Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3032 Three Golden Statues

At Ye Tian's request, everyone inside and outside the Noah's Ark Church wore a complete set of protective equipment for safety.

Other unrelated people were asked to stay away from this church to avoid accidents.

The two Beta Israeli explorers who were about to go down to the bottom of the pit for excavation were ready to go and stood at the door of the prayer house.

At this time, they were all very excited, and their expressions even looked a little sacred.

For them, this is indeed a sacred task.

Seeing that everything was ready, Ye Tian nodded and said:

"Okay, guys, you can go down to the bottom of the pit to dig, don't worry about your safety, the safety rope tied to your body is enough to protect your safety.

During the excavation process, you must be careful. The granite slab at the bottom of the pit is a sacred object of the Beta Israelites. I believe you know how heavy it is! "

The two Israeli exploration team members nodded vigorously and said excitedly:

"Thank you, Steven, for giving us such an opportunity, we are grateful! Don't worry, we will be careful and never damage that granite slab."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"After you clean up the edge of that granite slab, my men will tell you how to lift that slab and hang it out of the pit."

"Okay, Steven"

The two Israeli explorers responded in unison.

Afterwards, they walked into the left and right prayer houses, descended to the bottom of the pit one after another, and started digging.

After a while, the edge of the granite slab at the bottom of the pit was cleared out by two Israeli explorers.

It was a rectangular granite slab, about 1.23 meters long and 80 centimeters wide. It was laid flat on the bottom of the pit, covering the entrance to the cave deep underground.

Ye Tian stepped forward to check the situation again, and asked the two Israeli explorers to take pictures of the situation around the stone slab and uploaded them to his ipad.

He pretended to look at the pictures carefully.

After confirming that there is no problem,

Only then did the technicians come over to assist the two Israeli explorers in hoisting the granite rock from the bottom of the pit.

After about 20 minutes, everyone hoisted the very special granite slab at the bottom of the pit safely to the ground, and then transported it out of the prayer room and placed it on the church floor.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and Joshua walked into the two prayer rooms to check the situation at the bottom of the pit.

Several archaeologists and paleographers in the church swarmed around the granite slab, admiring and studying the characters and patterns carved on the slab, all fascinated!

In two prayer rooms.

Ye Tian and the others stood on the edge of the pit mouth, looking towards the bottom of the pit.

As the granite slab was hoisted, a black hole with a diameter of about eighty or ninety centimeters appeared at the bottom of the pit.

It is not so much the mouth of a hole as it is the mouth of a shaft.

There were no steps in that wellhead, and it went straight to the depths of the ground.

In other words, the only way to enter the cave that is deep underground is to hang people down.

As for what is in the cave deep underground, what secrets or treasures are hidden, due to the darkness below, it is temporarily unknown!

The moment the granite slab at the bottom of the pit was hoisted, a lot of filthy gas spewed out from below and rushed directly to the ground.

Fortunately, everyone was prepared and wore a full set of protective equipment, and no accidents were caused.

Except for the dirty air, nothing else rushed out of the cave, such as poisonous snakes or bats.

It can be seen that this cave located deep underground is completely closed!

After hoisting the granite slab to the ground, the two Israeli explorers also returned to the ground.

Ye Tian stepped forward to check the situation, and then asked Derek and the others to hoist a powerful ventilator into the bottom of the pit to quickly replace the air in the cave.

The area of ​​the cave deep underground is not large, and the air capacity is limited.

In a short while, the air in the cave has been replaced, and it is no different from the outside air.

Next, Ye Tian and Joshua came to the mouth of the pit again, and looked into the black hole at the bottom of the pit.

As before, they saw nothing but a deep darkness.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian said to his subordinates:

"Derek, throw a few light sticks down to see what's going on in the cave, and the depth of the cave by the way, and then put a small drone down to explore later!"

"Okay, Steven"

Derek responded and immediately acted.

They walked out of the prayer room, brought in more than a dozen light sticks from the outside, folded them one by one to light them up, and then threw them down from the mouth of the pit and directly into the black hole at the bottom of the pit.

As these lighting glow sticks fell into the black hole at the bottom of the pit and continued to fall rapidly, the situation everyone saw changed.

The first thing you see is the uneven walls of the cave.

Around the bottom of the cave, there seemed to be some traces of man-made excavation, and there seemed to be some things engraved on it. It looked like a stone statue, but it was very small.

