Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3029 Underground Secrets

After a while, Derek and the others assembled the deep ground penetrating radar.

Ye Tian came out of the prayer room to the left of Jesus' cross and checked the situation of the deep ground penetrating radar.

He secretly turned on the perspective, and thoroughly examined the newly purchased deep ground penetrating radar.

After all, it is the first time to use it, so be careful.

After confirming that there was no problem with the radar, he said:

"Let's start to detect. If there is indeed a cave or karst cave deep underground in Noah's Ark Church, we need to know the approximate distribution range of the cave, the depth from the ground, and so on.

Start from the entrance of the church, scan the entire church, and finally detect the prayer houses on both sides of the crucifixion, these two prayer houses should be the entrance of the cave.”

After the words fell, Derek and the others immediately nodded.

"Okay, Steven, leave this to us"

After speaking, they took the deep ground penetrating radar, turned around and came to the entrance of the church, and began to detect.

The representatives of all parties in the Noah's Ark Church are staring at them, and everyone is full of expectations.

Especially Joshua, even a little nervous.

The tripartite joint exploration team came to Gondar this time, and the Israelis have placed great expectations on this Noah's Ark Church.

Joshua and the rest of the Israelites were very frustrated that nothing had been found before.

But when things turned around, Ye Tian discovered that there might be an unknown cave hidden deep underground in this ancient church.

There may be some important secret or shocking treasure hidden in that cave!

Even the legendary Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are not impossible!

Ye Tian's discovery made all the Israelites headed by Joshua suddenly see hope again.

This emotional ups and downs made Joshua and the others even more nervous.

Inside the church door.

Derek and the others first installed the transmitting and receiving antennas,

Then it pushed the car-shaped deep ground penetrating radar and began to scan the ground carefully.

Because it is the first time to operate, they seem a little rusty.

Even so, they soon found out.

In just a moment, Derek suddenly said excitedly:

"Steven, we seem to have discovered something. Judging from the signals fed back from the radar, there is indeed a hollow about ten or twenty meters below the ground of this church."

Before the words fell, the ancient church was already boiling.

"My God! There is really a cave deep underground in Noah's Ark Church. What is hidden in it?"

"Is what Steven said true? The Noah's Ark church on the ground is just a cover. This discovery is incredible!"

While exclaiming unceasingly, Joshua and the others swarmed up, surrounded the deep ground penetrating radar, and looked at the radar monitor one after another.

However, what they see is only some data and curves, and they can't understand it at all.

At this moment, Ye Tian passed through them and came to Derek.

He looked at the data detected on the radar monitor, pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"That's right, deep underground in this Noah's Ark Church, there is indeed a cave, or a karst cave. The cave is located about fifteen or six meters above the ground.

This hidden cave is not very high, it seems to be only three or four meters, and it doesn't seem to be very regular. As for other situations, we need to explore carefully to find out! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Joshua and the others became even more excited.

The eyes of each of them are shining, and the eyes are so hot that they are almost burning.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, and then explained to them the various data on the radar monitor and what it represented.

Following his introduction, Joshua and Mustafa no longer had any doubts.

As for whether they understand, only they know.

Next, Ye Tian asked Derek and the others to continue exploring.

The existence of this cave deep underground in the church has been confirmed without a doubt.

What needs to be ascertained now is the size, orientation, distribution range, etc. of this cave.

Afterwards, Derek and the others pushed the deep ground-penetrating radar and continued to scan the ground of the church.


Outside the Fasilidas Castle complex.

Although it was already afternoon, the number of media reporters gathered at the entrance of the castle group did not decrease at all, but increased a little.

At this time, these media reporters are using various channels to inquire about the situation of the tripartite joint exploration team in the castle complex and whether they have discovered anything.

The Ethiopian military and police who maintained order at the scene, as well as some scenic spot staff, have become the targets of these media reporters.

As they continued to throw money out, the movement of the tripartite joint exploration team in the castle complex was also leaked.

