Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3039 Hostage Shield

Almost at the same time as killing the masked robber, Ye Tian quickly disappeared behind a big tree.

This is a huge banyan tree, thick enough to be hugged by a human being, with luxuriant branches and leaves, providing him with perfect protection.

While hiding behind the tree, the sniper rifle in his hand was still pointing forward. Through the only gap in the woods, he locked on the second Somali pirate outside the castle group in a blink of an eye.


Amidst the inaudible gunshots, another sniper rifle bullet spewed out at high speed.

The bullet drew a red trail in the darkness, quickly penetrated the woods, passed through the iron fence on the edge of the castle complex, and went straight to the Somali pirate outside.

In the next moment, the head of the Somali pirate who just showed up to observe the situation was directly blasted.


An Israeli 13th commando sniper who happened to see this scene through the infrared night vision scope of the sniper rifle couldn't help but gasped.

"There are so many obstacles ahead, and the lighting conditions are so poor, how did this guy, Steven, manage to do it? He was able to kill two Somali pirates in an instant. It's amazing!"

While secretly exclaiming, the Israeli sniper hidden seven or eight meters away couldn't help turning his head to look this way, his eyes full of horror and admiration.

At this moment, Walker also rushed into the woods with an armed security guard.

In a blink of an eye, they had arrived behind Ye Tian.

The two of them were separated on the left and right sides of Ye Tian, ​​squatting quickly on the ground, holding the assault rifle in their hands, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

As for the other security team member, he stayed at the edge of the woods to guard the two all-terrain vehicles and protect Hakim.

"Walker, you don't have to follow me, I'm safe here, you search this forest, except for those guys from Israel, see if anyone has sneaked in here, pay attention to safety"

Ye Tianlang said loudly.

These words were not only for Walker and the others, but also for the Israeli security personnel hiding in the woods, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us!"

Walker and the others responded in unison and acted quickly.

They each wore infrared night vision goggles and assault rifles, and quickly launched a search operation.

At the same time, Ye Tian had locked on to the third Somali pirate who was brave enough to rush out from the street outside the castle complex, and pulled the trigger mercilessly.


Accompanied by slight gunshots, a red light flashed again in the woods.

Look at the Somali pirate outside the castle group holding an iron plate in front of him and just rushed out of the street. He was shot in the lower abdomen in an instant.

Without any suspense, a big hole was blown out of that guy's abdomen, and the whole person was beaten back, smashing hard on the burning truck behind him.

Without the slightest hesitation!

Ye Tian's muzzle moved slightly, and locked on another Somali pirate.


The inaudible gunshots sounded again, and another life was mercilessly harvested.

The street outside the northwest corner of the castle group has completely turned into hell.

The two trucks that the Somali pirates were planning to use to hit the iron fence had been blown up by anti-tank missiles, flipping over and burning.

For this group of Somali pirates, instead of playing any role, the two trucks became a huge obstacle, lying in front of them.

If they wanted to rush out of the street quickly, or retreat back, they couldn't go straight and had to go around the two burning trucks.

This undoubtedly greatly increased their exposure time and brought them closer to death.

near the street corner,

Somali pirates killed by anti-tank missiles can be seen everywhere, lying on the ground in a mess.

Most of the corpses of these Somali pirates were in tatters, riddled with holes, and almost torn to pieces!

Not only were there many dead bodies lying on the ground, but there were also many Somali pirates who were seriously injured, each of them was struggling and crying in pain, and they were not far from death!

In addition, there were not a few Somali pirates who were killed by snipers, and they all died miserable!

Inside the street, the Somali pirate boss was staring at the hell-like street with his blood-red eyes, his eyes were about to bleed with hatred.

Everyone who died here was his elite.

If all these elites died here and got nothing, he would never even think about going back to Somalia!

There is only one result of going back, that is to be killed by the opponent, and the territory is annexed!

Thinking of this, the heart of the pirate boss was bleeding.

But the battle has progressed to this point, and it is so fierce, it seems that there is only one way to bite the bullet and rush upwards!

At this moment, his military adviser suddenly walked over quickly, and said in a low voice with a dignified expression:

"Boss, you can't charge so hard anymore, the brothers have suffered too many casualties! You must find another way, otherwise everyone will be here tonight and be killed by those bastards in the Fasilidas castle group.