Because there is a thick layer of moss growing on the cave wall, it is not clear what those stone statues are for the time being.

As for whether there are ancient Hebrew characters engraved on the cave wall, there is no way of knowing.

Those lighting sticks are falling rapidly, and everyone's sights are also rapidly extending downward.

About three or four meters down from the entrance of the cave, the surrounding walls of the cave began to spread out, and the area inside the cave became larger and larger, looking like an inverted funnel.

Due to the angle, everyone can no longer see the situation on the cave wall.

However, when the first lighting fluorescent stick fell to a depth of about six meters, a golden light suddenly flashed inside the cave.

Obviously, somewhere on the cave wall about six meters deep, or on a platform that everyone cannot see, there should be one or several gold objects.

Because of this, when the lighting stick falls from this height, it will reflect a golden light.

Immediately afterwards, the second lighting stick has also fallen to a depth of about six meters.

The same scene happened again.

So far, the answer is certain.

At a depth of about six meters in the cave, there must be some gold products, possibly some gold statues.

More than a dozen lighting sticks, like rain, are falling rapidly one after another!

This hidden cave, which has been closed for nearly four hundred years and has never been known to people, finally ushered in the light!

In the blink of an eye, the first wave of lighting sticks had fallen nine to ten meters, roughly equivalent to the height of a three-story building.

Suddenly, these lighting sticks hit the ground one after another, then quickly slid to the left, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this moment, Ye Tian and the others saw a slope at an angle of about forty-five degrees, extending straight to the lower left, and extending into the darkness.

That slope was covered with moss and very slippery!

There are also several stalagmites protruding upwards on the slope, which are quite sharp and dangerous.

At the same time, at this depth, everyone saw a piece of golden light again.

Apparently, there are also quite a few gold artifacts here.

But what it is, is temporarily unknown.

While speaking, several other lighting sticks also fell to this depth, hitting the slippery slope one after another, and then quickly slid down the slope.

There is only one light stick, blocked by a protruding stalagmite, to provide illumination for everyone.

As most of the lighting sticks slipped deeper into the cave, it became much darker within the range that everyone could see.

At this time, the cave was deeper, but it ushered in light.

From the light reflected from the depths of the cave, everyone saw a piece of golden light again, and it was stronger and more dazzling than the previous two times!

Seeing this scene, everyone standing at the mouth of the pit understood.

In this cave deep underground, there must be a lot of gold and gold products hidden, perhaps a very amazing treasure!

Ye Tian stood at the mouth of the pit and looked down, pondered for a while, then smiled and said:

"Now it is certain that this cave located deep underground does hide an unknown treasure, and there are many gold products in it. This is a surprising discovery.

However, the terrain of this underground cave is quite complicated and has certain dangers. It is not an easy task to carry out exploration operations in this cave, and it requires careful planning! "

Joshua, who was also standing at the mouth of the pit, was extremely excited at this moment, his eyes shining brightly.

At this time, he only saw this amazing treasure hidden deep underground, but he completely ignored the possible danger in the cave!

"Steven, do you think the treasure hidden in this underground cave is the legendary Solomon's treasure? You know, there is said to be a lot of gold in Solomon's treasure!"

Joshua said excitedly.

Hearing this, Mustafa, who was standing aside, couldn't help but a look of worry flashed across his face.

Because he knew very well what it would mean if it was Solomon's treasure hidden in this underground cave, and even the Ark of the Covenant was in it!

That will have a huge impact on the country and society of Ethiopia, as well as people's beliefs! It is no exaggeration to say that the earth was turned upside down and the landslides were cracked!

Another point is that if this is Solomon's treasure, the Ethiopian government will not be able to share anything in the treasure, even a gold coin!

Of course, the Israeli government promises to compensate in other ways, such as large-scale investment!

But that is just a promise, how can there be real treasures that are real and eye-catching!

Just when Mustafa was worrying about gains and losses, Ye Tian suddenly smiled and said:

"Whether the treasure hidden in this underground cave is the legendary Solomon's treasure is still unclear, but what is certain is that the Ark of the Covenant should not be in this cave!

The reason is very simple. With the size of the entrance at the bottom of the pit, it is impossible to pass through safely with the size of the Ark. Unless there are other entrances and exits in this underground cave, then it is possible! "


Joshua exclaimed and froze in place.

