It can be seen that his expression is quite excited.

Ye Tian, ​​who came out of the prayer room, was taken aback by these guys standing at the door.

Every one of them has their eyes bright,

His eyes were so hot that they were almost on fire.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, in this small prayer room, I did discover something, but what is hidden behind this discovery, I don't know for the time being, it may be some secret and treasure, or it may be just a joy!"

"Steven, tell me about your discovery, maybe this is another huge surprise, you guys can always create amazing miracles one after another!"

Mustafa continued, very eagerly.

At the same time, there was a bit of remorse in his eyes.

Who would have thought that the dilapidated and dilapidated Fasilidas castles had hidden so many secrets, and each one was more surprising than the other!

If I had known that this was a treasure land, I should never have agreed to let the three-party joint exploration team come here to explore.

The result now is that no matter what secrets and treasures are found here, no matter how amazing the value of the treasure is, half of it will be taken away by Steven, the bastard!

This is simply robbery, who can be willing?

However, Ethiopia can only accept this result and has no choice!

Thinking of this, Mustafa felt a piercing pain, and his heart was bleeding!

Ye Tian looked at the high-ranking Ethiopian official, then scanned the crowd, and finally revealed the answer.

"After my observation, since the completion of this Noah's Ark church, although the interior has been renovated many times, it has never been demolished and rebuilt, and the main frame has not changed.

The two prayer houses located on both sides of the crucifix have been in existence since the day the church was built, with a history of three or four hundred years, and the interior has never changed.”

"That's right, Steven, according to our investigation, the internal structure of the Noah's Ark Church has indeed never changed, including these two prayer houses, which have been well protected by the Beta Israelites."

Joshua continued to speak, but accidentally revealed an unknown secret.

Hearing this, Mustafa's expression changed immediately.

It turns out that you bastards have known for a long time that the Noah's Ark Church may hide secrets and even treasures that are not known to the public. Only we Ethiopians know nothing and have been kept in the dark.

The tripartite joint exploration team came to the Fasilidas Castles this time, probably for the Noah's Ark Church?

Are the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant hidden in the Noah's Ark Church?

Thinking of this, Mustafa's heart beat faster and became more excited!

At the same time, in his mind, the Beta Israelis have become traitors and traitors who betrayed Ethiopia!

However, even if his teeth itch with hatred, there is nothing he can do.

Because the vast majority of Beta Israelis have already left Ethiopia and gone to Israel.

Ye Tian nodded, and then continued:

"When I was exploring this small prayer room just now, I found that at the root of the wall between the two prayer rooms was a granite bar about 50 centimeters thick and over three meters long.

This can be seen as the cornerstone of that wall, or one of the cornerstones of this Noah's Ark church, supporting the wall between the two prayer rooms, as well as the front wall.

At first glance, there is nothing special about this granite strip, except that it is relatively thick and strong. It seems a bit of a waste of material to be used in this small church.

If I were to build the Fasilidas Castle complex, in order to make the best use of it, building materials like this, I would use it on the ancient castles outside, not this church.

However, this huge granite slab was used in this Noah's Ark church, which is considered a small doubt, and under normal circumstances, it will not attract any attention."

"That's right, Steven, in the prayer room on the left, I also saw that huge granite slab. I thought it was a bit overkill to put it here, but I didn't think of anything else!"

The Harvard University archaeologist nodded and said, but there was a bit of regret in his eyes.

I still have bad eyesight, I missed such an important discovery in vain!

Ye Tian nodded and continued to explain,

"If we look closely, we can see that the ground on both sides of this granite bar is a little drier than the ground in other areas of the two prayer houses.

It is now the end of the rainy season in Ethiopia, and this difference is even more obvious, but because the church is covered with slate floors, it is still difficult to find if you do not pay attention to observation.

From this, I boldly speculated that the bottom of this granite strip may be empty, or the soil layer is not thick, and there is a cavity below a few meters, which isolates the underground water vapor.

Combined with the plateau terrain where Gondar is located, I guess that there may be an unknown cave deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church, and the secret is hidden in that cave! "

After the voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent.

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Joshua's eyes flashed with ecstasy, and he almost jumped for joy.

Others also woke up one after another, and everyone was extremely excited.

"Did I hear you right? Steven, deep underground in this Noah's Ark church, there may be an unknown cave. How big is this cave? What secrets or treasures are hidden inside?"

Mustafa asked curiously.

He seemed a little unable to believe his ears and what he had just heard.

Not only him, everyone at the scene counted as one, all eyes full of disbelief.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"You heard me right, Mustafa, everyone can line up to enter these two prayer rooms and check the ground of the prayer room carefully to see if what I said is correct.

If my guess is correct, it is enough to show that when the Beta Israelites built this Noah's Ark Church, they discovered this cave and used it! "

"Wow! If this is true, that's amazing!"

"I don't know what secrets are hidden in this unknown cave deep underground? Could it be that the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are really hidden here?"

There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was very excited.

Before the exclamation fell, the archaeologist from Harvard University walked quickly into the prayer room on the right side of the cross of Jesus.