"It is said that Steven led people into the Noah's Ark Church, and brought a lot of top-level exploration equipment in. Will they find anything in that ancient church?"

"There is no doubt that Steven must have discovered something. The Noah's Ark church is very small, but they stayed in it for more than an hour, which is enough to explain the problem!"

While these media reporters talked a lot, they were also excited.

Everyone stared at the gates of the Fasilidas castles with full expectation, expecting Ye Tian to come out of the gates of the castles and bring everyone a heavy headline news.

The Ethiopian exploration team that just arrived from Addis Ababa at noon has learned about the situation in the castle complex, and they know more and more specific information.

When they heard that Ye Tian found something in Noah's Ark Church, everyone was shocked.

After waking up, these Ethiopian government officials and archaeologists immediately exclaimed.

"How many amazing treasures are hidden in the Fasilidas castle group? Why haven't we discovered it? Let Steven, a bastard, take advantage of it for nothing, so unwilling!"

"How did this guy, Steven, do it? It's amazing! Noah's Ark Church has stood in this castle complex for three or four hundred years, and no one has noticed anything special about it!

Who would have thought that this guy, Steven, came to the Fasilidas Castles for the first time, and discovered that there were hidden secrets or treasures hidden in this church, it was incredible! "

After some exclamation, these Ethiopian officials and archaeologists immediately acted and walked towards the entrance of the Fasilidas castle group.

They want to enter the Fasilidas Fortress Group, personally participate in and witness the following archaeological discoveries.

No one wants to miss such an opportunity, and they are no exception.

However, they were stopped by Israeli officials and security personnel guarding the gates of the castle complex, and they were not allowed to enter.

Because of the agreement reached between the two countries, they have no power to change this situation. They can only stay outside the castle group helplessly, waiting for the results of the exploration.

On a street a few hundred meters away.

Cook, who has been staying in the car, has also received the news at this time.

Knowing that Ye Tian made another major discovery in the Fasilidas castle complex, Cook was so jealous that he almost went crazy.

"Fake! God's eyes must be blind. How come all the good things fall on that bastard's head, but I can't even catch a hair. It's so unfair!"

While swearing wildly, Cook punched the back of the co-pilot's seat hard a few times.

As a result, he almost smashed his right hand, but it didn't help.

After he calmed down a little, the assistant sitting in the co-pilot seat turned his head.

"Boss! What did that bastard Steven find in the Church of Noah's Ark? Could it be another shocking treasure? Even the legendary Solomon's treasure?

It is said that it has been more than an hour since that bastard Steven led people into the Noah's Ark Church. From this point, it can be seen that they must have made a major discovery! "

"How the hell do I know? You must know that the Fasilidas castle complex is such a place full of treasures. As early as more than a month ago, we should turn this place upside down!"

Cook stared at his blood-red eyes and roared in a low voice, his whole person was almost crazy.

Before his roar fell, several Ethiopian military vehicles suddenly sped up from both sides of the street, and immediately surrounded the two SUVs.

The next moment, the machine guns mounted on the roofs of those military vehicles and the assault rifles in the hands of many Ethiopian soldiers all pointed at the two SUVs with a murderous look.

This sudden change, like a basin of ice water, poured directly on Cook's head, cooling him down.

Cook reacted quickly, quickly raised his hands, and sat in the car without daring to move.

Those bodyguards and assistants also raised their hands and sat obediently in the car, everyone's eyes were full of fear.


Noah's Ark Church.

Except for the prayer rooms on both sides of the Crucifixion, Derek and the others have already explored the other areas of the church, and have basically figured out the general structure of the cave deep underground.

Ye Tian carefully studied the detected data and discussed it with Derek before reaching a conclusion.

Then, he said to Joshua and others:

"Gentlemen, it is now basically certain that the cave located deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church is a naturally formed underground cavity area, and its area is not large, and it is slightly larger than this church.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a cave than an underground fissure. The Ethiopian plateau is formed by geological fractures, uplifts and lava accumulations. Such underground fissures are very common.

