Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3030 Difficult Ancient Hebrew

Noah's Ark Church.

Between the two prayer rooms on the left and right of the Crucifixion of Jesus, there is an extra pit about three meters deep, which is under the huge and solid granite bar.

The mouth of this deep pit is rectangular, about two meters long, and the two prayer houses are one meter on each side and a little over one meter wide, just crossing with the granite strip.

The soil and stones dug from this pit have all been transported out of Noah's Ark Church and piled on the grass outside.

There is only a little remnant on the ground of the church, which looks quite clean.

After entering the church, Ye Tian walked straight into the prayer room on the right side of the cross, stood at the mouth of the pit and looked towards the bottom.

It was that guy Derek who was digging at the bottom of the pit at this time.

He was clearing the remaining soil from the granite slab at the bottom of the pit so that he could observe.

For the sake of safety, this guy is tied with a safety rope and wearing a gas mask, and the protective measures are quite in place.

From the part he cleaned up, it can be seen that there are indeed many ancient Hebrew characters engraved on that stone slab, as well as several ancient patterns.

It's just that there is a lot of residual soil on it, so it can't be seen very clearly.

Ye Tian looked at the situation at the bottom of the pit, and then said loudly:

"Derek, clean up the remaining dirt on that slab, and then take pictures of those ancient Hebrew characters and patterns, and don't go digging the edge of that slab.

Let's first decipher these ancient Hebrew characters and patterns carved on the slate, and see the specific meaning of these words and patterns, and then proceed to the next step! "

Derek glanced back at the mouth of the pit, then nodded and said:

"Understood, Steven, I know what to do!"

"Okay, stay safe"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then exited the prayer room.

At this time, Joshua and Mustafa had arrived at the door of the prayer room and were looking inside.

Seeing Ye Tian come out, they asked in unison:


What did you find at the bottom of the pit? "

Ye Tian looked at the two guys, then smiled and said:

"Just like Derek said on the intercom before, at the bottom of this deep pit, there is a granite slab, the exact size is not known.

On this granite slab, there are many ancient Hebrew characters and some patterns engraved. The meaning of these ancient words and patterns is not yet clear.

I asked Derek to take pictures of these words and patterns, and then let the archaeologists and ancient text experts outside translate them to see what they mean.

After figuring out the meaning of those words and patterns, let's discuss the next action plan, and we must be careful in every next action! "

Hearing this, both Joshua and Mustafa fell silent.

After thinking for a moment, they nodded.

"Okay, Steven, just do as you said, we have no objection"

"One more thing, this cave located deep underground should have been closed for three or four hundred years, if it didn't have vents, the air inside must be filthy and possibly poisonous.

If this cave is connected to the outside world, there may also be some creatures living in it, such as poisonous snakes or bats, which are all dangerous and must be careful.

In view of this, before opening the stone slab at the bottom of the pit later, I suggest that everyone near Noah's Ark Church wear a gas mask, preferably a full set of protective clothing, for safety! "

Ye Tian nodded and said.

"No problem, Steven, we have protective gear"

Joshua nodded.

However, Mustafa was troubled.

"Wear full protective gear? Is it really necessary, is it a little too careful? We don't have these gears!"

Ye Tian looked at him, then shook his head and said:

"Be careful! Mustafa, we have explored many treasures before, and some treasures buried deep in the ground are indeed very likely to produce poisonous gas and pose a fatal threat.

We encountered this situation in Portugal when we explored the treasure of the Knights Templar and found the Holy Grail, and the white translucent cobra was found in that operation."

Before the words fell, Mustafa's expression changed.

He involuntarily looked at Ye Tian's left cuff, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Ye Tian smiled and continued to say:

"If you don't have enough protective equipment, we can provide it. After all, we are a cooperative relationship. I don't want to see any accidents!"

"That would be great, Steven"

Mustafa nodded.

While speaking, another bucket of soil was hoisted up from the pit in the prayer house, and then transported out of the Noah's Ark Church.

Immediately afterwards, Derek's voice came from the prayer room.

"Guys, pull me up, I'm ready to take a picture"


Several company employees on the ground responded, and then used the winch to pull Derek up from the bottom of the pit.

After returning to the ground, this guy immediately took off his gas mask, and then walked towards Ye Tian.

When he came close, he began to report the situation.

"Steven, I took pictures of all the ancient Hebrew text and several patterns carved on the granite slab at the bottom of the pit, and I didn't dig the edge of the slate."

"Okay, good job, let's rest for a while, I will go to those archaeologists and paleographers, translate those ancient Hebrew texts and patterns, and see what is recorded."

Ye Tian nodded and said, and patted the guy on the shoulder lightly.

Afterwards, Derek uploaded the pictures he took to his ipad, and went to rest.