The paleographer of Columbia University, who was one step behind, could only enter the prayer room to the left of the cross.

The representatives of all parties, who were belatedly aware of it, only reacted at this time.

They immediately swarmed up and guarded the doors of the two prayer rooms, waiting to enter, to check for themselves the suspicious points that Ye Tian said!

Only by seeing it with their own eyes and verifying it will they be truly sure!

Needless to say the result!

In just a moment, the voice of an archaeologist from Harvard University came from the prayer room on the right, sounding very excited.

"You are right, Steven, the ground next to this granite strip is indeed a little drier than other areas. This difference is so small that it is almost impossible to find it."

Before the words fell, the paleographer at Columbia University in the prayer room to the left of the cross also gave the same answer.

Hearing this answer, Joshua and Mustafa became even more excited and excited.

They stood at the door of the two prayer rooms, urging the people inside to get out quickly so that they could go in and check.

Soon, the two experts and scholars were urged out, very reluctantly.

Immediately afterwards, Mustafa and Joshua entered two prayer rooms.

They are only senior government officials, not professional archaeologists.

It's obviously unrealistic to expect them to find anything.

Even so, the two people who came out of the two prayer rooms were very excited.

At first glance, it seems as if they really discovered some secret or treasure.

Coming out of the prayer room, they walked towards Ye Tian at the same time.

Coming closer, Mustafa said first:

"Steven, how do you verify this judgment? Deep underground in this Noah's Ark church, there is an unknown cave that hides important secrets or treasures?

If you can't verify your own judgment and don't have sufficient evidence, isn't it a bit too hasty to start digging directly? You know, this is a world cultural heritage.

This ancient Noah's Ark church has stood in the Fasilidas castle complex for three or four hundred years, and what's even more rare is that it is the most complete historical building here.

For such a historic building listed on the World Cultural Heritage List, you must be cautious in any exploration activities here, and you must not damage this ancient church! "

Obviously, the guy Mustafa thought carefully.

He wanted to find an excuse that sounded reasonable, to prevent the tripartite joint exploration team from digging in this church, and snatch the huge treasure that might exist here, and let the Ethiopian government explore it.

Hearing this, Joshua was impatient.

"Don't forget the previous agreement between our two countries, Mustafa. If you break your promise and prevent the tripartite joint exploration team from carrying out operations here, you will bear the consequences!"

Not to be outdone, Mustafa was ready to refute.

Seeing that the two senior government officials were about to quarrel, Ye Tian quickly raised his hands and pressed down gently.

"Gentlemen, don't be impatient. Everything I said just now is just speculation and has not been confirmed. It is not certain whether it is correct or not. There is no need for disputes.

In the depths of the Noah's Ark Church, whether there is such an unknown cave, there is actually a way to detect it, wait for the results to come out, and then talk about the next step! "

Joshua and Mustafa were stunned again, unable to believe it.

"If you don't dig the ground, how do you know that there is an unknown cave hidden deep underground? Could it be that your sight can penetrate the thick soil layer?"

Mustafa said in surprise, obviously confused.

Unlike him, Joshua seemed to think of something, and suddenly smiled.

"Have you ever heard of such a thing called a deep ground-penetrating radar? It's rare, but it's not impossible to get it. Our company happens to have a state-of-the-art portable deep-penetrating radar.

It didn’t take long for us to get this deep ground-penetrating radar. In the previous explorations, we never found a chance to use it. This time it happens to be used, and it might bring a huge surprise!”

"Ah! Deep ground penetrating radar, there is such a thing? How deep can this thing detect?"

"Deep ground penetrating radar is generally used for scientific research activities, geological exploration, and can also be used to find various mineral deposits buried deep underground, and of course it can also be used for treasure hunting.

Generally, the maximum detection depth of a portable deep ground penetrating radar should not exceed 100 meters. The maximum detection depth of our ground penetrating radar is exactly 100 meters!

In other words, if there is indeed a cave deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church and it is connected to the church, then we will be able to detect this cave, there is no doubt about it! "

Mustafa was stunned again, unable to hide his disappointment!

He knew very well in his heart that his wishful thinking had failed again!

It's not that I don't work hard, but that the bastards in front of me are too well prepared.

Seems like there's nothing they can't do, no treasure they can't find!

In contrast, Joshua laughed.

Ye Tian looked at these two guys, then called Derek over, and said to him:

"Go and get the deep ground-penetrating radar that I just bought, and detect the situation in the depths of the Noah's Ark Church. I speculate that there may be an unknown cave here!"

"Okay, Steven, we'll be right back"

Derek nodded in response, then called two colleagues, and went out together to get the deep ground penetrating radar.

After they left, Ye Tian turned around and walked into the prayer room on the left side of the cross to observe the situation in that prayer room.

After a while, Derek and the others walked into the church with a few metal suitcases.

Those metal suitcases contained the top-notch deep ground-penetrating radar.

After entering the church, Derek and the others immediately opened the boxes, took out the various components of the radar from inside, and began to assemble them on site in the church.

Seeing this brand new GPR, Mustafa shook his head helplessly.

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