Ingeniously, this underground crack seems to be a closed underground cavity area, and there should be only one exit. It is probably located directly under the prayer room of the Noah's Ark Church, and it can only be entered and exited from here.

In the seventeenth century, when the Beta Israelites built the Noah's Ark Church, they may have discovered the entrance of this underground cave by chance, and then used it to hide secrets or treasures.

The Ethiopian royal family may know this secret, because they have always claimed to be the descendants of King Solomon, and called themselves the Solomon dynasty. From this point of view, they are also Beta Israelites.

If this speculation is true, then the secrets or things in this underground cave may be related to the Solomon dynasty, they may not know it, and they were used by those Beta Israelites."

Hearing his explanation, Joshua and the others nodded frequently and became even more excited.

Before the words fell, Mustafa couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, since this cave deep underground in the church does exist, there may be important secrets or treasures hidden in it, how do you plan to enter and explore it?"

This is a question that everyone is very concerned about now, and everyone wants to know the answer to this question.

Following Mustafa's words, everyone looked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and said leisurely:

"Didn't I just say that? The only exit of this cave is likely to be located directly under the two prayer houses. The granite strip under the wall of the prayer house is used to protect the entrance of the cave.

Next, we will explore the ground in the prayer room. If we expect well, we may find a secret passage leading to the deep underground, or it may be a vertical shaft! "

After speaking, he nodded to Derek and let them enter the two prayer rooms to explore.

Next, Derek and the others pushed the deep ground penetrating radar and walked straight into the prayer room on the right side of the cross.

Everyone at the scene also looked over there, and everyone was expecting a miracle.

Moments later, a miracle did happen.

"Your judgment is correct, Steven, in the middle of these two prayer houses, that is, directly below the granite bar, there seems to be a circular hole that leads directly to the depths of the ground."

Derek said loudly, almost flying with excitement.

Although it was expected that this would be the result, everyone was still very excited when they heard what Derek said.

Just as everyone was about to cheer, Ye Tian walked quickly into the prayer room and began to check and analyze the detected radar data.

Soon, his voice came from the prayer room.

"Gentlemen, according to the radar detection data, there is indeed a very secret hole under this granite slab, at a depth of about three meters underground, and the diameter of the hole is about one meter.

As for whether this circular hole is a staircase or a shaft, it is not known for the time being. We will not know until we dig the ground of this prayer room and dig all the way to this hole.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the hole is probably covered with a very strong granite slab, and the surroundings of the hole have also been reinforced. Because of this, the underground water vapor is isolated! "

"Great! I didn't expect that the legend passed down by the population of Beta Israel is actually true. I just don't know what secrets or treasures are hidden in this cave deep underground?"

"My God! This is too secretive. No wonder the Ethiopians haven't discovered this secret for three or four hundred years. Even if they demolished the Noah's Ark Church, it would be difficult to find this hole!"

Joshua and the others immediately cheered, all of them extremely excited.

Looking at Mustafa again, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and his mood must be very complicated.

He hoped that Ye Tian could find more treasures, the more the better, and the more amazing the treasures, the better, so that Ethiopia could make a fortune!

But when he thought about half of these treasures being taken away by Ye Tian, ​​his heart ached and his heart was bleeding.

Amidst the cheers, Ye Tian walked out of the prayer room.

Derek and the others are still exploring, continuing to scan the ground and walls in the prayer room.

Seeing Ye Tian coming out, Joshua and Mustafa immediately surrounded him.

"Steven, when do you plan to start the excavation operation? Open that hidden hole and go into that cave deep underground to explore?"

Joshua asked impatiently, wishing he could do it right away.

Before the words fell, Mustafa continued to say:

"Steven, Joshua, since there is indeed a hidden cave deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church, according to the previous agreement, I cannot prevent you from further exploration.

