Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3031 The Storm Is Coming

As soon as the joint exploration team left, an official of the Israeli Ministry of Culture who followed Joshua in the castle complex whispered excitedly:

"Joshua, that guy Steven took people away, and now Noah's Ark Church is guarded by our people, can we get rid of that guy Steven and start exploring overnight?

They didn't even dismantle the combination winch, so we can just use it to lift the stone slab at the bottom of the pit, enter the secret cave deep underground, and see what's hidden inside.

If the treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden in the underground cave, we can get rid of that greedy guy, Steven, and enjoy the entire treasure of Solomon to ourselves, without being looted by him again.

If the treasure hidden in that cave is not Solomon’s treasure, then we can return that granite slab to its original place and restore everything to its original state.

Joshua turned his head and looked at this subordinate, his eyes were like looking at an idiot.

Because there were representatives from Ethiopia not far away, he didn't get angry, but gritted his molars and whispered:

"If what is hidden in that cave is not Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, what shall we do? Should we cooperate with Steven? Do we continue to explore Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant?

When did that guy Steven suffer? Who took advantage of him? I've never heard of it. With his cunning, how could he have no backup? I can't even believe it,

I'm sure that once we open the stone slab at the bottom of the deep pit in the prayer house and enter the cave deep underground, the cooperation between us and the fearless exploration company will be over."

Hearing this, the face of the Israeli official changed immediately, becoming very ugly.

He thought of a lot in an instant, thinking of those unlucky people in the past who wanted to plot against Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company, but in the end they were plotted against, or even killed directly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shivering, with an embarrassing expression on his face.

After a short pause, Joshua continued:

"If that guy Steven refuses to cooperate with the Israeli government because of our stupid behavior of not keeping our promise, I'm afraid you and I can't afford the consequences!

If we want to find the Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, we can only rely on ourselves. In the past two thousand years, countless people have failed to find the Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant.

Can we find it?

Steven is a very amazing guy, always able to create breathtaking miracles one after another, not to mention others, how many such miracles have we witnessed along the way?

Maybe that legend is true, and God will always take care of him. In my opinion, if anyone in this world can really find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, that person is Steven!

How do you know that Steven is taking people away now, isn't he testing us and the Ethiopians? One more point, can we afford that guy's crazy revenge? "


The official of the Israeli Ministry of Culture exclaimed and was dumbfounded.

After a while, the Israeli official came to his senses and said in a low voice:

"I'm sorry, Joshua, I was rude and stupid!"

While saying these words, the Israeli official immediately dispelled all the thoughts he shouldn't have.


Many media reporters staying behind the cordon were staring at the gates of the Fasilidas castle complex eagerly.

It was getting late, and night had enveloped the entire Gondar.

However, this is the meaning of the media reporters who did not leave at all.

On the contrary, they were all excited and full of anticipation.

Even at this time, the gates of the quaint and mottled castles finally opened.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of heavily armed security personnel swarmed out of the castle group, quickly dispersed, and looked around vigilantly.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian led many company employees out of the castle complex and walked straight to the convoy parked in the square at the gate of the castle complex.

Same as when he entered in the morning, Ye Tian still carried the black portable safe in his hand.

Seeing them coming out, the media reporters who were stopped behind the cordon immediately began to raise their voices to ask questions loudly, one by one scrambling to be the first.

"Good evening, Steven, I'm a reporter from Ethiopian National Television. May I ask what secrets and treasures you found deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church? Can you tell everyone?"

"Good evening, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. Is it the legendary Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant that are hidden deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church? Is this treasure hidden by the Beta Israelites?"

At the same time as these media reporters were asking questions, the scene that happened at the entrance of the Fasilidas Castle Group also appeared on the Internet and on the live broadcasts of several TV stations.

All those who paid attention to this tripartite joint exploration operation focused their eyes on Ye Tian and the black portable safe, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

Ye Tian didn't respond to the questions from these media reporters, he just waved his hand with a smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at Mustafa next to him, and shook his head helplessly.

The meaning of this action couldn't be more obvious.

Is that how you Ethiopians keep things secret? In such a short time, it has become known to the whole world.

Now everyone in the world knows that there may be a shocking treasure hidden deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church in the Fasilidas Castle Group!

Looking at Mustafa again, his face turned blue and white, and his expression was very ugly.

The next moment, Mustafa looked at the manager of the scenic spot next to him and the person in charge of the military police, his eyes were extremely cold!

He knew very well in his heart that the person who leaked the news must be his own people, and most likely it was the staff of the scenic spot, as well as the Ethiopian military and police responsible for protecting the tripartite joint exploration team.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already boarded the car.

