Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3038 sniping on the run


Immediately after the violent explosion, there was an extremely shrill scream at the scene.

Those Somali pirates who were attacked by sniper were killed and injured in a blink of an eye, and the casualties were quite heavy.

The dozen or so Somali pirates who rushed to the front were either directly killed by anti-tank missiles, or were seriously injured, and their bodies were riddled with holes.

A few of the unlucky guys were crushed under the truck that had turned into scrap iron and turned over on its side, screaming incessantly, heartbroken.

Even the leader of the Somali pirates was blown away by the huge shock wave of the anti-tank missile explosion, and hit several of his subordinates hard.

They fell to the ground like bowling balls.

Miraculously, the pirate leader escaped bad luck and was not harmed.

A trusted subordinate standing next to him was not so lucky!

That guy's head was cut off in half by missile shrapnel, and he died a horrible death!

When the Somali pirate leader staggered up from his subordinates and shook his drowsy head, he saw the hellish scene.

Seeing those subordinates who were killed by the missile, and those lying on the ground rolling and crying in pain, the eyes of the pirate leader instantly turned blood red.

The next moment, the guy roared crazily.

"Blow up that damn tower for me, and rush into this castle complex. I will kill everyone in the castle complex and send them to hell!"

After the order was passed, a pirate carrying an RPG rocket rushed forward immediately, squatting beside the overturned truck, and prepared to bombard the old castle in the castle complex with an RPG.

It can be seen from the position that this Somali pirate has rich combat experience.

He cleverly avoided the attacks of the Ethiopian military and police on the street outside, and also avoided the Israeli snipers hiding in the woods inside the castle complex.

Even if there was a sniper hidden on the tower of the old castle not far away, he couldn't snipe before he dodged out from behind the truck and fired RPG rockets.

But how did he know that there are still sniper teams hidden on many commanding heights in Gondar City.

And in the night sky overhead,

There is a small drone hovering all the time, and their every move cannot escape surveillance!

The Somali pirate was just squatting on the outside of the truck, observing the situation, when a red light flew rapidly from a distance.

As soon as he caught sight of this red light out of the corner of his eye, his head was directly blasted, he slammed to the right, and slammed hard on the body of the truck.

Seeing this scene, the other Somali pirates immediately shouted frantically.

"There are snipers, everyone be careful"

While screaming loudly, these Somali pirates were looking for a place to hide, and they were all terrified.

They fired wildly in the direction where the sniper was hiding, and quickly retreated into the street, making the scene even more chaotic.

At this moment, from the tower of the ancient castle not far away, a flame as thick as a bowl flew out again, heading straight for this chaotic street.

"RPG! Be careful everyone!"

Crazy screams sounded from the scene, full of despair and fear.

In the next instant, the Spike anti-tank missile accurately hit the street.


In the deafening huge explosion, many Somali pirates were directly blown into the air.

The shrapnel produced by the explosion of the Spike anti-tank missile shot out in all directions like a storm, wantonly harvesting lives!


The shrill screams came and went, and the street turned into hell in an instant.

The same scene was happening simultaneously in the other three directions of the Fasilidas castle complex.

Violent explosions sounded one after another, coming from different directions around the castle complex.

Although the forces of all parties that jointly besieged the Fasilidas castle complex had a large number of people, they had a certain advantage, and their firepower was not bad!

However, they did not have a geographical advantage and could only attack the castles from the outside.

But this ancient castle group is made of granite, tall and magnificent, and very strong.

The large-scale air raids and bombings during World War II did not completely destroy this group of castles.

With the assault rifles in their hands, together with light weapons such as grenades and RPGs, it is difficult to cause too much damage to this ancient and fortified castle complex!

More importantly, they have no information advantage.

As soon as the battle started, seven or eight small drones carrying infrared night vision cameras took off from the castle complex and quickly flew over their heads, condescendingly monitoring their every move!

When the masked robbers hiding in the other three directions of the castle group swarmed out from their respective hiding streets, they immediately encountered a head-on blow.

Those trucks that were trying to hit the city walls and fences were immediately blown up by Israeli spike anti-tank missiles, and instead became obstacles.

At the same time, they also encountered attacks from all directions.

Numerous snipers hidden in the darkness seem to be everywhere, and formed a crossfire, recklessly harvesting lives!

For those professional snipers wearing infrared night vision goggles, the dark night not only has no obstacles, but also provides them with the best cover, making them like ducks in water.

In a blink of an eye, the masked robbers who besieged the Fasilidas castle complex paid huge casualties and suffered heavy losses.

"Damn it, we were plotted by that bastard Steven. He had already arranged everything, just waiting for us to attack and jump into the trap!"

In some streets around the castle complex, bursts of angry curses sounded at the same time.