Everyone couldn't rush out at all. Not only were there a large number of Ethiopian military and police outside, but also many snipers were ambushing. Those guys were hiding in the dark and wearing infrared night vision devices, taking advantage of it.

The guys who rushed out from the street were basically killed by those damn snipers. Those who died were worthless, especially a sniper hidden in the woods in the castle complex, who was extremely accurate with marksmanship!

We must think of other ways, or kidnap hostages, or break through from other places, and we must never rush out to die like this again, in that case, how many people are not enough to die, let alone snatch the treasure.”

"Damn it! I swear, I will kill that bastard Steven!"

The Somali pirate boss cursed angrily, almost going crazy.

While cursing loudly, this guy suddenly raised the assault rifle in his hand, and fired at the sky to vent his anger.

After venting frantically, he calmed down a little.

"Kidnapping hostages is a good way. Those guys in the castle complex are different from us. They must take into account the influence and the feelings of the Ethiopians, and never dare to open fire on the hostages casually!"

"That's right, we just want to take advantage of this to see if we can approach the iron fences of the castle complex with the hostages in our arms!"

"Okay, then do this, take hostages and open the way for us!"

The pirate boss nodded and said, eyes full of madness.

Immediately afterwards, the guy issued an order.

"Brothers, retreat first, don't attack this damn street intersection, let's break through these buildings on the street, pass through these buildings, and get close to the iron fence of the castle complex!

There should be a lot of Ethiopians in these buildings on both sides of the street, gather them together, open the way ahead, and if anyone is unwilling or resists, just kill them directly.”

Before the words were finished, several Somali pirates who were about to rush to the street, immediately withdrew.

Without exception, these guys all felt like they had escaped and ascended to heaven.

There is no need to die, at least for the time being!

Of course, they were too dark to see any expression except their white teeth.

Immediately afterwards, the group of Somali pirates smashed open the gates of the buildings on both sides of the street and rushed directly into those buildings.

After a while, many buildings in this area immediately jumped up and down.

"bang bang bang"

There were bursts of gunshots from several of the buildings, as well as screams full of despair and pain.

Obviously, some of the Gondar people hiding in these buildings have died at the gunpoints of these Somali pirates, and have become massacred ghosts.

The pirate boss, standing under the eaves of a building in the street, was indifferent to all this and continued to issue orders through gritted teeth.

"You guys go upstairs, find a way to kill the snipers hidden in and around the castle complex, and cover the brothers' charge!"

"Understood, boss, we must kill those bastards!"

Several pirate snipers nodded in agreement, and then rushed into the buildings on the roadside.

After a while, they arrived at the windows or roofs of these buildings, quickly hid themselves, and began to look for snipers lurking in and around the castle complex.

One of the guys who climbed to the top of the building just showed his head from behind the eaves, ready to observe the situation in the opposite castle group.

At this moment, a dazzling red light suddenly appeared, and quickly flew out of the forest in the castle complex.

Before the pirate sniper could react, his head exploded, directly exploding into flowers.

It was Ye Tian who killed the Somali pirate.

At this time, his eyes were colder than before.

He saw all the massacres in the buildings outside the castle group.

Seeing this scene, he made a decision instantly.

These pirates from Somalia must be buried with the innocent Gondar people who were massacred by them, and none of them will escape!

After killing the pirate sniper on the roof, his muzzle immediately moved down and quickly locked on a dark window.

In the next instant, half of the head of a Somali pirate emerged from the window, trying to observe the situation outside.

The fellow was so dark that it blended so perfectly into the night that it was almost impossible to spot.

But in Ye Tian's eyes, the target is very obvious, no different from the daytime.


With a gunshot, the Somali pirate's Tianling Gai was immediately blown away.

While firing, Ye Tian shouted through the walkie-talkie:

"Attention everyone, the masked robbers outside are about to break through from the houses, and they are likely to hijack hostages as shields. Everyone, be prepared to deal with them and try not to hurt the hostages as much as possible."


There was a response from the intercom.

The facts were as Ye Tian expected, or as he saw through perspective.