Ye Tian reached out to take the ipad, clicked on the pictures, and began to look at them one by one.

On those pictures, there are some mottled ancient Hebrew characters and a few patterns, which are clearly photographed.

However, those ancient Hebrew texts give people a sense of paradox.

They are ancient Hebrew, that's right, they can be seen at a glance from the structure and characteristics of the characters.

However, they are different from the ancient Hebrew scripts in the many ancient books discovered and collected by Israel that are currently known.

Not only that, but they are also different from the Hebrew script used by the Jews today.

In these ancient Hebrew texts, there seems to be a bit of African color.

To be precise, they have a bit of Amharic and Nubian colors, more like localized ancient Hebrew.

Although Ye Tian doesn't understand ancient Hebrew, Amharic and Nubian, he is still very clear about the characteristics of these languages.

Several patterns inscribed on that tablet appear to be from the Old Testament.

Among them is a pattern of human migration, which looks like the process of how the ancestors of the Beta Israelites came to Ethiopia from Jerusalem.

Ye Tian took a quick look at the pictures before handing the iPad to Joshua and Mustafa.

These two guys have long been eager to see through, and they are full of expectations.

When they saw the text on those pictures, they were all dumbfounded.

Obviously, they didn't know the ancient Hebrew texts, and they didn't understand what the contents of those written records were.

Ye Tian looked at them, and then asked:

"Can you recognize these ancient Hebrew texts? These texts are different from the ancient Hebrew texts I saw in Jerusalem, the land of Goshen, and other places. It feels specious!

To be more precise, these characters still retain most of the characteristics of ancient Hebrew, which seem to incorporate some characteristics of Nubian and Amharic, so it gives people such a feeling.”

Joshua pondered for a moment before speaking:

"Your analysis is correct, Steven, this is the ancient Hebrew localized by the Beta Israelis, and among the Beta Israelis, there are very few people who understand this ancient Hebrew.

The ancestors of Beta Israelites escaped from Jerusalem as early as the eighth and ninth centuries BC, followed Menelik I to Ethiopia, and severed contact with their homeland.

At that time, the ancestors of the Beta Israelites used the oldest ancient Hebrew, and after they cut off contact with their homeland, the ancient Hebrew they used began to develop independently.

Over time, this ancient Hebrew language was used by fewer and fewer people, and the vast majority of Beta Israelites began to use the local language of Ethiopia, Amharic.

Over time, this ancient Hebrew language gradually disappeared as a spoken language, and only existed as a written language, and was greatly influenced by the local language.

That's why we can see the colors of Amharic and Nubian on these ancient Hebrew texts. This is the result of localization, which gives people a paradoxical feeling! "

After hearing this explanation, Ye Tian suddenly realized.

He thought for a moment, and then said:

"This is the same as the Hebrew you use today, but it develops in a different direction. In 70 AD, after the Israelites were exiled, they drifted around the world and gradually lost their own language.

For nearly two thousand years, Hebrew has disappeared as a spoken language and only existed as a written language. It was not until the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century that the function of the spoken language was gradually restored.

However, the Hebrew that was restored two thousand years later must be very different from the Hebrew in BC. At least in terms of pronunciation, the two Hebrews, ancient and modern, will definitely be different.

It can even be said that the ancient Hebrew used by the Jews in Jerusalem around BC is quite different from the ancient Hebrew used by the United Kingdom of Israel in the eighth and ninth centuries BC.

What's more, the ancient Hebrew language used by Beta Israelis, which has been independently developed and localized for thousands of years, can even be said to be two classical languages ​​under the same skin. No wonder you don't know it! "

"That's right, Steven, this ancient Hebrew language independently developed by the Beta Israelites, very few people know it, and they can count on one hand!"

Joshua nodded and agreed with Ye Tian's analysis.

"Since even you, an Israeli, don't know these ancient Hebrew characters, we can only find those archaeologists and paleographers, and hope they can interpret these ancient characters."

Ye Tian said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the Israeli and Ethiopian archaeologists who were staying beside him.

Those two couldn't wait a long time ago, and immediately stepped forward.

It's a pity that when they saw these strange ancient Hebrew characters on the pictures, they were also dumbfounded.

What they can interpret is a little more limited than Joshua.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian could only walk outside the church with his ipad.

Joshua and the others immediately followed, including the two archaeologists.

No sooner had they stepped out of the church than they saw the rest of the archaeologists and paleographers.

These guys are blocking the door of the church, stretching their necks and looking inside.

Seeing Ye Tian coming out, these guys immediately surrounded him and asked expectantly:

"Steven, what did you find at the bottom of that pit? Have you opened the granite slab at the bottom of the pit?"

