Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3040 Death Threat

In the infrared night vision scope, the Somali pirate boss and his military adviser climbed up the iron fence on the edge of the castle group one after another.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately said through the walkie-talkie:

"Listen, all sniper teams, everyone chooses the most conspicuous and convenient target for sniping, kills the masked robbers who control the hostages, and sends them to hell.

After locking the target, everyone will report their respective targets, and then wait for my order to fire and shoot together. This attack is only allowed to succeed, not to fail.

Those masked robbers who turned over into the castle complex, leave it to me to deal with, none of them can escape, the forest in the castle complex is their grave! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a response from the intercom immediately.

"Got it, Steven"

Immediately afterwards, the sniper teams hidden in various places in Gondar City, as well as on the tower next to them, quickly reported their targets.

"I choose the masked robber in jeans with an M16, the target is locked!"

"I choose the robber on the south side of the crowd, holding an AK47, and the target is locked"


In the blink of an eye, all the sniper teams had locked on their targets.

The same is true for Ye Tian, ​​and he locked on two targets at the same time.

The mk110 in his hand is a semi-automatic sniper rifle. When sniping, there is no need to pull the bolt to reload, and the shooting speed is very fast.

While speaking, most of the Somali pirates outside the iron fence had already entered the castle complex!

Only the Somali pirates who controlled the hostages remained outside the castle complex.

In other words, those Gondar citizens who were taken hostage had already distanced themselves from most of the Somali pirates, separated by a tall iron fence.

"Now, guys, fire!"

Ye Tian said in a cold voice, and pulled the trigger at the same time.

With one order, seven or eight sniper rifles fired at the same time!

Suddenly, seven or eight rifle bullets flew rapidly from all directions, drawing streaks of red flames in the night sky, and went straight to the masked robbers who were holding hostages outside the castle complex.

In the next instant, the heads or chests of those masked robbers exploded at the same time, almost in no particular order.

They failed to make any response, and were killed in a blink of an eye, falling to the ground one after another.

The two Somali pirates who were targeted by Ye Tian naturally had the same result, their heads were instantly exploded, and they went directly to hell to report.

The many hostages held by those masked robbers didn't even react.

They didn't understand what happened until the hot blood sprayed on their faces and bodies!

Immediately afterwards, these old and weak women and children screamed frantically, each one terrified.

Some of them reacted quickly, turned around and ran wildly, trying to escape this bloody and cruel hell as soon as possible.

There are also some guys who quickly lay down on the ground, clinging to the ground, wishing they could drill directly into the depths of the ground.

Some hostages who were unresponsive were stunned in place, only knowing how to scream in terror, but did not know how to escape.

The Somali pirates who climbed over the iron fence and entered the castle complex also reacted.

However, before they raised their guns and fired at the hostages, the fatal blow to them was like a storm.

"Puff puff"

Ye Tian quickly pulled the trigger, constantly harvesting lives.

Every bullet that flew out of the sniper rifle in his hand would end a life and send a scumbag to hell.

The snipers hiding outside the castles were also shooting non-stop, but the efficiency was much lower.

At the same time, a white shadow clings to the turf, flashes quickly from the dark woods, and goes straight to the covered-headed Somali pirates on the edge of the castle complex.

In an instant, this white phantom has rushed into the middle of those guys,

Wield the death scythe only ten centimeters above the ground, and reap life crazily!

"Ah! What bit me?"

"What the hell is this? It's flying on the ground!"

In the depths of the woods shrouded in darkness, there was a sudden panic scream, each voice full of fear and despair.

Immediately afterwards, those screams turned into extremely shrill screams, which were heart-wrenching.

As soon as the screams started, the Somali pirates who had entered the castle complex began to fire violently.

In the infrared night vision sniper scope, those guys jumped wildly while shooting at the ground, as if there were devils on the ground.

In fact, there is indeed an incarnation of death under their feet.

While they were jumping wildly and firing at the ground, Ye Tian and the other snipers were also firing non-stop, wantonly harvesting lives.


Outside the castle group.

Several groups of Ethiopian military police who had already received the order held heavy explosion-proof shields, quickly approached the iron fence on the edge of the castle complex, and took away all the hostages who were stunned there.

When they approached the iron fence, they vaguely saw the Somali pirates in the castle group who were in a frenzy.

What was even more frightening was that when they were about to cover the retreat of the hostages, a masked Somali pirate suddenly rushed out of the dense forest and threw himself directly on the iron fence.

As soon as he jumped on the iron fence, the guy was dead.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a mummy in an instant!

Not only that, but the clothes on the body were also quickly dissolved, as if thrown into the king's pool!

Before the Ethiopian military police and hostages could react, they saw a freshly baked bone hanging on the iron fence. The scene was extremely strange and terrifying!


Accompanied by a burst of terrified screams, the hostages all started running wildly, only hating their parents for giving them two missing legs.