After a while, the group of Somali pirates pushed a group of old, young, women and children out of the buildings on the street.

Those Somali pirates hid behind the crowd, and used guns to force the group of old, young, women and children to walk towards the iron fence around the castle complex, and kept yelling and cursing loudly.

Some of the Gondars who walked slowly, or whose legs were weak from fright, and who had no strength to move at all, were even beaten up by those scumbags, and even executed on the spot. The methods were very cruel!

It seemed that there were grenades and even explosives tied to the hostages.

Seeing this scene through perspective, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Everyone stop shooting, try to avoid harming the hostages, let those guys come over, let those masked scumbags enter the castle group, I have a way to send them to hell.

The Ethiopian guys outside the castle complex, make way for those scumbags, and the guys inside the castle complex, all withdraw from this forest, everyone pay attention to safety! "

"Let those scumbags enter the castle complex, did I hear you right? Steven"

Seaman's voice came from the intercom, and his tone was very urgent.

"You heard that right, Seaman, don't forget what's in my left cuff, as long as those scumbags enter the forest in the northwest corner and break away from the hostages, no matter how many of them there are, I will have to give you a slap in the face at that time." hell!"

Ye Tian said in a cold voice, his words were full of murderous intent.

Before the words finished, the intercom immediately fell silent.

Obviously, Seaman and others thought of the death-like white translucent cobra, and everyone was taken aback and terrified!

Steven is about to start a killing spree, those masked robbers who took hostages are completely finished! Even if God comes down, he can't save them!

Because the one who wants to take their lives will be the god of death!

Following Ye Tian's order, the gunshots in the northwest corner of the castle complex also stopped.

All that remained was the sound of crying full of fear and despair, as well as the sound of crazy cursing one after another, the sound of beating the human body, and the scream of pain!

The numerous Ethiopian military police guarding the streets outside immediately began to retreat to both sides, leaving a gap about 20 to 30 meters wide, reaching the iron fence outside the castle complex.

Many Israeli security team members in the woods in the castle complex quickly withdrew from the woods.

They withdrew deeper into the castle complex, relying on several ruins and castles inside the castle complex, and began to build a second line of defense!

The snipers hiding in various places in the city of Gondar, as well as the Israeli snipers hiding on the nearby castle, also stopped shooting.

Even Walker and the others quickly withdrew from the dense forest and drove two all-terrain vehicles to the second line of defense!

Only Ye Tian stayed in this dense forest, but no one knew his exact location.

Those Somali pirates outside the castle complex, how do they know the details!

They only saw that the heavily armed Ethiopian military and police had withdrawn to both sides, the damned gunmen in the castle complex, and the many snipers hiding in the darkness stopped shooting!

This change in the scene made the pirate boss hidden in a building stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the guy said with ecstasy:

"I didn't expect this method to actually work. It's really great. If I knew this, I wouldn't have to work so hard just now, and I wouldn't have to kill so many brothers!

We can go there, use these hostages as shields to rush into the castle complex, if anyone dares to open fire, then kill the hostages and warn, those treasures belong to us! "

After finishing speaking, the pirate leader rushed out of the buildings on the street with the rest of his men, and quickly rushed towards the iron fence around the castle complex.

As he had hoped, they were not attacked in any way.

In a blink of an eye, the group of Somali pirates had rushed to the iron fence on the edge of the castle complex.

After arriving here, the pirate boss immediately ordered several of his men to watch over the terrified, desperate, and crying hostages, and led the rest of his men to climb the iron fence.

The iron fence around the castle complex is only two or three meters high, so it is not difficult to climb.

In a blink of an eye, two or three Somali pirates climbed over the iron fence, jumped into the woods inside the castle complex, and quickly became vigilant.

However, they did not encounter any attacks, and the woods were extremely quiet.

Seeing this scene, the pirate boss immediately said excitedly:

"Guys, climb over this damn iron fence, the treasure is in that Noah's Ark church, and it belongs to us!"

Following his words, the other Somali pirates immediately rushed towards the iron fence in front of them.

Only the guys who were holding the hostages continued to stare at the surroundings without making any move.

But they are also eager to try, who doesn't want treasure?


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