"I heard Derek say on the intercom just now that there are many ancient Hebrew characters engraved on that slate. Can we see those words? What do they record?"

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, in the deep pit dug in the chapel prayer room, there is indeed a thick granite slab covered with ancient Hebrew characters and several stone carvings.

However, those ancient Hebrew scripts are specious, localized languages ​​by the ancient Beta Israelites, which are very different from other ancient Hebrew scripts discovered before.

I need everyone to study these ancient texts carefully, translate them, and wait for the content recorded in these texts to be clarified before we proceed to the next step! "

Hearing this, the excited eyes of those archaeologists and ancient writers lit up.

"Ah! Ancient Hebrew localized by Beta Israelites, that must be interesting!"

"I've heard of this kind of ancient Hebrew. It seems that it only exists as a written language. It has long lost its oral function, and very few people know it!"

Many experts and scholars were discussing it, and each of them was eager to try.

Afterwards, Ye Tian handed the ipad to one of the ancient writing experts, asking him to identify and interpret the ancient writing on the pictures.

But who would have imagined that this paleographer from Harvard University was also dumbfounded when he saw the ancient Hebrew words on the picture.

Not only him, but also the other archaeologists and paleographers, all with stunned expressions.

"That's right, this is indeed ancient Hebrew, but it is specious. It seems that there are many elements of African culture in it, and it is not easy to interpret!"

"According to the grammar and interpretation of ancient Hebrew, some words can be deciphered, but some words are not. Therefore, the deciphered words cannot be read together!"

Hearing the words of these experts and scholars, Joshua was a little disappointed.

On the contrary, Ye Tian always had a faint smile on his face.

To him, it doesn't really matter whether the ancient Hebrew characters and patterns carved on this granite slab can be interpreted correctly!

He already knew what was hidden in the cave under the stone slab.

In order to make everything seem reasonable and logical, he asked many experts and scholars to interpret these ancient Hebrew texts and patterns.

While speaking, the ipad has been passed to an Israeli paleographer.

The Israeli paleographer carefully identified the ancient Hebrew texts, and then fell silent.

After a while, he looked up at Ye Tian and Joshua, and said to them:

"Steven, Joshua, I can't decipher these ancient Hebrews, they are quite different from the ancient Hebrews I studied and studied before.

But I know of one person who might be able to decipher this ancient Hebrew text. He is a professor at the Hebrew University, and he is a Beta Israelite.

I want to send these pictures to him so that he can interpret the text and see what is written on it, but it will take a certain amount of time.”

Ye Tian looked at the paleographer, smiled and said:

"If you have no objection and are willing to share this important discovery with other paleographers! Then I have no objection. You can send these pictures to the professor for him to decipher.

But I have a little request, before we enter this cave deep underground and uncover the hidden things inside, he needs to keep the contents of these words strictly confidential! "

"No problem, Steven, that professor is very supportive of this tripartite joint exploration operation, and is definitely willing to keep it secret!"

Said the Israeli paleographer, swear by it.

Ye Tian nodded immediately, agreeing.

Immediately afterwards, the Israeli paleographer started connecting with friends.

You don't have to ask about the result!

As an expert and scholar who specializes in the study of ancient Hebrew, how could he refuse such a good thing!

The Hebrew University professor agreed very happily, and promised again and again that he would never leak the secret!

The photos were then released and sent to the professor at the Hebrew University.

At this time, the sky was completely dark.

Except around the Noah's Ark Church, the entire Fasilidas Castle complex was completely shrouded in darkness.

Standing at the door of the church and looking around, the old castles and many ruins in the castle complex look vaguely desolate and lonely, and even have a somewhat gloomy feeling.

Ye Tian looked at the surrounding environment and weather, as well as the slightly tired employees.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Joshua and Mustafa again, and then said:

"Translating those ancient Hebrew texts and patterns may take a lot of time. There is no way for so many of us to wait here. Let's stop here today and explore tomorrow.

Joshua, I will leave it to you to guard the church of Noah's Ark. No one is allowed to enter the church until the joint exploration team returns to the Fasilidas castle complex tomorrow! "

Without the slightest hesitation, Joshua immediately nodded and responded:

"Don't worry, Steven, Seaman and the others will guard this Noah's Ark church all night, and no one will be able to enter until the exploration operation starts again tomorrow!"

Mustafa standing aside wanted to object, but in the end he hesitated to speak, and didn't say much!

Afterwards, Ye Tian called Matisse and the others over, and told them to notify the other exploration team members and security personnel, pack up their equipment, and prepare to leave the Fasilidas Castles.

After a while, many members, experts and scholars of the tripartite joint exploration team have gathered here.

When everyone arrived, Ye Tian immediately announced that today's exploration operation is officially over, and everyone can leave here and return to the hotel.

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