These guys cursing wildly include Somali pirates, PFLF militants, plainclothes soldiers and agents from Sudan and Eritrea, and other people from all walks of life who came for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!

Especially those old friends who have fought against Ye Tian, ​​their hearts are full of fear and despair at this moment.

They knew that if the siege couldn't be completed in one go, they would directly kill that bastard Steven and his men.

In that case, people like myself will face the most cruel and vicious revenge.

With the style of that guy, Steven, who must be punished, he will definitely kill everyone who participated in this siege, and send everyone to hell.

Even if someone managed to escape by chance and escaped from Gondar, he would be hunted down crazily until he died!

This kind of thing has been staged countless times in the past, but the result is the same!

No one can escape that bastard Steven, not a single one!

What's more, this time there is the famous Mossad, which is not good!

The all-pervasive and mysterious pursuit of Mossad agents is enough to keep everyone awake at night and sleepless nights!

Thinking of this, some less determined guys couldn't help muttering, and some even secretly retreated!


Inside the castle complex.

Ye Tian, ​​who had retreated into the Noah's Ark church before, walked out again.

At this time, he was fully armed, wearing a Kevlar body armor, wearing an infrared night vision goggle, and carrying a G36C short assault rifle in his hand, looking murderous.

After walking out of the church, he immediately scanned the surrounding situation.

Although gunshots and explosions continued outside the castle complex, and the offensive and defensive sides fought extremely fiercely, it has not yet affected the Noah's Ark Church.

The many tripartite joint exploration team members, experts, scholars, and representatives of all parties staying here, after the initial panic, their emotions have stabilized a lot.

In particular, many employees of the fearless exploration company are talking and laughing, and they are not too nervous.

They have seen such a scene many times and are already used to it.

The emotions of the Israeli explorers were also relatively stable, and they were even eager to take part in the battle to defend the treasure of Noah's Ark.

Israel is a country where all the people are soldiers. These guys have served in the army, and many of them have participated in combat and have certain combat experience.

Even after retiring, they will spend a certain amount of time every year for military training to ensure military quality.

To put it bluntly, this is a group of reserve soldiers.

As long as they are given a gun, they can transform from an archaeologist to a warrior in an instant, and the transition can be seamless!

Those older experts, scholars and representatives of various parties were relatively nervous.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, and then whispered through the wireless invisible earphone:

"How is the situation outside? Mattis, can those Ethiopian military police and Israeli security personnel withstand it? Do you need our support?"

The next moment, Matisse's voice came over.

"Judging from the current situation, the Ethiopian military and police outside have recovered from the initial panic, withstood the attack with the support of the Israelis, and fought with the masked robbers.

It seems that they should be able to hold out for a while and don't need our support for the time being. The sniper teams we have deployed in various places in Gondar City have joined the battle and caused a lot of losses to the masked robbers.

However, the area of ​​the Fasilidas castle complex is too large, and the Ethiopian military police and Israeli security personnel outside, plus us, are still too small in number to take care of all places!

There are many weak links in the defense around the castle group, and it is very likely that people will use them to break through from those places. When the besieging guys outside react, they will probably break through in a roundabout way.

In order to avoid this from happening, what we should do now is not to support the Ethiopian military police and Israeli security personnel outside, but to send people to patrol to prevent anyone from sneaking into the castle complex in the dark.”

After listening to the report, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then said in a cold voice:

"Leave it to me to inspect the castle complex. There are two all-terrain vehicles that were used to transport exploration equipment, and we can use them.

You and the rest of the guys are staying here. The task is to guard the Noah's Ark Church and this shocking treasure, to protect everyone's safety, and I will take care of the rest!

Also, you have to keep an eye on the surveillance screen at all times. If someone sneaks into the castle complex, notify us immediately, and we will rush to send those guys to hell! "

"Okay, Steven, we must guard against death, no one can get close to Noah's Ark Church, let alone harm everyone's safety!

On every section of the city walls and fences around the castle complex, we have placed infrared surveillance cameras before, and drones are also monitoring in the sky!

The security forces in some of these places are relatively weak, but they are under our surveillance, so no one can sneak into these castles quietly! "

Mattis responded, speaking emphatically.

Then he asked about other situations, such as the situation at the hotel, and Ye Tian ended the call.

Then he walked down the steps in front of the Noah's Ark Church, ready to take the initiative to patrol the castles.

As soon as he set foot on the grass, he immediately said loudly:

"Walker, take two buddies and enough ammunition, and act with me. Let's go around the castle complex to prevent anyone from sneaking into the castle complex at night.

Utilize two all-terrain vehicles so that we can react quickly, rush to every weak point of defense, and send those interlopers to hell! "

"Got it, Steven"

Walker nodded in response, and immediately made preparations.