However, when you are exploring, that is, when digging here, you must be careful, and you must not destroy this ancient church, otherwise, we have the right to stop the operation! "

Ye Tian looked at the two guys who were fighting each other, and then said with a smile:

"It's still early, and I decided to start digging immediately, and before the end of today, I'll dig out this three-meter-deep hole in the ground to prepare for the next step of exploration.

I don't even rule out the possibility of exploring overnight, because the exploration is carried out in the underground cave, and day or night has no effect on this underground exploration operation.

As for the safety of Noah's Ark Church, Mustafa, you can rest assured that the employees of my company have very rich experience in treasure hunting and exploration, and will never destroy this ancient church.

The granite slab between the two prayer rooms was actually sufficient for safety, and we dug from the side of the slab to get under this slab, which could support the entire church.

Then there are those stone slabs on the floor of the prayer house. We will use a portable water knife to cut them without damaging any of the floors. After the exploration is complete, we can restore them to their original appearance!

After digging the underground hole, I will ask my staff to install a combination winch in the church or outside the church, arrange safety facilities, and hang the exploration team deep into the ground! "

"This arrangement is very good, we have no objection!"

Joshua nodded and said, raising his hands in approval.

Looking at Mustafa again, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

After reaching an agreement, Ye Tian shook hands with the two of them respectively.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and began to deploy his company employees to prepare for the excavation operation.


Soon, it was evening.

The sun was setting, and the night was rising little by little, gradually covering the earth.

A large number of media reporters still gathered at the entrance of the Fasilidas castle group, and the number of them was even larger than in the afternoon.

These media reporters already knew about it through the constant news coming out of the castle.

Ye Tian discovered a cave that was never known in the depths of the Noah's Ark Church, and is currently organizing people to dig it!

Moreover, the excavation operation has been going on for two or three hours. I don't know where it has progressed and what has been discovered.

The media reporters who gathered at the gates of the castles were all staring at the gates of the castles, discussing enthusiastically.

"It is said that the Noah's Ark Church was completely built by the Beta Israelites. In that cave deep underground, what secrets or secrets did the Beta Israelites hide? It's so exciting!"

"I have to say that this guy, Steven, is really amazing. It seems that there is no treasure that he can't find. This guy is about to make a fortune again, which is really enviable!"

While these media reporters were discussing heatedly, the exploration operations in the Fasilidas castle complex were still going on.

At this time, the lights inside and outside the Noah's Ark Church were brightly lit, as if it were daytime.

On the grass facing the church gate, a combination winch is erected, connected to two thick fig trees not far away through several climbing ropes, which is very strong.

Several safety ropes extended from the combined winch, and the other end was tied to several exploration team members who were digging in the church for safety.

And several other employees of the brave and fearless exploration company are responsible for transporting the soil and stones dug out of the ground, and they keep going in and out of this ancient church, very busy.

For safety reasons, except for an Ethiopian archaeologist who is on site to supervise, no other Ethiopians, including Mustafa, are allowed to enter the church.

The treatment of the Israelis is the same. Only one archaeologist can be sent to the site, and the rest cannot enter the church. This is mainly to take care of the emotions of the Ethiopians.

The guards of the church have all been replaced by Ye Tian's security personnel, and the Israeli military police can only stay on the outside to guard.

It can be said that the Church of Noah's Ark at this time is completely under the control of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company.

This much-anticipated exploration operation is led by the brave and fearless exploration company!

Ye Tian, ​​who directed the operation, stood on the lawn outside the church, directing his subordinates to work, while chatting with Joshua and Mustafa.

Just as the last rays of sunset were disappearing from the sky, Derek's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, we have finally dug the hole deep underground. Here is a granite slab with many ancient Hebrew characters and a few patterns engraved on it. Come and have a look!"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian and the others had a look of ecstasy on their faces.

The next moment, several of them stepped out at the same time, and walked quickly into the Noah's Ark Church.

The rest of the people outside the church were also excited and wanted to follow in and see!

Matisse, who was guarding the door of the church, shook his head firmly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious!

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