The joint exploration convoy started immediately, and under the escort of a large number of Ethiopian military and police vehicles, it drove away from the Fasilidas castle complex.

On the way back to the hotel, the joint exploration team encountered no trouble.

About ten minutes later, the convoy arrived safely at the hotel.

The street where the hotel is located, as well as several adjacent streets, have been completely blocked by the Ethiopian military police, and no one or vehicle is allowed to enter without permission.

On these streets, the Ethiopian military and police have set up many roadblocks to prevent people from driving into the hotel.

After a while, Ye Tian had returned to his luxury suite.

After cleaning up briefly, he called Matisse, David and others over.

After they sat down on the sofa, everyone immediately got to the point.

"Tell me, Mattis, and it must be very lively right now? How are the reactions from all parties?"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Matisse nodded immediately, and then began to report the situation.

"Yes, Steven, after the news of your major discovery in the Noah's Ark Church was leaked by the Ethiopians, it immediately caused a sensation and attracted countless attentions.

Knowing that the Noah's Ark Church was built by Beta Israelites and guarded for hundreds of years, many people are wondering whether the legendary Solomon's treasure is hidden in this church!

Many church organizations other than the Vatican, such as the Orthodox Church, the Armenian Church, etc., have issued public statements one after another, hoping to participate in the next exploration!

The Jewish Church in Jerusalem, the Islamic Church, and some religious organizations in Europe, America, and the Arab region of the Middle East have also issued statements expressing strong concern.

They also sent representatives to Ethiopia. In addition to these church organizations, the embassies of several major Western countries in Ethiopia also sent representatives to Gondar! "

"I'm going! This scene is getting bigger and bigger!"

David was amazed and excited.

"These are all expected. It doesn't matter if the representatives of all parties come here. The legs grow on them, and no one can stop them! But they want to participate in the next exploration operation, and there is no door!"

Ye Tian said with a sneer.

Next, Manis continued to inform the outside world.

"Cook's guys were arrested by the Ethiopian military police, but they were released soon. They all have legal status, and they are cooperating with the Amhara state government. The police did not embarrass them.

Some guys from neighboring countries have arrived in Gondar one after another, and a group of pirates and militants from Somalia will also arrive here, and they will arrive in Gondar at noon tomorrow at the latest.

In addition, some guys from other countries and regions outside the region, coveting Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, are flooding into Ethiopia in various ways, by plane or car."

"It's okay, just let those guys come and see what they can get, I hope they can get out of here alive by then"

Ye Tian said disdainfully, he didn't take it to heart at all,

Immediately afterwards, he added:

"Keep an eye on the movements of the Israelis and the Ethiopians. I really want to see if they will enter the Church of Noah's Ark tonight, open the stone slab at the bottom of the pit, and enter the cave deep underground."

"Don't worry, before leaving the church, we made some arrangements. In the pit of the Noah's Ark Church and the prayer house, and outside the church, we installed a lot of infrared pinhole cameras to monitor everything inside and outside the church."

As he spoke, Matisse took an IPAD and handed it over.

Ye Tian took the iPad, turned it on, and immediately saw the infrared surveillance screen inside and outside the Noah's Ark Church.

It can be seen that the armed Israeli agents and members of the 13th Commando are standing outside the Noah's Ark Church, staring vigilantly around.

They took three steps, one post and five steps and one sentry, guarding the entire church as if it were solid.

It was very quiet inside the church, and there was no one there!

There was no sign of anyone entering the deep pit in the floor of the prayer house.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but nodded slightly, and then handed the IPAD back to Mathis.

Then they chatted for a while, discussing tomorrow's exploration operation and how to deal with people from all sides, and the three of them ended the meeting.

The night outside the window was getting darker and darker, and there was silence all around.

Under the cover of night, the small city of Gondar is undercurrent.


It was midnight.

In the northwest corner of the Fasilidas castle group, the city walls here have already collapsed, and only some iron fences about three meters high separate the castle group from the outside residential area.

Several black shadows rushed out from an alley in the residential area outside, and with the cover of the night and a few big trees, they quickly rushed to the side of the fence, and then began to climb.

Obviously, these guys want to sneak into the Fasilidas Castle Group.

As for their target, it was naturally the cave located deep underground in Noah's Ark Church.

In a blink of an eye, two of the guys had climbed the fence and were about to jump over.

At this moment, in the woods within the castle complex, a strong searchlight suddenly lit up.

A powerful beam of light projected from the woods and directly shone on these guys.