Mustafa next to him had a relaxed expression.

Ye Tian saw the performance of these two guys.

He smiled softly, and then said to Derek and the others:

"Guys, put two small drones in and explore this cave carefully. Be careful during the exploration and try not to let the drone touch anything!"

Derek and the others had been waiting impatiently, and hurriedly nodded and replied:

"Understood, Steven, we'll be careful"

Before the words fell, two small drones that had already been neatly dressed took off one after another, flew straight into the deep pit on the floor of the prayer room, and flew towards the hole at the bottom of the pit.

At the same time, Ye Tian and Joshua withdrew from the two prayer rooms.

They came to the center of the church, each holding an ipad, watched the surveillance footage sent back by the drone, and witnessed this exploration operation with their own eyes.

In a blink of an eye, two small drones flew into the hole at the bottom of the pit, one in front of the other, and started exploring.

The bellies of these two small drones each carry a small searchlight to provide illumination.

In addition, the front, rear, left, right, and up and down of the two small drones each carry a high-definition camera for taking pictures in the cave.

As they flew into the cave, the situation in the cave was immediately presented on the ipad screen.

Although these pictures are not very clear and the light is dim, they are legible enough.

The first thing you see are some stone statues located below the entrance of the cave.

Those are several angel statues, to be precise, they are angel statues with African characteristics.

Compared with the black angel heads on the ceiling of the Noah's Ark Church, the angel statues in the cave are not so rich in African culture.

This may be related to the fact that the Beta Israelites and the royal family of the Solomon Dynasty have a certain degree of white blood. The kingdom of heaven in their eyes is naturally close to their nation.

Since these angel statues have a thick layer of moss, they are not very real.

As for whether there are ancient Hebrew characters and murals engraved on the cave wall, it is not clear for the time being.

The two small drones continued to fly downward and continued to explore.

During this process, everyone discovered several ancient sculptures one after another, all of which were carved on the walls of the cave. They were combined with the cave and could not be moved.

Some of these stone statues are angels and some are characters from Old Testament stories, each of which is lifelike and unique.

Obviously, these are valuable antique relics and have certain collection value.

However, since they are all carved on the cave wall, they cannot be removed and taken away.

For these stone statues, Ye Tian can only look at them.

According to the agreement reached between the tripartite joint exploration team and Ethiopia, such immovable antique cultural relics cannot be cut from the wall and taken away, but can only be left in place.

While talking, two small drones have descended to a depth of about six meters.

At this depth, the area of ​​the cave has expanded a lot.

The place that everyone looked down from the cave, but couldn't see before, can now be seen.

Compared with the location of the cave entrance, this place is relatively primitive, and many places still maintain the original ecology.

On the cave walls here, there are some uneven stalagmites and some stalactites hanging down.

Among these stalagmites and stalactites, there are some large or small stone statues, and in some relatively flat places, there seem to be some boxes.

The most striking of these is a golden statue enshrined in a niche on the east wall of the cave.

Before throwing the lighting stick into the cave, the golden light that everyone saw at this depth is the light reflected by this golden statue.

This golden statue is not big, only about fifty centimeters high.

What it portrays is a man in his forties or fifties, with a thick beard, a mountain-shaped crown on his head, firm eyes, staring ahead, and a golden scepter in his hand.

Ye Tian was stunned the moment he saw this golden statue.

Of course, he was acting.

Joshua and Mustafa, who were standing beside them, showed their true feelings.

Joshua froze in place as if struck by lightning, dumbfounded.

An unbelievable look first appeared in his eyes, then it was replaced by a burst of ecstasy, and then he was ecstatic!

If you look closely, you will see it.

His eyes were moist in an instant, which was caused by excitement.

Mustafa's performance was not so exaggerated, but he was also excited.

The deputy curator of the Vatican Museum, who was also at the scene, trembled slightly with excitement.

"My God! Am I right? This is a golden statue of Saul. There is no doubt that this is a priceless treasure and a sacred object in the hearts of all Israelites!"

Joshua muttered to himself, the whole person was almost crazy.

Following his words, everyone at the scene woke up.

The next moment, the Noah's Ark Church was directly fried.

"Wow! What did we find? This is actually a golden statue of King Saul. The treasure hidden in this cave is really King Solomon's treasure?"