Even those heavily armed Ethiopian military police, several people were frightened and fell to the ground, their faces full of fear.

At this moment, they looked at the dense forest in the castle complex as if they were looking at hell.

In fact, each of them is very sure that there is hell, and there is a god of death who devours life mercilessly!

Several snipers hiding outside the castle complex, as well as observers with infrared night vision goggles, also saw this terrifying scene.

Each of them shivered, sweating all over, and secretly terrified!

This terrifying scene even made their hands tremble, unable to continue shooting.

The Israeli security team behind the second line of defense in the castle complex, as well as Walker and the others, could not see the situation in the woods due to the many obstacles in the woods.

However, just by those screams full of fear and despair, as well as those extremely stern wailing sounds, they already understood what was happening in the dense forest shrouded in darkness!

the reason is simple!

They had heard such screams in Siwa Oasis and Aswan in Egypt before.

They know the results of those two battles better than anyone else!

"There is no doubt that these masked robbers are all dead, and everyone is dead!"

A security team member whispered, even with a little fear in his eyes.

Before the words fell, Walker nodded immediately.

"That's true. If it were me, I would rather be shot to death than be kissed by that little white elf. It would definitely be the kiss of death!"

While they were talking in low voices, the angry curses, screams, and gunshots in the woods on the edge of the castle complex had decreased a lot, and they were still decreasing rapidly.

After a while, the gunshots became more sparse until they disappeared completely!

The only thing left is the screams of despair and pain.

Soon, these screams also disappeared.

The dense woods are silent again!

But in the eyes of everyone at the scene, it was an incomparably terrifying, hell-like forest, full of the breath of death, which was frightening.

"Guys, the problem here has been resolved, but everyone should be careful and continue to guard against death! To prevent someone from breaking through here again,

There is one thing that must be reminded everyone, it is best not to enter this forest before it has been thoroughly washed to avoid accidents.”

Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie and reached everyone's ears.

Before he finished speaking, he had already walked out of the dense forest.

At this time, he was no different from when he walked into the woods before, with a sneer still on his face.

The little white translucent cobra that terrified everyone had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before!

However, everyone is very clear in their hearts!

That death-like guy was hiding in Ye Tian's left cuff, waiting for an opportunity to move!

No one knows when it will appear again, start a bloody and crazy killing, and send another batch of idiots into the depths of hell!

"Got it, Steven"

Everyone responded in unison.

Knowing that the masked robbers who besieged this area have been dealt with, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed a lot.

At the same time, everyone was also a little frightened, and they all stared at Ye Tian's left cuff!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian has come close.

He quickly scanned the scene, and then said to the crowd:

"Walker, Hakeem, let's go to other places in the castle complex, and let the rest of the guys take care of it, there shouldn't be any problems!"

As he spoke, he patted Hakim's shoulder lightly with his left hand.

His one shot almost knocked Hakeem's soul away.

The scenic spot manager's legs gave way, and he almost knelt on the ground, his eyes full of fear.

"Okay, Steven, I'll take you to inspect other places"

Hakim nodded hurriedly, his voice trembling.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others boarded two all-terrain vehicles, quickly drove away from here, and drove to other places in the castle complex.

Seeing their backs going away, the many Israeli security team members who stayed here all let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot!

"It seems that the legend is not wrong at all. The small white translucent cobra hidden in Steven's cuff is the incarnation of Lucifer, the god of death. It is really terrifying!"

"One is the incarnation of the god of death, and the other is the real god of death. When they are combined together, they are simply invincible. Anyone who faces this combination has only one result, and that is death!"

Just as these Israeli security team members were discussing, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the north side of the castle complex.

Compared with the northwest side of the castle group, the city walls here are relatively intact, tall and magnificent.

Inside the castle complex, there are two towering castles, which can be used to attack the enemies outside from a commanding height.

The enemy towers and arrow stacks on the city wall are good bunkers, taking advantage of the geographical advantage.

Because of this, there are not many masked robbers attacking here.

Several masked robbers tried to use flying claws to climb the city wall and sneak into the castle complex, but they were all discovered and killed by the Israeli security team guarding the enemy building.

Finding that there was no possibility of success, the masked robbers lurking in the streets outside gave up their plan to storm here!

They only left a few people to contain the Israeli security team members, and the rest went to other places, looking for breakthroughs and opportunities that were more likely to succeed.

When Ye Tian and the others arrived here, there were only some sporadic firefights, and it was relatively quiet.

After confirming that it was safe and that there was no problem, they left here and drove towards the gate of the castle group.


Except for the northwest corner of the castle complex, the battle at the gate was the most intense, and the number of masked robbers besieging the gate of the castle complex was also the largest.

Moreover, the composition of these robbers is complex, it can be said that they are a joint armed forces!

Among them are Somali pirates, militants of the PFLP and members of certain local armed forces, as well as agents and soldiers from Sudan and Eritrea, as well as members of various other forces.