"Ka Ka Ka"

Immediately there came the sound of a bullet being loaded, which was extremely crisp.

At the same time, there was a stern warning sound.

"Exit, if you dare to climb over the guardrail, you will bear the consequences!"

Amidst the shouts, the two guys who were about to climb over the fence were stunned.

They were riding on the top of the fence, which was very awkward.

Fortunately, they reacted quickly enough and immediately raised their hands.

Seeing that the other party did not shoot, they jumped off the fence and landed on the ground outside.

Immediately afterwards, these guys ran away, and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

A few Israeli commandos hiding in the woods inside the castle complex immediately turned off their searchlights, hid in the darkness again, and continued to guard here!

The same thing, on this night, kept happening around the Fasilidas castle complex.

From midnight until the early morning, this kind of thing happened countless times, and there were several brief firefights during the period.

Fortunately, the Israelis were well prepared and did not let anyone approach the Noah's Ark Church.


The night passed quickly, and it was a new day.

This past night, no one attacked the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team was staying.

This is mainly because everyone's attention was attracted by the Noah's Ark Church, but there was a quiet here.

After getting up, Ye Tian exercised in the room for a while, doing some push-ups and squats with weights.

Then, he went into the bathroom to wash up.

He had just finished washing when Joshua and an Israeli paleographer came to the suite.

Along with David and a paleographer from Columbia University, this paleographer is employed by the brave exploration company.

As soon as he entered the door, Joshua said excitedly:

"Good morning, Steven, I have good news for you. After the joint efforts of many historians and paleographers in Israel, the ancient Hebrew characters and patterns carved on that granite slab have finally been deciphered!"

Hearing this news, Ye Tian was also very excited, and quickly said:

"What do those difficult ancient Hebrew texts record? Is it related to Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant? Or something else?"

"Those localized ancient Hebrew texts did not mention the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, but mentioned that it was a holy place for Beta Israelites, and non-Beta Israelites were not allowed to enter!

The content recorded in those ancient Hebrew texts is the process of the ancestors of the Israelites following Menelik I, fleeing from Jerusalem to Ethiopia, and taking root and multiplying here.

Some of the patterns engraved on the stone slabs are from the Old Testament, some are from the legends that have been handed down for a long time, some of them are confirmed by those words, and some of them exist independently and need further research.

There are a lot of text descriptions in them, all of which have a certain mythological color and strong religious color, which have only been heard in some legends before, and this is the first time I have seen them engraved on stone slabs.”

Joshua said excitedly that he was almost crazy.

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help being stunned.

After a while, he said:

"If that's the case, the granite slab is obviously endowed with a very special meaning. For the Israelites, especially the Beta Israelites, it is a sacred object, am I right?"

"That's right, Steven, that is indeed a sacred object, and its value is incalculable!"

Joshua nodded hurriedly and said, even his voice was trembling slightly.

Before Ye Tian could respond, he said sincerely:

"Steven, I have an unfeeling request. Regardless of whether the cave hidden in the depths of the Noah's Ark Church is Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, we all hope to bring that granite slab back to Israel.

Like the previous treasures found in Egypt and Sudan, I hope you can transfer that very special granite slab to us. Such a significant sacred object, we cannot let it be lost!

For the Beta Israelites, that granite slab may be one of the most important holy relics, it reveals and proves the origin of the Beta Israelites, and it can be said to be the group identity proof of the black Israelis.”

Naturally, Ye Tian would not refuse such a request.

Of course, he will not let go of this opportunity, and is going to kill the Israelites.

This kind of sacred object closely related to a nation, and this nation is a paranoid Israeli, he doesn't really want to collect it, it is tantamount to asking for trouble for himself!

"No problem, Joshua, after negotiating with the Ethiopian government, if I can get that special granite slab, I don't mind selling it to you!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and gave an affirmative answer.

And this is undoubtedly what Joshua wants to hear the most.

"Thank you, Steven, we will remember your deep friendship!"

Excited, Joshua gave Ye Tian a warm hug directly.

Next, the two paleographers went into battle one after another, and combined with the pictures taken yesterday, they began to explain the meaning of those ancient Hebrew characters and patterns to Ye Tian.

The two paleographers were extremely excited and elated, as if they had discovered a new continent.


Before I knew it, it was nine o'clock in the morning.

Ye Tian set off again with the joint exploration team, ready to start today's exploration operation.

As soon as they walked out of the hotel gate, they found out.

The number of media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel was more than twice as many as yesterday.

Obviously, these extra media reporters all rushed to Gondar overnight.

What attracted them to come was naturally yesterday's shocking discovery!