"My God! This discovery is amazing, if this golden statue of Saul is from BC, it is absolutely priceless, it is a sacred object!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was extremely excited.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, and then came to a positive conclusion.

"Gentlemen, according to my visual inspection, this golden statue of Saul is most likely from B.C., as it shares many of the distinguishing features of the sculptures in and around Jerusalem of that era.

After the Beta Israelites came to Ethiopia, they were inevitably slowly assimilated. This is very clearly shown in their sculptures, such as those sculptures discovered before.

There is no influence of African culture on this golden statue of Saul, so it can be concluded that this golden statue was probably brought from Jerusalem by the ancestors of Beta Israelites.

Saul, I still want to introduce to you, he is the founder of the United Kingdom of Israel, one of the three most famous kings in the history of Israel, and the first king of the Israelites! "

With his explanation, the scene suddenly boiled again.

"The golden statue brought by the Beta Israelites from Jerusalem? If this is the case, then this treasure hidden in the underground cave may be part of Solomon's treasure!"

"A golden statue of Saul from BC, without a doubt, a priceless treasure, a sacred object comparable to the Wailing Wall, enough to drive all Jews completely crazy!"

In fact, several Israelis at the scene have fallen into madness.

Among them, the archaeologist from Israel was so excited that he burst into tears.

Joshua and the others were not much better, everyone's eyes were filled with tears, and they almost shed.

Those were tears of excitement and happiness!

For Israel, a nation that has been displaced for more than two thousand years and suffered countless hardships, one can imagine the excitement of being able to see the sculptures of the nation's most glorious period!

What's more, this is the statue of the first king and one of the greatest figures in the history of Israel.

After forcibly calming down his emotions, Joshua swallowed even more and said:

"Thank you, Steven, thank you for discovering this amazing treasure, you are an amazing guy, may God always bless you, always take care of you, and bring you good luck!

This discovery is too important, I must immediately notify Jerusalem, the Prime Minister, report the situation here, and share this great archaeological discovery! "

After speaking, Joshua took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the Prime Minister of Israel.

Ye Tian stopped him, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Joshua, the exploration operation is still going on, and there may be even more shocking discoveries in the future. It's not too late for you to report it, lest you call Jerusalem again and again!"

Joshua couldn't help but pause, but the look of surprise in his eyes grew stronger.

After thinking for a while, he nodded in agreement, and then put away his phone.

Mustafa, who also took out his mobile phone to make a call, and the deputy curator of the Vatican Museum also stopped their movements.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then nodded to Derek and the others, indicating that the exploration should continue.

The next moment, the two small drones hovering in the cave flew forward again.

Because there are many stalagmites and stalactites in the cave, and the light is very poor, for safety reasons, the two small drones stayed in a relatively wide area and did not enter those dangerous areas.

After a while, the situation at the depth where Saul's golden statue is located has been roughly ascertained.

In addition to the priceless gold statue of Saul, there are other gold and bronze sculptures, as well as chests of various sizes.

As for what is contained in those boxes, it is not known for the time being, and it can only be known by opening them.

There are even more sculptures carved on cave walls and stalagmites.

After exploring the area, the two small drones flew down to continue exploring.

On the cave wall below, and some relatively flat places, two small drones found some things, mostly boxes.

After a while, the two small drones had descended to a depth of about ten meters in the cave.

As soon as they flew here, everyone saw an amazing scene on the surveillance screen, and everyone was instantly stunned!

Also in a niche on the east side of the cave wall, everyone saw another golden statue, and it was a little bigger than the golden statue of Saul, and it seemed to be more exquisitely made!

What it carves is the second king among the three kings of Israel, the famous King David!

The reason why everyone recognized this as a golden statue of King David at a glance is very simple.

Because it is based on the famous heroic deeds in the life of King David, the story of David defeating the giant Goliath and cutting off Goliath's head!

The golden statue of King David enshrined in the alcove, holding a sword in his right hand and stepping on the head of Goliath with his left foot, is very vivid and lifelike!

"My God! Is this a golden statue of King David? Another priceless treasure, another sacred object!"

"The golden statue of Saul, the golden statue of David, does it mean that we will find the golden statue of King Solomon in the deepest part of the cave? Collecting the golden statues of the three kings of Israel is simply crazy!"

There was a lot of murmurs at the scene, and everyone was almost crazy!

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