The number of these masked robbers is more than double the total number of Ethiopian military police and Israeli security personnel guarding here. They are menacing!

Fortunately, the Ethiopian military police and Israeli security personnel have a strong city to defend, occupy a geographical advantage, and have more fierce firepower and many heavy weapons.

Because of this, the two sides fought back and forth, maintained a balance of power, and stalemate here.

The person in charge of commanding the battle here is that guy Seaman.

When Ye Tian and the others arrived, they immediately saw Ximan.

Getting off the all-terrain vehicle, Ye Tian immediately asked:

"How's the situation? Can you stand it?"

As he spoke, he shook hands with Seaman.

The moment they shook hands, Ximan unconsciously looked at his left cuff, and a trace of fear flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Obviously, he already knew something about the situation in the northwest corner of the castle group.

The battle over there was more intense and brutal, but why did it end so quickly? He knew very well why.

"The battle at the gate is now at a stalemate, those guys can't get in, and we have no way to break up the attack of those masked robbers immediately!

Compared with those guys in the northwest corner of the castle group, these guys who attacked the main entrance of the castle group are not so low-handed, using the citizens of Gondar as shields! "

Seaman briefly introduced the situation.

"Those masked robbers outside had better not think of ordinary people, or they will go to hell! Those scumbags in the northwest corner of the castle complex are a lesson from the past.

Let's go to Fasil Gaby Castle to have a look. If necessary, a few of us can participate in the battle and fight against the robbers hiding around the main entrance of the castle group! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer.

Afterwards, they walked towards the gate of Fasil Gabe Castle.

In the blink of an eye, they had reached the second floor of the castle.

But they did not get close to the outside window, but used the video footage captured by the drone's infrared night vision camera to observe the situation outside the castle complex.

As we have learned before, there are many masked robbers besieging the main entrance of the castle complex, distributed in several streets near the main entrance of the castle complex.

After the initial rush, these guys were pushed back by the fierce defensive fire, leaving behind a pile of dead bodies and badly wounded, retreating to those streets and hiding in the darkness.

In the ensuing battle, the movement was much quieter.

Those guys never launched a large-scale attack again, but kept firing violently at the main entrance of the castle complex, pouring bullets like crazy!

But such an attack is not much of a threat.

For Seaman and the others, who relied on the defense of the Fasilidas castle group, it was just scratching the surface.

The Ethiopian military and police guarding outside the main gate of the castles had stabilized their positions at this time, and they were fighting with each other, which was very lively.

After understanding these situations, Ye Tian couldn't help but sneered and said:

"Obviously, these guys attacking the main entrance of the castle group are just a cover, the purpose is to attract the guys who are guarding in other directions to come to support, and to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Wait for the guys guarding other directions of the castle group to come to support, and the masked robbers lurking in other directions can take the opportunity to break into the castle group and loot the treasure!

These guys who attacked the main entrance of the castle group obviously knew their mission, so they opened fire violently, creating the illusion of a fierce battle, but did not launch an attack! "

Hearing this, Seaman nodded immediately.

"Yes, we think so too, but be careful!"

While they were discussing, the situation outside the castle group had quietly changed.

In the depths of a street about 200 meters away, an officer of the People's Army was listening to his subordinates' reports.

"The Somali pirates who were in charge of attacking the northwest corner of the castle group were wiped out. They all died there, and none of them escaped, and everyone's death was very miserable.

According to the intercom signals intercepted by the government forces, those pirates were all killed by Steven and his men. To be precise, they were all killed by that devil Steven and that death-like cobra!

Especially the Somali pirate who was killed by the small white translucent cobra, it is said that they all turned into bones, the scene was extremely terrifying, just like the legend, that is the incarnation of death! "

Speaking of this, the militant who reported the situation couldn't help shivering, his eyes full of fear!

The same goes for everyone else at the scene, all terrified!

If the opponent is a human, they all have enough courage to fight each other to the end, and see who wins!

Now the opponent is the god of death, how can we fight? There is no hope at all!

After a moment of silence, the Tirenzhen officer in plain clothes said in a deep voice:

"Notify the guys, withdraw from the battle immediately! We are here to find a way to raise military expenses. If we pay too much sacrifice, the loss outweighs the gain!

Our most important task is to protect Tigray State and then control the entire country. There is no need to fight to the end with that bastard Steven here.

It won't be long before the tripartite joint exploration team will go to Axum in Tigray State, which is our territory, and we will compete with them then! "

"Understood, we will notify the guys and let everyone withdraw from the battle!"

Several militants of the Tirenjin responded in unison and acted quickly.

The same scene was happening simultaneously in the other streets around the castle complex.

Sudanese and Eritrean intelligence personnel and plainclothes soldiers, as well as several other groups of people, made the same choice after hearing about the terrible experience of the main Somali pirates!

Only the remaining Somali pirates are still fighting desperately!

They are in a leaderless state, unaware that they have been abandoned by their partners!

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