Since several nearby streets were under martial law, there were no crowds watching the bustling crowd outside the hotel, and no one was protesting or demonstrating here, which seemed to be orderly.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others come out, those media reporters immediately raised their cameras and video cameras, and quickly pressed the shutter to shoot.

At the same time, they all raised their voices and asked questions loudly.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I'm a reporter from the Jerusalem Post. Will you enter the cave deep under the Noah's Ark Church today to explore?"

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from Ethiopian National Television. It is said that you have discovered some mysterious ancient Hebrew texts. Have you translated those ancient Hebrew texts? What is recorded on them?"

Ye Tian didn't give any response to the questions from these media reporters, but just waved his hand.

Afterwards, they got in the car and left here, heading straight for the Fasilidas castle complex.

When the joint exploration convoy left the block where the hotel was located, Ye Tian and the others soon discovered that there were many strange onlookers on the street.

These guys include whites, blacks, and Arabs. Most of them are sturdy, and they are scattered on the streets leading to the Fasilidas castle complex, staring at the joint exploration convoy.

Without exception, the eyes of these guys are extremely hot, almost everyone's eyes are full of jealousy and greed.

no doubt. These guys are all here for the treasure.

Many of them are full of travel and dust, and they probably drove here overnight, and when they got out of the car, they stood guard on the streets that the joint exploration convoy must pass through!

Looking at this guy outside, Ye Tian couldn't help sneering.

"I bet, David, if we really find a shocking treasure in the cave deep under the Noah's Ark Church! The whole Gondar will be completely boiled.

If what we found were Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, once the news gets out, the city of Gondar will probably become a battlefield in an instant, and everyone will be crazy about it!

It seems that we have to make preparations early and inform the Israelis and Ethiopians to be prepared for contingencies. I have a hunch that today's Gondar will be very lively! "

David looked at the guys with bloodshot eyes on the street outside, and couldn't help but nodded.

"That's right, Steven, something big might happen today. If we really discover Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, I really can't imagine what the city of Gondar will be like!"

While speaking, the joint exploration convoy has arrived at the gate of the Fasilidas castle complex.

Like yesterday, the gates of the Fasilidas castle complex are under martial law.

Except for media reporters who have obtained special permission, the rest are not allowed to approach.

The convoy stopped in the square at the gate of the castle group, directly detonating the atmosphere of the scene.

Those media reporters who had been guarding here for a whole night, who were already exhausted, regained their energy in an instant.

They raised their cameras and video cameras one after another, and took snap shots at the convoy.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian and the others just got out of the car, and then walked towards the entrance of the castle group.

Mustafa, Joshua, and the manager of the scenic spot who came here in advance greeted them immediately.

When they came to the front, everyone greeted each other, and then walked into the castle group together.

On the way, Ye Tian lowered his voice and said:

"Joshua, Mustafa, according to reports from my subordinates, there are many sturdy guys coming to Gondar, and there are still many people coming here like a tide, obviously the visitors are not good!

There may be big things happening today. I suggest you prepare early. If possible, it is best to mobilize the army and a large number of security personnel to come here to control the situation and even control the city! "

Before the words finished, both Joshua and Mustafa were stunned.

Especially Mustafa, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

After a while, the two of them woke up.

Ye Tian has already walked forward five or six meters, leaving only a back.

They looked at Ye Tian, ​​then took out their mobile phones at the same time, and started talking to the outside world.

A few minutes later, everyone arrived at the door of Noah's Ark Church.

Walking here, Ye Tian immediately activated the perspective ability, and thoroughly saw through this ancient church.

No issues here, no one breaking into the church, it's exactly as it was when we left last night!

After confirming this point, Ye Tian ended the perspective and retracted his sight.

At this time, Joshua and Mustafa had also rushed over.

Ye Tian looked at them, then smiled and said:

"Joshua, since it is written on the granite slab that the cave located deep under the Noah's Ark Church is a holy place for Beta Israelites, and non-Beta Israelites are not allowed to enter!

Out of respect, I decided not to go into this cave to explore, neither did my staff, but we will put drones in and explore, and then you send Beta Israelites into the cave! "

Hearing this, Joshua's face immediately flashed with ecstasy.

He nodded hurriedly and said:

"No problem, Steven, in our Israel exploration team, there are several Beit Israelis who are fully qualified for this job!"

Ye Tian nodded, smiled and said:

"Okay, let's start now! Everyone knows the situation outside, and I hope there will be no more leaks today!"

"Got it, Steven"

Joshua and Mustafa Qiqi nodded in agreement, both of them were very dignified.

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