Afterwards, Ye Tian came to the manager of the scenic spot again, and said with a smile:

"It's dark now, and the light conditions are very poor. We need a guide, Hakim, you are the most familiar with the situation of the Fasilidas castle complex, and that can only be you!

Don't worry, we will ensure your safety. In the event of a firefight, we will put you in the safest place, and we will not let you participate in the battle, and there will be no danger! "

Hearing this, Hakim was stunned.

A look of fear immediately flashed in his eyes, a little timid and full of helplessness.

After being stunned for a moment, he gritted his molars and nodded, saying:

"Okay, Steven, I'll be your guide. I'm very familiar with every corner of the castle complex, even every plant and tree. I know better than anyone else where you can go and which places you can't go. !"

"That couldn't be better, it's a pleasure to fight side by side with you!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and patted Hakeem on the shoulder.

Then he took the guy to two ATVs.

When they came to the two all-terrain vehicles, Walker and the others were ready.

The exploration equipment originally installed on these two all-terrain vehicles has been unloaded, and replaced by a large number of weapons and ammunition!

This included a few pieces of Kevlar body armor, a couple of spare assault rifles, shotguns, and lots of fully loaded clips, as well as grenades and stun grenades, smoke grenades, and flash grenades.

In addition to these, there is a mk11-0 sniper rifle with night vision scope and silencer, an m240 machine gun, and several full magazines for machine guns.

There were even two bazooka launchers, two boxes of bazooka rockets, and a set of shoulder-fired Spike anti-tank missiles provided by the Israelis.

Walking to the side of the car, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the weapons and equipment, and nodded slightly.

Hakim, who was standing aside, took a deep breath, secretly startled!

"This group of brutal guys came to Ethiopia, did they really come here to explore Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant? Why does it look more like they came here to fight? This is a fucking special forces!"

Just when he was feeling secretly, Ye Tian casually picked up a Kevlar body armor and threw it over.

"For safety's sake, you'd better wear a bulletproof vest, that's safer"

Hakim took the body armor, nodded, and quickly put it on.

Afterwards, several of them got on two all-terrain vehicles and prepared to set off to inspect the castle complex.

Before leaving, Ye Tian asked:

"Which places around the Fasilidas castle complex are the easiest to cross, that is, the easiest for people to break through? Let's go to those places first!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Hakim immediately gave the answer.

"In the northwest corner of the castle complex, a section of the city wall has already collapsed, and now there are only iron fences, which can be easily climbed over, and there is also a dense forest over there, which is also very good for hiding!"

Before the words fell, there was another violent explosion outside the castle complex, which was deafening.

At the same time, there were violent gunshots like a torrential rain.

In fact, from the moment the battle started until now, the sound of gunfire and explosions has never stopped, and it has become more and more intense!

Among the gunshots and explosions, there seemed to be countless crazy screams, curses, painful wailing, and even desperate crying.

Ye Tian looked towards the northwest corner of the castle complex, his eyes were extremely cold.

The violent explosion just now came from the northwest corner of the castle complex.

The next moment, he said coldly:

"Let's go, let's go to the northwest corner of the castle group, it seems to be very lively there!"

Before the words were finished, the two all-terrain vehicles rushed out, and rushed into the night in a blink of an eye.

On the way, Ye Tian quickly got in touch with the Israelis.

"Himan, let's go to the northwest corner of the castle group now, inform your subordinates, don't misunderstand, and attack us as enemies!

Your people only need to deal with the masked robbers outside the castle group, don't worry about the safety behind you, we will deal with the robbers who broke into the castle group! "

"Understood, Steven, I'll notify the guys immediately!"

Seaman responded, and then ended the call.

Under the night, the two all-terrain vehicles that Ye Tian and the others were driving and riding were speeding across the grass within the castle complex.

The two all-terrain vehicles passed through several grasslands, a small forest, and several ruins of historical sites, before arriving at the edge of the forest in the northwest corner of the castle complex.

As soon as he arrived here, Ye Tian picked up the mk11-0 sniper rifle with night vision scope, and said in a cold voice:

"Stop, Walker, right at the edge of the woods!"

Before the words fell, Walker had stepped on the brakes.

Ye Tian leaned forward slightly, and quickly stabilized his figure.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped off the all-terrain vehicle and rushed directly into the dense woods.

During the run, he quickly raised the sniper rifle in his hand, looked through the only gap between the trees, and instantly locked on a Somali pirate outside the castle.


With a soft sound, a sniper rifle bullet spewed out at high speed, drawing a fiery trail in the woods, heading straight for the robber outside the castle!

The robber had just rushed out of the street where he was hiding and was about to open fire.

At this moment, his head suddenly exploded, and his whole body flew backwards!


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